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In The Well # 2 - OFFSHOOT



  • offshootoffshoot Member Posts: 1,049
    edited March 2011
    In Response to Re: In The Well # 2 - OFFSHOOT:
    In Response to Re: In The Well # 2 - OFFSHOOT : i seriously feel this post relates to me 100% wow, ive experienced these exact same things and felt the exact same way as described above. glad its not just me lol the website you use to track your results is fantastic aswell, i started using it as of today and im impressed with how much data you can actually track just from entering a few bits of information, thanks.
    Posted by hurst05
    glad to be of assistance.
  • TommyDTommyD Member Posts: 4,389
    edited March 2011
    Mr Offshoot Sir.

    Fascinating well so far.  Great to know more about you.

    1)  I've read the whole thread and I don't believe anyone has asked you yet if you play live Cash games at all?  If not would you consider it?

    2)  This will sound a little weird but do you ever eat meals while you play?

    3)  Ever made an extravagant purchase after a particularly good session?
  • shaun09shaun09 Member Posts: 1,606
    edited March 2011
    In Response to Re: In The Well # 2 - OFFSHOOT:
    In Response to Re: In The Well # 2 - OFFSHOOT : my last losing session was yesterday, i lost about 2 buyins. I dont have a cut off point. I probably should but i usually keep playing until either im playing terribly or i just cant take getting bad beat anymore. Sometimes leads to losing 10+buyins but i dont think ive ever lost more than 12-14 without feeling like i needed to stop. I dont check my balance while playing so i could be down quite a bit but not playing that badly because im not really concentrating on how much ive lost, just on how well im playing. Usually it takes a lot of bad beats before i really tilt so not too often but when i do tilt  i usually become more aggro. Its not always a bad thing because sometimes your opponents find it hard to adjust but its probably not wise to carry on when that tilted. When i go on monkey tilt i try and tell myself is "is this gonna be the quickest way to win my money back?" and the answer is always no because if 3betting 23o from the small blind was the best way to win money then i would do it all the time. The quickest way to win my money back is always gonna be playing my nornal game. So that usually help to calm myself down. Nowadays i handle tilt a million times better than i used to though. Even in big downswings i am definitely a lot more philosophical and when i get 2 outtered for the 10th time i just can accept that if i keep getting my money in good things will eventually turn around. When you first start playing every downswing you have you doubt how good you actually are, whether you will ever make money again, whether you were just getting lucky before when you were winning, how long its gonna take you to win all that moeny back. This leads to playing badly a lot of the time because you try to change things which werent even bad strategies. Once you have more confidence in what you do you can kind of ride out variance without worrying as much. If i was just starting out over again i would probably set a stoploss of 4 buyins because once you lose that many buyins it is probably affecting your play even if you think its not. Also another thing with tilt is that it doesnt stop when you finish your session. Like if you come back the next day still thinking about how unlucky you were and how determined you are to win the money back the moment you get bad beat or coolered even slightly your gonna think "here we go again" and start tilting. Sometimes its good to take a couple of days off or play a really short session the next day just to book a small win and help make you feel like you dont need to win back all that money right away.     
    Posted by offshoot
    That sounded so true and sums me up :D im glad im not the only one who thinks it.

    Edit just read hursto has put same thing :D we all think it!!
  • offshootoffshoot Member Posts: 1,049
    edited March 2011
    In Response to Re: In The Well # 2 - OFFSHOOT:
    Do you think about poker like it's work? or is it still "playing poker"? If your best mate rang you at 9pm on a Friday night and you were playing 12 tables, would you tell him you were working? ----------------------------------------- What's the most amount of days you would let youself go without "working" in normal circumstances?  - excluding holidays/illness/breaks for downswings etc. eg. If you really couldn't be bothered/didn't fancy it, how many days would you give yourself before you forced yourself to play again? ----------------------------------------- Do you ever turn down an opportunity to do something "fun" in your personal life away from the tables, in favour of "working"? Like if it was 4pm on a Fri night, and u had a prime time grinding session planned, and a couple of mates rang and asked if you fancied going to see a band or something, would you drop the poker straight away and just go out?? Or would you have to stay in and play? ----------------------------------------- If you could give 1/2 top bits of advice for beating 40 and 50nl, what would they be? - In terms of actually playing/adapting to the game and beating the averge player at those levels, not brm/volume etc.
    Posted by DOHHHHHHH
    i think of it as work, sometimes when im feeling more motivated its still enjoyable but a lot of the time it can be a grind. I would probably tell them im working, depends who it was though.

    Im terrible for this and often go long stretches without playing. Especially after a particularly heavy weekend sometimes im just too hungover or cant be bothered playing til tuesday or wednesday or something. Each month i tell myself i wont take more than a couple of days of at a  time but there always gaps of liek 5 days. Last year i would often take weeks off and took a whole month off in the summer. Ive become more motivated lately though and start to feel guilty or lazy once ive not played for a week or so. I think i will try and keep that as my limit for this year.

    Just depends how im feeling. If ive already decided to grind then i probably wont change my mind unless im running particularly bad and just decide to instaquit and do something else. THeres been a lot of times where ive really wanted to play on Mastercash but have already agreed to do something else though or have people coming round so have to resist.

    i dunno, cant really give any great in depth strategy but people dont really do the obvious stuff at 40 and 50nl. Like the regs play too rigidly. Theres so many bad players that you need to play as many pots with them as  possible. Like if a fish raises from the CO and it folds to you in the BB you should imo call really wide there because you need to take any opportunity to play HU with the fish that you can. Like even though you may have been told dont call out of the blinds light, it obviously makes sense to call with T6s or 73s or something if you feel you have a significant edge over someone. Plus bad players play their hands face up most of the time. You can stack them eaiser when they have a big hand and they usually make it obvious when they have weaker hands they can be pushed off of. Valebuet people to death. Like tptk is the nuts. KQ on K78 is the nuts and you can easily check raise those flops get it in a lot vs weaker kings. Stop checking the turn as much as you probably do. Its not that big a deal if you valuetown yourself every now and again.
  • offshootoffshoot Member Posts: 1,049
    edited March 2011
    In Response to Re: In The Well # 2 - OFFSHOOT:
    In Response to Re: In The Well # 2 - OFFSHOOT : Nice One! We've had a few Haggis' in Al's Bar, including a HegdeHaggis!! You should pop in for a Wee Dram on me, open invite, directions, go to 'The Shed', look for Al's Bar...... ......Now mi question... .... What's Ya poison, & how do ya take it ? Run Good The Hitman
    Posted by HITMAN_RV
    i usually just drink whatever beers on tap, not fussy. Used to drink Kopparberg all the time but got sick of it.
  • offshootoffshoot Member Posts: 1,049
    edited March 2011
    In Response to Re: In The Well # 2 - OFFSHOOT:
    Mr Offshoot Sir. Fascinating well so far.  Great to know more about you. 1)  I've read the whole thread and I don't believe anyone has asked you yet if you play live Cash games at all?  If not would you consider it? 2)  This will sound a little weird but do you ever eat meals while you play? 3)  Ever made an extravagant purchase after a particularly good session?
    Posted by TommyD
    i dont play live at all. I wouldnt mind playing live cash games but havent really bothered to look for any. I guess it  would be fun to try once in a while.

    i ate a meal yesterday while playing, i can tell you its pretty hard to 12 table and eat spag bol. Need to restrict yourself to one mouthful at a time, play hands on all table until you have a free second, then eat another mouthful. I usually dont eat while palying but if im feeling hungry i eat fruit and nut mix. Why do you ask?

    i tend to just buy stuff when i want it. I dont know what could be considered extravagant though, i bought an ipad last year and a new computer setup. At the end of last year i bought myself a £600 watch after a good year, Ive decided if i have a better year this year i will buy a better one.
  • DOHHHHHHHDOHHHHHHH Member Posts: 17,929
    edited March 2011
    Great answers, thanx for taking the time to write thorough replies, twice. Thats prob 20 mins you could have spent making £200 or something.


    Do you ever have a beer and play?

    Do you ever have lots of beers and play?

    Do you ever play drunk and if so, do you have any stories (good or bad) about playing drunk?

  • offshootoffshoot Member Posts: 1,049
    edited March 2011
    In Response to Re: In The Well # 2 - OFFSHOOT:
    Great answers, thanx for taking the time to write thorough replies, twice. Thats prob 20 mins you could have spent making £200 or something. ...... Do you ever have a beer and play? Do you ever have lots of beers and play? Do you ever play drunk and if so, do you have any stories (good or bad) about playing drunk?
    Posted by DOHHHHHHH
    Almost never. Ive done it occasionally, only when i have a friend over though and were playing microstakes. Sometimes its good to wind up micro players in chat by spouting terrible strategy at them. They also get annoyed when you shove every hand. Dont think ive ever played my normal stales when drunk. 
  • offshootoffshoot Member Posts: 1,049
    edited April 2011
  • CrazyBen23CrazyBen23 Member Posts: 865
    edited April 2011
    I've searched threw the topic and can't see the website you mentioned that you track stuff on lol :/

    Can you name it again so i can check it out please =)
  • offshootoffshoot Member Posts: 1,049
    edited April 2011
  • a00rocka00rock Member Posts: 832
    edited April 2011
    Not having a "proper job" do you use some of your winnings to invest for a pension as I assume you will not be paying national insurance to receive a full state pension or do you envisage playing poker (working) for the rest of your days to make ends meet like Tikay?
  • donkeyplopdonkeyplop Member Posts: 3,795
    edited April 2011
    Do you have the bleeps turned on for when it's your turn??

    If so does it drive you nuts while 12 tabling?

  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,187
    edited April 2011
    In Response to Re: In The Well # 2 - OFFSHOOT:
    Not having a "proper job" do you use some of your winnings to invest for a pension as I assume you will not be paying national insurance to receive a full state pension or do you envisage playing poker (working) for the rest of your days to make ends meet like Tikay?
    Posted by a00rock
    I'm quite sure that is tongue-in-cheek, but many people believe everything they read, especially poker players, & I don't want that comment to become a "fact" in people's minds.
    So, I have to say, my ends meet quite nicely, thank you. I work because I enjoy it - very much. I retired early, & it was a mistake, so I started working again. I might well retire a second time though, who knows?

    Back to the Thread, which is superb, & I'm loving.

  • donkeyplopdonkeyplop Member Posts: 3,795
    edited April 2011
    Is it true that you are a millionaire Tikay?
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,187
    edited April 2011
    In Response to Re: In The Well # 2 - OFFSHOOT:
    Is it true that you are a millionaire Tikay?
    Posted by donkeyplop
    Depends how you define "millionaire", or even if you just mean in monetary terms. In many ways, yes, I am. In monetary terms, err, no, I don't think so!

    But please, this is OFFSHOOTS "In The Well", not mine, & I don't want to invade his territory. You'll have to wait for a tikay ITW I'm afraid. Don't hold your breath......

    Keep the thread on course, it's great. And if anyone has not worked it out yet, yes, we are trying hard to re-energise the Comunity, keep it bright, fresh, & original, with Threads like this, & other stuff due along shortly......
    Back to OFFSHOOT, please.
  • DAVEYZZDAVEYZZ Member Posts: 1,651
    edited April 2011
    hi mate,have you ever gone bust?,by that i mean lost a big bankroll.
    and if you have what level did you start to rebuild your roll?

    when you are running/playing good do you find it hard not to fire up the pc
    and play?.
    i.e do you sit with mates thinking"i could of earned x amount by now!"

  • offshootoffshoot Member Posts: 1,049
    edited April 2011
    In Response to Re: In The Well # 2 - OFFSHOOT:
    Not having a "proper job" do you use some of your winnings to invest for a pension as I assume you will not be paying national insurance to receive a full state pension or do you envisage playing poker (working) for the rest of your days to make ends meet like Tikay?
    Posted by a00rock
    ive never really thought about it Hopefully i'll be rich enough to retire in luxury. Pretty sure i can still pay NI contributions and receive a state pension, im sure they send me letters about that. It would be nice to not have to play poker forever. Maybe invest some money in a business or something in the future so by the time im 50 im not connected staight into tthe internet through my brain 124 tabling.
  • offshootoffshoot Member Posts: 1,049
    edited April 2011
    In Response to Re: In The Well # 2 - OFFSHOOT:
    Do you have the bleeps turned on for when it's your turn?? If so does it drive you nuts while 12 tabling?
    Posted by donkeyplop
    God no that would drive anyone insane. I can usually spot when its my turn on a table now even out of the corner of my eye.
  • offshootoffshoot Member Posts: 1,049
    edited April 2011
    In Response to Re: In The Well # 2 - OFFSHOOT:
    hi mate,have you ever gone bust?,by that i mean lost a big bankroll. and if you have what level did you start to rebuild your roll? when you are running/playing good do you find it hard not to fire up the pc and play?. i.e do you sit with mates thinking"i could of earned x amount by now!" cheers,dave
    Posted by DAVEYZZ
    i have, a few times, i mentioned it somewhere else in the thread, busted a few £1k+ rolls. I never adopted bankroll management then so would just deopsit $50 or something and play 20 or 50nl and try and run it up quickly again. 50nl is the lowest level ive actually grinded a lot of hands at.

    Not at all , in fact if im running good it means i doont have to spend as much time playing trying to make some money, i can just play for a couple of hours or whatever and the days work is done. When running bad i will usually be palying more because im trying to get out of the downswing quickly. Sometimes when i stay in on the weekend and make a lot i think "glad i didnt go out after all" but never the other way around  thinking i could have stayed in and made money.
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