I won't be taking one of the prizes, but I think I may have found something I'm good at in poker! ;-)BOOM! See below- it took me that long to work out how to post the hand history! Thanks to Padraig and Aaron for their help! Tip to all- highlight everything from the top of the hand history (but not the bit that says 'hand history, just from 'player') to the bottom including the 'next' button
Don't forget to post the disaster hands and near misses too! I think I'm going to turn this into a regular thing- but maybe not with scotty's personal comp though! Posted by RICHORFORD
You absolutely have to, I'm still snorting with laughter 10mins after seeing Glenelg's hand.
In Response to Re: The ORFsuit Challenge...Do you think you can win with the worst starting hand in poker? : It'a all gone Pete Tong!?!? Posted by Glenelg
It's there, its a win with 72os, will re post in break
In Response to Re: The ORFsuit Challenge...Do you think you can win with the worst starting hand in poker? : You absolutely have to, I'm still snorting with laughter 10mins after seeing Glenelg's hand. Posted by bandini
You're off my Xmas card list as well as Orford! lol
See below- it took me that long to work out how to post the hand history! Thanks to Padraig and Aaron for their help!
Tip to all- highlight everything from the top of the hand history (but not the bit that says 'hand history, just from 'player') to the bottom including the 'next' button
Seriously guys, everyone (well, Greg) is putting me on 72. Haven't had it once but no bluffs getting through.
Darn it.
When copying DON'T include the hand history ID bit at the top. Do it from "player"
Should I have shoved pre??
you suck at everything Rich.
Posted by Mohican
edit, 2 late lol
Anyone attempting to post hands in Chrome BTW.....forget it!
I won't be taking one of the prizes, but I think I may have found something I'm good at in poker!
That won't be posting hand histories then.