Some years ago, Gus Hansen recorded every hand he played in the Aussie Millions, & eventually trned it into a book.
So, last week, young Dylan played the GUKPT Walsall & did a similar thing. Except it was quite a bit, umm, shorter.
He sent it to me, & so, with his permission, I am going to release it on here "level by level".
Depending on how much - or little - feedback there is, I'll release one Level every day or so.
The idea is to debate & discuss the play, could he or should he have played any hand different, better, or even at all?
Dyl will respond to your comments & critique where appropriate.
I hope we can do more of this, but it is important, even if criticising his play (which is absolutely fine to do) that we do so in a civil manner.
So, to set the scene.....
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The Tourney was the £1,070 buy in GUKPT, & was at Walsall.
It was 15,000 starting chips, & a 1 hour clock all the way, with "all levels", antes kicking in at 200-400 I think.
There were two opening flights, the first had 100+ runners, the second a good few less.
The two Flights merged on Day Two, which was Saturday. But we need not concern ourselves with that......
One aspect you might consider here is that Dyl had sold a goodly part of his action, at 1:1.
This may or may not change how he played the Tourney, I don't know. I'm pretty sure it would affect me, to be honest, carrying the weight of other people's money, though it should not, of course.
I'll Post the first segment shortly.
This idea will either be brilliant, or sink like a stone. Nothing ventured, nothing gained.....
so they may sell 20% of their action, but to buy that 20% it would cost someone 25% of the total buyin. (this would be him selling at a markup of 1.25)
i think my maffs are correct there!