Whilst i know that the forum is not the right place to discuss individual chat/forum bans i really feel that this THREAD should be looked at by those who make decisions. Please also see HERE
I cannot believe that someone of Mick's character cannot be given a final chance, and that the views of our community will be ignored for ever...
Obviously you do not wish to set a precedent by giving in, but i think this is a special case. Mick has done nothing but win, and play brilliantly and been a great laugh at the SPT events since he was banned well over a year ago and his character is not in doubt after the comments on this and other threads. Scotty77 has also forgiven him. Its all in the past can we move on and let him back now please? If you prefer to answer me by PM that is fine.
The thread has been been noted along with several PMs. We will consider all options and actions and make a final decision based on our rules, fairness and what's best for the community.
Hi Greg, Thanks for your post. The thread has been been noted along with several PMs. We will consider all options and actions and make a final decision based on our rules, fairness and what's best for the community. Kind regards, Rich Posted by Sky_Rich
Hi Rich, thanks for your consideration. I appreciate it. I will not ask the question again as i will leave it up to your team's judgement.
Hello to you all. Can we have Gareth (35suited ) back please. He should be here, with us in the BB house and had to exit early. Can any of you help please by looking into the matter and seeing if any of you can do something? He is missed terribly and I know he is missing us the same way! Thank you x Posted by candi
greedy sky. every other poker site online is looking after ther poker players with freerols. and i mean free. you know free. your the greedyest site around. your the laffing stock of online poker sky.
Thanks for the heads up Solack. I've made sure the rest of the team are aware of this and we'll have it changed fast. ....You're hired! Posted by Sky_Rich
you take posts off that tell the truth sky, wers all the xmas freerols that every other site is putting on for ther poker players. andineils rite sky. you are the greedyest and the laffing stock ov online poker, ebaneezer sky at its best. and i mean freerols. not pointroles!!!!!!!
My my it's been busy here!!! Catching up!! Posted by Lisa_Marie
why is it, people give you sky ther opinions about yr site, iff you dont like it you just take it off which i think is shocking sky. i read bifterboys opinion b4 you sky took it off. why!!!!. wat was wrong with it. he was only telling the truth. but we all know sky hates a bad thing or the truth said against it. your freerol systoms a joke. you charge points and rebuys on them all and the addon and rebuy money doesnt even go on the prize pool witch i find shocking. lol even the super 6 and fantasy freerolls are rebuys. i like your site. but when it comes to poker, your way wayyyyyyyyyyyyy behind others. i wonder how long this poste lasts. every other online site are putting xmas freerolls on for ther players. sorry i mean every slte but sky!!!! you should listen to opinions sky,,instead of just turning a blind eye. lets see wat uve got to say sky!!!
The above two tournaments were not on the lobby on Monday, have they been pulled? If so can I request that the 22:45 one is restored? This never got big fields but with a £200 gtee it nearly always got between 20 and 35 runners, and was a very enjoyable nightcap.
ok Thanks. I don't need any info thanks it was just that someone asked me in chat how they cd check how much they missed the top 30 by. I think, although I may be wrong, that you used to be able to view the old monthly tables in retrospect. In any case I think it wd be a good idea in future to have a link to previous quarters tables.
hi all i'm quite new to Sky Poker but have heard the term implied odds mentioned a few times recently, could someone please explain this to me in simple terms please
Can you tell me whether it will ever be possible in the future to download your hand histories? For me this is a major factor putting me off playing at Sky compared to other sites. I do not want the info to data-mine other players, just to be able to analyse my own play and to monitor my success rate with preflop all-ins.
Good evening Sky Team
Whilst i know that the forum is not the right place to discuss individual chat/forum bans i really feel that this THREAD should be looked at by those who make decisions. Please also see HERE
I cannot believe that someone of Mick's character cannot be given a final chance, and that the views of our community will be ignored for ever...
Obviously you do not wish to set a precedent by giving in, but i think this is a special case. Mick has done nothing but win, and play brilliantly and been a great laugh at the SPT events since he was banned well over a year ago and his character is not in doubt after the comments on this and other threads. Scotty77 has also forgiven him. Its all in the past can we move on and let him back now please? If you prefer to answer me by PM that is fine.
thank you
Thanks for your post.
The thread has been been noted along with several PMs. We will consider all options and actions and make a final decision based on our rules, fairness and what's best for the community.
Kind regards,
The £22 22:45 & 23:45 bounty hunters
The above two tournaments were not on the lobby on Monday, have they been pulled? If so can I request that the 22:45 one is restored? This never got big fields but with a £200 gtee it nearly always got between 20 and 35 runners, and was a very enjoyable nightcap.
Many thanks for your consideration
The 2 Bounty Hunter tournaments you mention are available again.
If you would like any information on your personal performance, however, I can have a hunt around and see what I can get for you.
Please see THIS thread, i really think the stt league point system needs looking at
thanks for your help
+1 please look into urgent someone
PS marked as question as hopefully this may get an answer from sky
i'm quite new to Sky Poker but have heard the term implied odds mentioned a few times recently, could someone please explain this to me in simple terms please