OI CARLO!!!!! I was captain of my pool team...I was the best captain ever..plus I managed to win a game or two innit!!!! Not bad for a girlie ;o)) xx Posted by TRIP5
OI CARLO!!!!! I was captain of my pool team...I was the best captain ever..plus I managed to win a game or two innit!!!! Not bad for a girlie ;o)) xx Posted by TRIP5
OI CARLO!!!!! I was captain of my pool team...I was the best captain ever..plus I managed to win a game or two innit!!!! Not bad for a girlie ;o)) xx Posted by TRIP5
In Response to Re: Sunday night Primo action with Carlo Citrone and Anna ****official show thread**** : do you think i should of used smaller letters Posted by jesusdog22
No...bigger ones plssssss!!!!! Then we won't be able to decipher your ramblings at all innit ;o))
In Response to Re: Sunday night Primo action with Carlo Citrone and Anna ****official show thread**** : Hmmmmm.....I see a Sky Poker pool match brewing Posted by Sky_Mandy
In Response to Re: Sunday night Primo action with Carlo Citrone and Anna ****official show thread**** : Hmmmmm.....I see a Sky Poker pool match brewing Posted by Sky_Mandy
i challenge you to a sky poker pool challenge,but to make it fair because your just a girl i will play all my shots right handed
In Response to Re: Sunday night Primo action with Carlo Citrone and Anna ****official show thread**** : He'll hid behind Ed's skirts innit????? MONEY WHERE YOUR MOUTH IS JEYSUSSSSSS!!!! xx Posted by TRIP5
bring it on, not played that much but can still **** you she-males
I was captain of my pool team...I was the best captain ever..plus I managed to win a game or two innit!!!!
Not bad for a girlie ;o))
I only mentioned the London Eye thing as I wanted to see Carlo's reaction when you told him.
girls cant play pool....fact
I'll leave this in your capable hands obv. ;o))
Next statements will be up shortly.
i challenge you to a sky poker pool challenge,but to make it fair because your just a girl i will play all my shots right handed
…and more for you to decipher…..
1. I have appeared on 3 game shows, reaching the final of each and not winning a thing.
2. I once lived in Majorca and danced for a season.
3. I once modelled in a Jeff Banks fashion show.
4. I once did a sky dive with the Red Devils.
Which one relates to Anna?