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Lambert180 ----- Life After The Grind -------



  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited May 2014
    There's no cash equivelant for winning a seat via the promo, BUT there's nothing to stop you regging in advance if you are about to win a seat through the satellites.

    The same as some regs who have already won a seat, but they play it again next week cos if they get a seat again they just get £1k cash. If you're in the final and you reg the £1k event, when u win the seat, it'll see you're regged already and give u £1k cash, then you can de-reg the event and get your own £1k back too.

    I'm obv playing the event but it's just sensible to have a backup if you can because for some reason you may be unable to play the event. In my case, I got it through the promo, so if soemthing came up and I physically couldnt play, then I'd just lose the £1k seat.
  • alex1229alex1229 Member Posts: 680
    edited May 2014
    In Response to Re: Lambert180 ----- Lolpro and Onwards ------- UKPC Rakerace Blogaments:
    There's no cash equivelant for winning a seat via the promo, BUT there's nothing to stop you regging in advance if you are about to win a seat through the satellites. The same as some regs who have already won a seat, but they play it again next week cos if they get a seat again they just get £1k cash. If you're in the final and you reg the £1k event, when u win the seat, it'll see you're regged already and give u £1k cash, then you can de-reg the event and get your own £1k back too. I'm obv playing the event but it's just sensible to have a backup if you can because for some reason you may be unable to play the event. In my case, I got it through the promo, so if soemthing came up and I physically couldnt play, then I'd just lose the £1k seat.
    Posted by Lambert180
    Ah okey, well ive won a seat via one of the live tournaments, if i were to de reg from that i dont know what would happen?

    Im also trying to get the full package via one of the promos the one worth £1500, so if i get that, what happens to the £1k seat i preveously won

    All so very confusing for me :(
  • CraigSG1CraigSG1 Member Posts: 1,836
    edited May 2014
    I'll be brave and get my thoughts on the hand so I can get pulled apart but I don't think you can do much else than what you did, especially being in position. 

    The OR reraised a donk bet (generally a weakish hand) so can still be doing this with a wide range. I'm not sure what looks stronger, calling or 3 betting. I think we can get away with a call being in position and if the donk bettor repops it then we still have options instead of commiting ourselves there and then on what will probably just be a draw. 

  • 77Chris9177Chris91 Member Posts: 375
    edited May 2014

    Flop is a 100% flat imo. Especially this deep.

    Raising essentially turns our hand into a semi bluff.

    Considering we hold Ac and a J, what is the villain continuing with that were ecstatic about?

    I don't think your hand is as great as it seems :)

  • hhyftrftdrhhyftrftdr Member Posts: 8,036
    edited May 2014
    You'd have been out waaaaaay before the money in the mini if you didn't river that 10 vs me ;)

    Good to see my chips helped you into the money anyway!
  • ShaunyTShaunyT Member Posts: 619
    edited May 2014
    Just seen your letter in poker player magazine.  Bit of cheeky self promotion. Good job man!!
  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited May 2014
    Cheers Shauny, gotta do your bit to get yourself out there :P

    Disappeared off the face of the planet (or at least the face of Sky) for a little while now for various reasons. Poker's been going pretty rubbish for me, I was still feeling burnt out from that promo thing and in need of a break so been doing a few other things. In poker it's just been one of them patches where everything is going wrong, every bluff either gets hero'd or snapped by the nuts, and every made hand is either outdrawn or was already behind. I was discussing the month's results so far with a few guys last night though and it's not as bad as I felt like it was. Looks like it'll be a losing month unless I can have a couple of decent winning days in the next few days but if it's a losing month it won't be a big one... cue me losing £1k in the next 3 days lol.

    Me and Emma watched the first ever episode of Game of Thrones the other night. We needed something new TV-wise to get into and I've been hearing loads of talk about how great it is so thought I'd give it a spin. Looks pretty good so far. NO SPOILERS PLZ :)

    I started re-reading the Darren Shan series again the other day too (for like the 5th time). I don't care if anyone says it's a kids book, great story imo, love it.

    Also doing my first (poker) coaching session tomorrow morning with a new coach so looking forward to that.
  • Matt237Matt237 Member Posts: 1,785
    edited May 2014
    In Response to Re: Lambert180 ----- Lolpro and Onwards ------- UKPC Rakerace Blogaments:
    Cheers Shauny, gotta do your bit to get yourself out there :P Disappeared off the face of the planet (or at least the face of Sky) for a little while now for various reasons. Poker's been going pretty rubbish for me, I was still feeling burnt out from that promo thing and in need of a break so been doing a few other things. In poker it's just been one of them patches where everything is going wrong, every bluff either gets hero'd or snapped by the nuts, and every made hand is either outdrawn or was already behind. I was discussing the month's results so far with a few guys last night though and it's not as bad as I felt like it was. Looks like it'll be a losing month unless I can have a couple of decent winning days in the next few days but if it's a losing month it won't be a big one... cue me losing £1k in the next 3 days lol. Me and Emma watched the first ever episode of Game of Thrones the other night. We needed something new TV-wise to get into and I've been hearing loads of talk about how great it is so thought I'd give it a spin. Looks pretty good so far. NO SPOILERS PLZ :)I started re-reading the Darren Shan series again the other day too (for like the 5th time). I don't care if anyone says it's a kids book, great story imo, love it. Also doing my first (poker) coaching session tomorrow morning with a new coach so looking forward to that.
    Posted by Lambert180

    Very good. Film was ok and thought they would do a follow up.

  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited June 2014
    For once I aint been avoiding posting cos I'm running bad.... I am running bad like lol, but I've been meaning to update and just been mega busy.

    Poker is sucking at the moment, nothing going for me at cash, and can barely last 10 mins in an MTT. Late regged the Roller about 30 mins in, happy going in that late cos it was still 40/80 so still had like 125xBB which is tons.... unless you're me :p  The roller didn't last long, few small pots lost, then I somehow managed to have the 3rd best hand (not even joint 2nd lol) w/ AK on 222A8 when someone had limp/called 23o and the other villian in the hand (Sam Razavi) had AA. By the river I thought 'sigh, ok chop it up'... but no I was up against quads and the nuttiest of FHs. Left me crippled and bust very quickly after. Wasn't llong before I bust the mini and the £55 BH. Cash that night was +£55 so recovered a bit.

    Decided I'm gonna take a break from MTTs, cos the swings are big and I just wanna focus on my bread and butter game, try and put together a decent profit to start the month well. Next cash session continued were last month left off and was -£250, a few bad calls (and 1 bad bluff) contributed to this but I could have done without everyone just snap folding every flop that I hit.

    The painful one tonight was the gadget freeroll... 70 odd runners in total with the FT being paid. 6th was £100 up to £400 for 2nd, then £5k worth of goodies for 1st.... 40" smart TV, Desktop PC, 27" HD monitor, iPhone 5s etc etc, lots of gadgets to the value of abuot £5k. I thought my luck was finally changing as I was running deeper and deeper, then with 9 left and me doing quite well, I took a big flip with AKs v QQ that would have made me CL and I'd have had like 20% of the chips in play with 9 left. Couldn't hit though and it was gg :(


    Some positives then... I gave my first coaching session tonight which I think went pretty well. I'm very new (completely new) to this so I was a bit nervous, especially as I was recording it for all to see so I want it to be good and I'm sure some people will watch it looking for things I've said to pick apart and correct me on. The real tester is in how useful ShakinAces found it.

    Vid is rendering right now, so will let that finish, then upload it to youtube tomorrow morning and share it on the forum. I've also decided I'll be doing a blog once I've finished these vids about my recent progress (or lack of) and will be including links to all the vids in there.


    The other day, we found a bird lying in the middle of the grass in our back garden, a proper baby of a bird, it didn't even have close to all of it's feathers yet. We assumed it must have fell out/been kicked out of it's nest and we have a nest on the guttering of the roof, but that's like 10ft away from where it was on the grass so no idea how it got there.

    We did alot of research on the internet, anafter realising we couldn't get him back to his nest (the best solution), we made him a make shift nest and placed it as close to his nest as possible (the 2nd best solution) in the hope his parents would see him, and keep popping in to feed him until he was strong enough to fly. We couldnt get it close enough and our cats kept trying to get to the make shift nest as it was lower down. The final option at the time seemed to be to kill him so he didn't suffer a slow death, but neither of us wanted to do that... it's pretty grim even thinking about it.

    So Emma .... wait for it... took him under her wing. She found out online apparently they will eat dried cat food that's been soaked in milk so it's like mush, so we were feeding him that and Emma made a home for him in a shoebox.

    We kept him fed (every 30-45 mins) and he ended up staying the night in our bedroom so we could keep him safe from the cats, so the other night I had the constant sound of tweeting by my head.

    We found an animal rescue centre online about 45 mins drive away which has it's own bird nursery so we dropped him off there today. The lady there said they had a few other birds the same kinda size atm so he should fit in fine :)

    Hopefully they get him back on his feet fine and he can go live a full and fruitful life.
  • Jac35Jac35 Member Posts: 6,492
    edited June 2014
    More stories like the bottom one please Paul.
    Read what Emma put on FB. Great stuff. Good luck to Jeffrey
  • THEROCK573THEROCK573 Member Posts: 2,550
    edited June 2014
    In Response to Re: Lambert180 ----- Lolpro and Onwards -------:
    For once I aint been avoiding posting cos I'm running bad.... I am running bad like lol, but I've been meaning to update and just been mega busy. Poker is sucking at the moment, nothing going for me at cash, and can barely last 10 mins in an MTT. Late regged the Roller about 30 mins in, happy going in that late cos it was still 40/80 so still had like 125xBB which is tons.... unless you're me :p  The roller didn't last long, few small pots lost, then I somehow managed to have the 3rd best hand (not even joint 2nd lol) w/ AK on 222A8 when someone had limp/called 23o and the other villian in the hand (Sam Razavi) had AA. By the river I thought 'sigh, ok chop it up'... but no I was up against quads and the nuttiest of FHs. Left me crippled and bust very quickly after. Wasn't llong before I bust the mini and the £55 BH. Cash that night was +£55 so recovered a bit. Decided I'm gonna take a break from MTTs, cos the swings are big and I just wanna focus on my bread and butter game, try and put together a decent profit to start the month well. Next cash session continued were last month left off and was -£250, a few bad calls (and 1 bad bluff) contributed to this but I could have done without everyone just snap folding every flop that I hit. The painful one tonight was the gadget freeroll... 70 odd runners in total with the FT being paid. 6th was £100 up to £400 for 2nd, then £5k worth of goodies for 1st.... 40" smart TV, Desktop PC, 27" HD monitor, iPhone 5s etc etc, lots of gadgets to the value of abuot £5k. I thought my luck was finally changing as I was running deeper and deeper, then with 9 left and me doing quite well, I took a big flip with AKs v QQ that would have made me CL and I'd have had like 20% of the chips in play with 9 left. Couldn't hit though and it was gg :( ======================================================================== Some positives then... I gave my first coaching session tonight which I think went pretty well. I'm very new (completely new) to this so I was a bit nervous, especially as I was recording it for all to see so I want it to be good and I'm sure some people will watch it looking for things I've said to pick apart and correct me on. The real tester is in how useful ShakinAces found it. Vid is rendering right now, so will let that finish, then upload it to youtube tomorrow morning and share it on the forum. I've also decided I'll be doing a blog once I've finished these vids about my recent progress (or lack of) and will be including links to all the vids in there. ========================================================================= The other day, we found a bird lying in the middle of the grass in our back garden, a proper baby of a bird, it didn't even have close to all of it's feathers yet. We assumed it must have fell out/been kicked out of it's nest and we have a nest on the guttering of the roof, but that's like 10ft away from where it was on the grass so no idea how it got there. We did alot of research on the internet, anafter realising we couldn't get him back to his nest (the best solution), we made him a make shift nest and placed it as close to his nest as possible (the 2nd best solution) in the hope his parents would see him, and keep popping in to feed him until he was strong enough to fly. We couldnt get it close enough and our cats kept trying to get to the make shift nest as it was lower down. The final option at the time seemed to be to kill him so he didn't suffer a slow death, but neither of us wanted to do that... it's pretty grim even thinking about it. So Emma .... wait for it... took him under her wing. She found out online apparently they will eat dried cat food that's been soaked in milk so it's like mush, so we were feeding him that and Emma made a home for him in a shoebox. We kept him fed (every 30-45 mins) and he ended up staying the night in our bedroom so we could keep him safe from the cats, so the other night I had the constant sound of tweeting by my head. We found an animal rescue centre online about 45 mins drive away which has it's own bird nursery so we dropped him off there today. The lady there said they had a few other birds the same kinda size atm so he should fit in fine :) Hopefully they get him back on his feet fine and he can go live a full and fruitful life.
    Posted by Lambert180

    id enter every big tournament going this sunday. karma and all that, you deserve a huge bink for doing such a nice thing

  • THEROCK573THEROCK573 Member Posts: 2,550
    edited June 2014
    im actually glad i havnt been out in raves on the E'S at the weekend actually reading that cos id be an emotinal wreck, its moved me has that and i have a heart of stone. haha
  • CraigSG1CraigSG1 Member Posts: 1,836
    edited June 2014
    Hi Paul. Real nice story. 

    Glad the first coaching session went well and that your more practiced for me. Now it will only be me that looks the fool! Anyway, which time would be best for you? Friday night or sunday morning? 

  • goldnballzgoldnballz Member Posts: 2,821
    edited June 2014
    Lovely story, & a happy ending :)
  • splashiessplashies Member Posts: 3,680
    edited June 2014
    Bet your eyes lit up when Emma asked if a bird could join you both in bed last night ;)
  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited June 2014
    Well this video business has been a massive brainache!!

    For some reason, my recording software picked up Shakin's voice at a tiny tiny volume even though I had the speakers turned up quite high on my comp so it was coming out loud to me. I've tried isolating them parts of the vid and increasing the volume but I just can't get it anywhere near audible. Thankfully I did 95%+ of the talking so not much is lost, but there are a few patches of what seems like 'dead air' but that's because Shakin is talking and you can't hear it lol. Annoying, but this is my first go at anything like this and it's still turned out ok, but will be more prepared for next time.

    Next issue was that I spent an age waiting for it to render, then a further age uploading it to Youtube just for it to complete and Youtube tell me the video is too long so it failed lol. Had to verifiy my account with Youtube apparently which I've now done so I'm allowed to upload longer vids and have just finished waiting a 3rd age for it to upload again.

    Bit shaky at times but it's my first go so the only way is up ;)

    Tilllttttt, it's just uploaded and for some reason the quality has come up alot worse than it was so it's pretty hard to see the cards :(

    I'm gonna share the link with you all now and you can watch as is, but I'm going to upload it again when I get a chance and fiddle with the quality to make it clearer.

    In the meantime, while I'm uploading a clearer copy, here is the HHs so you can see what the hands are

  • F_IvanovicF_Ivanovic Member Posts: 2,412
    edited June 2014
    re. the picture quality... this happens on most poker videos. The trick is if you are watching the video to put youtube in full screen and the quality sorts itself out... no idea why!
  • Matt237Matt237 Member Posts: 1,785
    edited June 2014
    Look forward to watching Paul.
  • THEROCK573THEROCK573 Member Posts: 2,550
    edited June 2014
    In Response to Re: Lambert180 ----- Lolpro and Onwards -------:
    Well this video business has been a massive brainache!! For some reason, my recording software picked up Shakin's voice at a tiny tiny volume even though I had the speakers turned up quite high on my comp so it was coming out loud to me. I've tried isolating them parts of the vid and increasing the volume but I just can't get it anywhere near audible. Thankfully I did 95%+ of the talking so not much is lost, but there are a few patches of what seems like 'dead air' but that's because Shakin is talking and you can't hear it lol. Annoying, but this is my first go at anything like this and it's still turned out ok, but will be more prepared for next time. Next issue was that I spent an age waiting for it to render, then a further age uploading it to Youtube just for it to complete and Youtube tell me the video is too long so it failed lol. Had to verifiy my account with Youtube apparently which I've now done so I'm allowed to upload longer vids and have just finished waiting a 3rd age for it to upload again. Bit shaky at times but it's my first go so the only way is up ;) Tilllttttt, it's just uploaded and for some reason the quality has come up alot worse than it was so it's pretty hard to see the cards :( I'm gonna share the link with you all now and you can watch as is, but I'm going to upload it again when I get a chance and fiddle with the quality to make it clearer. In the meantime, while I'm uploading a clearer copy, here is the HHs so you can see what the hands are
    Posted by Lambert180
    you sound a bit like john bishop lambert
  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited June 2014
    Cheers for kind words about the bird story, and yeah could do with a nice Sunday bink Rock :p

    Well I am from Liverpool Rock, although John Bishop is deffo something I aint been compared to yet, although Dohhh did say he thinks I sound a lot more scouse in that video than I do when I have Skype chats with some of the Sky regs.

    Decent session tonight, ran a bit better than I have been. The only major coolers all night were KK<AA aipf and AA>KK aipf so 1-1 on coolers ;) Finished the night +£150
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