15 minute break now. Blinds upon the resumption will be 300-600/50. 58 players of 97 remain, & average stack is 25,000 ish. Flight 1a will play TWO more Levels before drawing stumps for today. Posted by Tikay10
Just got back from Holiday and punctured my tyre in the process - what a donk! Have just read through and got up to date! Goodluck to all Sky Poker players some nice stacks here - TID Lads!
Last hand before the break, & Hursty goes for it. The flop & turn looks like this...... 6-4-6-7. Deep-stacked Ben Jenkins shoves, gets rid of the other player, Hursty is already all-in. On their backs - Ben has has 3-5, for the turned straight, Hursty shows K-6, for trip sixes, but needs to improve. River.........6! Quads is enough, & he's up to 14,000!
Nooooooooooooooooooooooooo! Orford gets it in again with 7-7, & is up against 2 overs, A-K or A-Q I think. He holds! Over 14k now! He da man. Posted by Tikay10
15 minute break now.
Blinds upon the resumption will be 300-600/50.
58 players of 97 remain, & average stack is 25,000 ish.
Flight 1a will play TWO more Levels before drawing stumps for today.
Keep it going everybody.
Quote from his Orford-ness.
"I'm hanging on by a thread".
Beats being glued to a yak.
Come on Rich, get that 2xup!
He will be shoving almost immediately after the re-start.
Rich returns on the BB, so it might be an auto shove/call.
Ben Nuttall, 43k
Wayne 46k
Solidstan 38k
Hursty 14k
Scotty 21k
OK, I'm off to watch Orford 2xup.
Orford struggles to find his auto-shove spot, he has 4,500 @ 300-600/25.
Eventually he finds an open spot, & jams, & gets looked up by A-Q.
Orford flips........two black ACES!
Think he can afford to widen his range a tad now.
That rng is so rigged.....oh wait.
Nice one Rich. Good luck to all Sky players still standing.
Orford gets it in again with 7-7, & is up against 2 overs, A-K or A-Q I think.
He holds!
Over 14k now!
He da man.
Now everyone is at it.
Scotty gets it in bad - really bad - with A-Q v A-K. First card is the Q, & he holds. Was a 38,000 pot!
Meanwhile, Orford wins ANOTHER pot - & is up to 27,000 - which is a nadge north of average!
You can't make this stuff up. Great game, this poker.