Nooooooooooooooooooooooooo! Orford gets it in again with 7-7, & is up against 2 overs, A-K or A-Q I think. He holds! Over 14k now! He da man. Posted by Tikay10
Tried sticking it in their eye - lJAMESl style but failed - waiting on Dan now who has gone to the hotel to have an hours kip lol!!
SKY team working hard fair play to them here - fantastic work Rich and Shaz - just wish Grandad would do something So tilting watching him type with one finger so slowly
Now everyone is at it. Scotty gets it in bad - really bad - with A-Q v A-K. First card is the Q, & he holds. Was a 38,000 pot! Meanwhile, Orford wins ANOTHER pot - & is up to 27,000 - which is a nadge north of average! You can't make this stuff up. Great game, this poker. Posted by Tikay10
[QUOTE]tk you had better coach rich on how to play with a stack
Posted by karlluke
Err, "pass"?
I'd LOVE to see Rich make Day Two.
What's the average?
great updates
good luck to all sky players left
well done rich doing us all proud
all sky players to day 2 please
Scotty on a rollllllllllllllllllllllllll
On his BB, the Button jams with A-T, Scotty makes the call with A-K, & holds - he's up to about 55,0000 now.
SKY team working hard fair play to them here - fantastic work Rich and Shaz - just wish Grandad would do something
Go Team Sky!!
Rich Orford has about 22,000.
80 minutes of play left today.
Here is a polarcow.
Very exciting updates - thanks Tikay - good luck all Sky players - Richard O - brilliant!
Nice one mate, keep it going!!
[QUOTE]richards having a massage must br really tense
Posted by karlluke
It's a "photo-opportunity" Tina!
Scotty has just busted a shortie, aipf, K-J v the shorties 3-3. Pot was about 15k.
First card J, followed by 4 bricks.
New photos added here including Richard Orford getting a well deserved massage after a long day at the tables. Hope it brings him luck, cost me £20!!!