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So lets have a go at this cash game!

penguin7penguin7 Member Posts: 1,095
edited February 2011 in Poker Chat
Most of you know me as a reasonably successful tournament player on here, but I have never really got to grips with the cash game. After a chat with a few of the guys on another thread I decided to give it a go. Every night after my tournies for the evening I am going to play 3 or 4 tables at 15/30 and see how it goes for an hour or so. I thought I would record my progress on here partly for my own benefit but also for anyone else who is interested enough to comment or advise.


  • BlackFish3BlackFish3 Member Posts: 2,418
    edited February 2011
  • penguin7penguin7 Member Posts: 1,095
    edited February 2011
    So first night ! Could only find three tables that appealed so went for those with max buyins.
    Was a nice 6 handed table when I sat down. Stole a few blinds, but after 6 or 7 hands, 3 of the players left. Am I scary or do I smell ? Didnt fancy 3 handed against two capable players so sat out.       £1.28 profit

    Started quite well and soon was a tenner up, but then turned broadway only for a second Jack on the river to give my allin opponent a house. So I was back behind the start line and he ran away! Does this happen often? Luckily his place was taken by a guy who sat in with £7 and decided to get it allin first hand pre with 99 against my pocket kings. Bye !
                           £5.69 profit
    This looked the strongest of the three with some good aggressive players so played tight for a while but then found some good spots and built stack nicely. Was about to quit with a healthy profit but picked up AK facing a raise. 3 betted and was called. Flop AQx and facing a strong bet. Dont think my flat call was the right move, but saved by king on the turn. I put him on AQ but he check/folded, so he knew where he was too.
                            £36.59 profit
    So an hours play gave me  £43.56 in winnings. I am quite happy with that.
    But I have a few questions. Is an hour a long enough session ? Is this a good return at this level ? How should I select which tables to play ? Am I better off playing against people I know, as I have a rough idea of their play, or should I take on a table of unknown quality ?



  • simuksimuk Member Posts: 315
    edited February 2011
    GL Penguin, good to see some ambition and solid BR management.
  • CLIOKIDCLIOKID Member Posts: 783
    edited February 2011
    You want to be playing unknowns more than people you recognise Penguin. The less names you know on a table the better usually. 

  • FINSFINS Member Posts: 1,080
    edited February 2011
    nice start tony good luck with this,
    you still off the ciggies??

  • spornybolspornybol Member Posts: 8,212
    edited February 2011
    gl mate been on 5/10p table had absalute fishes against my raises/ reraises and they hit river with ie 3 8 agaist my a/a - k/k ect and there 8 hit river am now taking time off as they have tilt me and peeved me off with dum plays
  • pod1pod1 Member Posts: 4,377
    edited February 2011
    must admit tony i only play 2 tables but play longer. my brain is not clever enough to do any more, i have tried it and found profits nose dive. 1 table does get boring so i am comfortable at 2, saying that i will play 2-4hrs straight. definatly stay away from players that you know are strong although if they join your table i will see it out for half an hour or so, they can have bad days and if your playing strong then theres still money to be made. you have probably forgotten more about poker than i know and i hope you kill this level quickly and move up to nl40/50!!!  phil
  • DOHHHHHHHDOHHHHHHH Member Posts: 17,929
    edited February 2011

    Within 15 minutes at every table you play, you could/should have a note on everyone you're sat with imo......

    Everytime theres a pot 10xbb+ - check the HH and make a note of anything worth knowing. 

    There aren't that many players on sky at any level, before long you'll be clued up on most players at the level and table selection will be alot easier.

    40 quid an hour is obviously v good !

    Length of sessions is obviously a personal thing, but coming from a tourny background I wouldn't have thought you would have any problems at all playing 3 hour+ sessions ?

  • TheDartTheDart Member Posts: 1,581
    edited February 2011
    Very Very interesting thread for me.

    This is something I have also been considering, I really enjoy the tournament format and have only casually dabbled in cash.

    Ed came out with a golf comparison on a show a few months back which has always stuck in my mind, he was comparing tournaments and cash and said 'drving's for show, putting's for dough', suggesting (I think) that cash games are were most serious players look to make money.

    As Dohhhhhhh said £40 an hour is very good and if you made that every hour, I'm sure you could park up the bus for good :)

    It would be interesting to see how your profit levels compare cash v tourney.
  • pod1pod1 Member Posts: 4,377
    edited February 2011
    i started at 10/20 for a mnth to find my feet and now flick between 20/30 after another mnth with the odd dabble at 40/50. dont feel comfortable there but i want to get a feel for it.
  • penguin7penguin7 Member Posts: 1,095
    edited February 2011
    So second night. As I had played a few tournies with little success and was tired I nearly didnt bother. Only 3 tables running, which I watched for a bit while finishing off my last tourny. Didnt see a lot to worry me except Dohhhhhh was playing all three.

    It was going well on all three until I ran into a small problem on one !

    KOSZALIN     Profit £5.81

    SANDMOOR   Profit £10.92

    LEGNICA       Loss   £34.20

    I have not worked out how to post hands on here yet,  but Dohhh called a 4BB bet preflop and I saw a little value in seeing a flop with J9 suited.
    Flop was 984 rainbow, and Dohhh checked. With top pair I bet £3 to find out where I was and the preflop raiser folded, Doh raised it to £8.40. I called thinking the str8 draw was well within his range and when the turn was a 9 thought I must be ahead. Another £12.90 went in and the river was a 4 giving me the house. So my last £15.48 hit the pot and he showed 44 for quads !

    Now if this hand had been in a tournament I may have just looked at it as a bad beat or one of those things and entered another tourny. But would a top cash player see it as a bad mistake ?  The reality is that I was never ahead in the hand at any point and my opponent was betting every street strongly. Criticism welcomed !!!!!

    Anyway apart from that disaster I played okay and am still £26.69 in front over the first two days.


    PS ty FIN.... I did have one minor relapse, but apart from that its been quite a long time. I still dont feel I have definitely kicked it though.

  • oynutteroynutter Member Posts: 4,773
    edited February 2011
    Hi Tony, good luck on the cash tables, I don't think it was bad call really, bit of a cooler innit, but maybe a dangerous hand to get involved with pre.
     To post a hand-- find it in hand history--- put your pointer in the bottom right hand corner of the window the hand is in--- click left, keeping your finger pressed down, move your pointer up to the top left corner--- the whole hand should now be highlighted in blue---- right click and select "copy"--- then go to the thread--- click in "your post" window--- right click and select "paste"--- the hand should now be in the window ready to post--- click where it say's Dohhhhhhh and erase his name-- replace it with "alcodonk" so everyone knows who it is----lol--- gl m8-- floppa whoppa!!!
  • The_Don90The_Don90 Member Posts: 9,818
    edited February 2011
    Tony this is a mistake i make consistantly in cash and i think alot of other tournament players might make it too. One thing ive learnt is if i hit top pair with a suited connector or suited gapper not to go crazy.

    Obviously i think its profitable seeing the turn and then i get attached to my hand, im sure maybe some cash players can tell me in more detail, but i lose the lot here too. Expessially as on the river only 44 beats us.
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,334
    edited February 2011

    Mr Stroud!

    Great thread, great stuff.

    I have a fairly good idea how you play, & I think you'll make a nice steady income if you concentrate on cash games.

    I'm not quite so sure that you should mix cash, & Tourneys much, though, as the two are very different, & require a completely different mindset.

    The "Big Boys" tend to take the following line - grind it out on the Cash Tables, nick a few bob regularly, & if they have a good week, treat themselves to a nice Tourney or two, for fun & relaxation. I know hundreds of winning cash-game players. I know a dozen or so winning Tourney players. Largely speaking, one's for money, the other is for fun.

    See you in Luton, March 12th. Come up on the Friday evening if you can, it'll be a good Friday Night Tourney. 
  • DOHHHHHHHDOHHHHHHH Member Posts: 17,929
    edited February 2011

    Hey Penguin.

    That hand was pretty sick, I didn't see exactly what you had, as I was trying to play 7 tables for the first time ever.

    I was all over the place myself last night also, I couldn't make many notes, and more importantly, didn't have time to click the box and take in my existing notes before making decisions.

    I gave you 2 streets with pocket 5s abit later I think, coz I'm a plonker.

    Must do better DOHHHHHHH. I ran pretty poo tho.

    The hand your talking about with the J9, your mistake *may* have come pre flop and on the flop - which is unusual for a tourny player, I'd expect you guys to be very strong with hand selection and playing flops.

    Once you get to the turn, you're losing your stack 100% of the time.

    Having said that it might have been fine, I cnt remember the circumstances, who else was in the pot, stack sizes etc etc etc.

    Cya tomorrow night for round 2. 
    tatohead Small blind  £0.15 £0.15 £27.90
    DOHHHHHHH Big blind  £0.30 £0.45 £50.00
      Your hole cards
    • 4
    • 4
    penguin7 Call  £0.30 £0.75 £37.68
    ramprat242 Raise  £1.20 £1.95 £9.51
    coverdal03 Fold     
    tatohead Fold     
    DOHHHHHHH Call  £0.90 £2.85 £49.10
    penguin7 Call  £0.90 £3.75 £36.78
    • 9
    • 4
    • 8
    DOHHHHHHH Check     
    penguin7 Bet  £3.00 £6.75 £33.78
    ramprat242 Fold     
    DOHHHHHHH Raise  £8.40 £15.15 £40.70
    penguin7 Call  £5.40 £20.55 £28.38
    • 9
    DOHHHHHHH Bet  £12.90 £33.45 £27.80
    penguin7 Call  £12.90 £46.35 £15.48
    • 4
    DOHHHHHHH All-in  £27.80 £74.15 £0.00
    penguin7 All-in  £15.48 £89.63 £0.00
    DOHHHHHHH Unmatched bet  £12.32 £77.31 £12.32
    • 4
    • 4
    penguin7 Show
    • 9
    • J
    DOHHHHHHH Win Four 4s £75.51  £87.83
  • TalonTalon Member Posts: 1,621
    edited February 2011
      Coming from someone who has no pedigree in the cash game i will not offer any advice on specifics to do with hands or table selection but i will throw my twopenneth worth on a comment from one of your earlier posts.

      You were talking about playing for one hour and how that sat.Firstly the advantage of cash over tournys is the fact that you can play for as long or as short a time as you want( provided you are rolled for it if on a bad run).So for this reason you should play for as long as you feel like and not go on too long. So just walk away if you are feeling tired,making bad decisions or just dont like the table.

      Secondly with one hour being a relatively short time even 3 tabling, it will take a considerable number of sessions to have played a meaningful number of hands to start to get a pattern of results to base any conclusions on.

      I wish you luck with your endeavour and hopefully you will gain a good second string to your bow.
  • ajs4385ajs4385 Member Posts: 455
    edited February 2011
    In Response to Re: So lets have a go at this cash game!:
    You want to be playing unknowns more than people you recognise Penguin. The less names you know on a table the better usually. 
    Posted by CLIOKID
    This is by far the best piece of advice ever posted on this forum.

    Even if you are a bit of a donk do this and you will profit.

    These unknowns paid my mortgage off, just wish I knew who they where to thank them.
  • penguin7penguin7 Member Posts: 1,095
    edited February 2011
    In Response to Re: So lets have a go at this cash game!:
    Mr Stroud! Great thread, great stuff. I have a fairly good idea how you play, & I think you'll make a nice steady income if you concentrate on cash games. I'm not quite so sure that you should mix cash, & Tourneys much, though, as the two are very different, & require a completely different mindset. The "Big Boys" tend to take the following line - grind it out on the Cash Tables, nick a few bob regularly, & if they have a good week, treat themselves to a nice Tourney or two, for fun & relaxation. I know hundreds of winning cash-game players. I know a dozen or so winning Tourney players. Largely speaking, one's for money, the other is for fun. See you in Luton, March 12th. Come up on the Friday evening if you can, it'll be a good Friday Night Tourney. 
    Posted by Tikay10
    Thanks Tikay.
    I understand exactly what you are saying about the different mindset required for the two disciplines. But I think you know me well enough to realise I will always be a tournament player.

    Over the last few years tournaments have given me not only loads of fun and relaxation, but I have been so fortunate in that I have also shown a significant profit. But a lot of that profit was acheived some time ago, and I think its a fact that the standard of play on Sky has gone up a lot. Three years ago I would rarely see a losing week in tournaments, but now the variance is much greater.

    So my wish to develop my cash game is to find a way to control that variance. Others have done it. I remember Gliterbabe when he played mainly tournaments and only dabbled in cash. Flashflush and Phil12 are others.

    Choosing the level I play is also difficult. To be honest playing at 15/30 will never give me the buzz I need from poker, even if I played 4 tables and trebled my buyin at all of them, there would be no real sense of acheivement

    I have enough in my Sky poker bankroll to play a couple of levels higher ( although some if it is mentally earmarked for Vegas qualification ! ) And that BR is all profit and not my own money so it is tempting to jump a level or two.

    But I think I will prove to myself and others that I can consistently win at each level before moving up. And I am going to have to do that while still playing tournaments on a regular basis. Looking forward to £220 biggie tomorrow, and still have to find a way into the Vegas final. I will resist the temptation to open up a few cash tables while I am still running in tournies and stop and have a cup of tea before switching to cash.

    I have been to Luton a couple of times this year with varied success ! But I always seem to get there the night after you or Rich or LML have played. I am not booking a hotel for March but at the moment I intend to drive down on the Friday and Saturday. Its about time I took one of these down !

  • jamieloujamielou Member Posts: 232
    edited February 2011
    Great thread Tony, I have also recently started taking cash more seriously so this thread will certainly be one that I follow.

    I started playing 2 tables (cant/wont play on miniview yet, not used to it) at 20NL, felt I'd "cracked" that level and wanted to try 30NL, seem to be making a steady profit at this level so far, had a go at 50NL a couple of times and again made a nice profit there just don't think I've played enough 30NL yet to permanently move up to 50NL.

    You make some good points about table selection, and playing against people you know, both of which I've not overly considered when I play cash, I tend to just look for tables with a decent average pot....

    Keep us posted :-)

  • The_Don90The_Don90 Member Posts: 9,818
    edited February 2011
    In Response to Re: So lets have a go at this cash game!:
    Great thread Tony, I have also recently started taking cash more seriously so this thread will certainly be one that I follow. I started playing 2 tables (cant/wont play on miniview yet, not used to it) at 20NL, felt I'd "cracked" that level and wanted to try 30NL, seem to be making a steady profit at this level so far, had a go at 50NL a couple of times and again made a nice profit there just don't think I've played enough 30NL yet to permanently move up to 50NL. You make some good points about table selection, and playing against people you know, both of which I've not overly considered when I play cash, I tend to just look for tables with a decent average pot.... Keep us posted :-) Jamie
    Posted by jamielou
    one thing i read was if i was making a steady profit and had the bankroll at a higher level than one i havent beat why not stay at the higher level your making profit at.

    That was in a book, so not sure how good that information is i think it called it shot taking. It has a point tho imo.
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