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HitSquad HotNews!!!! HitSquadron Scotland Crowned National APAT Team Champs 2014!



  • nemoisbacknemoisback Member Posts: 77
    edited March 2012
    In Response to Re: HitSquad HotNews!!!!!!!!:
    Great work Andy, ty again!! keep a look out for New Squaddie EzzyMoney, been invited by me, from Doncaster, home of the poker Greats!! LOL Danb10 etc!!
    Posted by HITMAN_RV
    Tanks Dave, Will keep a look out!! Have posted the final results now. Is there anything you wud like to change after the 1st Donk A Fun?? Woud appreciate any feedback :)

  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited March 2012
    Wow I'm impressed I did that well considering I only played 1 week!
  • HITMAN_RVHITMAN_RV Member Posts: 8,688
    edited March 2012
    In Response to Re: HitSquad HotNews!!!!!!!!:
    In Response to Re: HitSquad HotNews!!!!!!!! : Tanks Dave, Will keep a look out!! Have posted the final results now. Is there anything you wud like to change after the 1st Donk A Fun?? Woud appreciate any feedback :)
    Posted by nemoisback
    No Impressed, cept we spell thanks with an 'h' over here lol!!

    In a 4 week month table should fit nice too!!

    Think Total points is ok, meybe someone would suggest the three best finishes' so that people could miss a week, but would that make it harder for you!!

    i'd keep it as is for now!!
  • nemoisbacknemoisback Member Posts: 77
    edited March 2012
    In Response to Re: HitSquad HotNews!!!!!!!!:
    In Response to Re: HitSquad HotNews!!!!!!!! : No Impressed, cept we spell thanks with an 'h' over here lol!! In a 4 week month table should fit nice too!! Think Total points is ok, meybe someone would suggest the three best finishes' so that people could miss a week, but would that make it harder for you!!
    Posted by HITMAN_RV
    Oops forgot my H :)

    I could do it like the DTD :) Dont think it wud be any more difficult! And maybe best because people cant play all the time!! :) Think its the best way to do it!!

    Thanks Dave
  • HITMAN_RVHITMAN_RV Member Posts: 8,688
    edited March 2012
    In Response to Re: HitSquad HotNews!!!!!!!!:
    In Response to Re: HitSquad HotNews!!!!!!!! : Oops forgot my H :) I could do it like the DTD :) Dont think it wud be any more difficult! And maybe best because people cant play all the time!! :) Think its the best way to do it!! Thanks Dave
    Posted by nemoisback
    k, try it & see for March!!

    Hey, whenever someone is committing a bit of time, i'd say do what's easy for you, listen to any suggestions, then do whats easy for you!!

    LOL, Ya get me!!
  • HITMAN_RVHITMAN_RV Member Posts: 8,688
    edited March 2012

    Glad this thread bit busier again, somethings easier here, esp. tables,

    & we mustna forget not all Squaddiesare on FB!

  • lisar83lisar83 Member Posts: 426
    edited March 2012
    In Response to Re: HitSquad HotNews!!!!!!!!:
    In Response to Re: HitSquad HotNews!!!!!!!! : k, try it & see for March!! Hey, whenever someone is committing a bit of time, i'd say do what's easy for you, listen to any suggestions, then do whats easy for you!! LOL, Ya get me!!
    Posted by HITMAN_RV

    Keep it the way it is if it means me getting a joint 2nd again!!  Well done Rab.  Great work Andy!!
  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited March 2012
    Baby cash for me today in the £2.30 BH, but at least it was another FT. I shouldda gone on to win it, but made a questionable call (it's in the clinic because I'm not sure if it was right) and lose a race to put me a bit short which put an end to my bullying.
    DORANO360001£9 + £4.30 Head Prizes + 10 League Points1 
    riches0102£5.40 + £6.95 Head Prizes + 8 League Points7 
    Lambert18003£3.60 + £1.50 Head Prizes + 6 League Points2
    Hopefully I can get a couple of FTs tonight :P
  • kennybadkennybad Member Posts: 777
    edited March 2012
    good luck in dtd tonight and very good luck to all in wednesday tourny we can win it all  hitsquad 4eva
  • nemoisbacknemoisback Member Posts: 77
    edited March 2012
    In Response to Re: HitSquad HotNews!!!!!!!!:
    In Response to Re: HitSquad HotNews!!!!!!!! : Keep it the way it is if it means me getting a joint 2nd again!!  Well done Rab.  Great work Andy!!
    Posted by lisar83

    Thanks Lisa. Im going to do it dtd style!! :) Should be an interesting way of doing it!!

  • nemoisbacknemoisback Member Posts: 77
    edited March 2012
    Nice wee cash!! Had 600 chips with 20 runners left. Worked hard to get to FT and managed a 3rd place!! 

    Its a gud start for tonites DTD may my luck continue!! :)

    Magicalman720001£14.40 + 10 League Points
    martinst1002£9 + 8 League Points
    nemoisback03£5.40 + 6 League Points
    ExLeper7804£3.96 + 4 League Points
    pilgrim0705£3.24 + 2 League Points
  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited March 2012
    Hopefully I'll carry on my abilities to be a card rack into the DTD tonight from the Donk... I got either 7 or 8 PPs that were TT or bigger just on the FT last night (3 of which were AA lol).
  • HITMAN_RVHITMAN_RV Member Posts: 8,688
    edited March 2012

    Focus, Discipline, Jam, Krush!!!!


  • HITMAN_RVHITMAN_RV Member Posts: 8,688
    edited March 2012
    Well played as always to those who cashed, made FT's and won tourneys, and to those who didn't, there's always next week.

    Congratulations to this weeks winner RANCID (THS) who wins a £22 Super BH seat for Saturday.

    Team DTD league points scored as below.......

    NameTeam / Ind715D745DTotty
    RANCID    10+1THS4159
    SAFC20        9DYM72713
    MRBURNS4    8TPT1041112
    SPORNYBOL   7TPT75214
    LYONSBOB06  5Team5125929
    LAMBERT180   4THS1181417
    BOXSTER       3Team51924114
    DRUMAHAI05  2Team5144288

    bonus points +1  smarr THS, wins totty
                       +1  dudeskin TPT wins 7.45 DS

    March Week 4 Team Result

    Team              Runners    Wins   Team Points   League Points

    HitSquad            22           2          16             7
    PokerTrev          12            1         16             6
    Team51               9             -          10             5
    DYM LegEnds      4             -            9             4
    Ninja Plonkers    2             -            6             3
    KnightPoker        7             -            -             2
    Team Bring It      1            -            -              1
    Team Solack        1            -            -              0

    The HitSquad win on The 'Wins rule',
    If wins equal too TPT would have won on Least 'runners rule'
    Welcome New 'Team Bring It'
    8 teams equaling record, if Team Sky come out of Hiding, we could break record next month, lol

    Final Team Forum DTD March Team Table!!!!!!

    Team          Runners   Wins  Team pts  League pts

    HitSquad          86         6          57           27
    Pokertrev        56          1          47           22
    Team 51          41          1          49           20
    DYM LegEnds  16          0          19            13
    Ninja Plonkers 13         0             6            11
    KnightPoker    23          1            9            10
    Team Solack      4         1           10             7
    Team Bring It    1         0             0             1
    Team Sky           1         0             0             1

    HitSquad Champions first time in 2012
    UL to Pokertrev, who ran close Final week
    Ul to Team51 pipped for 2nd
    Welcome Team Bring it, bringing teams to 9 total
    Sorry to Team Sky, no rule to split ya, so rather than equal Bottom, I just put you bottom out of Badness, ps. Run better LOL
  • HITMAN_RVHITMAN_RV Member Posts: 8,688
    edited March 2012
    New Squaddie alert!!

    Welcome New HitSqauddie Charlie Hunt, (hunt09), recruited to HitSquadron Wales, by Squadron Leader Wynne, hunt09 goes stright into the position of Squadron Guard!!
  • HITMAN_RVHITMAN_RV Member Posts: 8,688
    edited March 2012

                    Champions            Runners-up
    May '11  Team Knightplop Team HitSquad
    June '11 Team PokerTrev  Team HitSquad
    July '11  Team 51             Team PokerTrev
    Aug.'11  Team PokerTrev  Team 51
    Sept.'11 Team 51
                               Team HitSquad
    Oct. '11  Team HitSquad   Team 51
    Nov.'11  Team PokerTrev 
    Team Hitsquad
    Dec.'11  Team HitSquad   
    Team PokerTrev
    Jan.'12   Team PokerTrev  Team 51
    Feb.'12   DYM LegEnds      Team Hitsquad   

    March 12 Team HitSquad    Team Pokertrev

    Well Done!! Third Ever DTD Win for us!!
    That is behind us Now!!

    As Above, NO TEAM HAS EVER WON DTD Twice in a row!!
    April We can make History & Establish Dominance

    peration 'Krush DTD April' Starts Mon April 2nd

    All Comrade Squaddies are requested to take part at some point in the Month,
     COME ON !!

  • wynne1938wynne1938 Member Posts: 20,552
    edited March 2012
    Thews at 10 27/3/12

    wynne193805£96 + 18 League Points
  • SlykllistSlykllist Member Posts: 2,888
    edited March 2012
    Konsular4800001£336 + 40 League Points
    Slykllist02£204 + 36 League Points
    stewungar03£144 + 28 League Points
    T_BRIDGEN04£120 + 22 League Points
    wynne193805£96 + 18 League Points
  • aussie09aussie09 Member Posts: 8,033
    edited March 2012

    £5,000 Open

    FAS5640001£1522.80 + 160 League Points
    aussie0902£874.20 + 152 League Points
    mandyh61403£592.20 + 144 League Points
    BOYDID04£451.20 + 136 League Points
    Slipwater05£394.80 + 128 League Points
    loza66606£338.40 + 120 League Points
  • HITMAN_RVHITMAN_RV Member Posts: 8,688
    edited March 2012
    Great results lads!!

    ps Wynne, can u pm me that address!
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