what I should have said is that the shortest price for drawing at half time then winning at full time is usually 3/1 but can be much bigger! so four teams correct would return a minimum £25.60 five teams correct a minimum of £230.40 six teams correct a minimum of £1,408 all seven correct a minimum of £8,627.20
My maths might be attrocious but I dare you, Give it a go and who knows get all seven right and you could be playing the Main Event at the WSOP next summer!
Just shoved another tenner on the bet from some of the winnings i got from Jason Day.
Forum» Punter's Corner» Fancy a Bet?» My Big Bet for the forthcoming footy season!Watch this discussion 1Posts from splashies are HiddenStop Ignoring splashies My Big Bet for the forthcoming footy season!posted at 28/6/2011 12:31 AM BST on SkyPoker.comsplashies Posts: 987 First: 30/11/2010 Last: 6/8/2011 Ok so everytime i have the odd few quid left over in a betting account il be putting on this bet...
Leicester to win Championship/Northampton to win Lg 2
so four teams correct would return a minimum £25.60
five teams correct a minimum of £230.40
six teams correct a minimum of £1,408
all seven correct a minimum of £8,627.20
My maths might be attrocious but I dare you, Give it a go and who knows get all seven right and you could be playing the Main Event at the WSOP next summer!
If you do, don't forget to send a post card! lol
Just shoved another tenner on the bet from some of the winnings i got from Jason Day.
My Big Bet for the forthcoming footy season!posted at 28/6/2011 12:31 AM BST on SkyPoker.com
splashies Posts: 987
Forum » Punter's Corner » Fancy a Bet? » My Big Bet for the forthcoming footy season! Watch this discussion 1Posts from splashies are HiddenStop Ignoring splashies
First: 30/11/2010
Last: 6/8/2011 Ok so everytime i have the odd few quid left over in a betting account il be putting on this bet...
Leicester to win Championship/Northampton to win Lg 2
Double £4 @ 110/1 (365)
Double £12.25 @ 84/1 (SJ)
Double £6 @ 94/1 (PP)
Double £10 @ 95.5/1 (365)
Il prob do both just to win promotion at some point when the spare money appears in any betting account.
Go on....you know you all want to do it too!
Il keep posting in here everytime i put more money on it.
Hows Stephen Lee looking for next years World Champs?
I backed charlton southend and forest,Looks like forest will bump me as i did a £5ew treble not a patent.