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Welcome to Poker Diary (my poker journey & yours)
This is for People like myself who like to chat on how we are doing / what we've learnt & are we having fun would still like some input from the people that have helped us so far in our Poker Journey long may it continue
This is a bit overdue seems like only yesterday that I first started playing poker but no it's been 2 Years now tho the Last year has been up & down and i lost my way a bit in Poker but am back on track & will continue my Poker Journey on this thread & with Sky Poker.
Have been reading through all the posts from the Begining & it brings a smile to me face the ones that stand out the most for me are the ones where we are all helping each other,Railing each other & People Contributing to the thread so it would be nice to continue where we left off.
Going into Year 3 a lot has changed i started Forum DTD & now run it with me mate Chris (scouse_red), i've also joined a Team called TKP, i've been to 2 SPT's to rail my Team Mates & to put Faces to Names, & recently have started a Facebook Page called Forum DTD as for me Poker that's changed as well i Mainly play Cash Tables (following in ozzie08 footsteps) in the Mornings / Tourneys in the Evenings & wouldn't you know it, i'm back to Deepys again a 1st & 2nd in my last 2
So i'll be doing updates from next week & hope you guys/girls will too
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hi all
would like to share this with you it could help your poker as it has mine enjoy
8 days ago i was playing poker for fun had been on this site for 7 weeks in that time had qualified for 2 league finals through MTT & STT also had a 4th in a deepstack play the presenter but then it happened the bug hit i wanted to put myself to the test so i started 2 threads on forum what tourneys should you play in & when should you move up a level got loads of feedback & advice so firstly i would like to thank the following
tiggerace7 who's helped me from day 1
dowzer & mickeyblue advised to play all types of tourney's to find one that suits
also TK / bennydip2/mickjenn1/razorkev/offshoot/draig/ these all contributed as well
so here is my 8 day diary from newcomer to cashing in five 00 in 8 days
thursday 23rd i have a bit of extra cash so i enter £15k BH semi – final and am totally surprised when i qualify i think awesome my 1st tv tourney for £12
friday 24th getting ready to play £15k have played a few STT BH so start playing nerves have set in and my game goes to pot and i think i never played like this in semi a bit gutted think i lasted about 25mins or so was watching the show and saw i got a mention by TK about my KK problem and thought good experience for £12
saturday 25th entered the velocity think it was about £5.50 played a lot better lasted about 45mins an improvement then remembered that TK said the next time i had KK i would win up to now no sign of them so went straight to a £2.30 BH MTT finished 1st of 78 first thought was nice 1 & was i lucky or playing better or a bit of both but no KK played a STT BH 10 seat got to a heads up finally got dealt KK all in he called flips over AJ and got a j on flop but i held on to win
sunday 26th entered the open £17 was still buzzing from last nights wins and thought right i am gonna give it a good go very 1st hand i doubled up with 66 flop 6s Ad 7s and prayed he had an ace as it turned out he had As K can't remember suit wasn't a spade turn Jh river Q and thought yes now i can play my game but table went crazy like russian roullete lasted an hour of the longest roller coaster i have ever been on but the experience was priceless think i finished 186th out of 680
for me that was a massive improvement
monday 27th entered the tv BH TK & Michelle were having there 1st phone in so thought it would be a good nite think i paid £11 fair better than earlier telly BH finished 276th out of sorry can't remember the runners but what a show good fun on the phone ins Michelle with her impersonations of bagpuss and a great standard of poker and loads of tips from the legend TK
well worth the cash
tuesday 28th just entered mickjenn1's £5.50 deepstack 10 seater let me tell you this gets a great field of players and is the ideal place to test yourself if you like a challenge the chat is good and you can really enjoy yourself on this one did ok finished 67th will be playing this every week deffo
wednesday 29th day off to gather up all i had learnt the tips & advice of last 7 days and put them in order
i now know what my playing style that best suits me is my bankroll management basics are sorted and i know what i need to improve on time for sleep
thursday 30th D-Day ok i have played a lot of tourney's all types my cash game is 2/4 blinds to start STT are 30p - £1.15 & my MTT are £2.30 buy in sat. are £1 - £2 buy so i scan sat. find a £1 five 00 enter and win through to semi – final at 17-15 play the semi and get through to main event i think great now i can see if i make the cash was aiming for 50th to 60th i finished 53rd cashed £40 and thought thats a nice ROI
the stats
investment £49-95
return £77-32
profit/loss £27-37 profit
now some of you will think lucky i would like to think a bit of both and improvement but time will tell but i will leave you with this
quote from TK 99% entertainment enjoy
agree with u there m8 was glad suzi finished high i was on her table when it got down to 65 left and they all helped me cash by slowing right down would say she has a really good game
be lucky
hi fingers
thanks for your comments best way of getting to know people is if you have a question put it on the forum you will be pleseantly suprised at the response
good luck with your poker
have fun
It would be interesting (if you didn't mind) if you kept updating your progress on here!!
thanks for the comments m8 will be watching WSOP 2010 my goal tho is to make a final table on a £10+ buy in by xmas 2010 as for updating progress i was thinking about doing it on here but thought people would get bored with it but if it is of interest to people then i will my next update will be 1st SEPTEMBER 2009
maybe i can get my graphs on here
cheers spongedoug
be lucky
Look forward to reading your next update!
hi doug
cheers m8 if u are needing some tips on MTT play then checkout mickjenn1 post you will get loads on there i will be posting an update on here end of the month
thanks michael
thanks mick thought i'd mention your post as have had a few newcomers comment and thought i'd direct them over as it has everything
hi all
thanks go to Rich Orford for his inspiring blog & TK (Tony) for tips on betting in latter stages of MTT
I feel that my Poker has improved 2 fold for the 1st 9 days i have played 35 STT / 35 MTT & some Cash Tables i don't really have a favourite type at the moment so have decided to play all so at the end of the month my Graphs should give me a rough idea of where i am as a poker player
I must admit since doing this i am enjoying my Poker even more (if thats possible)
ok here are some graph stats i don't fully understand them
started the month with £50 am currently on about £72 have also had a few football bets anyway here are some graphs to show where i am at so far
top right ROI bottom left STT bottom right MTT
I do however need some help with pot odds find the deffinitions to complex so could anyone explain please
My main goal for August is to see how much i cash from MTT
tried to get overall box stats on but don't know how to from Sharkscope could someone tell me Please
this is just a summary for now next update will be end of month
Thanks again to all the People who have helped my game so far
hope this helps doug
The variance of MTTs means that while your BR is small that its not a good idea HOWEVER if you are learning and enjoy them then do...especially if you can satellite into one of the bigger tournies.
If you want to play cash tables then start to TABLE SELECT. This means rather than just opening up the first table that has a seat, look at the most juicy table...a rough guide will be the 'average pot' stat...the higher the average pot, the more loose players and playing and the lighter they are stacking off. It is far better to wait for a good table then to dive into a table full of nits just cos it has a seat.
Keep up the good work sir.
Harrington on holdem volumes 1 and 2 are well worth the investment and explain pot odds and drawing odds etc.
Just don't do what I did and go broke 2 or 3 times when you've built your bank roll up. Take some out, i left all mine in and it whittled down to zilch but my mate bought himself a fridge freezer with his!!
I been playing here for years and never bothered with any of all that graph stuff, just had a look at tourneys I fancied paid the money and played.
When I got winnings I just left it in there until it ran out from entering STT and MTT, on good times I would not have to pay for any entry for months. Other times it didn't work out like that. Hehe.
I have had years of enjoyment from doing this, had a ton of fun doing it, and tbh, didn't care less about making money and all that jazz, just had fun. I do not regret a second of it.
Then I read Orfords blog and started thinking to myself "Well if Orford can do it, maybe I can" but I wasn't totally convinced that this was as much fun as getting drunk and just playing for fun.
Then I read Grims blog and thought, bleh why not give it a go. So thanks to those two for inspiring me to at least TRY and remain sober while playing and actually at least give a passing thought to some sort of Bank Roll Management.
Just after payday I put £50 in my account. (July 31st)
I now have £81.50, and just got knocked out of the spartacus in 19th.
Yeah I am having fun - just in a different way. I even played some cash games.
So very well done to you and keep it up!!! I am gonna try and make it to the end of the month without getting smashed off my face and blowing the lot. I slipped up once already and lost £13, but was one fun night
Your Welcome Draig and good luck with your challenge could you post here how you got on please
i am in a very simular position as you through listening to what people are telling me watching the shows,reading the Blogs and doing the odd bit of reseach on how to play i have found that the 8 days to cashing 5-00 was not all luck i tend to now use the 30p & 60p SnG's to practice new tactics which i then try out on MTT's if i was to sum up where i am at with poker now it would be
WORK - i try to learn 1 new thing a day
REST - am not playing as many games am being selective
PLAY - at tables i am a lot more varied with my play
RESULT - like you am having a different type of fun & managing my bankroll with STT & MTT points on a level par
Really enjoyed reading your post Draig keep them coming
cheers mate