For a long time this was the only site I'd played poker on. However over the last 6 months I've tried one or two others & came to realise that as much as I like playing here there are certainly some improvements & additions that would be great. Namely, It would be great if I could get a more detailed hand history to help me look back through hands and how I've played them. Currently you can only see what your hole cards were, community cards & final outcome.
Also, variations of the game. One of the reasons I tried other sites was because I wanted to learn omaha amongst other variations. Also, better options for player points. Currently there are a couple of small freerolls to use them for but that's it. How about giving options to buy in direct to bigger tourneys or Sky Poker merchandise?
One other thing I'd like is a time bank for use on the tables. Sometimes the 15 seconds you get just don't seem long enough in some situations
What does anyone else think?
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Why the 9pm (or later) start for the big MTTs? That's too late for those of us with early starts and families.
Push the start time forward an hour and more people will play.
and the text a little bigger as well so i can read all those insults :0)
That w
The hand history on here is terrtible, it should be made like the pokerstars hand history, where yo can reply the and with all the action and see the other persons hand. At the moment all it is , is a confusing little box that barely shows anything. It definately needs to be improved soon as it will playing cash and tournements much more fun as you will be able to look back at hands with a clearer picture of the result.
Also a time bank is needed in cash that if used should be refilled every ten minutes, just like a mintue to give the people time to think, right now every decision has to be made in about 10 seconds its horrible and makes a lot of people rush
Could we have an option to perhaps save players we meet at the tables as 'friends' and then be able to perform a bulk 'friends currently online' search to quickly find who among our saved friends are playing and at which tables?