In Response to Re: Sunday night Primo action with Carlo Citrone and Anna ****official show thread**** : edit, i believe she uesd carlo`s legs and tikay`s knee`s Posted by spornybol
Hi Anna and Carlo,i am enjoying the show,i like the way Anna is asking questions as the hands are being played and Carlo's answers are straight to the point.
Carlo when i play cash poker at a full ring table i seem to do a lot better than when i play at a shorthanded table,can you offer any advice on how to adapt to a six max table.
Third batch of statements…. 1. I was captain of a pool team for 5 years. 2. I once played Robin Hood. 3. I have 5 A-Levels. 4. As a child, I collected ladybirds. Which one belongs to Anna? Posted by Sky_Mandy
Third batch of statements…. 1. I was captain of a pool team for 5 years. 2. I once played Robin Hood. 3. I have 5 A-Levels. 4. As a child, I collected ladybirds. Which one belongs to Anna? Posted by Sky_Mandy
mandy must of been the pool team captain and robin hood and i doubt she has 5 a the answer must be 4!!!
In Response to Re: Sunday night Primo action with Carlo Citrone and Anna ****official show thread**** : edit, i believe she uesd carlo`s legs and tikay`s knee`s Posted by spornybol
edit, edit ? i`m not stalking honest just seen to remember this when orford was on had nitemares since ??
Next statements will be up shortly
Carlo when i play cash poker at a full ring table i seem to do a lot better than when i play at a shorthanded table,can you offer any advice on how to adapt to a six max table.
Third batch of statements….
1. I was captain of a pool team for 5 years.
2. I once played Robin Hood.
3. I have 5 A-Levels.
4. As a child, I collected ladybirds.
Which one belongs to Anna?
unfortunatley i have already answered 2!!
My guess, what happened when Anna went on the London Eye?