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"Every Hand Played" by Gus. Well, Dylan......



  • SPTSPT Member Posts: 5,648
    edited May 2011
    the player who moved into seat 9 was Priyan De Mel, 2 x GUKPT winner

    Not the best late entrant for our red shirted fashion icon
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,099
    edited May 2011

    So, we move on.

    I'll Post both Levels Three AND Four now, as it appears Dyl was pretty much asleep for most of them, & so was not very "busy".

    He has also sent me a "GUKPT weekend report" (it includes everything he ate, so it goes on for quite a bit) but let's work though the hands & Levels first. It won't take long. Be good to see others guys doing this at future Events, imo.
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,099
    edited May 2011
    In Response to Re: "Every Hand Played" by Gus. Well, Dylan......:
    the player who moved into seat 9 was Priyan De Mel, 2 x GUKPT winner Not the best late entrant for our red shirted fashion icon
    Posted by SPT
    " icon...."?

    You are a bit confused here, Rich - the Thread is about Dylan.
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,099
    edited May 2011

    Third level, I get dealt AA in BB, Ben Jackson makes it 300 UTG+1, I make it 850 and he calls, 8 high flop and I c bet and he folds. An orbit after I get AQ on the Button, make it 300 and Ben calls from the BB, AJ8 flop, he checks and I bet, called. Turn K, he checks and I check behind for pot control, River is a 7 and he leads half the pot which I flat – He shows AQ as well for another split sigh lol!!  

    A pattern seems to be developing here, & it's that Ben Jackson (Paul "ActionJack" Jackson's son ) again. Ben is an incredibly gifted player, by the way, as is his sister.

    In Live Poker, it's very often the case that "meta-game" develops between 2 players, sometimes (not always) accompanied by a bit of needle, but invariably, the 2 "players" seem to battle to be Table Captain, or it goes repeatedly the same "1 on 1", because one of the other think that they can outplay each other, because of perceived weakness. For instance, I will always attack Solack.

  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,099
    edited May 2011

    Level Four, I have 16.5K after raising and cbetting or raising pre and not getting callers to scoop the blinds so Im ticking along okay. Im not getting any hands still but not panicking whatsoever and am able to use my image through beginning to 3bet a few times pre and getting respect from players. I did play one hand that im unsure about – Seat 7 raises, Button flats and I call in the BB with 77. Flop 986, I check called the flop and checked called the 3 on the turn and folded to the J river. Didn’t like the way I played it at all tbh and was kicking myself a bit here and went down to 14K.
  • dylan12dylan12 Member Posts: 2,343
    edited May 2011
    In Response to Re: "Every Hand Played" by Gus. Well, Dylan......:
    the player who moved into seat 9 was Priyan De Mel, 2 x GUKPT winner Not the best late entrant for our red shirted fashion icon
    Posted by SPT
    lol, the rubs

    Yeah De Mel was there for around an hour but he busted rather quickly - another gentleman came in after him but no idea of his name
  • MAXALLYMAXALLY Member Posts: 17,649
    edited May 2011
    In Response to Re: "Every Hand Played" by Gus. Well, Dylan......:
    Level Four, I have 16.5K after raising and cbetting or raising pre and not getting callers to scoop the blinds so Im ticking along okay. Im not getting any hands still but not panicking whatsoever and am able to use my image through beginning to 3bet a few times pre and getting respect from players. I did play one hand that im unsure about – Seat 7 raises, Button flats and I call in the BB with 77. Flop 986, I check called the flop and checked called the 3 on the turn and folded to the J river. Didn’t like the way I played it at all tbh and was kicking myself a bit here and went down to 14stone.
    Posted by Tikay10

    FYP :)

    Interesting so far Dylan but I would not give away all your secrets if I were you......the masses who will be playing you live next are printing these off as we speak :)
  • dylan12dylan12 Member Posts: 2,343
    edited May 2011
    In Response to Re: "Every Hand Played" by Gus. Well, Dylan......:
    In Response to Re: "Every Hand Played" by Gus. Well, Dylan...... : FYP :) Interesting so far Dylan but I would not give away all your secrets if I were you......the masses who will be playing you live next are printing these off as we speak :)
    Posted by MAXALLY
    lol Alan. 

    How would you have played any of those hands yourself Alan? What would you do differently?

    Where is TommyD or Scotty77 when you need them to begin the debate :) 

  • rats107rats107 Member Posts: 230
    edited May 2011
    In Response to Re: "Every Hand Played" by Gus. Well, Dylan......:
    Level Four, I have 16.5K after raising and cbetting or raising pre and not getting callers to scoop the blinds so Im ticking along okay. Im not getting any hands still but not panicking whatsoever and am able to use my image through beginning to 3bet a few times pre and getting respect from players. I did play one hand that im unsure about – Seat 7 raises, Button flats and I call in the BB with 77. Flop 986, I check called the flop and checked called the 3 on the turn and folded to the J river. Didn’t like the way I played it at all tbh and was kicking myself a bit here and went down to 14K.
    Posted by Tikay10
    seems quiet in here so i'll have a go..... 

     we make up pre, 3 way pot with 77 pretty deep.

    On the flop we are commited to call pretty much any  bet, we have a hand with a small amount of showdown value and 8 cards you want to see, also i'm expecting seat 7 to check back a lot of turns.

    Once the 3 comes down on the turn, checking is our only real option.

    When villain bets turn the only part of his range we're beating is 10 j and air.The 3 turn isn't likely to help our hand but still imo he's going to check back  air here being so early in the tournament, assuming effective stacks are still deep?
    if any bluffs are in his range, he bets most rivers that don't help us, leaving us facing a reasonable sized hero call on the river a lot of the time. Also, we you do hit, we're not likely to get paid by many hands. This leads  me towards folding to any bet here oop. We're going to be calling to hit an 8-10 outer in this spot a lot of the time, even if were do have the best hand.    

    Once we call the turn, on a jack river we can lead out 3/8- 1/2 pot bet to fold out 10 10, 9 10 and 78  repping 10 j, but more often than not we're going to be called by overpairs, 10 j and quite posibly some of the hands listed  that have us beat. Even in late position he's not showing up with a hand we beat most of the time.

  • TommyDTommyD Member Posts: 4,389
    edited May 2011
    In Response to Re: "Every Hand Played" by Gus. Well, Dylan......:
    Level Four, I have 16.5K after raising and cbetting or raising pre and not getting callers to scoop the blinds so Im ticking along okay. Im not getting any hands still but not panicking whatsoever and am able to use my image through beginning to 3bet a few times pre and getting respect from players. I did play one hand that im unsure about – Seat 7 raises, Button flats and I call in the BB with 77. Flop 986, I check called the flop and checked called the 3 on the turn and folded to the J river. Didn’t like the way I played it at all tbh and was kicking myself a bit here and went down to 14K.
    Posted by Tikay10

    Sorry to be late Dyl, I was at Nandos.  I'm sure you understand.

    By the way you played this hand I think the nerves were hitting you a bit at this stage mainly because you've hit a lovely flop but have played it so passively you had to fold on the end.

    Firstly any reads or knowledge about seat 7?  Bar any flop where we spike our set this flop is great for us.  Plus we're still pretty deep.  SCORE!  I'm either B/C here or C/R.  I don't like the C/C unless you intend to attack any turn.  Villain is repping an overpair here of course.  No reads yet so I don't know if he can triple barrel with AX, air etc etc but this early in the tournament I doubt it so yes it's probably an overpair.

    The beauty of a check raise here or to play the turn fast is that you will scream SET!  A flat OOP from a player playing fairly snug?  Hello mid pair :)  I think you can get an overpair to fold here (player dependant of course) but you need to be more aggressive by far.  You're deep enough to get away with but a flesh wound if you're up against a non-believer.

    Will continue the debate after your reply but I'll end on a question.  Did you consider trying to get the chips in on the flop?

  • dylan12dylan12 Member Posts: 2,343
    edited May 2011
    TY Rats and Tommy, food for thought (Tommy and food related excuses are fine by me). 

    The background to this hand was that an orbit or 2 before the seat 7 guy had lost a big pot v the Sky qualifier Nick in a cooler hand. Before that he was pretty solid and I could put him on AJ+ - TT+ range when opening normally but after he lost that pot v nick it obviously tilted him slightly and he went from being solid to being quite active and had won a pot v another opponent when barelling 3 streets with A3 on a 589 Q A (Flop may not be 100% correct but it was in that range, turn and river are 100% correct) and rivered the guy who had TT. He built his stack back to about 13/14K but although he had slowed down a bit due to other players acting before him, this was the first unopened pot that had reached him so for me his "solid image" went out of the window for this hand. 

    The post tikay posted is slightly wrong because nick was in the hand and he was the SB and not the Button (my fault not his), my initial plan was to check raise tbh because I loved the flop - so I put the plan into action and check, Seat 7 bets and Nick dwells for a bit before flat calling, now this is where my plan went unstuck - my thought process was - "Why the f* k has he just dwelled called for?" I was suspicious tbh and thought he may have setted up here so go for the conservative check...this leads me on to your question Tommy...did I consider getting the chips in on the flop? Yes is the honest answer, but that lasted for less than a second, I felt I was way to deep to get it in here at this stage and probably get 1 caller if not 2!! If Nick doesn't flat call (which confused the life out of me, and still does because he wouldn't do that without a hand. This is where i out thought myself I think and gave him way to much credit in this spot because he folds to a turn bet. 

    When checking the turn I did think Seat7 would check back tbh but alas he didn't, I falt call the turn without thinking it through properly but I did honestly think at this stage that I may actually have the best hand because he didn't look that comfortable tbh - would a check raise here have worked, what am I repping? I flat with the full intention of check calling the river, well that was until he over bet the pot on the river and this is where I lost my bottle and went against my own judgement, this is something I never do tbh but I was really **** sed by this point in how I was playing the hand and that is something very unusual for me as well. 

    Just to round up Tommy's observation that it may be partly down to nerves - I can 100% state that I was very comfortable on the table and only 1 player gave me great trouble and nerves were non exsistant tbh. 

    So that is a bit of the background to the hand and the play leading up to it. 

  • TommyDTommyD Member Posts: 4,389
    edited May 2011
    In Response to Re: "Every Hand Played" by Gus. Well, Dylan......:
    TY Rats and Tommy, food for thought (Tommy and food related excuses are fine by me).  The background to this hand was that an orbit or 2 before the seat 7 guy had lost a big pot v the Sky qualifier Nick in a cooler hand. Before that he was pretty solid and I could put him on AJ+ - TT+ range when opening normally but after he lost that pot v nick it obviously tilted him slightly and he went from being solid to being quite active and had won a pot v another opponent when barelling 3 streets with A3 on a 589 Q A (Flop may not be 100% correct but it was in that range, turn and river are 100% correct) and rivered the guy who had TT. He built his stack back to about 13/14K but although he had slowed down a bit due to other players acting before him, this was the first unopened pot that had reached him so for me his "solid image" went out of the window for this hand.  The post tikay posted is slightly wrong because nick was in the hand and he was the SB and not the Button (my fault not his), my initial plan was to check raise tbh because I loved the flop - so I put the plan into action and check, Seat 7 bets and Nick dwells for a bit before flat calling, now this is where my plan went unstuck - my thought process was - "Why the f* k has he just dwelled called for?" I was suspicious tbh and thought he may have setted up here so go for the conservative check...this leads me on to your question Tommy...did I consider getting the chips in on the flop? Yes is the honest answer, but that lasted for less than a second, I felt I was way to deep to get it in here at this stage and probably get 1 caller if not 2!! If Nick doesn't flat call (which confused the life out of me, and still does because he wouldn't do that without a hand. This is where i out thought myself I think and gave him way to much credit in this spot because he folds to a turn bet.  When checking the turn I did think Seat7 would check back tbh but alas he didn't, I falt call the turn without thinking it through properly but I did honestly think at this stage that I may actually have the best hand because he didn't look that comfortable tbh - would a check raise here have worked, what am I repping? I flat with the full intention of check calling the river, well that was until he over bet the pot on the river and this is where I lost my bottle and went against my own judgement, this is something I never do tbh but I was really **** sed by this point in how I was playing the hand and that is something very unusual for me as well.  Just to round up Tommy's observation that it may be partly down to nerves - I can 100% state that I was very comfortable on the table and only 1 player gave me great trouble and nerves were non exsistant tbh.  So that is a bit of the background to the hand and the play leading up to it. 
    Posted by dylan12

    Ok let's just get the cliffs of the hand so we can have a good look at it (this info obviously changes things).

    Preflop:  Hero dealt 77

    Seat 7 raises
    SB calls
    Hero(BB) calls

    Flop:  689

    SB Check
    Hero Check
    7 bet
    sb Call
    Hero call

    Turn: 3
    Sb Check
    Hero Check
    7 Bet
    SB Fold?
    Hero Call

    River:  J

    Hero Check
    7 Bet (over-bets pot)
    Hero Fold

    Is the above all correct Dyl?  BTW, I'm still looking to check raise but I would wouldn't I ;)

    With reads this gets more interesting.  His range gets so polarised as we go through the streets.  Is he betting all three streets with an overpair on this straighty board against someone playing snug?  Maybe but I'm not as sure now, starting to think you might have had some showdown here but it's always nasty to the over-bet.  Going to sleep on it I think, will get back to you tomorrow on this and the other two.
  • dylan12dylan12 Member Posts: 2,343
    edited May 2011
    In Response to Re: "Every Hand Played" by Gus. Well, Dylan......:
    In Response to Re: "Every Hand Played" by Gus. Well, Dylan...... : Ok let's just get the cliffs of the hand so we can have a good look at it (this info obviously changes things). Preflop:  Hero dealt 77 Seat 7 raises SB calls Hero(BB) calls Flop:  689 SB Check Hero Check 7 bet sb Call Hero call Turn: 3 Sb Check Hero Check 7 Bet SB Fold? Hero Call River:  J Hero Check 7 Bet (over-bets pot) Hero Fold Is the above all correct Dyl?  BTW, I'm still looking to check raise but I would wouldn't I ;) With reads this gets more interesting.  His range gets so polarised as we go through the streets.  Is he betting all three streets with an overpair on this straighty board against someone playing snug?  Maybe but I'm not as sure now, starting to think you might have had some showdown here but it's always nasty to the over-bet.  Going to sleep on it I think, will get back to you tomorrow on this and the other two.
    Posted by TommyD
    Yes, all correct except that the turn was a 3 and not a 5 (if it was a 5 we would not be having this convo lol) ;)
    Yes the SB folds on the turn.

    Im off as well to bed m8, lets pick this up tomorrow and ty :) 
  • TommyDTommyD Member Posts: 4,389
    edited May 2011
    In Response to Re: "Every Hand Played" by Gus. Well, Dylan......:
    In Response to Re: "Every Hand Played" by Gus. Well, Dylan...... : Yes, all correct except that the turn was a 3 and not a 5 (if it was a 5 we would not be having this convo lol) ;) Yes the SB folds on the turn. Im off as well to bed m8, lets pick this up tomorrow and ty :) 
    Posted by dylan12
    Darn it, thought I got my ninja edit through....
  • jakallyjakally Member Posts: 421
    edited May 2011
    In Response to Re: "Every Hand Played" by Gus. Well, Dylan......:
    Level Four, I have 16.5K after raising and cbetting or raising pre and not getting callers to scoop the blinds so Im ticking along okay. Im not getting any hands still but not panicking whatsoever and am able to use my image through beginning to 3bet a few times pre and getting respect from players. I did play one hand that im unsure about – Seat 7 raises, Button flats and I call in the BB with 77. Flop 986, I check called the flop and checked called the 3 on the turn and folded to the J river. Didn’t like the way I played it at all tbh and was kicking myself a bit here and went down to 14K.
    Posted by Tikay10

    Stack sizes are pretty important (and I don't know what they are) but once the SB flats I think a CR is a solid play. Given your image, and the strength of your move, your opponents probably aren't going tto get tricky in this spot.

    Seat 7 has both your raise and the SB's flat to worry about, and the SB is probably going to play pretty honestly (raise sets, call some 1 pair + draw hands, and fold a lot of the time).

    If you CR you've got to be prepared to fire the turn to get rid of the stubborn 1 pr callers.

    Problem with Check calling 2 streets is that it looks like the hand you've actually got, and is tough to get paid if you hit, particularly OOP.

  • dylan12dylan12 Member Posts: 2,343
    edited May 2011
    In Response to Re: "Every Hand Played" by Gus. Well, Dylan......:
    In Response to Re: "Every Hand Played" by Gus. Well, Dylan...... : Stack sizes are pretty important (and I don't know what they are) but once the SB flats I think a CR is a solid play. Given your image, and the strength of your move, your opponents probably aren't going tto get tricky in this spot. Seat 7 has both your raise and the SB's flat to worry about, and the SB is probably going to play pretty honestly (raise sets, call some 1 pair + draw hands, and fold a lot of the time). If you CR you've got to be prepared to fire the turn to get rid of the stubborn 1 pr callers. Problem with Check calling 2 streets is that it looks like the hand you've actually got, and is tough to get paid if you hit, particularly OOP.
    Posted by jakally
    Stack sizes were - me 16.5K, Seat 7 13/14/K and SB had 34/35K. 

    The way you describe what I should have done is exactly what I planned to do and would do in 99% of cases. 
    Your a live specialist, do you think I was over complicating things here in terms of over thinking what the others had and not concentrating enough on my own hand and letting them dictate the action? 
  • TommyDTommyD Member Posts: 4,389
    edited May 2011
    Sorry, gone longer than I intended, busy weekend.

    Dealing with the level 3 hands quickly:

    The AA is standard, WP.  Wouldn't play it any other way IMO.

    The AQ hand I raise the flop and fire the turn if needed.  You had the lead pre and a donk lead is either extreme strength (which we'll find out about pretty soon) or a marginal looking for info.  Give him some info, tell him you're massive.  As it ran out the K on the turn would be a great card for you if raised the flop.  As soon as you go into check/call mode on the flop you probably can't play it any other way TBH.
  • TommyDTommyD Member Posts: 4,389
    edited May 2011
    The 77 hand:

    Really struggling to get into the villain's head here.  The way the board runs out what is he representing on the river?  JJ?  Flopped set?  This smells like a spot where I hero call and they turn over KJoff...

    How active was seat 7?  Had you seen him fire all of the bullets before?
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,099
    edited May 2011

    I have been offline all weekend, since Thursday really, so it's good to see this is still chugging along. I'll add some more as soon as this "segment" has run it's course.

    It's GREAT thread, if I may say so.
  • dylan12dylan12 Member Posts: 2,343
    edited May 2011
    In Response to Re: "Every Hand Played" by Gus. Well, Dylan......:
    Sorry, gone longer than I intended, busy weekend. Dealing with the level 3 hands quickly: The AA is standard, WP.  Wouldn't play it any other way IMO. The AQ hand I raise the flop and fire the turn if needed.  You had the lead pre and a donk lead is either extreme strength (which we'll find out about pretty soon) or a marginal looking for info.  Give him some info, tell him you're massive.  As it ran out the K on the turn would be a great card for you if raised the flop.  As soon as you go into check/call mode on the flop you probably can't play it any other way TBH.
    Posted by TommyD
    Tommy can you look through the AQ hand again please - either you have read it wrong or I have read your post wrong (as in he never donk lead until the river m8) 
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