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Thursday's live show with James, Tikay & scouse_red (***OFFICIAL THREAD***)



  • IRISHROVERIRISHROVER Member Posts: 7,606
    edited August 2011

    Good Luck tonight Chris relax , enjoy it bud ,
    well deserved .

    Raise sizing

    If at all possible every hand you decide to play x3 raise preflop .
    In this way you are taking control of the bet action that follows .

    What gadget should Tikay get next?

    Obviously the electric stairlift with its very own pull cord which triggers the sound,
    choooooooooo  choooooooooo !!!!

  • EyemanEyeman Member Posts: 1,039
    edited August 2011
    To be contrary, I have used Scouse's appearance on the prog to exerciase my Limerick writing skills...

    There is a fine Scouser named Chris
    Who should get a big kick out of this
    Never seen with a frown
    No need to "calm down"
    A fine bloke, and I'm not taking the Mickey.

    An aged man I know, known as tikay
    An admirer of the songster Enrique
    small "t" is his mark
    small bite, bigger bark
    Retired more often than Nelson Piquet

    (if you thought the tikay rhymes were contrived...)

    A critic of note, our James Hartigan
    much taller than monsieur boneaparte-igan
    When pokering - true
    he once followed through
    And promised that he never phart again

    Thank you, and goodnight.

  • FlyingDaggFlyingDagg Member Posts: 4,146
    edited August 2011
    A quetion for Chris. Is ANDY Carroll worth £30 million and if not who would he pay £30 million for?
  • acebarry10acebarry10 Member Posts: 7,556
    edited August 2011
    Hi James, tikay and Chris

    Have a great show.

    Bet sizing, if I am going to raise, I like to do a nice meaty one (I am not known as the king of the overbet king for nothing:)) AA through TT, maybe even AK< AQ later in a tourny, at least 7X the BB

    What gadget should tikay get next:

    From this

    to, this

  • spornybolspornybol Member Posts: 8,212
    edited August 2011
    while i have sent pm though already, could you also please ask players to be polite in sky premiership, the comp is suppose to a bit off fun, i have posted on each team as well as bbbblues to respect oppo players.

  • made4gamemade4game Member Posts: 488
    edited August 2011
    hi all.have a gr8 show esp chris and enjoy it pal..question for chris......are TKP going to win the spt at DTD???? 
  • Quietly1Quietly1 Member Posts: 213
    edited August 2011
    Questions for Scouse red.. . .

    1, Being as popular as you are on the tables and forum, do you find the banter in the rail helps lift your spirits when your short stacked and gives you more hope than not being railed?

    2. With the SPT coming up do you find the change between live and online playing a struggle? and if so why?

    3. If you reach an FT who are the players you would most like and dislike to see seated around you?

    4. Are you still learning new things and ways of playing poker despite having played as much as you have?

    5. Do you find that with so many good players in the DTD every week that you have to bring your best game to even get close to winning & is it more fun for you playing against them?

    as for raisng - flop a monster, bet nearly all leaving some behind (3k raise, 550 left behind say) just to induce the  other player that your hands weak (mid pair etc). maybe a re-shove or call - then the 550 all in seems so little to call post flop. :-)

    GL :-)
  • AcidMan27AcidMan27 Member Posts: 3,752
    edited August 2011
    Have a great show guys and good luck Chris.

    Can I ask.......will there be subtitles tonight ? we all know those scousers talk a bit funny unlike us from Yorkshire that talk proper.

    As for what gadget tikay should get next...........maybe a digital photo frame that scrolls through photos of Richard Orford, Richard Branson and Davina McCall.

  • DUNMIDOSHDUNMIDOSH Member Posts: 1,473
    edited August 2011
    Gadgets for Tikay

    Could I suggest

    1) A Hoodie to replace his Train Spotter Anorak

    2) A Potty in case he needs a wee wee

    3) A cattle pro d/tasar to keep Orford and Hartigan in line

    4) A Butler to take care of all the above!

    Have a great show Gents!
    And a big big thanks to Scouse Red for his role in making the forum such a great platform to Chill, Get things off your chest, share opinions, keep up to date and most of all have a laugh!

    Keep it up Chris You're a diamond!
  • scotty77scotty77 Member Posts: 4,970
    edited August 2011
    Just wanna say have a great show Chris - good to see you on there....enjoy it!
  • RogueCellRogueCell Member Posts: 535
    edited August 2011
    In Response to Re: Thursday's live show with James, Tikay & scouse_red (***OFFICIAL THREAD***):
    Have a good show guys! I am out tonight but hope to catch the repeat show. Q for James - Is NFL really a 'sport' ? Q for Tikay - Is Dohhh really coming to the SPT Final @ DTD next month? Q for Chris - Who, in your honest opinion, has been the best performing player over all the months yourself and Michael have been running the  DTD forum comp? (James, if Chris gets a bit excited during the programme, just tell him to calm down...calm down. )
    Posted by MAXALLY
    Re Q3 - blatant ploy for maxy-aggrandising mention
  • DTWBANDITDTWBANDIT Member Posts: 6,451
    edited August 2011

      Q. For Chris -  If you wasn't playing on Sky Poker what would you be doing?

      Q. For Tikay - What we be your Speech when you Accept your Award?

      Q. For James - What was the name of the First Film you watched & was it any good?

  • labrat64labrat64 Member Posts: 987
    edited August 2011
    I think TK should invest in a Cryogenic Chamber. Then in 300 years he and Simon Cowell could sit and reminisce about the X-factor.
  • GELDYGELDY Member Posts: 5,203
    edited August 2011
    for raising obscure amounts

    HOW DO YOU ACTUALLY DO IT? I've not yet found the way to type in a funny number, I just get to click a line or push a button. Couldn't find a FAQ on the site, and the help desk couldn't tell me either! 

    for tikay

    a bike

    a smart electric/hybrid bike

    with usb - for attaching his smartphone (android of course so he can play sky poker on it when out in the countryside)

    not sure if his sky wages will cover it - but it's not released until next year so plenty of time to save.

    maybe he can run a forum post - spinning up £32 BR on NL4, with daily / I mean hourly updates." alt="Smart ebike electric bicycle packs hybrid power, USB interface" />
  • SpikeladSpikelad Member Posts: 406
    edited August 2011
    Good evening James Tikay and Chris,i just want to say thanks to Scouse and Dtwbandit for the Monday night tournament.if any of the new players on the site are wondering what it is all about all i will say is that  for a very small investment you get a great night of poker and the banter is good as well.
  • drumahai05drumahai05 Member Posts: 777
    edited August 2011

     the only place i would do a min raise is a pole dancing club. no point in a big raise as you wont get any takers
  • SpikeladSpikelad Member Posts: 406
    edited August 2011
    I have just watched the start of the show and beforehand i was a bit worried that he would be nervous in the studio trying to talk poker with two guys who clearly know what they are talking about,but to be fair Tikay is doing fine.

    To be serious for a moment Chris is doing fine and he looks a natural in the studio.
  • PuppetJackPuppetJack Member Posts: 196
    edited August 2011
    Is there a place for Min raising?

    I think there's always a place for any move in a player's arsenal.

    Occasionally I'll use a min-raise in a later position with a monster to try & pump the pop up slightly whilst not scaring off the blinds. Of course caution should be adviused if the flop brings danger, and bad beats can occur, but sometimes the extra chips can be preferable to just stealing the blinds.

    right.. or wrong?
  • DOHHHHHHHDOHHHHHHH Member Posts: 17,929
    edited August 2011
  • EyemanEyeman Member Posts: 1,039
    edited August 2011
    Tranmere is Chris's answer.
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