JJ is spot on you take me for example the other day was up for the day over 1k then the next day which strange enough I personally thought my play was some of the best I had done in weeks and everything went wrong and closed the day 400 down on the day. One theory I am also putting out at the mo to maybe think about is I have been on the site since about late 2008 I think and I have seen over the last year the number of bingo style players increase to such a large level, now I know long term as indivduals they dont win but as a collective they do so have they changed the pot odds as an added varience. Now I am too thick to ever be able to work something like that out but maybe a challange for a maths genius to look at. Your target looks very achievable and you have to do it or I will stop reading your diary lol Posted by MRBURNS4
I wouldn't go as far as calling myself a "Genius" but I have been know to of worked out some pretty advanced equations in the past and may be able to assist.
There are many variables missing that we would need before we can accurately collate the emergence of these types of players with a view to working out the direct and indirect effect it has on the "Pot Odds", "Variance" and "Chance". A factor you have mentioned is them losing "In the long run" so to get an accurate figure we will need to run this over a trial test of 5,000,000 hands. This should be easy if we work together to formulate a basic reading before delving into the more advanced stuff.
Ok, so with this in mind I need the 3 variables that will help me get a base reading on these "Bingo Players". If someone has the information we can move on to seeing how it effects us. Here is the information I require:
1- Are they using dabbers or a standard pen to mark their cards? (No need to specify if its felt tip or standard ink)
2- Are they playing a book of 6 or single tickets?
3- Are we looking at standard "One Line", "Two Line" and "Full House" players or the more diverse and may I add abnormal "4 Corner" and "Pattern" type players?
As soon as I have all the info I will get to work and we can actually get to the bottom of how to deal with these people.
Well I got completely butchered last night on my other site. Not through being outplayed just through a horrible run of cards. Within the first 20 games, I shoved in perfectly good spots and ran into AA 6 times! Then when I finally got someone to call my AA shove with QJoff, he managed to river a backdoor 4flush lol.
One thing I've noticed is that table selection on that site is virtually impossible because by the time you've seen someone is in a game and would want to register against them, the games full, so you basically just have to register and see who ya get.
I played 48 games and only won 17 so a loss of $55.90 Bit annoying, but to be fair, I'm only playing $3.50s on that site, which is only like £1.50s in sterling, and I ran pretty disgustingly, so the actual monetary loss could have been alot more brutal if I'd have ran like that in my Sky games. So glad I didn't ruin my Sky bankroll and my Sky ROI
======================= Sky Games Played: 139 Sky Profit/Loss: +£30.25 Poker Points: 422
??? Games Player: 48 ??? Profit/Loss: -$55.90 ========================
Well after my games last night on the other site, I knew I was due some run good, and my run good came in the form of a guy who is $13,000 down on SS being willing to rematch me about 14 times, despite losing game after game lol.
In the end I played 21 games and won 16 of them (they weren't all against the cash machine) for a nice £39.75 profit. Always nice to have your runbad on low stakes (the other site) and your rungood on the higher stakes (Sky). Cruising along at just over 8% ROI now
======================= Sky Games Played: 160 Sky Profit/Loss: +£70.00 Poker Points: 485
??? Games Player: 48 ??? Profit/Loss: -$55.90 ========================
In Response to Re: Lambert180 - A Tale Of 2 Bankrolls ----- Targets For June : nice one maybe I should join the other site too if there are ATMs like that about lol Posted by MRBURNS4
Nah the ATM was on Sky, which is why it was extra good. Cos I lost a load of games on the other site but on there I play $3.50s which is like £1.50 in pounds. So I lost a load of '£1.50s' there but then came back here and won a load of £5.25s so it's all good.
Hope things improve for you, although I guess being an MTT specialist must mean you're an expert when it comes to understanding/handling variance.
Yeah you can transfer the money on this site into £££ too, but then most games are in $$$ and so if I have my money in £££ on the site, then it just converts it when I buy-in to a $$$ game anyway.
The £1.50 was a bit of a guess to be honest, but yeah alright £2.28, the point was that I play alot lower stakes on that site, so nice to have my runbad there, and my rungood here where I'm playing twice the stakes
The majority of my play is on Sky anyway, especially seen as I've gotta get 1000 games in this month, and really I wanna play more than that anyway.
lambert a question on this other site do u play regs on the hu u play or just randoms on sky im sure u know most of the players u play against as not many play hu turbos on sky Posted by IDONKCALLU
Well I've only ever played about 50 games on the site, so I have no idea who the regs are yet lol. And to be honest for the HU SnGs, there will be say 5 games open at my stakes and by the time you click on one and see who is registered, it's full. Literally you register and you have your opponent in less than 5 seconds every single time.
So you don't really get much chance for game selection cos you generally try to register and just need to tick a box that says 'auto-register me for the next one I don't register for this one in time'.
However, at Sky, I won't go into it too much detail or name names, but there are people where it makes no sense for me to play them/them to play me because the edge is so small. I've only found about 3 regs so far that i would actively choose not to play my my stakes of HU on Sky.
Well my ROI took a another hit tonight after another session of horrible variance. I'd say I probably won about 1in5 flips or 60/40s. Won't bore you with stories out outdraws etc. I'm just happy I still have a +ROI for the month and know it'll turn around soon.
Played 73 games and won 34 for a loss of £43.25.
======================= Sky Games Played: 233 Sky Profit/Loss: +£26.75 Poker Points: 704
??? Games Player: 48 ??? Profit/Loss: -$55.90 ========================
Sucks a bit to not be up as much as I was, and for my ROI to have dropped quite a bit, but I'm still running at just over 2% which aint too bad for some of the runbad I've had to play through, and I've nearly got 25% of my games done now.
How are you guys getting on? Can we get some graphs please?
Hi lambert yes the variance is still one of the hardest part of the game to take but as we know you never see these players at ft or in your stg cashing regular.
I have lost count on how many times bad play gets rewarded which took time to understand poker is like life yes they get lucky but luck never can last long term and I try and remember that as much as I hate the bad players who get lucky there would be no margin in the game for the decent players.
Now all I got to do is take my own advice and I be sorted lol
Well my ROI took a another hit tonight after another session of horrible variance. I'd say I probably won about 1in5 flips or 60/40s. Won't bore you with stories out outdraws etc. I'm just happy I still have a +ROI for the month and know it'll turn around soon. Played 73 games and won 34 for a loss of £43.25 . ======================= Sky Games Played: 233 Sky Profit/Loss: +£26.75 Poker Points: 704 ======================= ??? Games Player: 48 ??? Profit/Loss: -$55.90 ======================== Sucks a bit to not be up as much as I was, and for my ROI to have dropped quite a bit, but I'm still running at just over 2% which aint too bad for some of the runbad I've had to play through, and I've nearly got 25% of my games done now. How are you guys getting on? Can we get some graphs please? Paul Posted by Lambert180
I'm plodding along at around break even. I'm not too concerned at the minute. It's quite common to have a few hundred game period not making much. I'll be playing today.
Well seeing them stats has cheered me up a bit lol. 3% ROI and £36 profit over 233 games, it's certainly better than a kick in the teeth.
Yeah I wouldn't be too concerned at all Splashies, nothing too wrong about breaking even for a while. Plenty of days have happened where I'd give anything to be break even lol.
Glad I've got a quarter of my games out the way now, and if 1000 works out as 33 games per day, then I'm a bit ahead of schedule and will be taking tonight off, and possibly tomorrow. Need to mentally re-cover cos I was pretty mashed last night as JJ may have seen from my message on FB lol.
I know I said I'd have a break today and tomorrow but Emma went the shops so I thought I'd get a few in lol.
I played 21 games and won 12 of them for £9.75 profit
======================= Sky Games Played: 254 Sky Profit/Loss: +£36.50 Poker Points: 767 (£6.14)
??? Games Player: 48 ??? Profit/Loss: -$55.90 ========================
I'm still running pretty horribly so happy to make any sort of profit from this session. Got one guy down to about 100 chips, then shoved QQ into AA. Then I got AA, min-raised to try to make sure I definitely got him all-in cos he was short, he calls with some complete junk 4x hand and flops trip 4s lol. Did manage to come back and win it in the end though.
Hopefully the runbad monsters will have gone away by the time I come back (I know I'm being silly, I'm joking).
hi Paul, just 1 question; where u have put sky profit/loss +£36.50 is that just for this month,ie;june,? i think it is...just checking. gl buddy :-) dev
hi Paul, just 1 question; where u have put sky profit/loss +£36.50 is that just for this month,ie;june,? i think it is...just checking. gl buddy :-) dev Posted by devonfish5
Yeah, that's just for June. My bankroll is currently about £310, and last month I was just posting updates on my BR, but by the end of the month, it could mean me having to go all the way back to see what I started on to see how much profit I'd made. So I'm just doing an up to date profit/loss for the month this time.
I'll be playing these until I'm rolled to give the £11s a go, and hopefully never look back. I'll want £600-£700 to give them a go, and I'm confident I can have my roll there by the end of July. I'll have earned around £100 just in C4P over June and July, so then I just need to make £150 profit each month from them, which will be a pretty small ROI from the numbers of games I play.
Just thought I let you know I gave the DYM a mini go today because of you lol only played 1 DYM and 1 Scary cashed in the DYM and min cash in the scary.
I know Tommyd plays a lot of STG I assume its at the £50+ level because it does seam hard to build any decent C4P on them. No different to the MTT very hard to build a decent C4P.
I suppose you would need to be playing 8/10 DYM tables at once at higher stakes to make any decent points but the risks are lower just wondered what you thought as I do need to rebuild my bankroll at mo and was thinking maybe the £11 would be a good option.
Just thought I let you know I gave the DYM a mini go today because of you lol only played 1 DYM and 1 Scary cashed in the DYM and min cash in the scary. I know Tommyd plays a lot of STG I assume its at the £50+ level because it does seam hard to build any decent C4P on them. No different to the MTT very hard to build a decent C4P. I suppose you would need to be playing 8/10 DYM tables at once at higher stakes to make any decent points but the risks are lower just wondered what you thought as I do need to rebuild my bankroll at mo and was thinking maybe the £11 would be a good option. Posted by MRBURNS4
I think you've got the wrong thread lol, I don't really play DYMs, so can't really speak much about them. You can obviously make alot of money grinding lots of tables and decent stakes but I dunno if you'd really wanna put yourself through hammering them lol.
In Response to Re: Lambert180 - A Tale Of 2 Bankrolls ----- Targets For June : I think you've got the wrong thread lol, I don't really play DYMs, so can't really speak much about them. You can obviously make alot of money grinding lots of tables and decent stakes but I dunno if you'd really wanna put yourself through hammering them lol. Posted by Lambert180
I wouldn't go as far as calling myself a "Genius" but I have been know to of worked out some pretty advanced equations in the past and may be able to assist.
There are many variables missing that we would need before we can accurately collate the emergence of these types of players with a view to working out the direct and indirect effect it has on the "Pot Odds", "Variance" and "Chance". A factor you have mentioned is them losing "In the long run" so to get an accurate figure we will need to run this over a trial test of 5,000,000 hands. This should be easy if we work together to formulate a basic reading before delving into the more advanced stuff.
Ok, so with this in mind I need the 3 variables that will help me get a base reading on these "Bingo Players". If someone has the information we can move on to seeing how it effects us. Here is the information I require:
1- Are they using dabbers or a standard pen to mark their cards? (No need to specify if its felt tip or standard ink)
2- Are they playing a book of 6 or single tickets?
3- Are we looking at standard "One Line", "Two Line" and "Full House" players or the more diverse and may I add abnormal "4 Corner" and "Pattern" type players?
As soon as I have all the info I will get to work and we can actually get to the bottom of how to deal with these people.
I look forward to getting started.
One thing I've noticed is that table selection on that site is virtually impossible because by the time you've seen someone is in a game and would want to register against them, the games full, so you basically just have to register and see who ya get.
I played 48 games and only won 17
Sky Games Played: 139
Sky Profit/Loss: +£30.25
Poker Points: 422
??? Games Player: 48
??? Profit/Loss: -$55.90
In the end I played 21 games and won 16 of them (they weren't all against the cash machine) for a nice £39.75 profit. Always nice to have your runbad on low stakes (the other site) and your rungood on the higher stakes (Sky). Cruising along at just over 8% ROI now
Sky Games Played: 160
Sky Profit/Loss: +£70.00
Poker Points: 485
??? Games Player: 48
??? Profit/Loss: -$55.90
I am sure it will turn around for you very quickly gl
Hope things improve for you, although I guess being an MTT specialist must mean you're an expert when it comes to understanding/handling variance.
The £1.50 was a bit of a guess to be honest, but yeah alright £2.28, the point was that I play alot lower stakes on that site, so nice to have my runbad there, and my rungood here where I'm playing twice the stakes
The majority of my play is on Sky anyway, especially seen as I've gotta get 1000 games in this month, and really I wanna play more than that anyway.
So you don't really get much chance for game selection cos you generally try to register and just need to tick a box that says 'auto-register me for the next one I don't register for this one in time'.
However, at Sky, I won't go into it too much detail or name names, but there are people where it makes no sense for me to play them/them to play me because the edge is so small. I've only found about 3 regs so far that i would actively choose not to play my my stakes of HU on Sky.
EDIT: Also, I play Hypers, not Turbos
Played 73 games and won 34 for a loss of £43.25.
Sky Games Played: 233
Sky Profit/Loss: +£26.75
Poker Points: 704
??? Games Player: 48
??? Profit/Loss: -$55.90
Sucks a bit to not be up as much as I was, and for my ROI to have dropped quite a bit, but I'm still running at just over 2% which aint too bad for some of the runbad I've had to play through, and I've nearly got 25% of my games done now.
How are you guys getting on? Can we get some graphs please?
Yeah I wouldn't be too concerned at all Splashies, nothing too wrong about breaking even for a while. Plenty of days have happened where I'd give anything to be break even lol.
Glad I've got a quarter of my games out the way now, and if 1000 works out as 33 games per day, then I'm a bit ahead of schedule and will be taking tonight off, and possibly tomorrow. Need to mentally re-cover cos I was pretty mashed last night as JJ may have seen from my message on FB lol.
I played 21 games and won 12 of them for £9.75 profit
Sky Games Played: 254
Sky Profit/Loss: +£36.50
Poker Points: 767 (£6.14)
??? Games Player: 48
??? Profit/Loss: -$55.90
I'm still running pretty horribly so happy to make any sort of profit from this session. Got one guy down to about 100 chips, then shoved QQ into AA. Then I got AA, min-raised to try to make sure I definitely got him all-in cos he was short, he calls with some complete junk 4x hand and flops trip 4s lol. Did manage to come back and win it in the end though.
Hopefully the runbad monsters will have gone away by the time I come back (I know I'm being silly, I'm joking).
just 1 question;
where u have put sky profit/loss +£36.50
is that just for this month,ie;june,?
i think it is...just checking.
gl buddy
I'll be playing these until I'm rolled to give the £11s a go, and hopefully never look back. I'll want £600-£700 to give them a go, and I'm confident I can have my roll there by the end of July. I'll have earned around £100 just in C4P over June and July, so then I just need to make £150 profit each month from them, which will be a pretty small ROI from the numbers of games I play.
I know Tommyd plays a lot of STG I assume its at the £50+ level because it does seam hard to build any decent C4P on them. No different to the MTT very hard to build a decent C4P.
I suppose you would need to be playing 8/10 DYM tables at once at higher stakes to make any decent points but the risks are lower just wondered what you thought as I do need to rebuild my bankroll at mo and was thinking maybe the £11 would be a good option.