In Response to Re: THE NEW POKER LEAGUE...... : Hi Alan, I'm not Tikay (luckily) but can answer this. All 4 are excellent mtt players as well and have the 'all round package' criteria. To the best of my knowledge, James has won a large 5 figure sum live as has Redmond with his WSOP exploits. Dan is Mr consistent in high finishes at the SPTs and Wayne has also made massive finishes and wins - side event at the SPT Luton as 1 example. This also translates to online (not just on Sky) where all have big wins / cashes. Only last week Wayne came 2nd in the monthly £220 doublestack. Posted by phil12uk
Cheers Phil, but with all due respect, I was looking at the 'bigger' picture. Hence I did not name individuals in the current Team line up. In future picks, how I understand it anyway, there could be a cash only player who is 'selected' over a MTT player who could of had his/her best 3 months ever on Sky but does not get into the Team. Hopefully Mr Ferguson (Tikay) will answer this one and not Mike Phelan (no offence Phil!!)
In Response to Re: THE NEW POKER LEAGUE...... : Alas I cannot do Blackpool. Mrs SoLack already has that weekend booked to go to a Kate Bush fan meet up in Howarth (out on the wiley windy moors), and so I have to stay home with the kid . I like a bit of bush, but not on the moors thank you. When are the other SPT dates going to be announced? Posted by SoLack
You will be much missed in Blackpool. Like piles.
"other" SPT Dates? I know not of what you speak.......;)
Soon, Solly, soon, along with some other stuff. There really is a lot happening here. Sky Poker really is buzzing now, no other site is doing so much, in every respect, & yet I end up spending Sunday morning fighting forum fires, marv.
And you know what I should be doing right now? No? Well I'm gonna tell you.
Sunday morning is Archers Omnibus morning.
Here's a catch up on Thursday's Edition.....
Meanwhile, busy Roy needs someone to watch Phoebe. Adam reminds him that Peggy’s keen to see her great-granddaughter. Ian pops round to ask Peggy, who’s finding out all about Kate’s university course.
Peggy takes Phoebe to see the ducks, and tells stories of what Kate got up to as a youngster, with cousins Helen and Brenda. Peggy recalls when Kate wrote to an American soldier Peggy knew from the war, pretending to be her. Kate’s letters resulted in the GI showing up in Ambridge – but Peggy was married by then. Phoebe tells Peggy about Kate taking her out of school last week. Peggy promptly goes to see Kate, suggesting she apologises to Roy and Hayley. Kate’s stunned when Peggy accuses her of being a part-time mother.
In Response to Re: THE NEW POKER LEAGUE...... : Cheers Phil, but with all due respect, I was looking at the 'bigger' picture. Hence I did not name individuals in the current Team line up. In future picks, how I understand it anyway, there could be a cash only player who is 'selected' over a MTT player who could of had his/her best 3 months ever on Sky but does not get into the Team. Hopefully Mr Ferguson (Tikay) will answer this one and not Mike Phelan (no offence Phil!!) Cheers, Alan Posted by MAXALLY
I heard Alex Ferguson (Tikay) is doing to you what the main man does to the BBC - ignoring!!!!!
I would presume that future picks - due to having won the mtt for the top finishers in the 3 disciplines, would be well versed in playing and winning mtts anyway
PS I like to think I have a little more hair than Mike Phelan
In Response to Re: THE NEW POKER LEAGUE...... : I heard Alex Ferguson (Tikay) is doing to you what the main man does to the BBC - ignoring!!!!! I would presume that future picks - due to having won the mtt for the top finishers in the 3 disciplines, would be well versed in playing and winning mtts anyway PS I like to think I have a little more hair than Mike Phelan Posted by phil12uk
I think I can answer a lot of the questions in one Post, but if I miss anything particular, nudge me please. I will reply later, specifically, to Stein, Candi, & Alan.
I have already detailed, earlier in this thread, the criteria by which the Players were selected. Nothing has changed, I don't really see the point in repeating it all again.
I will add this, though.
The original "short-list" was not very, err, short. Eventually, it was narrowed down to about 15 players. Many of the players within that 15 were worthy of selection, & it was very difficult to make the right decision. Of those who narrowly failed, several have been mentioned in this Thread by others as "obvious choices". Some of those who just missed out have even Posted on this Thread, totally supportive of the Founding Five.
There were 5 spots, &, based upon the criteria, Sky Poker selected, with great difficulty, those who they thought best ticked most boxes. Those who missed out did nothing wrong, but even Sky Poker can't make 15 fit into 5.
If we asked 1,000 Community Members to pick their Favoured Five, every single answer would contain a different five players.
We have the Founding Five now, we are going to have some fun, & I'm 100% happy with what I've been given to work with.
Coulda-woulda-shoulda is all well & good, but everything has been done with good intent, & I see no need to apologise for anything.
A player has been selected who has not played much on here recently? We do loyalty here, and just because a player happens to take a break does not mean all bets are off.
I'm sad for those who missed out, but I'm 100% happy with what we've got, & I'll give them total support. We knew when we announced that there would be a few moans & groans, (anyone remember "Total Player" Sunday mornings, sigh?) that's what poker players do, but most support the selections, & we're gonna have some fun.
The whole idea is that people qualify for it, & from Jan 1st, the Qualifiers will be in the Team. It was just thought it'd be a good idea, appreciated by most, to get the Team up & running now, to test out a few things, see how it works, how much noise it makes, how Sky Poker are perceived out there in the big wide world of poker. No more, no less. Don't read anything more into it than that.
Congratulations lads on being chosen for the Sky team to represent the site. Good luck to everyone in the team, and well done to Tikay and the team that made the selections. ps, I would just like to register my disgustingly misplaced jealousy on this thread, and inform the forum that the only reason I was not chosen is because I am not good enough at poker, or polite enough, or good looking enough, or available enough, or even sensible enough. Why they only chose the best people for the job is completely beyond my comprehension!!-- It is simply not fair!!--- There are hundreds of flopwit flapheads on the site that could have been chosen, but Sky, in their infinite wisdom, decided to choose excellent ambassadors for the site instead, it's right out of order imo. Quite a lot of players on the site are totally unsuitable to be chosen as a Sky team member, and yet they were not even considered, what's that all about eh?--eh--- answer me that---if you floppin can!!! I think the people that chose this team should be sent to a week long conference of the Monster Raving Loony party, then we'll see if they come back and choose magnificent representatives of what makes this site great--- innit !!--- enough said, I do believe!! Posted by oynutter
Coming soon, to a Town near you. Team Flopwit Flaphead.
In Response to Re: THE NEW POKER LEAGUE...... : Coming soon, to a Town near you. Team Flopwit Flaphead. My Team Flopwit Flaphead will include. TRIP5 Dylan Maxally Hoggers Dylan Name YOUR Team Flapwit Flophead, please. Posted by Tikay10
lol, so oynutter can't even make team flopwit flaphead!??
this is a DISGRACE and i DEMAND a full explanation:)
fwiw i think your flopwit flaphead team would do rather well (even with 2 Dylans), no one would want us on their table for fear of the verbal diarrhoea, rather like table of 5 Mike Matusows... can you possibly imagine?
Morning Tikay!! You do know that I support this 100 % and I was waiting for the 'dust to settle' (possibly hasn't yet though) before probing you with my questions. Anyway, here is a couple to start off with.... 1) There is always a 'debate' about cash v tournament players on here and in general poker circles. The team (which I will refer to and not individuals) have amongst them some excellent and proven cash players, how will that benefit the team when entering all these MTT's? Surely SKY would want a team made up of the best tournament players? 2) As was clearly evident at the WSOP this year, 'money talks'. If Sky poker did not have enough 'pulling power' then to attract players to wear their logo, how will this set up eliviate this problem? Are the members of the team tied down or free to move when the pound signs start flashing in front of their eyes? I say this, as I really do believe that this will catapult Sky Poker into the big time in regards of general reputation and results out there in the UK & Worldwide poker scene. Regards, Alan Posted by MAXALLY
The dust has settled? You could have fooled me. I'm missing The Archers because of this thread, it's bang out of order.
Q1. If we restricted it to Tourney players only, can you imagine the hue & cry, the hoohah, the outrage from the Cash players?
The Live Poker Circuit is a Tourney Circuit, there is no cash game equivelant. ALL the big Cash Pros go & take a break by playing a few Live Tourneys on the Circuit, thats just how it works. (Note Tom Dwan, Ivey, Channing, etc).
Also, do you know the traffic split between Cash, Tourneys, & SNG's on Sky Poker? In fact, Tourneys contribute a minority, but there's no other way to have a "Team Sky Poker" than to go do the Live Tourney Circuit. We have no intention, ever, of discriminating against Cash Players just because the Pro Circuit is Tourney-Based.
As luck (?) would have it, many of the best Cash Players on Sky Poker are extremely adept at Tourneys. I doubt if any UK based Online Poker Room has more Tourney talent within it's ranks than Sky Poker. The Databases tell the story.
Of course, Sky Poker could have gone the other route. A top, (& I do mean "top"), UK based Pro was in negotiations with Sky Poker, & the deal was do-able. Sky Poker decided to go the other way, recruit from it's loyal player-base, & I think they should be wholly applauded for that, not hauled over the coals.
Q2. That's slightly more awkward to answer, as it's outwith my remit, so these are my personal views.
I have seen the Players "Contracts". I have not really read them, to be honest, & I don't really care what they say. My view is quite simple. We want players who want to be with us, & we don't want players who don't. If they get lured elsewhere, they go, & they go with our best wishes. Unlike many on this thread, I don't do churlish.
Think of Kara Scott (but not too hard....) or Michelle Orpe. They were "ours", they moved onwards & upwards, to bigger & better things. We wished them both well, & all of us here at Sky Poker, as a business, & personally, remain on good terms with Kara & Michelle.
If any of TSP get head-hunted by another Site, good luck to them, & we'll settle for the reflected glory.
As to Contracts generally - & remember, this is my personal view - I don't believe in them. I never had a Contract throughout my working life, because I did something called trust, & a handshake with my Boss.
Now, Sky is a BIG business, & HR insist everyone has a Contract. So I was issued with one, it runs to 15 pages, & says nonsense like......
Geographical area covered by this agreement - The World.
And, under reasons for Termination of Contract, it said, Clause 15 I think.....
15c) Death.
I mean, what nonsense, who needs Contracts? I shook hands with certain suits here, & that'll do me. If they shaft me, they'll only do so once. But they won't, because we do "trust". Same with TSP. They wanna be onside, or they don't. Trying to retain unhappy Staff/Team Members is a recipe for disaster.
Anyway, I saw Orpey at the EPT last week, one morning, before she had chance to do her hair, it would appear. Even so, looking good, eh?
Just catching up with all this ! Been away working far too much.
Having not played a huge amount on Sky since Vegas, due to a period of indifferent form and work commitments I am only now reading this thread.
I can understand that some people may criticise the concept of players being initially selected by an anonymous panel, but surely it is obvious that this is only a starting point to kick things off. The structure is already there so anybody who is good enough and committed enough can make their way on to the team.
The players have been picked on poker ability and it is difficult to argue with any of the selections on that basis. All are top class. And to be critical of any of them because of isolated incidents of questionable behaviour is churlish. I have met and played with all of these people and all are good guys too.
Thinking back to Total Player, it did have some fairly obvious flaws, but when the input from the forum was constructive it was listened to, and the concept evolved and was successful.
So lets applaud Sky for another positive move, and see where it goes.
Personally I have many other names I would like to see in the shake up, including my own !
And I wont be working much now the weather is getting colder, and there are signs my game is coming together again. So I will be popping up in a lot of tournaments here and playing live much more too.
I'm really saddened by the acidity & tone of your attack on Dan & Wayne, on a public Forum where "personal attacks" are against the Rules, & to be honest, I'm surprised the Mods think they are acceptable. But it's been said now, & left up, so I need to respond.
Few players are more deserving of their place in TSP than Wayne, he was a "first pick". Since when was it wrong to be a grinder? He's a fine, fine, player, Live & Online, & when we all met up earlier this week (blog & photos to follow) he emerged as a natural Leader & captain. He is my Rio Ferdinand. (Rooney would have worked better - "Wayne" works both ways - but you see the problems there.....)
There are great depths to Wayne, probably the unluckiest player not to make the Total Player Top Three, which he accepted with enormous dignity & good grace, despite being bitterly disappointed. He is a proper man, a man's man, & he does not do moany-whinge. I'll be extremely surprised if he is not with TSP for a very long time.
The SPT Grand Final marked the end of Dan's tenure as our Total Player, which we all deemed to be a great success. We could not have asked for more from him - the Sky Poker players voted for him & got what they deserved - a top all-round bloke. We shared experiences from Luton to Las Vegas, & he was an absolute dream, to work with.
A feature of ALL SPT's are the "lads" knockabout SNG's. In fact, to many of us, they are the enduring memory of SPT's. All the "boyz" play them, and they are loud, beery, & laddish. And why not? Without those SNG's, the SPT would be only half the attraction.
The SNG to which you refer included, IIRC, James Hartigan & Dave Bland, & everyone just stuck it in each others eyes & had a good - & loud - laugh.
I happen to be a pretty strong opponent of alcohol abuse - as of today, I've been teetotal exactly 42 years & 1 month - but these were lads, letting their hair down, after "work" was done, & the whole thing was in the true spirit of SPT's. Long may that spirit last, & I'll buy the first round at the Blackpool Knockabout SNG's. Which will be spiced up by the Fish named LML, too.
I think your comments were, & I choose my word with care, "regrettable".
I don't want to get wrong side of you Mr Stein, but I get the impression you had a bad day at SPT Grand Final, judging by your comments HERE
To enjoy an SPT, we all need to enter nto the spirit of the day, & that's what Dan, & many others, did. He does not deserve to be pilloried in public for anything, imo.
I hope you will re-consider your views, & I wish you well at Sky Poker.
Thank you for your reply Tikay. I take it you will 'expand' your answers when you have a bit more time.... )) One thing I have noticed that is wrong in your post though is.......where was the picture of Kara??.....fairs fair and all that! Posted by MAXALLY
I never bumped onto her last week, if I had, there'd be a photo. This one is from, I think, 2008. Unlike the Orpey one, it's not mine, it's a stock photo.
Just catching up with all this ! Been away working far too much. Having not played a huge amount on Sky since Vegas, due to a period of indifferent form and work commitments I am only now reading this thread. I can understand that some people may criticise the concept of players being initially selected by an anonymous panel, but surely it is obvious that this is only a starting point to kick things off. The structure is already there so anybody who is good enough and committed enough can make their way on to the team. The players have been picked on poker ability and it is difficult to argue with any of the selections on that basis. All are top class. And to be critical of any of them because of isolated incidents of questionable behaviour is churlish. I have met and played with all of these people and all are good guys too. Thinking back to Total Player, it did have some fairly obvious flaws, but when the input from the forum was constructive it was listened to, and the concept evolved and was successful. So lets applaud Sky for another positive move, and see where it goes. Personally I have many other names I would like to see in the shake up, including my own ! And I wont be working much now the weather is getting colder, and there are signs my game is coming together again. So I will be popping up in a lot of tournaments here and playing live much more too. See you at the tables guys Tony Posted by penguin7
Fine Post Tony, thank you.;
For those that don't know Tony very well, the very last thing he could be accused of is sychophancy - he says it as he sees it, & he & I have had some robust discussions. Robust, but civil, note.
Jeez, I'm afraid my intolerance to un-necessary rudeness shows up in this thread, but I'll never change, soz boys.
Anyway, to cheer everyone up, here's what Tony drives for a living. Tell me it's not the coolest coach you ever saw.
There is no more loyal Sky Poker Community Member than Candi, & I'm more than sad she is unhappy with what we have done. Candi is furniture here, the bedrock of the Site, & it's a shame she is upset at the decisions. They were made in good heart, Candi, with no bias, & to the best of everyone's ability.
Knowing Candi as I do, once we are up & running, she'll accept the decision, & be the TSP Cheerleader. Not sure she'd want the Coleen role, though?
In Response to Re: THE NEW POKER LEAGUE...... : I never bumped onto her last week, if I had, there'd be a photo. This one is from, I think, 2008. Unlike the Orpey one, it's not mine, it's a stock photo. Posted by Tikay10
In Response to Re: THE NEW POKER LEAGUE...... : Solly, You will be much missed in Blackpool. Like piles. "other" SPT Dates? I know not of what you speak.......;) Soon, Solly, soon, along with some other stuff. There really is a lot happening here. Sky Poker really is buzzing now, no other site is doing so much, in every respect, & yet I end up spending Sunday morning fighting forum fires, marv. And you know what I should be doing right now? No? Well I'm gonna tell you. Sunday morning is Archers Omnibus morning. Here's a catch up on Thursday's Edition..... Meanwhile, busy Roy needs someone to watch Phoebe. Adam reminds him that Peggy’s keen to see her great-granddaughter. Ian pops round to ask Peggy, who’s finding out all about Kate’s university course. Peggy takes Phoebe to see the ducks, and tells stories of what Kate got up to as a youngster, with cousins Helen and Brenda. Peggy recalls when Kate wrote to an American soldier Peggy knew from the war, pretending to be her. Kate’s letters resulted in the GI showing up in Ambridge – but Peggy was married by then. Phoebe tells Peggy about Kate taking her out of school last week. Peggy promptly goes to see Kate, suggesting she apologises to Roy and Hayley. Kate’s stunned when Peggy accuses her of being a part-time mother. Radio 4, NOW. Miss it at your peril. Posted by Tikay10
would you like to rephrase that Tikay?. right out of order imo, have you ever had piles?
Long may that spirit last, & I'll buy the first round at the Blackpool Knockabout SNG's. Which will be spiced up by the Fish named LML, too. Posted by Tikay10
This is an excellent addition to the site. Obviously the selection process is gonna be heavily weighted to those who can put in some serious hours, however there is no other poker site that can put the 'dream' of being a sponsered poker player within reachable grasp. All of the chosen line up are regular Sky Poker players. I used to play with LJamesL on here over 2 years ago... I look forward to the progress of this, and it is excellent for Sky Poker in general. This is something that will bring in a lot of new players, not just from casual players who will now see the Sky Poker logo at some major live events, but also because of the structure of the selection process does mean that anyone who puts the work/hours in has a fairly decent chance of becoming a member of Team Sky Poker. EDIT: This also couldn't come at a better time, as the download client will really make a big difference and it really is coming soon guys. Posted by scotty77
You will be much missed in Blackpool. Like piles.
"other" SPT Dates? I know not of what you speak.......;)
Soon, Solly, soon, along with some other stuff. There really is a lot happening here. Sky Poker really is buzzing now, no other site is doing so much, in every respect, & yet I end up spending Sunday morning fighting forum fires, marv.
And you know what I should be doing right now? No? Well I'm gonna tell you.
Sunday morning is Archers Omnibus morning.
Here's a catch up on Thursday's Edition.....
Meanwhile, busy Roy needs someone to watch Phoebe. Adam reminds him that Peggy’s keen to see her great-granddaughter. Ian pops round to ask Peggy, who’s finding out all about Kate’s university course.
Peggy takes Phoebe to see the ducks, and tells stories of what Kate got up to as a youngster, with cousins Helen and Brenda. Peggy recalls when Kate wrote to an American soldier Peggy knew from the war, pretending to be her. Kate’s letters resulted in the GI showing up in Ambridge – but Peggy was married by then. Phoebe tells Peggy about Kate taking her out of school last week. Peggy promptly goes to see Kate, suggesting she apologises to Roy and Hayley. Kate’s stunned when Peggy accuses her of being a part-time mother.
Radio 4, NOW. Miss it at your peril.
And this.....
I think I can answer a lot of the questions in one Post, but if I miss anything particular, nudge me please. I will reply later, specifically, to Stein, Candi, & Alan.
I have already detailed, earlier in this thread, the criteria by which the Players were selected. Nothing has changed, I don't really see the point in repeating it all again.
I will add this, though.
The original "short-list" was not very, err, short. Eventually, it was narrowed down to about 15 players. Many of the players within that 15 were worthy of selection, & it was very difficult to make the right decision. Of those who narrowly failed, several have been mentioned in this Thread by others as "obvious choices". Some of those who just missed out have even Posted on this Thread, totally supportive of the Founding Five.
There were 5 spots, &, based upon the criteria, Sky Poker selected, with great difficulty, those who they thought best ticked most boxes. Those who missed out did nothing wrong, but even Sky Poker can't make 15 fit into 5.
If we asked 1,000 Community Members to pick their Favoured Five, every single answer would contain a different five players.
We have the Founding Five now, we are going to have some fun, & I'm 100% happy with what I've been given to work with.
Coulda-woulda-shoulda is all well & good, but everything has been done with good intent, & I see no need to apologise for anything.
A player has been selected who has not played much on here recently? We do loyalty here, and just because a player happens to take a break does not mean all bets are off.
I'm sad for those who missed out, but I'm 100% happy with what we've got, & I'll give them total support. We knew when we announced that there would be a few moans & groans, (anyone remember "Total Player" Sunday mornings, sigh?) that's what poker players do, but most support the selections, & we're gonna have some fun.
The whole idea is that people qualify for it, & from Jan 1st, the Qualifiers will be in the Team. It was just thought it'd be a good idea, appreciated by most, to get the Team up & running now, to test out a few things, see how it works, how much noise it makes, how Sky Poker are perceived out there in the big wide world of poker. No more, no less. Don't read anything more into it than that.
My Team Flopwit Flaphead will include.
Name YOUR Team Flapwit Flophead, please.
this is a DISGRACE and i DEMAND a full explanation:)
fwiw i think your flopwit flaphead team would do rather well (even with 2 Dylans), no one would want us on their table for fear of the verbal diarrhoea, rather like table of 5 Mike Matusows... can you possibly imagine?
Q1. If we restricted it to Tourney players only, can you imagine the hue & cry, the hoohah, the outrage from the Cash players?
The Live Poker Circuit is a Tourney Circuit, there is no cash game equivelant. ALL the big Cash Pros go & take a break by playing a few Live Tourneys on the Circuit, thats just how it works. (Note Tom Dwan, Ivey, Channing, etc).
Also, do you know the traffic split between Cash, Tourneys, & SNG's on Sky Poker? In fact, Tourneys contribute a minority, but there's no other way to have a "Team Sky Poker" than to go do the Live Tourney Circuit. We have no intention, ever, of discriminating against Cash Players just because the Pro Circuit is Tourney-Based.
As luck (?) would have it, many of the best Cash Players on Sky Poker are extremely adept at Tourneys. I doubt if any UK based Online Poker Room has more Tourney talent within it's ranks than Sky Poker. The Databases tell the story.
Of course, Sky Poker could have gone the other route. A top, (& I do mean "top"), UK based Pro was in negotiations with Sky Poker, & the deal was do-able. Sky Poker decided to go the other way, recruit from it's loyal player-base, & I think they should be wholly applauded for that, not hauled over the coals.
Q2. That's slightly more awkward to answer, as it's outwith my remit, so these are my personal views.
I have seen the Players "Contracts". I have not really read them, to be honest, & I don't really care what they say. My view is quite simple. We want players who want to be with us, & we don't want players who don't. If they get lured elsewhere, they go, & they go with our best wishes. Unlike many on this thread, I don't do churlish.
Think of Kara Scott (but not too hard....) or Michelle Orpe. They were "ours", they moved onwards & upwards, to bigger & better things. We wished them both well, & all of us here at Sky Poker, as a business, & personally, remain on good terms with Kara & Michelle.
If any of TSP get head-hunted by another Site, good luck to them, & we'll settle for the reflected glory.
As to Contracts generally - & remember, this is my personal view - I don't believe in them. I never had a Contract throughout my working life, because I did something called trust, & a handshake with my Boss.
Now, Sky is a BIG business, & HR insist everyone has a Contract. So I was issued with one, it runs to 15 pages, & says nonsense like......
Geographical area covered by this agreement - The World.
And, under reasons for Termination of Contract, it said, Clause 15 I think.....
15c) Death.
I mean, what nonsense, who needs Contracts? I shook hands with certain suits here, & that'll do me. If they shaft me, they'll only do so once. But they won't, because we do "trust". Same with TSP. They wanna be onside, or they don't. Trying to retain unhappy Staff/Team Members is a recipe for disaster.
Anyway, I saw Orpey at the EPT last week, one morning, before she had chance to do her hair, it would appear. Even so, looking good, eh?
Having not played a huge amount on Sky since Vegas, due to a period of indifferent form and work commitments I am only now reading this thread.
I can understand that some people may criticise the concept of players being initially selected by an anonymous panel, but surely it is obvious that this is only a starting point to kick things off. The structure is already there so anybody who is good enough and committed enough can make their way on to the team.
The players have been picked on poker ability and it is difficult to argue with any of the selections on that basis. All are top class. And to be critical of any of them because of isolated incidents of questionable behaviour is churlish. I have met and played with all of these people and all are good guys too.
Thinking back to Total Player, it did have some fairly obvious flaws, but when the input from the forum was constructive it was listened to, and the concept evolved and was successful.
So lets applaud Sky for another positive move, and see where it goes.
Personally I have many other names I would like to see in the shake up, including my own !
And I wont be working much now the weather is getting colder, and there are signs my game is coming together again. So I will be popping up in a lot of tournaments here and playing live much more too.
See you at the tables guys
Thank you for your reply Tikay. I take it you will 'expand' your answers when you have a bit more time....
One thing I have noticed that is wrong in your post though is.......where was the picture of Kara??.....fairs fair and all that!
Mr Stein.
I'm really saddened by the acidity & tone of your attack on Dan & Wayne, on a public Forum where "personal attacks" are against the Rules, & to be honest, I'm surprised the Mods think they are acceptable. But it's been said now, & left up, so I need to respond.
Few players are more deserving of their place in TSP than Wayne, he was a "first pick". Since when was it wrong to be a grinder? He's a fine, fine, player, Live & Online, & when we all met up earlier this week (blog & photos to follow) he emerged as a natural Leader & captain. He is my Rio Ferdinand. (Rooney would have worked better - "Wayne" works both ways - but you see the problems there.....)
There are great depths to Wayne, probably the unluckiest player not to make the Total Player Top Three, which he accepted with enormous dignity & good grace, despite being bitterly disappointed. He is a proper man, a man's man, & he does not do moany-whinge. I'll be extremely surprised if he is not with TSP for a very long time.
The SPT Grand Final marked the end of Dan's tenure as our Total Player, which we all deemed to be a great success. We could not have asked for more from him - the Sky Poker players voted for him & got what they deserved - a top all-round bloke. We shared experiences from Luton to Las Vegas, & he was an absolute dream, to work with.
A feature of ALL SPT's are the "lads" knockabout SNG's. In fact, to many of us, they are the enduring memory of SPT's. All the "boyz" play them, and they are loud, beery, & laddish. And why not? Without those SNG's, the SPT would be only half the attraction.
The SNG to which you refer included, IIRC, James Hartigan & Dave Bland, & everyone just stuck it in each others eyes & had a good - & loud - laugh.
I happen to be a pretty strong opponent of alcohol abuse - as of today, I've been teetotal exactly 42 years & 1 month - but these were lads, letting their hair down, after "work" was done, & the whole thing was in the true spirit of SPT's. Long may that spirit last, & I'll buy the first round at the Blackpool Knockabout SNG's. Which will be spiced up by the Fish named LML, too.
I think your comments were, & I choose my word with care, "regrettable".
I don't want to get wrong side of you Mr Stein, but I get the impression you had a bad day at SPT Grand Final, judging by your comments HERE
To enjoy an SPT, we all need to enter nto the spirit of the day, & that's what Dan, & many others, did. He does not deserve to be pilloried in public for anything, imo.
I hope you will re-consider your views, & I wish you well at Sky Poker.
For those that don't know Tony very well, the very last thing he could be accused of is sychophancy - he says it as he sees it, & he & I have had some robust discussions. Robust, but civil, note.
Jeez, I'm afraid my intolerance to un-necessary rudeness shows up in this thread, but I'll never change, soz boys.
Anyway, to cheer everyone up, here's what Tony drives for a living. Tell me it's not the coolest coach you ever saw.
Finally, to Candi.
There is no more loyal Sky Poker Community Member than Candi, & I'm more than sad she is unhappy with what we have done. Candi is furniture here, the bedrock of the Site, & it's a shame she is upset at the decisions. They were made in good heart, Candi, with no bias, & to the best of everyone's ability.
Knowing Candi as I do, once we are up & running, she'll accept the decision, & be the TSP Cheerleader. Not sure she'd want the Coleen role, though?
Tell me you've seen a more cool Train Indicator than this, pure 1930's, & still as useful today as it was 80 years ago. Go on, I dare you.
Whoops, wrong thread. Where is the London Underground thread, please?
Sidenote. Incoming Text from Mick Jenn.
Good afternoon. I wish all the team well, m8, and if I was choosing the Team I would have included every one.
I had to, err, edit out the sentence after that! It goes on.....
The SPT SNG's are awesome, we just have a laff. Oh. by the way, the first round in Blackpool is on me, after I luckboxed two big cashes last week.*
* = Some artistic licence may have been added.