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Lolpro runs eternally terrible [EvilPingu's Diary]



  • devonfish5devonfish5 Member Posts: 4,291
    edited July 2012
    hi ep,
    i know where u r coming from m8 with running bad on the dym front.
    it really does make you wonder about them sometimes,doesn,t it?
    still the c4p is good with them,so it,s not all bad news.
    i,m sure things will eventually go our way,well i live in hope anyway.
    i know 1 thing.....
    i,d swap my br for yours atm.   lol
    keep grinding m8.
    besy wishes
  • EvilPinguEvilPingu Member Posts: 3,462
    edited July 2012
    Thursday 5th July

    Today, I experienced this mythical thing known by Poker players as "Run good". Sadly, I'm unfamiliar with this concept, but I believe this occured today. I actually won some flips, and even held the times when I got my chips in as a 70/30 favourite. Yes, this really did happen. Honest.

    Result is a £50 profit :) I think I played well too, but I also held in key spots, with the expection of the Lucky Sevens where I built up a stack, trebling up early, then just went card dead and couldn't win a flip. Oh well, I'll put up with it if it means I run better in everything else.

    Wrote some other stuff, but apparently the forum was unavailable when I pressed enter and it decided to delete it all, and I cba to write it again as I want to go to bed, so just copying what I wrote in Notepad before copying onto the forum and amending as I'm lazy.

    £5.50 NLH DYM, Played 11, Won 7, Lost 4, +£9.50
    £11 NLH DYM, Played 4, Won 4, Lost 0, +£36.00
    £2.25 PLO8 DYM, Played 2, Won 2, Lost 0, +£3.50
    £5.50 PLO8 DYM, Played 2, Won 2, Lost 0, +£9.00

    Lucky Sevens - 47/128, started really well, trebled up early, but had a ton of short stacks on my table and went card dead so couldn't do much other than fold for ages, then couldn't win a single flip.


    Poker Bankroll: £526.99 (Including June C4P)
    Today: +£50.23
    This month: +£24.55
    C4P Earned today: 119
    C4P: 437 (£0.00)

  • EvilPinguEvilPingu Member Posts: 3,462
    edited July 2012
    Friday 6th July

    Didn't play much (again) yesterday. Will be putting in a ton of volume today though, hopefully.

    5 x 10NL, +£1.68

    £5.50 DYM, Played 8, Won 5, Lost 3, +£6.00
    £11 DYM, Played 1, Won 1, Lost 0, +£9.00

    4k BH Sat - 5/25, 2 seats. Posted exit hand in clinic.


    Poker Bankroll: £534.07 (Including June C4P)
    Today: +£7.08
    This month: +£32.43
    C4P Earned today: 74
    C4P: 511 (£4.09)

  • EvilPinguEvilPingu Member Posts: 3,462
    edited July 2012
    In Response to Re: Donk runs out of interesting thread titles [EvilPingu's Diary]:
    hi ep, i know where u r coming from m8 with running bad on the dym front. it really does make you wonder about them sometimes,doesn,t it? still the c4p is good with them,so it,s not all bad news. i,m sure things will eventually go our way,well i live in hope anyway. i know 1 thing..... i,d swap my br for yours atm.   lol keep grinding m8. besy wishes :) dev
    Posted by devonfish5
    Yeah, DYMs can be frustrating sometimes, especially when you play super tight for the whole thing, first hand you play is in the 100/200 level, and someone still wants to call your shove with QJ and you're only a 60/40 favourite, which you inevitably lose too. Sigh.
  • EvilPinguEvilPingu Member Posts: 3,462
    edited July 2012
    Saturday 7th July

    Finally think my run bad is over. I also got a decent amount of C4P today, which I haven't until now. Will get a load more points tomorrow, and hopefully win a few quid as well :)

    £3.30 DYM - Played 1, Won 1, Lost 0, +£2.70
    £5.50 DYM - Played 14, Won 9, Lost 5, +£13.00
    £11 DYM - Played 20, Won 13, Lost 7, +£40.00
    £16.50 DYM - Played 6, Won 3, Lost 3, -£9.00

    £2.25 PLO8 DYM - Played 1, Won 0, Lost 1, -£2.25


    Poker Bankroll: £578.52 (Including June C4P)
    Today: +£44.45
    This month: +£76.88
    C4P Earned today: 366
    C4P: 877 (£7.02)

  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited July 2012
    I know how ya feel EP, I've had my first proper decent winning session at Hypers tonight for the first time in ages. Went on a horrible downswing, then been breaking even for about 2 weeks.
  • EvilPinguEvilPingu Member Posts: 3,462
    edited July 2012
    Sunday 8th July

    Today was really bad, donked off 4 BIs playing terribly @ 10NL, and bubbled the League Stars Freeroll (£110 bubble). Run better plz.

    Only good thing today was winning an 8-game home game on that big site, think sparkly things in the Sky. :)


    £2.20, 10 player Sit 'n' Go - Played 2, didn't cash.

    Team51 Freeroll - 38/94, Didn't cash.
    League Stars Freeroll - Bubbled, sigh.

    10 x 10NL, -£38.67


    Poker Bankroll: £535.45 (Including June C4P)
    Today: -£43.07
    This month: +£33.81
    C4P Earned today: 62
    C4P: 939 (£7.51)

  • DumbmoDumbmo Member Posts: 80
    edited July 2012
    Whats happened here, where is pingu and why have his post been deleted?
  • VespaPXVespaPX Member Posts: 12,533
    edited July 2012
    In Response to Re: Donk stops running bad, at last [EvilPingu's Diary]:
    Whats happened here, where is pingu and why have his post been deleted?
    Posted by Dumbmofo
    Banned i think
  • DOHHHHHHHDOHHHHHHH Member Posts: 17,929
    edited July 2012

    Readers of this thread and penguin fans in general might be interested in this link.

  • Spad3sSpad3s Member Posts: 269
    edited July 2012
    Well done sky, ban anyone who posts something bad about your site.

    Same thing happened to me around a year ago, criticised the software and rewards, got banned, was unbanned but told not to post negative things about sky poker again.

    Great way to run things.
  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited August 2016
    Comedy bump
  • EvilPinguEvilPingu Member Posts: 3,462
    edited August 2016
    In Response to Re: Donk stops running bad, at last [EvilPingu's Diary]:
    Comedy bump
    Posted by Lambert180
    Oh man, the bit on the first page where I'm moaning about bad players playing bad. Cringe.

    Thread title is a lie. I still run permanently cr*p ;)
  • GELDYGELDY Member Posts: 5,203
    edited August 2016
    Welcome back
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