It got 26 runners in the end, and I only finished 12th
Just never managed to get going, literally didn't flop TP or better in the entire tourney. That's punishment for winning 8/9 games earlier lol. Definitely be giving these a go again though if they stick to having so few runners and £1 BI.
What world clock does Sharkscope work on though? I.E. what time will it be in the UK when SS thinks it's 1st June 00:01? Just some food for thought to make sure your session even counts.
I'll be playing a local pub game tonight so no Sky poker tonight for me, but hopefully I can add a few squid to my roll after tonight because the game is SO soft.
Cheers Devon. What world clock does Sharkscope work on though? I.E. what time will it be in the UK when SS thinks it's 1st June 00:01? Just some food for thought to make sure your session even counts. I'll be playing a local pub game tonight so no Sky poker tonight for me, but hopefully I can add a few squid to my roll after tonight because the game is SO soft. Posted by Lambert180
It's fine, anything after midnight will count as new month 100%.
Oh I meant to ask, do we take the ROI from our first 1000 games, or is it just, we have to play 1000 and we'll take the month's ROI whether you play 1001 or 5000?
I assumed that it's the whole month ROI with a minimum of 1000 games. I don't think il manage too much more than 1k games anyway. How many you reckon you'll do? Posted by splashies
Whole month ROI, minimum 1000 games sounds fine to me.
I was planning on doing 1500-2000 tbh, but I'll have to see about that cos I got my other roll to play some with too.
Right that's me done for the day and done for the month. I just wanted to earn them extra few quid so I've met my target for the month. The reason I set that target was because...
A) it's what I had before starting playing Hypers again so I wanted to actually be in profit for my Hypers (which I am now)
When I took a dip after starting the £5 Hypers, it was the first time in ages that my SS graph for SnGs has been in the red, and I wanted it back in the black, which it now is
So anyway, I played 14 games today and won 9 of them for a £16.50 profit, very nice.
Almost got that £20 back too that I withdrew so I'm basically freerolling on that other site. Month Summary
It's been a pretty good month in all, I've discovered that I can definitely beat this level of Hypers and finished the month in profit, I've set up a 2nd bankroll on another site, I've earned more C4P this month than I ever have before.
Lamberto. You can play your other site on your phone. Might help your laptop sharing issue thing. Posted by DOHHHHHHH
Yeah I did see that advertised on their site, very decent offer. I also saw they're doing a comp where you send in a pic of you playing poker in a random place and the best pic gets an iPad.
But my phone completely sucks, I can barely view webpages so I don't that's an option lol. But me and Emma were looking at laptops today actually, thinking about getting a second one.
In Response to Re: Lambert180 - A Tale Of 2 Bankrolls ----- Summary of May's Progress! : Yeah I did see that advertised on their site, very decent offer. I also saw they're doing a comp where you send in a pic of you playing poker in a random place and the best pic gets an iPad. But my phone completely sucks, I can barely view webpages so I don't that's an option lol. But me and Emma were looking at laptops today actually, thinking about getting a second one. Posted by Lambert180
You defo need to be a two laptop house. When you are you'll wonder how you ever coped with one. We have 4 working laptops, a working PC (and 2 broken laptops) here.
Best of luck for the 1,000 hyper thing, must admit I'm a bit tempted to join in myself. The site v site experiment is a great idea. Will be interesting to see how ROIs compare when you've built up a big sample.
Cheers Splashies, and good luck with your midnight session. Live Game
So I went to that live game again tonight at the local pub. Only 6 runners this time, the owner blamed that on it being a bank holiday weekend coming up and it being the end of the month. Same setup, £5 in, 1 rebuy allowed within 1st hour and 1 add-on. Standard was possibly even worse than last time I went.
One guy was playing about 80% of his hands without looking at them, and just limping, and check/calling. One hand, a guy bet 3 streets at him for him to call all the way down, the guy betting turns over a FH and everyone cheers, only for the blind guy to turn his cards over, seeing them for the first time, to have a bigger FH lol. Suffice to say the guy with the under house was not impressed!
So only 6 runners, but with all the rebuys etc it was £55 for 1st and £30 for 2nd. We were down to 4 and there was one guy with a tiny stack, like 3k, a super aggressive really bad player with about 50k, the 'blind' player with 50k and me with about 20k. Aggressive man raises, blind man flats pre blind. Aggressive bets, another flat, aggressive shoves all in with 2pr on the turn, and blind man says 'well I have to call don't I' (still not having look at his cards lol). He calls and has OESD but misses, so I was glad to see him out and me almost guaranteed a cash.
Shorty goes out very shortly after, I play a few hands against the aggresive player HU but then we go on break. While on break he asks if I just wanna split the prize money, I say I don't mind, so he suggests we play one more blind level and if we're still both in it, we'll split the money and I say that's fine.
At the time this seemed like a great idea cos he had 100k and I had 20k... sadly I underestimated my strength at HU and his weakness. We got back from break and I completely crushed him. This is how bad he was... he limped with AQs, I raised with 55, he 3bet and I just let it go. We both showed and he said he'd have folded to a shove because 'he put me on a small pair and didn't want a flip' despite having a massive chip lead lol.
I went on to crush him and ended up having about 70k to his 50k, without ever having to take a race, he was just mega bad. Annoyingly the blind level ended and I couldn't exactly go back on our deal lol so we both got £42.50
Cheers Doh, I actually didn't put any away cos I was driving, probably helped cos most other people were smashed lol.
So I'm the only one who hasn't played a game for June yet then? Well at least I'm in 2nd place on account of you having a -ROI lol. I'll definitely get some games in today so we're all off the mark.
Just never managed to get going, literally didn't flop TP or better in the entire tourney. That's punishment for winning 8/9 games earlier lol. Definitely be giving these a go again though if they stick to having so few runners and £1 BI.
Sky Bankroll: £238.12
Poker Points: 1396 (£13.96)
??? Bankroll: $44.34
(* *)
What world clock does Sharkscope work on though? I.E. what time will it be in the UK when SS thinks it's 1st June 00:01? Just some food for thought to make sure your session even counts.
I'll be playing a local pub game tonight so no Sky poker tonight for me, but hopefully I can add a few squid to my roll after tonight because the game is SO soft.
I was planning on doing 1500-2000 tbh, but I'll have to see about that cos I got my other roll to play some with too.
A) it's what I had before starting playing Hypers again so I wanted to actually be in profit for my Hypers (which I am now)
So anyway, I played 14 games today and won 9 of them for a £16.50 profit, very nice.
Sky Bankroll: £254.62
Poker Points: 1439 (£14.39)
??? Bankroll: $44.34
Almost got that £20 back too that I withdrew so I'm basically freerolling on that other site.
Month Summary
It's been a pretty good month in all, I've discovered that I can definitely beat this level of Hypers and finished the month in profit, I've set up a 2nd bankroll on another site, I've earned more C4P this month than I ever have before.
I'll post up about targets for June tomorrow.
Planning on Crushing Splashies and Dohhhh next month
But my phone completely sucks, I can barely view webpages so I don't that's an option lol. But me and Emma were looking at laptops today actually, thinking about getting a second one.
Best of luck for the 1,000 hyper thing, must admit I'm a bit tempted to join in myself. The site v site experiment is a great idea. Will be interesting to see how ROIs compare when you've built up a big sample.
Live Game
So I went to that live game again tonight at the local pub. Only 6 runners this time, the owner blamed that on it being a bank holiday weekend coming up and it being the end of the month. Same setup, £5 in, 1 rebuy allowed within 1st hour and 1 add-on. Standard was possibly even worse than last time I went.
One guy was playing about 80% of his hands without looking at them, and just limping, and check/calling. One hand, a guy bet 3 streets at him for him to call all the way down, the guy betting turns over a FH and everyone cheers, only for the blind guy to turn his cards over, seeing them for the first time, to have a bigger FH lol. Suffice to say the guy with the under house was not impressed!
So only 6 runners, but with all the rebuys etc it was £55 for 1st and £30 for 2nd. We were down to 4 and there was one guy with a tiny stack, like 3k, a super aggressive really bad player with about 50k, the 'blind' player with 50k and me with about 20k. Aggressive man raises, blind man flats pre blind. Aggressive bets, another flat, aggressive shoves all in with 2pr on the turn, and blind man says 'well I have to call don't I' (still not having look at his cards lol). He calls and has OESD but misses, so I was glad to see him out and me almost guaranteed a cash.
Shorty goes out very shortly after, I play a few hands against the aggresive player HU but then we go on break. While on break he asks if I just wanna split the prize money, I say I don't mind, so he suggests we play one more blind level and if we're still both in it, we'll split the money and I say that's fine.
At the time this seemed like a great idea cos he had 100k and I had 20k... sadly I underestimated my strength at HU and his weakness. We got back from break and I completely crushed him. This is how bad he was... he limped with AQs, I raised with 55, he 3bet and I just let it go. We both showed and he said he'd have folded to a shove because 'he put me on a small pair and didn't want a flip' despite having a massive chip lead lol.
I went on to crush him and ended up having about 70k to his 50k, without ever having to take a race, he was just mega bad. Annoyingly the blind level ended and I couldn't exactly go back on our deal lol so we both got £42.50
So not a bad night in the end
So I'm the only one who hasn't played a game for June yet then? Well at least I'm in 2nd place on account of you having a -ROI lol. I'll definitely get some games in today so we're all off the mark.
Can we get some graphs tonight, maybe like 10pm - 11pm, to give me a chance to play some games. See how things stand.