I'm in! Il prob just open shove if i get dealt it early! If anyone else on here open shoves in first few levels, I'm snap calling with 8 high :P Posted by splashies
Open shoving with AA might be an interesting tactic tonight then. )
In Response to Re: The ORFsuit Challenge...Do you think you can win with the worst starting hand in poker? : I'm actually with you on this one, Wynne. I think we may get one winner. Be interesting to see how it maps out now. Posted by RICHORFORD
It should br exciting though , encouraging people to shove with 72os. Loooking forward to it, I am defo interested now , having slept on it! I'm in!
I reckon the 1st 2 entries should go to the first two players that win with 72 off suit and the other entries should go to the best made up hand with 72 off suit. Just to make it even more interesting.
In Response to Re: The ORFsuit Challenge...Do you think you can win with the worst starting hand in poker? : Open shoving with AA might be an interesting tactic tonight then. ) Posted by harding10
Lol at this! Brilliant!
I think there could be some hilarious hand histories on here tonight. That's why I chose to do this on a £1 tournamnet, because it's likely to skew the play and there'd be moaning aplenty if it was a higher buy-in!
I've thought of another idea. No prizes for doing so, but if you go to war with 7-2 offsuit and it FAILS hilariously, please also post the hand history on here so we can have a good laugh e.g. open-shoving with 7-2 on a KK4 board and opponent snaps and wins with a monster like pocket kings or a dog of a hand which happens to be dominating you like Q-2.
Great idea,i'll be having a go. *Rich,how about a prize for a player that manages to knock you out with 2 7 off ? I realise the chance of it happening is remote to say the least but that could be reflected by offering a big top end seat...........just saying:)* Posted by chrispip
I like it, Chris. I'll leave it as it is for ths week though but if this proves popular and the suits don't mind giving away top-heavy prizes for a tiny buy-in comp, for the sake of some fun, then I'll almost certainly do this. (NB- if I remember to! Please remind if I forget!)
I'll have a go as it sounds like fun
Bad back = no sitting at the laptop
Hope to be back next week for the league
GL ALL!!!!
But especially TKPers...Obv.
Loooking forward to it, I am defo interested now , having slept on it!
I'm in!
I reckon the 1st 2 entries should go to the first two players that win with 72 off suit and the other entries should go to the best made up hand with 72 off suit. Just to make it even more interesting.
7 2 off now there is a challenge!!
Count me in!!
can i please play in this