gl with your exam Evil, :-) dev Posted by devonfish5
Cheers Didn't go too great but I'll have to retake the same exam next year anyway, so meh.
Thursday 31st May
No play today.
June targets to follow. I might start including stuff from other sites as I'm not only playing exclusively on Sky these days, although I'll have to read up on the forum rules and spam the "Ask Tikay" thread with a million questions about what I can and can't post before I do :P
Played a few DYMs, and a winning start to the month, again Only a couple of quid but it's better than nothing. Dad's away until Wednesday which means I should be able to get some volume in between now and then. I should be able to get a couple of thousand Poker Points by next Wednesday.
I was going to say that the new computer will hopefully have arrived by then, but there's a big party because some old woman has been wearing a silly hat for 60 years, and I've not had a "Your computer has been dispatched" e-mail yet either, so I doubt it'll arrive in the next week.
I'm also in the League Stars Freeroll again - In March I qualified for the Sky Roller through this, and won the Sky Roller for £1,770. Last month, I qualified again and went out after 8 hands with bottom set vs. top set. Therefore, if I qualify this month, I'll probably have the most uneventful tournament ever before losing a standard flip at the start of Level 9 to go out in 20th place or something. That's how variance works, right?
Would've played more on Sky, but had a bunch of new player tournaments on another site today, so I was playing them instead. One was a $500 GTD Freeroll, which I min cashed in for $3.50, and the other was a satellite, 246 runners and 10 seats worth $90 each into a $100k GTD tournament. Unfortunately busted that satellite in 25th, shoving T4o from the cutoff with 8bb (there was antes too and I couldn't keep folding and waiting for a hand), ran into AK, didn't improve. If ever there was such a thing as a sigh shove, that was probably it.
£5.50 DYM - W9 L7, +£2.00
Sky Poker Bankroll: £248.84 (Including May C4P due)
Started a session yesterday - Unfortunately, just after the start of my session, the alarm thing on the freezer started going off, and by the time I finished my 9 DYMs which I'd loaded up, everything in the freezer had defrosted. Sigh.
Also home alone so I suppose I'll just have to live off Pot Noodles for the next few days :')
I've bought back into the Super Roller, so I'll reply to the posts above when I bust out of that, so about ten past eight.
Still in the Super Roller, 83 left, I'm 26th with 41k chips, blinds 500/1k. Will do diary update once I've taken down the Roller Posted by EvilPingu
Another break and another update:
45 left, 27th with 54k chips, blinds 1.5k/3k. Got up to 3rd and 106k chips at one point, lost a few chips trying to bully people when they had a hand though. Not many spots with a big stack on my left, who is making life difficult for me.
40 paid, so almost on the bubble, I expect it to burst before the next break. 5 members of Team51 still in, myself included, which is a pretty awesome result for the team cashes thread
In Response to Re: Donk withdraws most of Bankroll. [EvilPingu's Diary] : Another break and another update: 45 left, 27th with 54k chips, blinds 1.5k/3k. Got up to 3rd and 106k chips at one point, lost a few chips trying to bully people when they had a hand though. Not many spots with a big stack on my left, who is making life difficult for me. 40 paid, so almost on the bubble, I expect it to burst before the next break. 5 members of Team51 still in, myself included, which is a pretty awesome result for the team cashes thread Posted by EvilPingu
Certain you will make the cash mate and from then on he who dares etc etc.
Only played the Super Roller tonight. First hour went horribly, played pretty bad and went down to 7k, before getting back up to my starting stack by the first break. Should've been much tighter at this stage as it was the loosest I played all tournament. Also lost a ton of value on a couple of hands. I had the one really tilting hand which I posted above, where I flopped a house with 34 and didn't get a penny for it, despite having a player as aggro as SoLack in the pot with me, and also hit a straight with 97, but 3 hearts on board and checked back the river when I should've almost certainly been going for a bet/fold.
Second hour was pretty standard for the most part, stayed around average stack, and had 12k going into the 2nd break with the average at 12.8k.
From that point onwards, I started building my stack up quite quickly, and at one point I had 106k chips with the blinds at 600/1200 and was in 4th. Unfortunately, that was as good as it got all night. I went totally card dead, donked off 30k trying to bully someone by 3betting pre with 55 when they had JJ, flop came KK3 so I lost some money there. Then kept getting stationed by the big stack on my left, so gave up trying to steal blinds as it wasn't working at all. Aside from a couple of 3bet jams which I got through, I kept gradually losing chips and not finding any spots whatsoever.
With about 12bb left on the button in an unopened pot, and an away short stack in the BB with 3bb, I shoved with 34. The SB folded, the BB sat back in and snap called with Q9 and held, which was tilting to say the least. Think the sitting out then sitting back in and calling trick is awful etiquette, and there should be some code added to the software which stops players sitting back in when there's already a player all in IMO.
Eventually, with blinds at 2k/4k, an 8bb stack and the first unopened pot for ages, I shoved 94o from the cutoff, got called by Pocket Jacks. Rivered two pair but unfortunately, he'd flopped a set, so I went out in 26th place for £224. Was tempted to fold and wait another orbit, but I would've had live cards when I get called a lot of the time, plus if I double up with 6.5bb, I still need to get another double up after that fairly soon, so no regrets about shoving 94o.
Hi Evil, Loving your Diary m8, & for someone so young, your attitude to life both inside & outside of poker. I hope that both are equally kind to you in the future as it seems to me to be the least you deserve. Mike Posted by Woogie8688
Best of luck for June evil. How'd you find your exams? Posted by patwalshh
Cheers The exams went alright tbh, French was easy. Did really bad on the Maths ones, but I was going to retake them next year anyway, so not too bothered about them.
Leave it out Lambert, dont encourage him to step up to NL10, there are enough good regs already, dont need another! Stay where you are Pingu!
Well done by the way. Havent posted on this but its been a cracking read! Sounds like you are quite level headed but put your exams as a higher priority. Poker will always be here, your education will last a life time, get your exams passed. Dont think that because you are taking them next year that they dont matter too much.
Great result last night Pingu. Is it gonna make you rethink about whether you continue at 4NL or move up a level or 2? Posted by Lambert180
I've been playing DYMs again recently so I'm tempted to carry on playing those for the time being. I'm not sure what level I'll play at when I move back to cash, depends on how well I do at DYMs before the new computer turns up.
well done for cashing, though I know it's not much consolation when you get so close to the big payouts Posted by simonnatur
Cashing is alright I guess, love those types of tournaments (Although I love them more with antes, hint hint Sky lol), and £114 profit too, can't complain. Would've been nice to win more ofc, but it wasn't my night.
welldone on your cash pingu played very well u thought about playing mtts more often from what i see u have a good gamecash im not as sure as u do like to do some 4 bets with air when i see u on mastercash tables Posted by IDONKCALLU
Cheers As for playing more MTTs, if I wanted to play MTTs, I wouldn't be playing on Sky, because of how poor 99% of the tournaments are. There isn't anything except for Bounty Hunters (Yawn) and the main events on here. I get the "People like Bounty Hunters so let's have more Bounty Hunters" argument which Sky always come out with, but there's a lot of people who don't like Bounty Hunters too that Sky need to consider. I think the biggest buy-in normal freezeout that runs every day is £5.50, which is pretty poor.
I think a tournament grinder on Sky would actually be better off grinding satellites and taking the money you get for winning a seat when you've already registered for a tournament, that's how bad the MTT schedule is on here.
As for the second point, I don't know what you're on about, lol. I'm not the best cash player in the world, but I'm still a winning player up to 20NL, and break even at 50NL (I've only played a couple of hundred hands at 30NL).
There are things I need to change, but occasionally 4bet bluffing isn't something that I plan to stop doing any time soon. It'd be way too easy to play against me if I only 4bet with premium hands, and I wouldn't ever get any value from them as I'd only be getting the money in with big hand vs. big hand, the times I have AA against a reg's KK, and the times it's the over way around would even itself out over time, rake would be the only winner. The times I lose ~24bb making a 4bet bluff and get jammed on are made up for by the times that someone decides to get 100bb in with a slightly weaker hand that they wouldn't get the money in with otherwise if I only 4bet premium hands.
Leave it out Lambert, dont encourage him to step up to NL10, there are enough good regs already, dont need another! Stay where you are Pingu! Well done by the way. Havent posted on this but its been a cracking read! Sounds like you are quite level headed but put your exams as a higher priority. Poker will always be here, your education will last a life time, get your exams passed. Dont think that because you are taking them next year that they dont matter too much. Do i sound like your Dad? Didnt mean to! ;-D Good luck with everything. Posted by DrSharp
Thanks Glad you're enjoying reading the diary.
Idk if I'll play 10NL or not, if I do, it won't be until I've got my new computer, so I won't be playing there for a week or so at least, I imagine. If/when I do play 10NL, it'll be on about a million tables at once, trying to work out what is the optimal amount of tables for me to be playing at a time, so I doubt I'll be doing anything too spewy :P
As for the exams, I probably worded that post a bit badly, lol. Of course they matter, but it's not the end of the world that I did badly in them. No more exams now though, so Poker until the beginning of September
Played a few DYMs, and a winning start to the month, again
I was going to say that the new computer will hopefully have arrived by then, but there's a big party because some old woman has been wearing a silly hat for 60 years, and I've not had a "Your computer has been dispatched" e-mail yet either, so I doubt it'll arrive in the next week.
Would've played more on Sky, but had a bunch of new player tournaments on another site today, so I was playing them instead. One was a $500 GTD Freeroll, which I min cashed in for $3.50, and the other was a satellite, 246 runners and 10 seats worth $90 each into a $100k GTD tournament. Unfortunately busted that satellite in 25th, shoving T4o from the cutoff with 8bb (there was antes too and I couldn't keep folding and waiting for a hand), ran into AK, didn't improve. If ever there was such a thing as a sigh shove, that was probably it.
Certain you will make the cash mate and from then on he who dares etc etc.
Very best of luck
Nicely played anyway. A hefty 44% increase to your roll.
With about 12bb left on the button in an unopened pot, and an away short stack in the BB with 3bb, I shoved with 34. The SB folded, the BB sat back in and snap called with Q9 and held, which was tilting to say the least. Think the sitting out then sitting back in and calling trick is awful etiquette, and there should be some code added to the software which stops players sitting back in when there's already a player all in IMO.
Is it gonna make you rethink about whether you continue at 4NL or move up a level or 2?