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Lambert180 ----- Life After The Grind -------



  • CraigSG1CraigSG1 Member Posts: 1,836
    edited September 2014
    In Response to Re: Lambert180 ----- Lolpro and Onwards -------:
    First session this morning for a few days and it was pretty decent. Periods of having insane heat on the go, but a few big losses stopped it from being a really big winning session. Finished just over +£150 I also had a pretty good night the other night on Unibet where 1 player sat down and was just literally gifting away stack after stack after stack. Getting it in with Q2o pre, full reload, do the same, rinse and repeat. I took about 10 BIs off him in 15-20 mins. I finished off the number of flops I need to see this morning so the money on there is now mine to use as I wish (or withdraw) and I've spun up my £10 4NL token to nearly £100.
    Posted by Lambert180
    Good going.

    Personally I would keep it up and use it as a little side challenge to yourself to see how far you can get. A little diversion to help keep the monotomy of grinding a bit fresh. 
  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited September 2014
    Actually played a full day today (it's been a while!)...

    This morning was pretty grim, just getting coolered lots and lots. There's a guy (that I won't name) who is on the tables pretty much every morning and spends the full length of every session moaning about bad beats/people getting there/how bad the player that beat him is/how unlucky he is all the time etc etc. Well he had the honour of stacking me twice in the space of about 30 mins, both time having flopped set over set... and despite this he still denied there was any luck involved!! ...  because 'he was ahead all the way'.

    Anyway, yeah was going pretty bad, then I got very lucky to whack a cooler on someone with nuts v 2nd nuts when we were quite deep/others were involved. This hand saved the session and meant I only finished -£60
    LUCKYSAMMI Small blind   £0.20 £0.20 £26.79
    hhamza162 Big blind   £0.40 £0.60 £82.68
      Your hole cards
    • 9
    • K
    PASTADAVE Call   £0.40 £1.00 £32.27
    Lambert180 Raise   £1.20 £2.20 £152.19
    PokerKinga Call   £1.20 £3.40 £48.61
    ozzieowen Call   £1.20 £4.60 £96.83
    LUCKYSAMMI Fold        
    hhamza162 Call   £0.80 £5.40 £81.88
    PASTADAVE Call   £0.80 £6.20 £31.47
    • 6
    • 10
    • 7
    hhamza162 Check        
    PASTADAVE Bet   £0.40 £6.60 £31.07
    Lambert180 Raise   £3.20 £9.80 £148.99
    PokerKinga Call   £3.20 £13.00 £45.41
    ozzieowen Fold        
    hhamza162 Call   £3.20 £16.20 £78.68
    PASTADAVE Call   £2.80 £19.00 £28.27
    • A
    hhamza162 Check        
    PASTADAVE Bet   £19.00 £38.00 £9.27
    Lambert180 Call   £19.00 £57.00 £129.99
    PokerKinga Fold        
    hhamza162 Call   £19.00 £76.00 £59.68
    • J
    hhamza162 Bet   £38.00 £114.00 £21.68
    PASTADAVE Fold        
    Lambert180 All-in   £129.99 £243.99 £0.00
    hhamza162 All-in   £21.68 £265.67 £0.00
    Lambert180 Unmatched bet   £70.31 £195.36 £70.31
    hhamza162 Show
    • 5
    • Q
    Lambert180 Show
    • 9
    • K
    Lambert180 Win Flush to the Ace £193.56   £263.87
    This evening went a bit better but still felt pretty rough. I didn't enjoy Rocketman doing this to me....
    Lambert180 Small blind   £0.25 £0.25 £126.91
    hurloon1 Big blind   £0.50 £0.75 £49.50
    Shippy1 Sit out        
    Jrvs Sit out        
      Your hole cards
    • J
    • A
    Razzi817 Fold        
    AJ_Rockets Raise   £1.00 £1.75 £59.92
    Lambert180 Call   £0.75 £2.50 £126.16
    hurloon1 Fold        
    • J
    • 10
    • J
    Lambert180 Check        
    AJ_Rockets Bet   £1.50 £4.00 £58.42
    Lambert180 Raise   £4.50 £8.50 £121.66
    AJ_Rockets Raise   £10.50 £19.00 £47.92
    Lambert180 All-in   £121.66 £140.66 £0.00
    AJ_Rockets All-in   £47.92 £188.58 £0.00
    Lambert180 Unmatched bet   £66.24 £122.34 £66.24
    Lambert180 Show
    • J
    • A
    AJ_Rockets Show
    • J
    • K
    • Q
    • 9
    AJ_Rockets Win Straight to the King £120.54   £120.54
    By the end of the session I was convinced it was gonna be a loss and was gonna be happy with break even when I looked at my balance but my amazing inability to keep track of how my sessions are going meant I actually ended up being +£70 so finished +£10 for the day.

    Only a tenner, but glad to add about 900 points to the tally cos it's lacking. Points are 4663 now, still should be able to get about 13k
  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited September 2014
    Was all in the mood for a big grind today  and started at 10am, but by about 11:30am there were a total of 3 tables running between 30-50NL and they weren't particularly great tables so just decided to 'do a devonfish', book the +£50 win and spend the rest of the session on my game, watching Deuces Cracked vids.

    Ended up nit-rolling someone for a 400BB pot today. Wasn't loving life after the 4b cos generally people 4bet vvvv narrow, and when they 4bet so big this deep it's almost always super nutted. Then when he just ships that particular flop I thought he was just trying to own me when he has top set knowing a good chunk of my range is AK/KK and will sigh call it off.

    It came in very handy because like the first or 2nd hand on this table I 3b KQs, think I flopped like 2 overs + GS and ended up going bet, bet shove only to get hero'd by TP, to lose £70.
    bonzodan Small blind   £0.25 £0.25 £107.09
    Lambert180 Big blind   £0.50 £0.75 £109.62
      Your hole cards
    • K
    • K
    hurst05 Fold        
    lsthd Call   £0.50 £1.25 £60.59
    u_sud_fold Fold        
    bonzodan Raise   £1.75 £3.00 £105.34
    Lambert180 Raise   £5.50 £8.50 £104.12
    lsthd Fold        
    bonzodan Raise   £16.50 £25.00 £88.84
    Lambert180 Call   £12.50 £37.50 £91.62
    • K
    • J
    • A
    bonzodan All-in   £88.84 £126.34 £0.00
    Lambert180 Call   £88.84 £215.18 £2.78
    bonzodan Show
    • J
    • J
    Lambert180 Show
    • K
    • K
    • 8
    • Q
    Lambert180 Win Three Kings £213.38   £216.16
  • 77Chris9177Chris91 Member Posts: 375
    edited September 2014


    They weren't great tables lol!?

  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited September 2014
    In Response to Re: Lambert180 ----- Lolpro and Onwards -------:
    ^^^^^^^^^ They weren't great tables lol!?
    Posted by 77Chris91
    Lol this table died sadly :( it broke to literally me sat on my own.

    I started the morning 6/7 tabling, and very quickly there were only 3 tables running
  • hhamza162hhamza162 Member Posts: 376
    edited September 2014
    In Response to Re: Lambert180 ----- Lolpro and Onwards -------:
    Actually played a full day today (it's been a while!)... This morning was pretty grim, just getting coolered lots and lots. There's a guy (that I won't name) who is on the tables pretty much every morning and spends the full length of every session moaning about bad beats/people getting there/how bad the player that beat him is/how unlucky he is all the time etc etc. Well he had the honour of stacking me twice in the space of about 30 mins, both time having flopped set over set... and despite this he still denied there was any luck involved!! ...  because 'he was ahead all the way'. Anyway, yeah was going pretty bad, then I got very lucky to whack a cooler on someone with nuts v 2nd nuts when we were quite deep/others were involved. This hand saved the session and meant I only finished -£60

    This was against me unfortunately :(
  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited September 2014
    Just finished up my morning session. Finished -£12 but pretty happy with that cos early doors in the session, I was sat HU on a 50NL MC table, I 4bet AA, get a call and then it goes in over 2 streets on like Q84T and he's got QQ, so that was £100 gone.

    Getting back on track with the points now, I'm on 5412 atm, hopefully make it to 6k after tonight's session.

    Sadly looks like I'm in a team that has no hope of coming top 5 in the premiership this week, but... it also looks like I'm in a good chance of being the person who gets the highest points in my team..... every cloud and all that.
  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited September 2014
    My next £5 free bet from Sky has gone on a 4-fold for Liverpool/Stoke/Arsenal/Newcastle to win... about £90 return iirc.
  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited September 2014
    I was listening to the Stoke game on the radio on the drive down to Liverpool today and thought it was looking like a banker for the first game of the bet... lost signal for the station, get to my mum's and find out QPR got a last minute goal. It doesn't really matter though cos 2 of the other teams let me down anyway... silver lining though, Liverpool lost again :D

    Played a morning session on Friday that I didn't update about which was absolutely grim. Just got completely hammered, everyone obv thought it was a good idea to call 3bets OOP with small PPs and flop sets every single time I happen to have an OP on like the best runout for me. Haven't had one like that for maybe a month, sessions where nothing you do is right and you just lost every big pot, so suppose I was due. Finished -£300, and that was pretty grim just writing it on my spreadsheet but I went and looked at all my monthly totals so far and it made me feel a bit better.

    The plan tonight was play the main and mini, then when I bust them grind some cash but I didn't expect to still be in them so late. I had deep runs in both and for a short time started to think a jackpot was possibly on the cards. In the mini, I lost AK v 88, then shipped 77 and didn't even see what they had or the runout cos I was busy shipping in the main but I just saw the 'you have finised in ....' message.

    I came 39/490 in the mini for £11.52. The ship at the same time in the main was AJ v KJ where I held to get a decent stack back. A while later I raised SB v BB with AKs (both our stacks were shallowish, don't know how it doesnt go in pre), he peels, I cbet AQ3dd, he raises and stacks-wise I can only shove/fold, I do shove and he obv has AQ. I actually think I can fold the flop just because of how passive most random people play these stages but meh I blew it.

    Came 19th in the main out of 362 for just over £90 so a +£65 day altogether.

    Might still go and play some cash now, dunno yet.
    Lambert180 Small blind   400.00 400.00 17172.00
    blueberr27 Big blind   800.00 1200.00 25107.50
      Your hole cards
    • K
    • A
    shubling Fold        
    shawsok Fold        
    macapaca Fold        
    Lambert180 Raise   1200.00 2400.00 15972.00
    blueberr27 Call   800.00 3200.00 24307.50
    • Q
    • A
    • 3
    Lambert180 Bet   1625.00 4825.00 14347.00
    blueberr27 Raise   4850.00 9675.00 19457.50
    Lambert180 All-in   14347.00 24022.00 0.00
    blueberr27 Call   11122.00 35144.00 8335.50
    Lambert180 Show
    • K
    • A
    blueberr27 Show
    • A
    • Q
    • 10
    • 3
    blueberr27 Win Two Pairs, Aces and Queens 35144.00   43479.50
  • MaggiesdadMaggiesdad Member Posts: 439
    edited September 2014
    In Response to Re: Lambert180 ----- Lolpro and Onwards -------:
    I was listening to the Stoke game on the radio on the drive down to Liverpool today and thought it was looking like a banker for the first game of the bet... lost signal for the station, get to my mum's and find out QPR got a last minute goal. It doesn't really matter though cos 2 of the other teams let me down anyway... silver lining though, Liverpool lost again :D Played a morning session on Friday that I didn't update about which was absolutely grim. Just got completely hammered, everyone obv thought it was a good idea to call 3bets OOP with small PPs and flop sets every single time I happen to have an OP on like the best runout for me. Haven't had one like that for maybe a month, sessions where nothing you do is right and you just lost every big pot, so suppose I was due. Finished -£300, and that was pretty grim just writing it on my spreadsheet but I went and looked at all my monthly totals so far and it made me feel a bit better. The plan tonight was play the main and mini, then when I bust them grind some cash but I didn't expect to still be in them so late. I had deep runs in both and for a short time started to think a jackpot was possibly on the cards. In the mini, I lost AK v 88, then shipped 77 and didn't even see what they had or the runout cos I was busy shipping in the main but I just saw the 'you have finised in ....' message. I came 39/490 in the mini for £11.52. The ship at the same time in the main was AJ v KJ where I held to get a decent stack back. A while later I raised SB v BB with AKs (both our stacks were shallowish, don't know how it doesnt go in pre), he peels, I cbet AQ3dd, he raises and stacks-wise I can only shove/fold, I do shove and he obv has AQ. I actually think I can fold the flop just because of how passive most random people play these stages but meh I blew it. Came 19th in the main out of 362 for just over £90 so a +£65 day altogether. Might still go and play some cash now, dunno yet. Player Action Cards Amount Pot Balance Lambert180 Small blind   400.00 400.00 17172.00 blueberr27 Big blind   800.00 1200.00 25107.50   Your hole cards K A       shubling Fold         shawsok Fold         macapaca Fold         Lambert180 Raise   1200.00 2400.00 15972.00 blueberr27 Call   800.00 3200.00 24307.50 Flop     Q A 3       Lambert180 Bet   1625.00 4825.00 14347.00 blueberr27 Raise   4850.00 9675.00 19457.50 Lambert180 All-in   14347.00 24022.00 0.00 blueberr27 Call   11122.00 35144.00 8335.50 Lambert180 Show K A       blueberr27 Show A Q       Turn     10       River     3       blueberr27 Win Two Pairs, Aces and Queens 35144.00   43479.50
    Posted by Lambert180
    I take it you are a Toffee?
  • craigcu12craigcu12 Member Posts: 3,963
    edited September 2014
    UL paul GG.

    when you say you can still fold this flop, does chip stack sizes play a part in this?

    i've put 3 hands which probably sum up where i'm thinking my problem really lies.

    i have went over the top with some of my clinic posts. i hope to now start calming down
  • Matt237Matt237 Member Posts: 1,785
    edited September 2014
    Hard one that flop but don't really think you can fold
  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited September 2014
    @MaggiesDad - Yeah I'm a toffee.

    @Craig/Matt - Well stack size plays a small part as they do in all situations but the most important part is what I keep telling you (craig) about.... ranges. I absolutely hated the spot when he raised and knew it was gonna result in me busting but just couldn't find the fold in them 10 seconds.

    Villian has done virtually nothing at the table for a pretty long time, he's clearly tight and passive. I'd bet anything that he's NEVER raising AJ on this flop so that means he won't raise a single value hand I beat.... he's NEVER gonna raise air, so that just leaves us with ....

    1) Draws - Imo given how passive he is, he's not gonna raise draws, but lets give him a bit of credit and assume he won't raise gutshots, but would raise a couple of FDs. If his FD includes Qx i.e. KQdd, QJdd, QTdd etc then he wouldn't raise (imo) because he already has a made hand likely to be good with his FD. The Ad is out there so that rules out a ton of raggy suited aces that might peel pre, so in terms of FDs that raise we're down to something like KJdd, KTdd, JTdd, maybe K9dd. I'm still not convinced he raises all or any of them but even still that's 4 combos.

    2) Hands that have us virtually drawing dead - AQ, A3, 33. These combos considerably outnumber the combos of draws. Plus the draws still have decent equity anyway, plus I'm 100% sure he raises the AQ/A3/33 but not 100% he raises the draws.

    And when I take all that into account, and the fact if I fold I still have almost 20xBB, I think it's a clear fold.

    I definitely blew it imo.
  • Jac35Jac35 Member Posts: 6,492
    edited September 2014
    Hate those spots Paul. I think it's something we all do. We know that we're likely beat but try and convince ourselves in that short time that they're spewing with a flush draw etc to justify making the call. 
    On that board as well it's a tough one. There is very little that we can see is beating us. I suppose something which I need to do more is to think about how my opponent plays rather than see it from my viewpoint. Looking at that board I'd be thinking that he shouldn't have AQ as he'd be likely to 3bet pre. After that, what are losing too? Ace3 or a set of 3's. Difficult to make the fold when we're narrowing him down to only two hands.

    Glad to see you posting again. Always good to read. Surprised Matt8 doesn't like you, I think you're ok ;)
  • shakinacesshakinaces Member Posts: 1,590
    edited September 2014
    Just out of interest (novice voice) would the fact that stacks are so short not weigh more so towards draws (or even full on bluffs) in that hand?

    I mean, just taking the oppos point of view, you've raised BvB and cbet 1/2 pot... your range would still be pretty wide here (I assume) and raising with such a strong hand (as AQ) will force you to fold more often than not (like you allude to, AK is probably the bottom of the range you shove here).  Stack size and position (for oppo) mean that they can still bet turn and river to play for stacks so they wouldn't be losing value (?)

    Grim either way on this occasion, but good to read that results overall continue to head in the right direction.
  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited September 2014
    In short I'd say no Shakin... generally the more stacks get shallow, the more 'honestly' people play. People don't wanna blow up in 1 failed bluff, they wanna wait for hands. He's never gonna have complete airballs, especially if he's passive. Like if he's not 3betting AQ pre BvB here then he's not 3betting anything except like AK, and JJ+ prob and he's unlikely to be really passive pre then just go nuts postflop.

    Really he just got very lucky to 1) outflop me and 2) do it when I have the tiny part of my range which is strong enough to continue once he raises. Now he's flopped the world and has position he should just call down/bet if I check a street, cos as you say my range will be vv wide here and more often than not I have something random like J9o and just snap fold.

    The thing is, he's never raising AJ or worse value hands imo, it's hands that crush me or draws if I'm lucky. So that means when he raises my hand effectively turns into KK/A2 and I wouldn't have stacked off with those hands like I shouldn't have stacked off with AK.


    Played a short cash session tonight but closed down after a couple of hours to focus on the roller. Finished -64p

    I also played a £24 Roller direct earlier... 7 players and I lose the HU AQ<KJ so didn't get a seat but got a small consolation of £44 and just decided to BI direct to the roller.

    I had a really slow start in the roller, just stayed patient throughout but my stack was going up vvvvv slowly (no where near quick enough to keep up with blind increases). Then I got lucky to win a big pot off Adam Bromley when I had AA and he flopped TP w/ K9 on Kxx. That got me going, then I stuck around a similar kinda stack for a while until 2 big pots kicked off. First one was me opening the button w/ 20xBB w/ AQo, ChicknMelt was in the BB also with about 20xBB and I knew I was snapping off a shove... he did shove and I held v KQo.

    Then about 5 hands later I minraise TT, Melt sticks his last like 1.5xBB in K8lou just flats, and I get the T87cc flop, he bets, I call, think it was 6o turn, he bets, I call, 7o river, he bets, I ship, and he hates it (says so in chat) but sigh calls with AA. That shoots me up to CL with 22 left.

    Things were going well from there, nicking lots of small pots etc, and got to the point where I had almost double 2nd place in chips, but on my table was 5 of the top 6 stacks. Then this hand happened which put a stop to the momentum. After he flatted pre, I called the shorty knowing I was planning to call off the other guy if he reshoved cos when he flats I think we can pretty much rule out JJ+.
    JonesyTHFC Small blind   1250.00 1250.00 96249.25
    kopite1984 Big blind   2500.00 3750.00 27677.76
      Your hole cards
    • 10
    • 10
    TONY509 Fold        
    Lambert180 Raise   5000.00 8750.00 207971.75
    hhamza162 Fold        
    gollyrod Fold        
    JonesyTHFC Call   3750.00 12500.00 92499.25
    kopite1984 All-in   27677.76 40177.76 0.00
    Lambert180 Call   25177.76 65355.52 182793.99
    JonesyTHFC All-in   92499.25 157854.77 0.00
    Lambert180 Call   67321.49 225176.26 115472.50
    JonesyTHFC Show
    • K
    • A
    kopite1984 Show
    • Q
    • A
    Lambert180 Show
    • 10
    • 10
    • 9
    • A
    • 6
    • 8
    • 3
    JonesyTHFC Win Pair of Aces 225176.26   225176.26
    That put a big dent in the stack and I never really recovered. I don't think I did much wrong from that point onwards but things just didn't go my way, and I eventually got short, shipped JJ, snapped by AA, flops his set, gg :(

    Sigh another close run in a main and still no cigar... at least I got a couple of points for Slip's leaderboard ;)

    Finished 15th out of 173 for £242.20 so all in all was a +£150 day.
  • GELDYGELDY Member Posts: 5,203
    edited September 2014
    nice write ups Paul
    almost get the sense of being on the table
    frustrating i know but still cashing in the roller aint too shabby

  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited September 2014
    Cheers Geldy, I try to avoid it being boring as much as possible.

    Yeah definitely can't quibble, it's always nice even if it's a mincash when it's the roller. I've had 3 deep runs in mains recently including 1 FT so it's tough to know whether I should be grateful for that cos that in itself requires quite a bit of rungood, or frustrated because none of them have converted into really decent scores and all the money is in the top 3 places.

    Last night's result did push me over the £2k profit mark on Sharkscope too which is a nice milestone.

    I was in a team this week for the Premiership that had no hope of getting top 5 (just not enough big grinders) but the silver lining there was that the lack of big grinders meant I was the biggest point scorer for my team this week so get a free £50 :)

  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited September 2014
    I guess with 3 deep runs in mains in the last 5 days it was a little optimistic to hope for another but we can only try. Tonight's attempt was rather short lived. The main I took a bounty for £11.25 but then bust about 10pm (I think) with AK<JJ. Not 100% sure about what my mini exit was but iirc it was a bad bluff, I had decent equity on the turn, think FD + GS but I shoved with virtually on FE, and bricked.

    -£27.25 there.

    Cash started pretty rough but was partly my own fault, think I was just peeling a bit too wide pre and opening a bit too wide in spots where I'll often be OOP when called. Soon put a stop to that and managed to turn it around to finish +£81 so overall a +£50 day.... +£100 if I include my premiership money so can't be bad.

    Poker points = 6705
  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited September 2014
    Nothing too exciting tonight, played Main and Mini and went quite far but bust main 128/563 and Mini 208/571 (no heads).

    Cash was pretty poor again, tables were really grim tonight, like 4-5 nitty regs to pretty much every single table between 30 - 50NL.

    Late regged a £24 roller direct sat to play for the cash and ended up getting the £110 along with Geldy and that short fellow that does well on here.

    Finished about -£100 on cash but +£70 on MTTs

    Looks like another week in the premiership I have a team with no hope of winning, but again the silver lining is that it looks like I should be able to comfortably be the top scorer within the team for another £50.

    Points = 6992
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