Hi Guys,
I've noticed a couple of unanswered questions/ threads recently and because we can't always look at every thread this should ensure we're on top of everything and you get all your burning questions answered.
Here's a quick introduction to the Sky Community team and a link to our profiles so that you can send us PMs - (the best and fastest way to have your queries answered....)if you have a question perhaps send a PM to more than one of us (just so that if we're on a day off you still have your issue dealt with).
Ok then so first up -
Me (Sky Rich) - [click for profile and link to send me a PM]

Likes -
Football, Newcastle United, sunshine, all things community/social media, cereal, Ribena
Dislikes -
Rain, jellyfish, courgettes
Sky Jordan
Rugby league, Leeds Rhinos, the gym, building poker tournaments
Dislikes -
Rugby union, soap
Sky Lee (Mr Technical Query)

Likes -
Manchester United, His baby daughter, Technical queries
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Sky Bernie (head honcho)
Likes -
Manchester City!!!
Dislikes -
Manchester United, office canteen food
Sky Dave
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Poker, Liverpool
Dislikes -
Bad beat stories
Others to look out for -
Sky Adam, Sky Jack, Sky Des, Sky Rich M, Sky Claire, all the TV presenters and of course your fellow community members - they can always help too!
Thanks guys.... PM away!
Hello to you all.
Can we have Gareth (35suited ) back please. He should be here, with us in the BB house and had to exit early.
Can any of you help please by looking into the matter and seeing if any of you can do something?
He is missed terribly and I know he is missing us the same way!
Thank you
Hey Candi,
Have a look at the post I left earlier on another thread.
Rich and Tikay have posted responded regarding Gareth here
Edit: LOL beaten by Rich
Just one quick one for you mate.
On your bio you put football, Newcastle United, and sunshine, but you know that NONE of those words go together in any combination. lol
I hadnt seen these posts, as the first thread i saw when I came from the homepage was yours.
So I thought I would just come and ask.
After reading the posts by Tikay and yourself, I understand completely.
Still miss him terribly : ( feels like someone has died.
Can I ask?....
What did you get to eat?
Was it nice?
Come on, less of those side-show freaks above, LOL ... more of the actual talent behind the operation :-D
where are the pretty ones like Sky Jack?
Just a note of explanation, because things are not always as obvious to you guys as we may think.
Claire, 'Ling & Mandy all work for (well, run, in truth) Channel 865, which is the Sky Poker TV Channel, so I imagine that is the reason that they were not included in this thread. Channel 865 operates seperately, in different premises from the main body of Sky Poker. (Anneka, aka Feltham Floosie, has moved on to pastures new). So, Sky Poker staff in the main are based in Leeds & Osterley, whilst Channel 865 is in a dedicated suite of studios in Feltham.
Claire is currently on her jollies, back on Monday or Tuesday, I think, & I'll ask her if she'll consider setting up a "Channel 865" version of this thread, for questions solely concening 865. It'd be a good idea, I'd say.
I'm being reasonable. The guy I phoned was reasonable enough I suppose. But still. Imagine this had happened to Hellmuth? :-)
Hi Luke,
I've replied to your other thread. Hopefully we'll get to the bottom of this for you.
kind regards.