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This & that......



  • DTWBANDITDTWBANDIT Member Posts: 6,451
    edited September 2009
    In Response to Re: This & that......:
    In Response to Re: This & that...... : OK Michael, the following added to the list; Roland Neil Channing. I did get your PM, thank you. Pardon me if I don't reply to them all, as I do get rather a lot of them. Thanks.
    Posted by Tikay10

      ok no worries think 2 have gone to you 1 was part of bulk "latest post"  & 1 was just for you called " finished my basic training in poker" no need to answer them m8 michael
  • Grimstar30Grimstar30 Member Posts: 1,400
    edited September 2009
    In Response to Re: This & that......:
    Hurry up, hurry up...... I played some 10p 20p Cash last night as part of Take-on-Tikay, hugely enjoyable. I opened 6 different Tables over a 3 hour period, & got to play with a whole bunch of players I would not normally play with, as I'm more a Tourney player than a Cash player. 3 hours on 6 Tables yielded a profit of £16.15 - just over a fiver an hour, so I shall be able to retire in 2093 at this rate. We do more chatting than playing, to be honest, it's just nice to chill. A few players seemed to be playing above their Bankroll, which worries me a lot - there's no need, the "Take-On" Promotion will, in due course, play at ALL Levels we hope, from the smallest to the biggest, with, if it works out, different Presenters & Analysts taking their turns. I fancy there'll be a huge Waiting List if Rich Orford gets to play the 50p - £1 Tables......;) Two weird things. If I pick up, say, Aces, or flop a set, I always try & say something like "careful guys, big hand here" or somesuch. And everyone think it's a moody, & Calls! I will never "reveal" my hand, during the hand, but if I say I have a monsta, trust me, I do! But on one Table last night we had a self-proclaimed Hotshot. "Hurry up, hurry up, we are only playing for pennies, you donks". Followed by the oldest & stalest cliche in Online Poker, when he was waiting to act , he typed in the Chat-Box, "ZZZZZZZzzz". Not seen that one before buddy. ;) Lol, just lol, it was sooooooo funny - he upset the whole Table with his antics, so everyone, when it was them to act, let the slider bar run down to the very last moment! And he was getting more & more miffed....... Next up, to me, he gives it the "you are supposed to be a pro, why you playing penny stakes?". That went down like a lead ballon with the rest of the Table. Ho hum. Finally, "come on tikay, stop playing like a wimp, I can beat you, let's go all-in Pre-Flop". Err, I'll play my cards when I want & how I want, if that's all right with you, Sir. You do get all sorts at the Poker Table.
    Posted by Tikay10
    Absolute classic, you get this on every site. I then play slower and slower, anyway to make a player tilt! these people are basically saying "I have no patience, I will inform you of this and then you can use it to your advantage and beat me/wind me up by taking longer than you normally would".

  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,561
    edited September 2009

    Agreed, Dave.

    It's like they have a train to catch or something. There is no rule that says poker is supposed to be played in a hurry!

    I am really not convinced these hurry up merchants really get the best out of the game, or even really enjoy it.

    I had occasion to go on the world's biggest Poker Forum - an American site - last week, as some folks had been asking about Sky Poker, so I put my Sky Poker crash helmet on, & "engaged" with them, great fun actually, & I got a pretty pleasing reception.

    It was on a "Beginners Thread", but one little chap Posted  - "Sky Poker - waste of time, you only get 37 hands per hour, & all the players are useless".

    Well, I had to laugh. I doubt if a single player on Sky Poker gives a flying hoot about how many hands per hour we get. And if the players are that bad, then I'd say, "come on in, the waters warm".

    I'm thinking when I replied to him (but did not say - well in not so many words) "hey sunny Jim, try re-arranging these words into a well-known phrase or saying"......

    Trousers mouth all and.

  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,561
    edited September 2009

    A great night last night, with mixed fortune.

    I played particularly bad in the tikay Sleepie, & seemed unable to find my usual disciplined folds. Somehow - how? - we got to a flop 8-handed (!) & I typed in "everyone set-mining, are we?".

    I held 2-2, the flop came J-8-2, which is good, unless "stoneface" was holding J-J......It was SUCH an easy Pass, (we were both playing very deep) but I was momentarily distracted by the porkerman affair, & I failed to fold. My bad. That crippled me, but I hung in a good while, but not long enough. Pah!
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,561
    edited September 2009

    Meanwhile, across at the 7.30pm £22 Deepie - easily my favourite Tourney on here (the numbers will increase come the winter, can't wait) - I was Passing my way to my 5th Final in 6 attempts.

    The Table was tough - which I prefer - with Anjie1970 - who has claims to be the best Tourney Player on Sky Poker -  on Sentry Duty to my Button, groan.

    I don't like Raising her BB, but that's not to say I won't, but I made THE most horrible play against her early.

    I Raised up with 9-9, & inevitably, Anjie Called, sigh. She could have anything here.....

    The Flop came a rather pleasing & safe-looking 4-6-7, so at best she has a Set, but probably just Air. And she BET OUT......

    What does she have here? 2 pair? Straight draw? Flush Draw?

    She can't put me on any of that, so I re-popped back. There, go away, Anjie.

    Go away? She re-Raised me!

    I still don't think she's got much, & she's good enough to Pass (very few are), so I rather impulsively (& badly) Jammed all-in.

    The snap-call was the Clue. She had flopped the Nuts. The Flop was 4-6-7, & she held 3-5. Oops.

    Turn, 3, River, 5, the game's easy. If you are blessed.

    Lots of banter & chat, a lovely evening.
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,561
    edited September 2009

    The Take-on-Tikay "Trial" continues tonight. Fine.

    Or it was, until the Suits decided that tonight, as an experiment, I'd be playing £0.50p - £1.00, & £1 - £2.


    I'm not much of a Cash player - except for Live DC - so tonight will be something of a test.

    So no Deepies for me tonight, though I might play the 10.15, just to wind-down. (T-o-T is 7pm to 10pm).
    Got the Show tomorrow (Friday), & In-Poker from WSOP-E on Sunday, so Saturday will be my next Deepie night.
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,561
    edited September 2009

    Was gutted to hear of the Final Table abuse DTW suffered.

    There is NEVER an excuse for this sort of thing, & I hope the culprit gets his come-uppance. 100%. What IS the matter with these people?

    But it has to be said - if you bluff every hand (& you are well entitled to) - & then show - this is very provocative to those of a flakey mental disposition, & after a while, it will kick-off. It just will. It's just not done.

    As you know, I show every hand (for different reasons, to be fair), but unless playing wirth a bunch of close friends, I NEVER show my bluffs. It's just too provocative, (not to say un-necessary) & people will get uppity if you do it often enough. If getting them uppity is the Plan, all well & good, but don't be surprised when folks get upset. But if you are playingh for fun, as we all are, then personally, I would never do it. Old School players would never dream of doing it, because it amounts to "up yours"!
  • FlutNushFlutNush Member Posts: 371
    edited September 2009

    Sorry to hijack the thread, but are any other Sky Players going to WSOPE? 


    I managed to satellite into this Friday's event, during the Empire tournament last night... I did it by the skin of my teeth (3 seconds after the Bubble-Boy, to be precise). 


    It would be good to meet some friendly faces, let me know if you're going.

  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,561
    edited September 2009
    In Response to Re: This & that......:
    Sorry to hijack the thread, but are any other Sky Players going to WSOPE?    I managed to satellite into this Friday's event, during the Empire tournament last night... I did it by the skin of my teeth (3 seconds after the Bubble-Boy, to be precise).    It would be good to meet some friendly faces, let me know if you're going.
    Posted by FlutNush
    Hijack the thread? Au contraire, I'm gagging for replies!

    It's rather disconcerting to start a Theead & not get much bounce, or feedback, as it suggests nobody's interested!

    So, WSOP-E - no, I'm not aware of any Sky Poker players playing it - apart from you - but I really don't know.

    I'll be there about Midday tomorrow, armed with my little camera - so please make yourself known to me, so I can get a photo.

    Oh - & good luck in it - win it all!
  • PILLOWMANPILLOWMAN Member Posts: 1,165
    edited September 2009
    hi tikay , im interested and enjoing every post . pls. keep them coming .
  • RickyVillaRickyVilla Member Posts: 258
    edited September 2009
    Excellent thread Tony.

    I could read your prose for hours so i could.
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,561
    edited September 2009

    Well thank you Mr Pillow & Mr Closet Arsenal Fan.
  • BANDICOOTBANDICOOT Member Posts: 675
    edited September 2009
    +1 p.s good luck flutnush
  • FlutNushFlutNush Member Posts: 371
    edited September 2009

    Brilliant, thanks Tikay – and Bandicoot. 


    I'll certainly come over and say hello... Or if you want to seek me out, I'll be the guy in the corner, crying and biting my nails, and repeatedly uttering; “What am I doing near the fire escape... have I won a bracelet yet?”

  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,561
    edited September 2009

    Well, I did my Take-on-Tikay tonight at much higher Levels - £50p - £1, & £1 - £2, gulp, but we escaped unscathed, & in fact made a small profit on the night, only about £50, but it beats losing.

    lJAMESl & ajs joined my Tables at various stages, which was a bit worrying, but I sat fairly quietly, & just tried to use Position.

    I've been playing poker for about 11 years now, right back to when Internet Poker first began, but I have never - except for 10p-20p & 15p-30p on PTP Nights - played Online Hold 'Em Cash. It's just not my thing. Online, the only Cash I ever used to play (pre my Sky Poker days) was Omaha, which I enjoy muchly.

    Live, (B & M) my game of choice is DC, or 6 Card Omaha, but I never play Live Hold'Em Cash.

    So I was a bit troubled about tonight, & it started badly when I ran AK into 9-5 on a K-9-5 flop, & I put my man* on a worse King, so that was a bad start, but once the nerves settled, I just grinded away, played my own game, & ended up turning a little profit. Phew! 

    * Putting players on hands. It tickles me when we say that - what we really mean is "we guessed". We are kidding ourselves if we think we can differentiate between, say, 7-7 or Ten-Ten, or A-Q & A-J.
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,561
    edited September 2009

    Playing 2 Tables tonight, & trying to chat at the same time, we once again got a hurry-up merchant.

    Three times, in the Chat-Box, while we waited for someone to act, he typeed in the box "ZZZZZZ".

    Not seen that one before, mate.....

    I'm not in a position to "debate" too much with him, so I said nothing. He went busto, fairly sharpish, too.

    And three players immediately typed in "ZZZZZZ".....
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,561
    edited September 2009

    Tomorrow (Friday) it's WSOP-E at noon for a few hours, then back to Feltham for a Pre-Record at 5pm, & the Live Show, with Lord Orford, at 9pm.

    Saturday is pretty much a rest day, just a few hours at the WSOP-E, then play the Deepies in the Evening, & Sunday it's back to the WSOP-E with In-Poker.

    Another week done & dusted.
  • JAMIEPJAMIEP Member Posts: 218
    edited September 2009
    In Response to Re: This & that......:
    Hurry up, hurry up...... I played some 10p 20p Cash last night as part of Take-on-Tikay, hugely enjoyable. I opened 6 different Tables over a 3 hour period, & got to play with a whole bunch of players I would not normally play with, as I'm more a Tourney player than a Cash player. 3 hours on 6 Tables yielded a profit of £16.15 - just over a fiver an hour, so I shall be able to retire in 2093 at this rate. We do more chatting than playing, to be honest, it's just nice to chill. A few players seemed to be playing above their Bankroll, which worries me a lot - there's no need, the "Take-On" Promotion will, in due course, play at ALL Levels we hope, from the smallest to the biggest, with, if it works out, different Presenters & Analysts taking their turns. I fancy there'll be a huge Waiting List if Rich Orford gets to play the 50p - £1 Tables......;) Two weird things. If I pick up, say, Aces, or flop a set, I always try & say something like "careful guys, big hand here" or somesuch. And everyone think it's a moody, & Calls! I will never "reveal" my hand, during the hand, but if I say I have a monsta, trust me, I do! But on one Table last night we had a self-proclaimed Hotshot. "Hurry up, hurry up, we are only playing for pennies, you donks". Followed by the oldest & stalest cliche in Online Poker, when he was waiting to act , he typed in the Chat-Box, "ZZZZZZZzzz". Not seen that one before buddy. ;) Lol, just lol, it was sooooooo funny - he upset the whole Table with his antics, so everyone, when it was them to act, let the slider bar run down to the very last moment! And he was getting more & more miffed....... Next up, to me, he gives it the "you are supposed to be a pro, why you playing penny stakes?". That went down like a lead ballon with the rest of the Table. Ho hum. Finally, "come on tikay, stop playing like a wimp, I can beat you, let's go all-in Pre-Flop". Err, I'll play my cards when I want & how I want, if that's all right with you, Sir. You do get all sorts at the Poker Table.
    Posted by Tikay10
    I would be first on that list even if i had to wait for hours to get a seat can't imagine anyone being in a hurry to leave :-)
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,561
    edited September 2009
    In Response to Re: This & that......:
    In Response to Re: This & that...... : I would be first on that list even if i had to wait for hours to get a seat can't imagine anyone being in a hurry to leave :-)
    Posted by JAMIEP
    To Play Rich Orford?

    That's harsh.......
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,561
    edited September 2009

    ....but fair.
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