hi rich how come theres no face book freeroll this week plz Posted by tazz1981
after missing out out on the Fr festival game in a cpl of days as i didn,t see it advertised anywhere - looking at the numbers it looks like i wasn,t the only one - so I took a good luck at the promotions page and noticed the above FR had dissapeared as well
I also noticed this, but after following on twitter for a few months now have never seen one
Special freerolls for our Twitter followers!
Whats the best way to keep up with latest promotions as the promotions page doesn,t seem to tally with whats actually going on and I can,t see them anywhere in the lobby
I also noticed this, but after following on twitter for a few months now have never seen one
Special freerolls for our Twitter followers!
Whats the best way to keep up with latest promotions as the promotions page doesn,t seem to tally with whats actually going on and I can,t see them anywhere in the lobbyThx