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Get in the Hole! 2012 Season. (HSBC Champions) Years Profit: -£130.75



  • wynne1938wynne1938 Member Posts: 20,572
    edited July 2012
    Last chance saloon!

    Matt Kuchar 50/1
    Paul Lawrie 60/1
    Ben Curtis 85/1
    Peter Hanson 100/1
    Vijay Singh 200/1

    I know nothing about golf, just read your posts and being sociable and wanting to be part of  the comaraderie shown on this thread, have jumped in with my eyes closed!

    I am A Horse man seriously, but enjoy a flutter.

    Good luck to all you guys, it will be a great game , whatever happens!
  • MP33MP33 Member Posts: 6,308
    edited July 2012
    In Response to Re: Get in the Hole! 2012 Season. (Scottish Open + John Deere) Years Profit: -£181.00:
    I am going for Phil Mickleson, somebody up the pub tonight said he finished 2nd in this last year and is a good bet at 30/1 I have also done Francesco Molinari 29/1 and Justin Rose 31/1 Plus sky bet are offering 10/1 for the outright winner to come from Mickleson,Molinari and Rose(3 chances to win@10/1 )
    Posted by wynne1938
    GL everyone . ecpecialy Wynne as we seem to have picked the same players
  • MP33MP33 Member Posts: 6,308
    edited July 2012
    Ouch - just read this on BBC Site - Hope no-ones backed him

    "You may recall that Driscoll is in the first group that went out on the course this morning and about two hours ago he was in heaven, having birdied the opening hole. Since then he's had three bogeys, one double, and a triple-bogey eight on the par-five seventh. He's now propping up the leaderboard on six "

    EDIT : Already backed him but another 2.50 (Its hardly started and the prices as short as ive seen them (westwood at 12/1)

    DateBet RefW/P/S StakeBet TypeEvent/MarketSelectionHcpPriceResultStatusTotal StakeReturn19/07/2012 09:11:23 105/
    202 W:2.50 Single The Open Championship - Outright/The Open - Outright In Play Molinari, Francesco  40/1 Open O £2.50

    Sort By: Fav/Name     11.0Tiger Woods       Tiger Woods 89991099 98  8  99 842/581/1083/1018-2113.0Lee Westwood       Lee Westwood 11101010111011 1012  10  1011 11109/10107/1058/513-1621.0Padraig Harrington       Padraig Harrington 20182016201618 1818  20  1620 192035/22011-1421.0Luke Donald       Luke Donald 20181816202020 1816  20  1816 2021202111-1423.0Rory McIlroy       Rory McIlroy 22222022202020 2016  20  2222 2022179/102111-1429.0Justin Rose       Justin Rose 25252825282828 2525  25  2828 252522268-1134.0Graeme McDowell       Graeme McDowell 33253328333328 2830  33  3333 303126327-936.0Sergio Garcia       Sergio Garcia 35352833282833 3333  33  3333 333534368-1136.0Phil Mickelson       Phil Mickelson 33283533303533 2828  33  2828 363938406-841.0Rickie Fowler       Rickie Fowler 35333340332833 3333  40  3333 353736386-841.0Franceso Molinari       Franceso Molinari 40304033404040 3533  40  3540 364136427-941.0Adam Scott       Adam Scott 40403540354040 4040  40  3540 38433643 46.0Ernie Els       Ernie Els 33404045404040 4040  40  4040 384140425-746.0Hunter Mahan       Hunter Mahan 45404040404540 4040  40  4040 394538436-846.0Jason Dufner       Jason Dufner 45404045404540 4040  40  4040 444744485-746.0Martin Kaymer       Martin Kaymer 45404045304040 4040  40  4040 424744466-846.0Ian Poulter       Ian Poulter 4540454545
    He,s going in that fast cant get bet on him - was 66/1 a minute ago

    ack (Bet For)OddsStakeProfitThe Open Championship 2012(In-Play)Paul LawrieWinner 48£4.00£188.00
  • DOHHHHHHHDOHHHHHHH Member Posts: 17,929
    edited July 2012
    In Response to Re: Get in the Hole! 2012 Season. (Open Championship) Years Profit: -£201.00:
    Normally go for British/European players but decided to take the twitter tips of.... Ben Curtis @ 100/1  Tim Clark @ 150/1 And ofc my own fave player Marcel Siem @ 150/1 bean ew on each.
    Posted by DOHHHHHHH
    Picked these a few days ago but actually put them on last night.

    got ...

    90/1 Curtis

    125/1 Clark & Siem

    Will have to remember to get on early next time!

  • MAXALLYMAXALLY Member Posts: 17,649
    edited July 2012

    4 of us in the office have all chucked a tenner each in and gone for the following...

    GARCIA          40/1
    BJORN            80/1
    MAHAN           50/1
    McILROY         25/1
    HARRINGTON  20/1
    JOHNSON       80/1
    POULTER       50/1
    SCOTT           40/1

    All the above £2.50 e/w

    For those off us stuck at work with no telly.....any link to watch live online?
  • BELL_POKERBELL_POKER Member Posts: 1,295
    edited July 2012
    live on the beeb
  • BELL_POKERBELL_POKER Member Posts: 1,295
    edited July 2012
    ive already backed big phil and hes made a bit of a hamies on a few consecutive holes there but some of his other play has been top notch and it is oul lefty after all hes been known to be up and down like yoyo i think the 100/1 on offer now while hes 3 over and on 10th is way too big. its a marathon not a sprint. yes hes got it to do now but hence the 100's on offer and he has previous i expect him to be in clubhouse this evening with plus 1 or par
  • ALFIE123ALFIE123 Member Posts: 287
    edited July 2012
    Well i thought i made some good solid picks this week apart from kaymer and i have no idea why i thought he was in good form.


    All i have is G-Mac currently under par.
  • splashiessplashies Member Posts: 3,680
    edited July 2012
    Colsaerts ftw :)
  • FlashFlushFlashFlush Member Posts: 4,494
    edited July 2012
    In Response to Re: Get in the Hole! 2012 Season. (Open Championship) Years Profit: -£201.00:
    Colsaerts ftw :)
    Posted by splashies
    Ryuji Imada FTW
  • MP33MP33 Member Posts: 6,308
    edited July 2012
    In Response to Re: Get in the Hole! 2012 Season. (Open Championship) Years Profit: -£201.00:
    ive already backed big phil and hes made a bit of a hamies on a few consecutive holes there but some of his other play has been top notch and it is oul lefty after all hes been known to be up and down like yoyo i think the 100/1 on offer now while hes 3 over and on 10th is way too big. its a marathon not a sprint. yes hes got it to do now but hence the 100's on offer and he has previous i expect him to be in clubhouse this evening with plus 1 or par
    Posted by BELL_POKER
    Could just suit him having to attack the course tommorow

    MY best pick of 7 was only 1 under with molinari but it was looking so good with westwood -2 after 2 , Mickleson 1 under playing gr8 iron play . Rose - never got it togethor. Padraig doing well earlt on - least he finishe birdie

    Shame i didnt get on Lawrie a munte earlier but got him at 48 ,s for about a fiver at 2 under

    It will all change tommorow as ever and could be interesting if one side of the draw get the best weather

    Enjoy and GL
  • FLASHJONNYFLASHJONNY Member Posts: 2,537
    edited July 2012
    well im very happy three out of my four are under par early days yet tho gl every1
  • MP33MP33 Member Posts: 6,308
    edited July 2012
    Just had tenner on mcloroy and gid dbl bogey - but he thrashed his T shot down the nxt fairway and looks on a mission - -1 is still good esp if wind gets up - think this is value tip /bet )20-1)
  • MP33MP33 Member Posts: 6,308
    edited July 2012
    Latest odds at Nidday
    Each-way terms: 4


    6.5Tiger Woods     14:43-3Tiger Woods 5511/211/211/25511/211/29/211/2 5  5511/227/511/227/528/528-31
    9.0Adam Scott     13:43-6Adam Scott 715/213/2677715/213/2615/2 7  77837/537/536/538/529-32
    14.0Luke Donald     7-2Luke Donald 1211101112121012121212 12  108131262/5107/1063/5 
    15.0Graeme McDowell     14:32-3Graeme McDowell 1414121414141414141214 14  14141413133/10131/1068/514-17
    16.0Zach Johnson     14:10-5Zach Johnson 1414141414141414141414 12  12141514143/1068/573/518-21
    19.0Paul Lawrie     13:32-5Paul Lawrie 1414161616161416161416 16  16161833/2171/101735/214-17
    21.0Rory McIlroy     9-1Rory McIlroy 201414168201416161616 14  141411192092/521 
    21.0Ernie Els     14:10-3Ernie Els 2020202020182020202020 20  202020202192/52112-15
    23.0Brandt Snedeker     5-5Brandt Snedeker 2220202020222016201616 16  20202022202123 
    26.0Bubba Watson     14:21-3Bubba Watson 2525252025252525252525 25  2525252527262710-13
    29.0Steve Stricker     6-3Steve Stricker 2522252025222025251825 25  25202821252022 
    31.0Padraig Harrington     8-2Padraig Harrington 1616161220201416141216 16  14163035/2181/1035/292/5 
    41.0Francesco Molinari     9-1Francesco Molinari 4040283328332520332820 33  25332535332838 
    41.0Peter Hanson     6-3Peter Hanson 2833282525403316332016 20  25253038413442 
    61.0Matt Kuchar     13:43-1Matt Kuchar 4050505050505040505040 40  405060556152616-8
    67.0Lee Westwood     14:21+3Lee Westwood 6640665066664060404060 50  403366515646573-4.5
    71.0Charl Schwartzel     15:05-1Charl Schwartzel 6666505050666660666660 50  665070596662676-8
    81.0Jason Dufner     15:160Jason Dufner 5066806680668060808060 66  666675677562774-6
    101.0Nicolas Colsaerts     100Nicolas Colsaerts 8080666666808010010040100 50  668030123161135154 
    126.0Anders Hansen     60Anders Hansen 10012566100100100100100125100100 80  10010075147180164183 
    151.0Louis Oosthuizen     9+1Louis Oosthuizen 10080100100125100100100100 100 150  80667561858177 
    151.0Jamie Donaldson     13:21-2Jamie Donaldson 66806680661008080806680 100  8080150119151145154
  • MP33MP33 Member Posts: 6,308
    edited July 2012
    In Response to Re: Get in the Hole! 2012 Season. (Open Championship) Years Profit: -£201.00:
    Colsaerts ftw :)
    Posted by splashies
  • MP33MP33 Member Posts: 6,308
    edited July 2012
    In Response to Re: Get in the Hole! 2012 Season. (Open Championship) Years Profit: -£201.00:
    I'll be there on Thursday, 6.30am can't wait!!! My mate call's it my scatter gun approach, but whatever, I'm on: Outright ew Justin Rose 33/1 GMac 35/1 Sergio Garcia 40/1 Ian Poulter 50/1 Hunter Mahan 50/1 Ben Curtis 100/1 Simon Dyson 125/1 Rafa Cabrera-Bello 125/1 Brandt Snedeker 200/1 Chad Campbell 250/1 Matthew Baldwin 500/1 Good Luck anyone that's on any of the above!!!
    Posted by TheDart
    Nice bet - Anyone else got him?
  • achillachill Member Posts: 1,056
    edited July 2012
    In Response to Re: Get in the Hole! 2012 Season. (Open Championship) Years Profit: -£201.00:
    Here's my picks steve stricker 66/1 £1 e/w simon dyson 100/1 £1 e/w nicolas colsaerts 80/1 £1 e/w francesco molinari 40/1 £1 e/w padraig harrington 20/1 £2 win luke donald 20/1 £2 win lee westwood 16/1 £2 win Be lucky.
    Posted by achill
    Well... all seven of my picks have made the cut so there's still some hope.
  • BELL_POKERBELL_POKER Member Posts: 1,295
    edited July 2012
    In Response to Re: Get in the Hole! 2012 Season. (Open Championship) Years Profit: -£201.00:
    In Response to Re: Get in the Hole! 2012 Season. (Open Championship) Years Profit: -£201.00 : Nice bet - Anyone else got him?
    Posted by MP33
    believe this or not i dreamt wednesday night snedeker won it. really bizarre. was something as simple as being told it in the dream. though clearly nothing too exciting happening in it if im freaming about golfers! anyway i never bothered, he was still available 125/1 yday in places  when 2 under or so but never backed him.

    hes been phenomenal thus far BUT ........... if and when the wind gets up he will struggle. if it gets really windy he could shoot as high as 76 or 7 imo. how fantastic not to yet bogey nor be in a bunker (200 plus of them) over 36 holes. have a feeling in unsuitble conditions tomorrow when he finally ends up in bunkers (inevitable) the wheels could properly come off.

    the big phil praise was in vain, just wasnt to be his weekend. colsaerts and zach are proof that it isnt won in a day and anyone thorugh the cut could win. technically probably not true but its not just tiiger and top 2 in this. still alot of golf left surprises can happen. im hoping for a hurricane. in that event paul lawrie would be worth looking up. and have i mentioned im a fan of Padraig?!!! only a million times. im going in with blind faith and backing him again @ 150/1. he has good gameplan for the majors and not as if he has any other option at the moment but to go for it. think he can go low tomorrow 65 or 64. hed a great saturday at both augusta and last month in US open. **** need to this time around as well. and i just think he might.

    still think 6 or 7 under will win it
  • BELL_POKERBELL_POKER Member Posts: 1,295
    edited July 2012
    tomorrows tee times just posted - Padraigs out early with Rory and this could be ideal. Another eye catching pairing is Carbrera-Bello and Scottish open champ Singh. think they could play off each other quite well given a recent tendancy for unflattering weather and links golf . both could go ok on moving day.

    get in the clubhouse for half 2-ish with a few under par posted for the tourney and then let the heavens open and the winds howl (queue evil laugh) muuawwhwhwhwhwhahahahahahwhwhahwhahwhahwhahwwaw
    108:10Joost LUITEN Add
    208:20Tom WATSONLee WESTWOODAdd
    308:30Chad CAMPBELLJohn DALYAdd
    408:40Adilson DA SILVARickie FOWLERAdd
    508:50Keegan BRADLEYSM BAEAdd
    609:00Ross FISHERKJ CHOIAdd
    709:10Gary WOODLANDCharles HOWELL IIIAdd
    809:20Pablo LARRAZABALJuvic PAGUNSANAdd
    909:30Brendan JONESTroy MATTESONAdd
    1009:45Aaron BADDELEYVijay SINGHAdd
    1109:55Rafa ECHENIQUEMatthew BALDWINAdd
    1210:05Justin HICKSAlexander NORENAdd
    1310:15Fredrik JACOBSONJim FURYKAdd
    1410:25Padraig HARRINGTONRory McILROYAdd
    1510:35Nicolas COLSAERTSGonzalo FERNANDEZ-CASTANOAdd
    1610:45Harris ENGLISHBranden GRACEAdd
    1710:55Richard STERNEGreg OWENAdd
    1811:05Warren BENNETTDustin JOHNSONAdd
    1911:20Yoshinori FUJIMOTONick WATNEYAdd
    2011:30Rafael CABRERA-BELLOJeev Milkha SINGHAdd
    2111:40Francesco MOLINARIJohn SENDENAdd
    2211:50Hunter MAHANLee SLATTERYAdd
    2312:00Bob ESTESDale WHITNELLAdd
    2412:10Bubba WATSONIan POULTERAdd
    2512:20Jamie DONALDSONMiguel Angel JIMENEZAdd
    2612:30Thongchai JAIDEEGarth MULROYAdd
    2712:45Anirban LAHIRITed POTTER JRAdd
    2812:55Retief GOOSENGeoff OGILVYAdd
    2913:05Louis OOSTHUIZENMartin LAIRDAdd
    3013:15Thomas BJORNZach JOHNSONAdd
    3113:25Bill HAASKyle STANLEYAdd
    3213:35Simon KHANGreg CHALMERSAdd
    3313:45Mark CALCAVECCHIAAndres ROMEROAdd
    3413:55Peter HANSONToshinori MUTOAdd
    3514:10Simon DYSONCarl PETTERSSONAdd
    3614:20James MORRISONSteve STRICKERAdd
    3714:30Luke DONALDSteven ALKERAdd
    3814:40Ernie ELSThomas AIKENAdd
    3914:50Jason DUFNERGraeme McDOWELLAdd
    4015:00Matt KUCHARPaul LAWRIEAdd
    4115:10Thorbjorn OLESENTiger WOODSAdd
    4215:20Adam SCOTTBrandt SNEDEKERAdd
    108:10Joost LUITEN Add
    208:20Tom WATSONLee WESTWOODAdd
    308:30Chad CAMPBELLJohn DALYAdd
    408:40Adilson DA SILVARickie FOWLERAdd
    508:50Keegan BRADLEYSM BAEAdd
    609:00Ross FISHERKJ CHOIAdd
    709:10Gary WOODLANDCharles HOWELL IIIAdd
    809:20Pablo LARRAZABALJuvic PAGUNSANAdd
    909:30Brendan JONESTroy MATTESONAdd
    1009:45Aaron BADDELEYVijay SINGHAdd
    1109:55Rafa ECHENIQUEMatthew BALDWINAdd
    1210:05Justin HICKSAlexander NORENAdd
    1310:15Fredrik JACOBSONJim FURYKAdd
    1410:25Padraig HARRINGTONRory McILROYAdd
    1510:35Nicolas COLSAERTSGonzalo FERNANDEZ-CASTANOAdd
    1610:45Harris ENGLISHBranden GRACEAdd
    1710:55Richard STERNEGreg OWENAdd
    1811:05Warren BENNETTDustin JOHNSONAdd
    1911:20Yoshinori FUJIMOTONick WATNEYAdd
    2011:30Rafael CABRERA-BELLOJeev Milkha SINGHAdd
    2111:40Francesco MOLINARIJohn SENDENAdd
    2211:50Hunter MAHANLee SLATTERYAdd
    2312:00Bob ESTESDale WHITNELLAdd
    2412:10Bubba WATSONIan POULTERAdd
    2512:20Jamie DONALDSONMiguel Angel JIMENEZAdd
    2612:30Thongchai JAIDEEGarth MULROYAdd
    2712:45Anirban LAHIRITed POTTER JRAdd
    2812:55Retief GOOSENGeoff OGILVYAdd
    2913:05Louis OOSTHUIZENMartin LAIRDAdd
    3013:15Thomas BJORNZach JOHNSONAdd
    3113:25Bill HAASKyle STANLEYAdd
    3213:35Simon KHANGreg CHALMERSAdd
    3313:45Mark CALCAVECCHIAAndres ROMEROAdd
    3413:55Peter HANSONToshinori MUTOAdd
    3514:10Simon DYSONCarl PETTERSSONAdd
    3614:20James MORRISONSteve STRICKERAdd
    3714:30Luke DONALDSteven ALKERAdd
    3814:40Ernie ELSThomas AIKENAdd
    3914:50Jason DUFNERGraeme McDOWELLAdd
    4015:00Matt KUCHARPaul LAWRIEAdd
    4115:10Thorbjorn OLESENTiger WOODSAdd
    4215:20Adam SCOTTBrandt SNEDEKERAdd
    108:10Joost LUITEN Add
    208:20Tom WATSONLee WESTWOODAdd
    308:30Chad CAMPBELLJohn DALYAdd
    408:40Adilson DA SILVARickie FOWLERAdd
    508:50Keegan BRADLEYSM BAEAdd
    609:00Ross FISHERKJ CHOIAdd
    709:10Gary WOODLANDCharles HOWELL IIIAdd
    809:20Pablo LARRAZABALJuvic PAGUNSANAdd
    909:30Brendan JONESTroy MATTESONAdd
    1009:45Aaron BADDELEYVijay SINGHAdd
    1109:55Rafa ECHENIQUEMatthew BALDWINAdd
    1210:05Justin HICKSAlexander NORENAdd
    1310:15Fredrik JACOBSONJim FURYKAdd
    1410:25Padraig HARRINGTONRory McILROYAdd
    1510:35Nicolas COLSAERTSGonzalo FERNANDEZ-CASTANOAdd
    1610:45Harris ENGLISHBranden GRACEAdd
    1710:55Richard STERNEGreg OWENAdd
    1811:05Warren BENNETTDustin JOHNSONAdd
    1911:20Yoshinori FUJIMOTONick WATNEYAdd
    2011:30Rafael CABRERA-BELLOJeev Milkha SINGHAdd
    2111:40Francesco MOLINARIJohn SENDENAdd
    2211:50Hunter MAHANLee SLATTERYAdd
    2312:00Bob ESTESDale WHITNELLAdd
    2412:10Bubba WATSONIan POULTERAdd
    2512:20Jamie DONALDSONMiguel Angel JIMENEZAdd
    2612:30Thongchai JAIDEEGarth MULROYAdd
    2712:45Anirban LAHIRITed POTTER JRAdd
    2812:55Retief GOOSENGeoff OGILVYAdd
    2913:05Louis OOSTHUIZENMartin LAIRDAdd
    3013:15Thomas BJORNZach JOHNSONAdd
    3113:25Bill HAASKyle STANLEYAdd
    3213:35Simon KHANGreg CHALMERSAdd
    3313:45Mark CALCAVECCHIAAndres ROMEROAdd
    3413:55Peter HANSONToshinori MUTOAdd
    3514:10Simon DYSONCarl PETTERSSONAdd
    3614:20James MORRISONSteve STRICKERAdd
    3714:30Luke DONALDSteven ALKERAdd
    3814:40Ernie ELSThomas AIKENAdd
    3914:50Jason DUFNERGraeme McDOWELLAdd
    4015:00Matt KUCHARPaul LAWRIEAdd
    4115:10Thorbjorn OLESENTiger WOODSAdd
    4215:20Adam SCOTTBrandt SNEDEKERAdd
  • MP33MP33 Member Posts: 6,308
    edited July 2012
    In Response to Re: Get in the Hole! 2012 Season. (Open Championship) Years Profit: -£201.00:
    In Response to Re: Get in the Hole! 2012 Season. (Open Championship) Years Profit: -£201.00 : believe this or not i dreamt wednesday night snedeker won it. really bizarre. was something as simple as being told it in the dream. though clearly nothing too exciting happening in it if im freaming about golfers! anyway i never bothered, he was still available 125/1 yday in places  when 2 under or so but never backed him. hes been phenomenal thus far BUT ........... if and when the wind gets up he will struggle. if it gets really windy he could shoot as high as 76 or 7 imo. how fantastic not to yet bogey nor be in a bunker (200 plus of them) over 36 holes. have a feeling in unsuitble conditions tomorrow when he finally ends up in bunkers (inevitable) the wheels could properly come off. the big phil praise was in vain, just wasnt to be his weekend. colsaerts and zach are proof that it isnt won in a day and anyone thorugh the cut could win. technically probably not true but its not just tiiger and top 2 in this. still alot of golf left surprises can happen. im hoping for a hurricane. in that event paul lawrie would be worth looking up. and have i mentioned im a fan of Padraig?!!! only a million times. im going in with blind faith and backing him again @ 150/1. he has good gameplan for the majors and not as if he has any other option at the moment but to go for it. think he can go low tomorrow 65 or 64. hed a great saturday at both augusta and last month in US open. **** need to this time around as well. and i just think he might. still think 6 or 7 under will win it
    Posted by BELL_POKER
    True - akthough the weather looks pretty similar tommorow than previous 3 days but a bit sunnier , although Sunday the wind will be picking up making for  a gr8 final day where the early players will have a definte advantage

    Off to bed as i,m off there in about 7 hours - GL everyone

    EDIT _ Had 2 more bets off 2 quid each on Dufner and Poulter before they went off today bot at 100/1
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