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In The Well # 2 - OFFSHOOT



  • BlackFish3BlackFish3 Member Posts: 2,418
    edited March 2011
    What do you look like? Description or pic. Also, why did offshoot appeal to you more than any other random word? Surely there was something that made you pick the name... like you saw something random on your desk that made you pick the name or something.
  • offshootoffshoot Member Posts: 1,049
    edited March 2011
    In Response to Re: In The Well # 2 - OFFSHOOT:
    hi jon,         my questions are .  Do you agree with the advice given by the analysts on sky ?  Do you watch the shows ?  Who`s been the best guest ? (if youve watched the show)  
    Posted by Time_Bomb
    i watch them sometimes. From the ones i saw i thought Ian Frazer gave good advice but Channing was the best,  Having Neil on must be great for Rich and Tikay as it makes their job a whole lot easier when they dont have to keep pressing the guest for comments and can just let him talk for ages.

    I think the analysts do a pretty good job most of the time. Sure theres times where i might disagree with what they say but its usually because they dont know the game dynamics as they only see hands in a vacuum, so they cant be blamed for that.
  • Sky_DaveSky_Dave Member Posts: 3,288
    edited March 2011
    Favourite practical joke you've played/had played on you?

    Part of your game you think you need to work on the most?

    Part of the game that you think most people need to work on the most?
  • scotty77scotty77 Member Posts: 4,970
    edited March 2011
    if you ever went close to busto again, would you quit for good, rebuild or look for stakage?
  • offshootoffshoot Member Posts: 1,049
    edited March 2011
    In Response to Re: In The Well # 2 - OFFSHOOT:
    Jon, You seem to have a very precise handle on how many hours you play each month. How do you keep track of that? Spreadsheet, diary? Do you keep track of any other playing stats in the same manner?
    Posted by Tikay10
    things i keep a note of are start time/end time, no of poker points earned and profit/loss for the session. Ive been doing this for nearly a year now. Pokerdominator has a session tracking thing and i enter all the data there aswell.

    Just looking at it now ive played about 650 hrs since may of last year, im down overall on wednesdays in that time period. About 65% of my winnings come from fridays and saturdays. biggest winning session was about 20 buyins and biggest losing session was about 12. Average session is 2hrs26mins long.
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,187
    edited March 2011
    In Response to Re: In The Well # 2 - OFFSHOOT:
    In Response to Re: In The Well # 2 - OFFSHOOT : things i keep a note of are start time/end time, no of poker points earned and profit/loss for the session. Ive been doing this for nearly a year now. Pokerdominator has a session tracking thing and i enter all the data there aswell. Just looking at it now ive played about 650 hrs since may of last year, im down overall on wednesdays in that time period. About 65% of my winnings come from fridays and saturdays. biggest winning session was about 20 buyins and biggest losing session was about 12. Average session is 2hrs26mins long.
    Posted by offshoot

    Any idea why Fridays & Saturdays account for 65% of your profit?
  • NeildownNeildown Member Posts: 1,635
    edited March 2011
    Do you play in Sky Vegas, Sky Bet? if so what do you play/place bets on?

    Is there ever a right time to show you're cards?

    Whats the difference between a satsuma and a tangerine?
  • hurst05hurst05 Member Posts: 1,567
    edited March 2011
    In Response to Re: In The Well # 2 - OFFSHOOT:
    In Response to Re: In The Well # 2 - OFFSHOOT : my last losing session was yesterday, i lost about 2 buyins. I dont have a cut off point. I probably should but i usually keep playing until either im playing terribly or i just cant take getting bad beat anymore. Sometimes leads to losing 10+buyins but i dont think ive ever lost more than 12-14 without feeling like i needed to stop. I dont check my balance while playing so i could be down quite a bit but not playing that badly because im not really concentrating on how much ive lost, just on how well im playing. Usually it takes a lot of bad beats before i really tilt so not too often but when i do tilt  i usually become more aggro. Its not always a bad thing because sometimes your opponents find it hard to adjust but its probably not wise to carry on when that tilted. When i go on monkey tilt i try and tell myself is "is this gonna be the quickest way to win my money back?" and the answer is always no because if 3betting 23o from the small blind was the best way to win money then i would do it all the time. The quickest way to win my money back is always gonna be playing my nornal game. So that usually help to calm myself down. Nowadays i handle tilt a million times better than i used to though. Even in big downswings i am definitely a lot more philosophical and when i get 2 outtered for the 10th time i just can accept that if i keep getting my money in good things will eventually turn around. When you first start playing every downswing you have you doubt how good you actually are, whether you will ever make money again, whether you were just getting lucky before when you were winning, how long its gonna take you to win all that moeny back. This leads to playing badly a lot of the time because you try to change things which werent even bad strategies. Once you have more confidence in what you do you can kind of ride out variance without worrying as much. If i was just starting out over again i would probably set a stoploss of 4 buyins because once you lose that many buyins it is probably affecting your play even if you think its not. Also another thing with tilt is that it doesnt stop when you finish your session. Like if you come back the next day still thinking about how unlucky you were and how determined you are to win the money back the moment you get bad beat or coolered even slightly your gonna think "here we go again" and start tilting. Sometimes its good to take a couple of days off or play a really short session the next day just to book a small win and help make you feel like you dont need to win back all that money right away.     
    Posted by offshoot
    i seriously feel this post relates to me 100% wow, ive experienced these exact same things and felt the exact same way as described above. glad its not just me lol

    the website you use to track your results is fantastic aswell, i started using it as of today and im impressed with how much data you can actually track just from entering a few bits of information, thanks.

  • offshootoffshoot Member Posts: 1,049
    edited March 2011
    In Response to Re: In The Well # 2 - OFFSHOOT:
    What do you look like? Description or pic. Also, why did offshoot appeal to you more than any other random word? Surely there was something that made you pick the name... like you saw something random on your desk that made you pick the name or something.
    Posted by BlackFish3
    umm im 5'10, 11.5 stone, short fairish hair, have all my limbs, nothing too unusual. dont have any pics on my comp and dont have facebook or anything.

    i was trying to come uo with a name for my band so i was going through loads of different words that sounded cool but had no real meaning. I probably just read it somewhere online.
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,187
    edited March 2011
    In Response to Re: In The Well # 2 - OFFSHOOT:
    In Response to Re: In The Well # 2 - OFFSHOOT : umm im 5'10, 11.5 stone, short fairish hair, have all my limbs, nothing too unusual. dont have any pics on my comp and dont have facebook or anything. i was trying to come uo with a name for my band so i was going through loads of different words that sounded cool but had no real meaning. I probably just read it somewhere online.
    Posted by offshoot
    Whoa, hold up. Your "band"?

  • offshootoffshoot Member Posts: 1,049
    edited March 2011
    In Response to Re: In The Well # 2 - OFFSHOOT:
    Favourite practical joke you've played/had played on you? Part of your game you think you need to work on the most? Part of the game that you think most people need to work on the most?
    Posted by Sky_Dave
    hmm we used to play some pranks on my old housemate like when he was sleeping at night we would stretch masking tape right across his door from top to bottom so when he opened his door in the morning in the dark he would walk straight into all the tape, i think what actually happened though is his girlfriend was feeling sick and got up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom and got wrapped up in all the tape, heard she wasnt too happy. Pretty sure we filled his room with balloons one time aswell, he always took these jokes pretty well.

    Me and some friends drove the length of NZ in a car one time, we slept in the car a couple of times to save money, i started sleeping in the boot because there was more space to stretch out and it was comfier. Woke up one time to hear that the car was moving, was pretty p*ssed when they stopped the car and i had to climb out of the boot in the middle of a busy street in some town in my sleeping bag, got some funny looks.

    At the moment im trrying to make better adjustments to 15 tabling, like its very easy to stop looking for spots to exploit obvious flaws in your opponents games when you constantly have other hands to get involved in on other tables.

    Everyone plays the turn and river badly, the river the most though, even myself. 
  • offshootoffshoot Member Posts: 1,049
    edited March 2011
    In Response to Re: In The Well # 2 - OFFSHOOT:
    if you ever went close to busto again, would you quit for good, rebuild or look for stakage?
    Posted by scotty77
    i woould just rebuild, i feel like as long as i had a tiny bit of money left i'd be able to rebuild quite quickly.

    Rebuild />>>>>>>stake>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>quit.

    ifi did take a stake it would probably just be a month long one or something, but i would much rather spend a month or two at the lower limits working on why i went broke and trying to fix those problems rather than taking a stake and having to give away half of what i make. Uusually if you need a stake to play a certain limit your just kidding yourself that youre actually good enough to play that limit. There are exceptions but not often. 
  • offshootoffshoot Member Posts: 1,049
    edited March 2011
    In Response to Re: In The Well # 2 - OFFSHOOT:
    In Response to Re: In The Well # 2 - OFFSHOOT : Awesome! Any idea why Fridays & Saturdays account for 65% of your profit?
    Posted by Tikay10
    probabkly play longer session on friday and saturday , the games are usually  a bit better because theres more casual players, i think a lot if it is variance  though aswell. Like i do really well on mon and tue but then a lot worse on wed and thu, i cant think of any real reason for that other than i happened to have a lot of my run bad or run good occur on the same days of the week.
  • offshootoffshoot Member Posts: 1,049
    edited March 2011
    In Response to Re: In The Well # 2 - OFFSHOOT:
    Do you play in Sky Vegas, Sky Bet? if so what do you play/place bets on? Is there ever a right time to show you're cards? Whats the difference between a satsuma and a tangerine?
    Posted by Neildown
    i do, i bet on football quite often although its not going great this year, i made a profit last year though. I tend to bet on over/under 1.5 or 2.5 goals.  I also bet a lot on in play markets. I had a good month last month where i managed to put £100 on spurs to win 1-0 vs milan 5 mins before they scored at 8/1 and did the same in the birmingham game vs arsenal in the cup final i picked birmingham to win at 10-1 with about half an hour left. Overall its probably a leak though, the bookies rarely get their odds wrong.

    Yes theres plenty of right times to show your cards. Say for example you take a certain line with your big hands which never gets paid off. If you start showing some bluffs there its gonna lead to you getting paid off when you have it more. Like if you only check raise the river with nut hands good players will always fold, start showing occassional bluffs there you suddenly become a lot harder to play against. Showing a bluff is always good if you think you will tilt your opponent aswell.  Its obviously a bad idea to show a bluff if you want to keep taking that line with bluffs, or if it gives away too much information about what your range is in certain spots.

    i have no idea, i will say though that i think theyre too messy to eat so dont bother with them.
  • BlackFish3BlackFish3 Member Posts: 2,418
    edited March 2011

    What are you like in real life as you come across quite detached and mysterious here obv prefering to keep to yourself rather than making friends with the people you have to play against?

    What's the longest relationship you have been in and are you looking for a relationship atm or happy being single?

  • DOHHHHHHHDOHHHHHHH Member Posts: 17,929
    edited March 2011

    Do you think about poker like it's work? or is it still "playing poker"?

    If your best mate rang you at 9pm on a Friday night and you were playing 12 tables, would you tell him you were working?


    What's the most amount of days you would let youself go without "working" in normal circumstances?  - excluding holidays/illness/breaks for downswings etc.

    eg. If you really couldn't be bothered/didn't fancy it, how many days would you give yourself before you forced yourself to play again?


    Do you ever turn down an opportunity to do something "fun" in your personal life away from the tables, in favour of "working"?

    Like if it was 4pm on a Fri night, and u had a prime time grinding session planned, and a couple of mates rang and asked if you fancied going to see a band or something, would you drop the poker straight away and just go out?? Or would you have to stay in and play?


    If you could give 1/2 top bits of advice for beating 40 and 50nl, what would they be? - In terms of actually playing/adapting to the game and beating the averge player at those levels, not brm/volume etc.

  • HITMAN_RVHITMAN_RV Member Posts: 8,688
    edited March 2011
    In Response to Re: In The Well # 2 - OFFSHOOT:
    In Response to Re: In The Well # 2 - OFFSHOOT : i actually breed a rare combination of the two. They said it couldnt be done, but with some specially crafted high heels i was able to balance out the Haggis legs in order for mating. I now eat onlu fully directional haggis.
    Posted by offshoot
    Nice One! We've had a few Haggis' in Al's Bar, including a HegdeHaggis!!

    You should pop in for a Wee Dram on me, open invite, directions, go to 'The Shed', look for Al's Bar......

    ......Now mi question...

    .... What's Ya poison, & how do ya take it ?

    Run Good
    The Hitman
  • offshootoffshoot Member Posts: 1,049
    edited March 2011
    In Response to Re: In The Well # 2 - OFFSHOOT:
    In Response to Re: In The Well # 2 - OFFSHOOT : Whoa, hold up. Your "band"? Spill!
    Posted by Tikay10
    from the age of about 18-22 or something i was obsessed with music, i was in a band for a brief time. i play guitar and sing. I think i damaged my vocal chords in some way though as i cant really sing for longer than 30 seconds anymore without losing my voice. Once i discovered poker that kind of took up all my free time instead of making music. I havent playes guitar in years.
  • offshootoffshoot Member Posts: 1,049
    edited March 2011
    In Response to Re: In The Well # 2 - OFFSHOOT:
    What are you like in real life as you come across quite detached and mysterious here obv prefering to keep to yourself rather than making friends with the people you have to play against? What's the longest relationship you have been in and are you looking for a relationship atm or happy being single?
    Posted by BlackFish3
    lol im just normal, i would say im quite a private person irl. I wouldnt say detached though, mysterious sounds good, i think i prefer to stay mysterious.
  • offshootoffshoot Member Posts: 1,049
    edited March 2011
    wrote a big long reply and then lost it when the site maintenance thing popped up, doh! Will try again 2moro.
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