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Lambert180 ----- Life After The Grind -------



  • DivsDreamsDivsDreams Member Posts: 301
    edited February 2014
    very well played M8..
  • goldnballzgoldnballz Member Posts: 2,821
    edited February 2014
    Great result Paul, vwd!
  • dragon1964dragon1964 Member Posts: 3,054
    edited February 2014
    Congratulations on great result.
  • nagromnagrom Member Posts: 198
    edited February 2014
    Fantastic result vwp sir. Epitomises what the UKPC was all about and will be inspirational to all on here I'm sure. I'm really gutted to have missed the festival personally. It seems like the whole sky community really showed what it has to offer on a national scale and that can only be good for the game as a whole. Well done to everyone who represented the community so well, the UKPC seems to have been better received than anyone could have hoped for! :)
  • stuarty117stuarty117 Member Posts: 1,395
    edited February 2014
    Hi Paul

    I read this thread nearly every day a big congrats to you.

    use some of the money to go and treat yourself.
  • LightwoodLightwood Member Posts: 224
    edited February 2014
    VWP sir, you must be delighted
  • hhyftrftdrhhyftrftdr Member Posts: 8,036
    edited February 2014
    Cracking result, very well played.

  • waller02waller02 Member Posts: 9,125
    edited February 2014
    Vwp....Great result. Congratulations
  • SoLackSoLack Member Posts: 2,737
    edited February 2014
    wd again- do I remember swapping 10% with you at the start of day 2? :)
  • pomfrittespomfrittes Member Posts: 2,981
    edited February 2014

      Well done Lambo, not bad for a bluenose lol.
  • TPTP123TPTP123 Member Posts: 492
    edited February 2014
    nice score fella, i was gonna do the same as you and have a crack at the 150rebuy.. and see what happens.  Soo much value in this fest, massive achievement imo and exactly the right shot to take to give ya a new sense of drive and love for the game. 

    If i were you i'd skip 50nl now and just table/seat select really well locking down god seats between 100nl-400nl.... reducing your tables down to 4. 

    Good luck on your adventure!! 

  • craigcu12craigcu12 Member Posts: 3,963
    edited February 2014
    great work paul now the moneys already made so you don't have to spend months moving up the cash stakes slowly as you can just make the big leap up to the higher levels right away.
    The joy MTTs, now all you have to do be avoid the positive tilt.
  • ajmiltonajmilton Member Posts: 1,458
    edited February 2014
    Superb effort Paul. Your first major tourney and you come 3rd,
     you can talk the talk and showed them you can walk the walk .WP 

    Regards Alan 
  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited February 2014
    Thanks everyone for the kind words. It's funny, it was a really great feeling and completely surreal just thinking how much my payout was increasing with every bustout but as people always say with MTTs.... 'no matter how much you cash for, if you don't win you're always a bit disappointed'... I really wanted to take it down, and when we got 3handed it was anyone's game, but hey I won't complain!

    I did a new blog about UKPC/my deep run,  it's largely what I've pasted here (for the non-forum readers) but with just a few pics added, so if anyone is interested...

  • THEROCK573THEROCK573 Member Posts: 2,550
    edited February 2014
    any plans with the bink mate? i dont mean private stuff just re investing in poker type thing?
  • _ARAZI__ARAZI_ Member Posts: 549
    edited February 2014
    Very Well Done mate

    Was about a year ago when i told you that i was certain you would be playing 100/200nl within the year so you timed it right.

    Youve done evrything right and deserve what you have achieved

    Good luck

  • pryce6pryce6 Member Posts: 1,058
    edited February 2014
    well played btw, lovely result in a very tough comp
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,285
    edited February 2014

    An astonishing performance, Paul, many congratulations.

    I doubt you could find a tougher 400 runner 6-Max field than that, anywhere.

    Be proud, & enjoy the plaudits.
    Abso delighted for you.
  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited February 2014
    Again, thanks for all the kind words. 

    It certainly was a vv tough field and it was a great experience to share a table with the likes of Matt Perrins, Rupinder Bedi, Simon Deadman, Julian Thew just to name a few. My proudest moment in poker was always being picked by yourself (Tikay) to be part of TSP but this is certainly challenging for top spot now.

    I'm not gonna be doing anything crazy, I'll be taking the sensible route. Me and Emma have been putting money into savings for a long time towards buying a house and a big amount of my bink will just get added to this fund. Putting a chunk of it away also just increases how financially stable we are in the 'bad times' which is really important if you're playing full time. 

    My day-to-day grind is probably not gonna change at all, but it does help me take a couple more shots at live games which I've been really eager to do for a long time. I'll probably play stuff like GPS because the BIs are smaller than other tours like UKIPT, although will probably still give the odd UKIPT sat a go.
  • Chris_McChris_Mc Member Posts: 1,340
    edited February 2014
    In Response to Re: Lambert180 ----- Lolpro and Onwards ------- UKPC 6-max Blog:
    Again, thanks for all the kind words.  It certainly was a vv tough field and it was a great experience to share a table with the likes of Matt Perrins, Rupinder Bedi, Simon Deadmon, Julian Thew just to name a few. My proudest moment in poker was always being picked by yourself (Tikay) to be part of TSP but this is certainly challenging for top spot now. I'm not gonna be doing anything crazy, I'll be taking the sensible route. Me and Emma have been putting money into savings for a long time towards buying a house and a big amount of my bink will just get added to this fund. Putting a chunk of it away also just increases how financially stable we are in the 'bad times' which is really important if you're playing full time.  My day-to-day grind is probably not gonna change at all, but it does help me take a couple more shots at live games which I've been really eager to do for a long time. I'll probably play stuff like GPS because the BIs are smaller than other tours like UKIPT, although will probably still give the odd UKIPT sat a go.
    Posted by Lambert180

    so not going too sit with rosiedog then??

    Nice and sensible mate hope all goes well for you..  well done again.   

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