In Response to Re: Sunday night Primo action with Carlo Citrone and Anna ****official show thread**** : 8 is fine but i am afriad you wont be getting seabrooks as you wont be winning,whining probably but definetly not winning Posted by jesusdog22
Tis okay...I whine quite long as it's a bottle or two obv. ;o))
In Response to Re: Sunday night Primo action with Carlo Citrone and Anna ****official show thread**** : yeah see....blond hair...compulsory for playing mary.. not fair! Posted by fowles
worse blonde male taking a female part ? guess it was my freckles on face that convinced them ? thank goddness i`m not that now
* means the same as f i x but less eloquent ;o))
....I suppose ;p
Please PM me your night of choice to play the TSP Classic.
I must be mistaken but I was sure that I read that the prize on offer originally was a SPT event of your choice. Oh well.