Comment about the music; while sitting at the PLO final table there were Christmas tracks playing. What on earth is in thier CD player Posted by CoxyLboro
Quality "I made a Final Table" brag, N1 Chris!
Hursty 4k.
Ben Nuttall 44k. (Nut house with Aces helped)
Rich Orford 5,500
Nick Wood 36k
Dylan 10k
Blinds are 200-400/25, 97 began, 66 remain, average 22,000.
Thanks for the updates tikay, I'm off to the bricks & mortar now. GL finding that double up hursty, rich & dyl. And same goes for the more comfy stacks in fact.
Rich Orford's table has broken, maybe that'll bring a change of luck, too. He is now seated to the immediate right of.....Wayne! With Dave Colclough right behind Wayne.
Dylan found a spot & shoved, got no action, he has about 10k.
Nick Wood, aka potter, has about 48,000, wiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii.
Orford is in poker intensive-care, go go goooooooooooooooo Rich!
Playing 6,600 @ 200-400/25, Rich Orford makes it 1,100 to go.
Geezer on Button makes it 3,500.
Passed round to the Orford, this HAS to be a trap-shove, & he.......FOLDS. Tough spot for him.
He has 5,500 behind now. He's not running well, getting no help from the cards, & sharing a table with ActionJack & Stu Rutter is never easy.
Hursty 4k.
Ben Nuttall 44k. (Nut house with Aces helped)
Rich Orford 5,500
Nick Wood 36k
Dylan 10k
Blinds are 200-400/25, 97 began, 66 remain, average 22,000.
Flight 1b is now well underway, too.
Aces pls....
Just adding some more photos everyone including a very sad one of Orfords tiny stack
You can see them here
Stu Rutter, playing 45k, makes it 900 to go from UTG. Rich Orford jams for his entire 4,500. (It was a sort of gentle, wimpish, jam).
Stu Rutter........snap folds!
Now THAT is image.
Well done Orford.
Rich Orford's table has broken, maybe that'll bring a change of luck, too. He is now seated to the immediate right of.....Wayne! With Dave Colclough right behind Wayne.
Qualifier Nick Wood (potter) is OUTO
Hursty & Dyl both hanging in.
But the star of the moment is.......
Darren, aka "solidstan1" has.........
Fiftyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy Thousannnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnd
....but Dylan is OUT.
Nice shoving hand - K-J - but he was dommed by A-K. Ugh.
Last hand before the break, & Hursty goes for it.
The flop & turn looks like this......
Deep-stacked Ben Jenkins shoves, gets rid of the other player, Hursty is already all-in.
On their backs - Ben has has 3-5, for the turned straight, Hursty shows K-6, for trip sixes, but needs to improve. River.........6!
Quads is enough, & he's up to 14,000!