And why not, eh?
It's just a bit of fun for £1.10. :-)
I'm now going to be taking part in Wednesday night's Scotty77 TSP-Lite League Game which kicks off at 7.30pm.
And I issue you with The ORFsuit Challenge
The first FIVE players who win a hand in that tournament with the worst starting hand in poker: 7-2 offsuit and, this is the important bit, post the hand history on this thread as proof, will automatically be awarded free entry into a TSP Classic of their choice.
So, think you're up for it? Should be fun. Register for the game, let me know you're playing on this thread and then pray for 7-2 offsuit to go to war with! Remember, it's got to be offsuit!
Disclaimer- you take The ORFsuit Challenge at your own risk. If you exit the tournament as a result of getting jiggy with that hand then don't come crying to me! Perhaps best attempted in the early to mid stages
gotta get there before Ozzie tho... (he might win all 5 seats lol)
great idea Rich!
So it gets folded round to you in the BB 1st hand or so (and you happen to have 7/2 os) and you post the hand here and win a TSP Classic seat??.....really?
When jamming preflop because you can win £11 for £1.10 a lot!
If anyone else on here open shoves in first few levels, I'm snap calling with 8 high :P