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Well known 50/100nl regular intends to play multiple roulette HU games in order to qualify for the s

GREGHOGGGREGHOGG Member Posts: 7,155
edited January 2011 in Poker Chat
How ridiculous!

He made the cash final last time comfortably and will do again. 

Maybe he doesn't think he is good enough to beat the cash players in an mtt. He has a perfectly good mtt game, so I don't really understand. I feel a bit offended really because most of the regular stt players are very decent.

I am going to qualify into the stt final this time, through multi tabling dyms regularly. It seems a shame that this player will get there by just clicking "OK" i register. We can all do that if we have the bank roll.  

Whinge over.


On a positive note, all of the new tsp members thoroughly deserved their places and i wish them every luck. I think the whole process has been handled very well by Sky, i just hope they can do something about the roulette games contributing to the league.

*EDIT, also need to look at why a 30p dym win gets 3 league points, and a £420 HU win gets only 4 league points, further examples below...


  • GREGHOGGGREGHOGG Member Posts: 7,155
    edited January 2011
    Just to clarify the league points on offer for a £1.10 roulette HU are 3 for a win

    The league points for a £5.50 dym (my level) are 7 for a win.

    he can easily make 20 points+ in the time it takes me to win 7.

    Roulettes take 30 seconds and involve no skill, Dyms take up to 40 mins each.

    Seems a bit unfair really.

    As i speak, another person (non cash player), near the top of the leaderboard of stts has registered for 3 X £1.10 roulettes.

    Easy game.
  • DOHHHHHHHDOHHHHHHH Member Posts: 17,929
    edited January 2011
    While we're at it.....

    £10.50 HU sng = 4 points ftw.

    Same amount of rake paid as a £5 dym - why only 4 points instead of 7?

    ,.....Even £21 and £31.50 HU games only pay 4 league points!!!

    wtf !

    Not gonna bother checking higher but I assume that's the same.

  • YOUNG_GUNYOUNG_GUN Member Posts: 8,948
    edited January 2011
    +1 to you both

    get rid of RR points to make fair

    HU points should be worth more as i would have more STT points

    i am hoping to get in but i think my best chance is MTT
  • GREGHOGGGREGHOGG Member Posts: 7,155
    edited January 2011
    In Response to Re: Well known 50/100nl regular intends to play multiple roulette HU games in order to qualify for the stt league final rather than the cash league final:
    While we're at it..... £10.50 HU sng = 4 points ftw. Same amount of rake paid as a £5 dym - why only 4 points instead of 7?
    Posted by DOHHHHHHH
    Just play 10X £1.10 russian roulettes. If you win half you get 15 league points for a similar stake.

    Should be at least 7 for your game dohhhhhhh obv.

    I would like Sky to review the league points system for sngs and make it fairer. That is all this thread is about, i used the opening example to demonstrate the point.

    EDIT!* £33 quid games pay 4 points? silly innit, needs looking at!
  • GREGHOGGGREGHOGG Member Posts: 7,155
    edited January 2011
    Do you know what you get for winning a £400 + 20 HU sng?

    Yes that is right 4 league points.

    You get 3 league points for winning a 30p dym.

  • YOUNG_GUNYOUNG_GUN Member Posts: 8,948
    edited January 2011
    I actually think this needs urgent reviewing as new league just started to give us all equal chance

    and i do play mainly HU
  • DOHHHHHHHDOHHHHHHH Member Posts: 17,929
    edited January 2011

    Yeah I see your point Greg, and if it was something I really cared about personally I'd have got something going about it alot lot lot earlier.

    I can't believe there's no difference between a £10.50 hu sng and a £400+20 (yes 420 quid) hu sng in terms of league points. 

    I wish you luck, but there's more chance of me competing in the London Olympics than there is sky making russian roulette's any less appealing.
  • MAXALLYMAXALLY Member Posts: 17,656
    edited January 2011

    Well I am putting 20k down every night this week on the Bellagio cash table to see how many points I can rake up.......

    I do agree with Greg though that Sky should review this to make it a level playing field for all!

    Oh, just realised that the Bellagio table isn't free play!!! :)
  • GREGHOGGGREGHOGG Member Posts: 7,155
    edited January 2011
    In Response to Re: Well known 50/100nl regular intends to play multiple roulette HU games in order to qualify for the stt league final rather than the cash league final:
    Yeah I see your point Greg, and if it was something I really cared about personally I'd have got something going about it alot lot lot earlier. I can't believe there's no difference between a £10.50 hu sng and a £400+20 (yes 420 quid) hu sng in terms of league points.  I wish you luck, but there's more chance of me competing in the London Olympics than there is sky making russian roulette's any less appealing.
    Posted by DOHHHHHHH
    Breaking news, pie eating has been introduced in the 2012 olympics.:)

    I only just realised it was unfair recently, as last time i had no hope of making the final, whereas this time, im going for it. So its time to shout innit.

    Instead of giving league points for russian roulettes, why not give them "sky vegas" tokens that they can use towards sky vegas...
  • DOHHHHHHHDOHHHHHHH Member Posts: 17,929
    edited January 2011

    Loooool I love that you took time to actually search for that on utube !!

    Big mac eating contests ftw.

    Or like an eating decathlon or something, to show off my all round game. 


    All of the above should have been reviewed before TSP started - they said at the time they had to keep delaying the announcement due to 1 thing or another, so they had plenty of time to check these sort of things.

    There's no way they will change it now.


    While we're moaning - can we have a 500/1k blind level in every non TV standard (or slower) NLHE tournament.


  • YOUNG_GUNYOUNG_GUN Member Posts: 8,948
    edited January 2011
  • gaza559gaza559 Member Posts: 49
    edited January 2011
    Totally agree about the Russian roulette situation, the fact league points are given for them is ridiculous, undermines the proper sit n go players. And to give them 3 league points for just raking 10p whereas i play the £21 turbocharged heads up games, paying 10 TIMES more rake and im only given 4, yes 4 league points. Really?

    Also noticed the other day the way poker points are given. I played a 10.50 heads up game and at the end of wining the match the message came up saying bla bla u won, you received 10 poker points. U also receive the same playing the £21 heads up game, how can that be right? I'm paying £1 rake every game, and receiving the same amount of poker points as somebody paying 50p rake?  

    Surely sky must have a review of the the sit n go's, the way league points and poker points are given. Rant over :)

  • JohnConnorJohnConnor Member Posts: 1,160
    edited January 2011
    This should have been done ages and ages ago it's been brought up a few times before and I got a definate answer from Sky that the league points for RR games would not be abolished. The reasons given were not adequate imo and I really think it's an issue that Sky misunderstand and I cannot get my head around why.

    I'm sure it will be done eventually and it will be a case of better late than never but it will just make me wonder why it's taken so long when the arguments against it have never changed.

    As for the player, can't blame them, they're just doing their best to make it onto TSP within the current (highly flawed) rules.
  • SHANXTASHANXTA Member Posts: 1,507
    edited January 2011
    The whole RR points things makes a complete mockery of the STT league.

    Is it any wonder alot of people consider is the weakest league when people are qualifying like this?  Last sunday i know of at least one person who qualified solely through RR's, another who used them the majority of the time.

    However all the time this system is available people will use it, and ofc sky don't mind that, as it's all rake paid
  • FlashFlushFlashFlush Member Posts: 4,494
    edited January 2011
    Well your obviously talking about me here Greg, I'm not hiding the fact i'm doing and am doing nothing wrong.

    I play 50p/£1 and will make the top 30 by the end of the period. All I'm doing using the loop holes in the system to try and find the easiest route to TSP. The options are....

    A.Play just cash, make a decent profit, and finish top 30 but then have to play in the hardest MTT lineup on Sky.

    B. Grind loads and loads of MTT's which I am really bad at multi tabling MTT's because of the different mind sets at different times in a tournament. Also I work so can't play all the easy small field MTT's in the daytime.

    C. Multi table £1 RR's easily make the top 30 but lose money because of the rake.

    I felt option 3 was the best way. I will still make top 30 in cash so I am not 'cheating' my way onto the team, I am merely using the fact that RR's give league points to my advantage and get into what I feel is a softer field.

    I am generating a lot of rake by doing this for Sky, as well as generating a lot of rake on the 100nl, my rakeback by the end of the month will be around £500 minimum so it will more than cover my losses in the RR's.

    FWIW I agree that russian roulettes should not have league points. Sky didn't change it so I used it to my advantage.

    Next time you have an issue why not consult the person than make personal attacks on the forum, you just make yourself look bad....
  • IRISHROVERIRISHROVER Member Posts: 7,606
    edited January 2011

    just had a look in s.scope ,

    one player has already played today around 200 X  £1 roulette hu games ,

    if he continues this today alone say he plays 800 games wins 400 .

    400 x 3pts = 1,200 pts .

    crazy stuff , it makes a mockery of the points system .

  • FlashFlushFlashFlush Member Posts: 4,494
    edited January 2011
    In Response to Re: Well known 50/100nl regular intends to play multiple roulette HU games in order to qualify for the stt league final rather than the cash league final:
    just had a look in s.scope , one player has already played today around 200 X  £1 roulette hu games , if he continues this today alone say he plays 800 games wins 400 . 400 x 3pts = 1,200 pts . crazy stuff , it makes a mockery of the points system .
    Posted by IRISHROVER
    Your forgetting that will cost him £80 to do that... If he is willing to lose that money then thats up to him. Its a sacrafice people are willing to make, and shows how much a place on TSP means to some people
  • DeucesLiveDeucesLive Member Posts: 839
    edited January 2011
    All I can say is that just because someone doesn't want to enter a certain field, doesn't mean they don't think they're good enough to beat it- just means they haven't got nearly enough of an edge to make themselves a favourite. Anyone in the cash MTT is going to be up against 29 equally, or possibly more able opponents. There's probably only going to be around a dozen in the STT and MTT league, and I mean that with all respect- I agree there's some great players in the MTT and STT leagues. But the cash players play every day for a living, and in terms of poker ability- they're better. Can't argue it.

    You still have to be very good to get through the MTT and STT leagues, but it's definitely an easier tournament.
  • GREGHOGGGREGHOGG Member Posts: 7,155
    edited January 2011
    I didn't make an attack on anyone Charles. I never said what you were doing was "cheating"

    I didn't mention your name. Why consult you, when I know that you know what you are up to and that you have already made your decision.

    You are not breaking any rules. You obviously want an "easier" route to TSP, so fair play. I agree with what John Connor said.

    I was just mentioning the example of a regular 100nl player who felt the need to play roulettes, to highlight the difficulties with the current stt league. I can assure you that it wasnt an attack on you. Good Luck to you.

    I have revised my opening post slightly to make it appear less harsh.
  • N1CKN1CK Member Posts: 1,453
    edited January 2011
    blame the rules not the players, you cant criticize a poker player for looking for an edge
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