steelrod026£7.20wd all on ya cashes,little 1 in mini again go so card dead everytime in these late on in tourney its unreal.must remember to call with cr ap lol,thanks for rail jj and flash.
Trev I do know what you mean and last year after I won the main event I could have won a lot more but suddenly I did play too loose, but you also have done the most important thing by seeing it and as you know I did go on a very good long run once I slaped myself! I probaly cost me a couple of hundred to relise it lol
Main ty easy for the rail
Also qualified for sundays SPT semi from a quarter final buy in for £16
steelrod30001£40steelrod10001£20steelrod10001£10steelrod10001£40steelrod20001£20wd all on ya cashes,played these after my tourney exit in the mini,hu sit & go.only lost 1 £10 1 so going 2 bed a happy chappy lol.
FACEBOOK PAGE FOR TPT? Trip5 suggested this to me last and offered to help me set it up. Just wanted to guage what the rest of you thought? Is there anything you would want to discuss on a FB page (which would be a private group?) that you can't discuss on here? Feedback please? Posted by FlyingDagg
Wow - Massive MASSIVE Hole in my game recently. As you all know, i've had some decent wins of late and i'm pretty sure my game is a lot more solid of late, however................................ After Spending loads of time reviewing hundreds of hands I have played I have noticed a certain pattern in my game. Every time I get a big win, I end up with quite a lot a small losses. Most of my stacks have been donked off with holding cards such as Ax & Q10 and looking through them all, it doesn't really seem to matter whether its Q10, A5, A8, A10, AJ or AQ suited or not etc, but I am clearly losing a lot of chips with these hands after I have had a BIG win. Now, i'm not sure how often I fold these types of hands normally or if my wins are making me play a little looser with these types of hands, but there is clearly a pattern. Now all I have to do is plug it!!! - preferably without becoming too much of a NIT Good luck at the tables TPTers. Posted by POKERTREV
HI Trev. Very interesting comments. Like you after looking back over my playing hands I realised a simular pattern. I have ,I think solved my problem to a certain extent especially in my tourny play. Unfortunately I dont want to divulge it to the public at large and I think something like FB could privitise it a bit.
A mixed response to the Facebook page so still not sure whether to go ahead. The one thing in it's favour would be that we could discuss player strategies and hand analysis. Like three says we don't want to give to much away on a public forum. One person who hasn't given his view yet is Pokertrev. I know he isn't a fan of Facebook but it wouldn't feel right to set up a page if our Captain wasn't involved. Would you like to give your view Trevor and please don't feel pressured it's totally up to you.
FD I would be more then happy to have the facebook page as long as well agree from start not there to moan about players bad beats etc. If we do set this up lets decide on comunity rules from the start so we can make it a very positive page and somewhere we can talk about strategies helping players with their hands.
Also be nice to have a private place where we can be honest about our play and hear what other team members can say to help you improve.
If it is done in a positive manor and you dont mind taking on the work of setting it up I will be fully behind you on this Dale.
I do have a facebook page but under a false name as I have always had a therory the reason people are in your past is just that there is a reason! So I have never wanted people I used to know suddenly trying to be friends so you can all find me under Mark Markson
Spent just under 2 hours on the 25/50 50/1 today with my new atitude and playing style and pleased to say cashed out about £370 up so good session.
another 3 rd place in a 15 min timed for 10.67 just to talk further about what mr b mentioned above positive thinking has turned my game around for the better after a bad run i did set aside a few days off to hope that varience would dissapear and that all would be great again. in the end i decided against it and got my head back into a couple of books and got back at the tables with a whole new attitude.
i reread some of the thigs i had highlighted in the mental game of poker book and concentrated on reading about tilt both winners tilt and losers tilt both of which i have sucum to in the past and recently. winners tilt took hold a couple of months back after taking down one of the main events ... i thought i was untouchable and as a result was bleeding chips all over always thinking that i was ahead and gradually my cashes were getting few and far between.
dont get me wrong i love to rant about bad beats with the best of them but have come to realise that
1) it diminishes my game further and breeds a negative attitude towards the game. 2) no one really cares, yes people will understand and offer you condolances and sympathy but really we are alone at the table and the last thing we need to be doing is battling with ourselves aswell as the other players.
i then started to try and win back the money i had lost, this in turn lead to losers tilt. one of the problems with losers tilt is that you notice the bad beats more and you chuck more money into the pot trying to take the big pots down limiting your chances of hitting that final table. sometimes it paid off big but most of the time i was down and never in with a chance of winning the tourney.
A mixed response to the Facebook page so still not sure whether to go ahead. The one thing in it's favour would be that we could discuss player strategies and hand analysis. Like three says we don't want to give to much away on a public forum. One person who hasn't given his view yet is Pokertrev. I know he isn't a fan of Facebook but it wouldn't feel right to set up a page if our Captain wasn't involved. Would you like to give your view Trevor and please don't feel pressured it's totally up to you. Posted by FlyingDagg
Hi Dagg. Unfortunately facebook is not for me. I have many reasons, some are personal and others would take me a long time to explain.
Apart from the personal greif and abuse I have seen given to others who have been members (Friends & Family) Facebook are now licensed to sell your information to Targeted Add Companies, everytime you leave a comment, information from it is sold and used for targeted adds.
Also, I know we can make it a private page for members only, however, here is a TRUE scenario which has happened and you may not have thought of.......................
A Member from a "Private Group" page posted a comment regarding a man who had been killed after getting run down by a train. Another member then "shared" that comment with one of his friends who was not a member of the "Private Group". That member then wrote some vile and disgusting comments (Some of which are too horrid to say) but generally he said, that anyone who got run over by a train deserved it, and nobody really cares etc etc.
The point i'm trying to make is....Even though it may be a private group, if someone in that group then shares comments with their friends then it is out there for everyone to see. I know the above is an extreme example, but there have been many more like it recently, including a famous footballers brother who died.
Facebook has been the creator of many fallouts between family and friends and I can never ever see me being a part of it and I certainly would never forgive myself if I agreed to it and it then caused a rift between members of the team or any of the other teams/members for that matter.
Not sure I want to say anymore than that tbh.
ps. There are alternative forums available.
pps. Its Thursday, so I will be giving Phil Taylor a run for his money Tonight. (No i'm not playing him tonight btw) He will be running and I will be after his money lol See u all l8er
Trevor thankyou for your reply. I've read your post carefully and have decided not to go ahead with it. The decision is not solely because of what you wrote but also based on a past experience that I was failing to take into account. To explain briefly this happened a few months ago and involved a member of TPT who was not on FB. Certain comments were made about a TPT player by someone on FB which I had access to as they were a Facebook friend. They had no right of reply on FB and it got quite nasty. I have no wish to get involved in anything like that again so the Facebook idea is now dropped.
gl all on the tables
gl all on the tables
waller0202£186.78 + £41.48 Head Prizes8
ty j3ono for the rail
cant seem to win a race im ahead in, **** idiots calling when a mile behind
going to read and rethink over the weekend, on a terrible run that seems to be getting worse
Anyway nice cashes guys, cant remember them aint had 1 for a while.
gg ryan(waller) very nice cash missed the last hands lol
Good luck any way
just to talk further about what mr b mentioned above
positive thinking has turned my game around for the better after a bad run i did set aside a few days off to hope that varience would dissapear and that all would be great again.
in the end i decided against it and got my head back into a couple of books and got back at the tables with a whole new attitude.
i reread some of the thigs i had highlighted in the mental game of poker book and concentrated on reading about tilt both winners tilt and losers tilt both of which i have sucum to in the past and recently.
winners tilt took hold a couple of months back after taking down one of the main events ... i thought i was untouchable and as a result was bleeding chips all over always thinking that i was ahead and gradually my cashes were getting few and far between.
dont get me wrong i love to rant about bad beats with the best of them but have come to realise that
1) it diminishes my game further and breeds a negative attitude towards the game.
2) no one really cares, yes people will understand and offer you condolances and sympathy but really we are alone at the table and the last thing we need to be doing is battling with ourselves aswell as the other players.
i then started to try and win back the money i had lost, this in turn lead to losers tilt. one of the problems with losers tilt is that you notice the bad beats more and you chuck more money into the pot trying to take the big pots down limiting your chances of hitting that final table. sometimes it paid off big but most of the time i was down and never in with a chance of winning the tourney.
Unfortunately facebook is not for me.
I have many reasons, some are personal and others would take me a long time to explain.
Apart from the personal greif and abuse I have seen given to others who have been members (Friends & Family) Facebook are now licensed to sell your information to Targeted Add Companies, everytime you leave a comment, information from it is sold and used for targeted adds.
Also, I know we can make it a private page for members only, however, here is a TRUE scenario which has happened and you may not have thought of.......................
A Member from a "Private Group" page posted a comment regarding a man who had been killed after getting run down by a train. Another member then "shared" that comment with one of his friends who was not a member of the "Private Group". That member then wrote some vile and disgusting comments (Some of which are too horrid to say) but generally he said, that anyone who got run over by a train deserved it, and nobody really cares etc etc.
The point i'm trying to make is....Even though it may be a private group, if someone in that group then shares comments with their friends then it is out there for everyone to see. I know the above is an extreme example, but there have been many more like it recently, including a famous footballers brother who died.
Facebook has been the creator of many fallouts between family and friends and I can never ever see me being a part of it and I certainly would never forgive myself if I agreed to it and it then caused a rift between members of the team or any of the other teams/members for that matter.
Not sure I want to say anymore than that tbh.
ps. There are alternative forums available.
pps. Its Thursday, so I will be giving Phil Taylor a run for his money Tonight. (No i'm not playing him tonight btw) He will be running and I will be after his money lol
3rd of the day
7th ina 3.30 30 min tourney for
Trevor thankyou for your reply. I've read your post carefully and have decided not to go ahead with it. The decision is not solely because of what you wrote but also based on a past experience that I was failing to take into account. To explain briefly this happened a few months ago and involved a member of TPT who was not on FB. Certain comments were made about a TPT player by someone on FB which I had access to as they were a Facebook friend. They had no right of reply on FB and it got quite nasty. I have no wish to get involved in anything like that again so the Facebook idea is now dropped.