just thought i would start a new post and see if it gets any response!
if you play DYM,s ....why not come here and chat about it....
bad beats
any questions you may have
hand requests
your stories
anything at all
why not post it here!
i,d just like to add,this is not a rival post to the brilliant "abc of dym,s"by john connor,
i just thought i might be "hogging"his a little bit,and i didn,t think this was being fair to him.
so,why not "get the ball rolling,"
let,s here from you!
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especially as you are the 1st to post! what level are you playing and how are you doing?
what u playing now
guessing you must be doing ok to be playing those levels!
i myself have just moved up to the £3.30 level,so not quite in your league
If your playing bad players who call AIPR wide in DYM, is this good for your BR ?
If you get your chips across the line as minimum 60/40 favorites all the time, we should win long-term right?
Answers on a postcard
Keep the faith
Look through your hand histories, what’s the percentage of getting it in ahead, 55% > is good !
Doing ok on DYMs in reasonable profit and play 11, 16.50 and a few 22s once i have had a few beers.
Normally play 3 tables at a time for about 2 hours each evening when the wife is watchin the soaps.
alway,s especially interesting to hear what you rancid & Dudeskin8 have to say.
re your question rancid regarding "why are DYM low varience?"
"surely the bubble nature make them high varience-discuss"
in my opinion, the reason you could make an argument for dym,s being low varience is,
the % you are risking in relation to your b/roll for each dym you play is so very small
eg;if you are playing say a £3.30 dym and your b/roll is a fairly modest £100
and you lose,you have lost just 3.3% of your roll.
and obviously the higher your b/roll the more that % drops.
eg;£200 b/roll becomes just 2% and £300 becomes 1%
as my b/roll is just under £300 at the moment i can comfortly play the £3.30 level and
although painfull as it alway,s is when you lose,it,s not going to keep me awake at night!
that ,s why in my opinion 22 buy-ins just isn,t enough for any level
i would want at least 50 per table,ideally 100 per table!
but thats just me,i,m a nit.
you load up 1 cash table 4nl....4% of your roll.
you get AA first hand...they get beaten by a worse hand.
you are on £96.
you re-load.with in a minute of playing you are already chasing....agreed?
you load up either a £3.30 or preferably £2.25dym
either 3.3% or 2.2% of your roll,
the same happens,you are only £3.30 OR £2.25 down!
of course you could just load up £3.30 or £2,25on 4nl table
but the so called better players don,t do they?
another thing,during a cash session,how many times during that session are you flipping for let,s say
50% of your stack or more?
let,s just very conservativly say 4 times(i know from playing it,s alot higher than that)
so averages say you win 2 lose 2...correct?
so you win the 1st flip, you are on £5.80 lets say,
all in with KK...AK,re not even flipping
what are you about 70%...great!!!!
oh no,he,s hit his ace...he,s all-in with let,s say £2.70
you,ve done nothing wrong.,..and you are on £3.10....90p down!
oh and then there,s the rake,i haven,t even got sterted on that!
think i,ll leave that 4 now
all in all rancid,i think it all comes down to how we all see it,and as we are all different,
we will mostly all see it differently.the only thing that you really can,t argue with are the stats.
i think that dym,s are lower varience than cash because you know the exact amount you are staking on each game and on each hand.
in cash the amounts involved at risk are always changing,therefor you are playing at a higher varience level.
i am sure my explanation is not perphaps technically correct,know doubt someone else will possibly
enlighten us/me.
anyway,got to go tea is just about ready.
then it,s....load up and start again
see you soon
i honestly dont know where to start disecting your logic in this post,
that,s why i started this blog this morning
let,s here what you,ve got to say
i,ve simply given my opinion nothing more!
They are like Marmite
I like Marmite alot, but i despise DYMs.
The only difference is that I still play DYMS, but if i disliked Marmite I wouldnt eat Marmite Sandwiches (unless it made me money)
funny that , i hate marmite
loving dym,s at the moment
,aint it great how we,re all