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Lambert180 ----- Life After The Grind -------



  • MRBURNS4MRBURNS4 Member Posts: 1,152
    edited June 2012
    Good luck with the tables great result with todays run 
  • splashiessplashies Member Posts: 3,680
    edited June 2012
     Pld Av Pro Av BIAv roi 
    Pld/Day Tot Rake
  • splashiessplashies Member Posts: 3,680
    edited June 2012
    Here are the corresponding graphs

    I take it you had a bad session yesterday Paul? Are you still 2 tabling them?

    Iv tried to 2 table hypers in the past and its been fine for a certain period of time, but a bad session always turned into a horrible session.

    I just 1 table hypers now and add an mtt or 2 at the same time. My main focus being on the hyper.

  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited June 2012
    Lol I think bad session is one way of describing it. There was a tiny bit of tilt involved towards the end but it was mostly just multiple rematches against a complete luckbox. So frustrating, what's your policy in those kinda situations, a really bad player that you are miles better than but is running like god... do you keep playing them knowing you're better than them and it can't last forever.

    On reflection, i think that because the edge in these is fairly small even when you're miles better than the opponent, facing someone who is seriously running good no matter how bad they are, is just too hard a task.

    I chose to play on against the bad opponent and just proceeded to get luckboxed in possibly the worst night of bad beats I've ever experienced in poker.

    Last night I felt completely sick and for a bit of this morning too, but I've got my head back in a better place now and I know that it's definitely not a big enough hit that's gonna hold me back from making an overall profit for the month. I suspect I won't win the ROI challenge now, I certainly wouldn't wish a session like mine on either of you but oh well, guess I'll be having a silly avatar for 2 weeks lol.
  • patwalshhpatwalshh Member Posts: 772
    edited June 2012
    In Response to Re: Lambert180 - A Tale Of 2 Bankrolls ----- Targets For June:
    Lol I think bad session is one way of describing it. There was a tiny bit of tilt involved towards the end but it was mostly just multiple rematches against a complete luckbox. So frustrating, what's your policy in those kinda situations, a really bad player that you are miles better than but is running like god... do you keep playing them knowing you're better than them and it can't last forever. On reflection, i think that because the edge in these is fairly small even when you're miles better than the opponent, facing someone who is seriously running good no matter how bad they are, is just too hard a task. I chose to play on against the bad opponent and just proceeded to get luckboxed in possibly the worst night of bad beats I've ever experienced in poker. Last night I felt completely sick and for a bit of this morning too, but I've got my head back in a better place now and I know that it's definitely not a big enough hit that's gonna hold me back from making an overall profit for the month. I suspect I won't win the ROI challenge now, I certainly wouldn't wish a session like mine on either of you but oh well, guess I'll be having a silly avatar for 2 weeks lol.
    Posted by Lambert180

    In terms of playing vs the same player. I'd probably just quit if they're running like God. Only on the basis that it'd inevitably effect my play. If you can say hand on heart, you're not playing any differently than at the beginning of the session, then carry on.

    Try not to let short term variance get the better of you. In hypers, you can literally play 100 games, and win 95 of them. Just keep studying, working on your weaknesses, and try not to let your results effect how you play. 

    Hope you run better

  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited June 2012
    Oh and yeah I am still 2tabling, and I know what ya mean, You can also sometimes get in the mindset that win 1, lose 1 is a slight loss, so you HAVE to win both games that you've got on the go to make profit.

    I'm playing a few games now and only 1tabling just to ease myself back in.

    Listened to some more of that poker mindset audio book and realised I need to treat every session as a fresh start, forget about the money I've lost and just be happy with each winning session and not think about what my BR used to be.

    Another point but this is more about my game, I think I'm 3betting limpers too much when I have decent hands like K9 and finding myself in no man's land when they inevitably call everytime, I miss, and then don't know if I'm giving up and being weak cos I'm OOP or bluffing into a station who is gonna call with bottom pr
  • devonfish5devonfish5 Member Posts: 4,291
    edited June 2012
    hi Paul,
    1 bad session m8 doesn,t make u a bad player...
    it,s unfortunate and as u say it hurts,trust me i know.£130 in 1 night remember.
    today,s a new day so try and win your nxt session today and i,m sure things will seem a little better.
    gl m8,
  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited June 2012
    Thanks everyone that posted in support. Don't worry, I'll get myself back on track, I AM going to finish this month in profit.

    So I guess it's about time I post up the results of last night's catastrophe. 've explained what happened in my previous posts so ust in terms of stats... I played 83 games and only won 35 :( for an all time best loss of £85.75. Felt pretty brutal and I went to bed actually having a 'Don' moment and thinking abuot keeping track of how many 60/40s I've lost... then a split second later I realised it was ridiculous :)

    Only way is to just get back on the horse, so I played 31 games earlier today, won 17 for a £7.25 profit. Slow and steady I'll get back in the black.

    Sky Games Played:     517
    Sky Profit/Loss:       -£34.25
    Poker Points:               1609    (£16.09)


    ??? Games Player:     48
    ??? Profit/Loss:        -$55.90

    Bit sad to see for the first time in the month, I'm in the red, but I've been on many big swings throughout the month so far, and I'm sure there are more to come. On the bright side, I am more than 50% of the way through my games and earned £16+ in C4P so that's half my losses accounted for.
  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited June 2012
    Jesus, variance is absolutely killing me at the moment, I cannot believe how bad I'm running. In terms of hands AIPF, I've had AQ v KQo for him to river a 4flush... 99 v J8 for him to flop a straight.... AQs v 66 for him to flop a set, then turn quads, there's plenty more I can't remember. I'm getting absolutely battered in races.

    Had to stop cos I knew I'd only lose more with the way it's wrecking my head. Played 13, won 2, so lost £48.25.

    Another disastrous session that I had no control over :(

    Sky Games Played:     530
    Sky Profit/Loss:       -£82.50
    Poker Points:               1648    (£16.48)


    ??? Games Player:     48
    ??? Profit/Loss:        -$55.90
  • profman15profman15 Member Posts: 1,808
    edited June 2012
    Hi Lambert

    Its very detailed but interesting. May i ask how many hours youplay and the number of tables you multi per day. I was just interested to know the number of hour approx thats needed for particular c4p. So to earn say £100 in c4p or £500 in c4p how many hours and tables would you need to play? I realise that this can have variables involved....but just a rough idea?
  • DOHHHHHHHDOHHHHHHH Member Posts: 17,929
    edited June 2012
    Blimey that sounds a big loss for a 2/13 session!

    Is the roll able to handle this? Are you thinking about moving down to 3s for a while? Or still ok?

    I think I'm playing today myself so will be able to watch a session if you like, Splashies will probably be around too if you want a 2nd opinion. Even if I don't play I can watch, I'll just be sober, so wont be able to think. lol.

    2pmish onwards!
  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited June 2012
    In Response to Re: Lambert180 - A Tale Of 2 Bankrolls ----- Targets For June:
    Blimey that sounds a big loss for a 2/13 session! Is the roll able to handle this? Are you thinking about moving down to 3s for a while? Or still ok? I think I'm playing today myself so will be able to watch a session if you like, Splashies will probably be around too if you want a 2nd opinion. Even if I don't play I can watch, I'll just be sober, so wont be able to think. lol. 2pmish onwards!
    Posted by DOHHHHHHH
    I know but it's what it is lol, I won 2 and lost 11, so 9 games behind break even, so 9 X 5.25 lost, plus a bit of rake.

    The roll can still handle it at the moment (IMO), I still have 40 BIs, and I'm not allowing it to affect my game so I'll keep going at £5s for a bit, might go to £3s if I drop down to 30 BIs but I'm hoping that's never gonna happen... surely I can't have another -£50 session today lol.

    I was talking to Emma about it last night and she was saying it's probably affecting my head, and I said, well that's the annoying thing, it's not, I'm still playing well, still getting it in well ahead, but once the cards turn over it's out of my hands and I just keep losing. At least if I was tilting it off, I could blame myself and sort it, as it is, I just gotta take it.

    Definitely take you up on the offer of watching though. Speak to you on facebook later.
  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited June 2012
    In Response to Re: Lambert180 - A Tale Of 2 Bankrolls ----- Targets For June:
    Hi Lambert Its very detailed but interesting. May i ask how many hours youplay and the number of tables you multi per day. I was just interested to know the number of hour approx thats needed for particular c4p. So to earn say £100 in c4p or £500 in c4p how many hours and tables would you need to play? I realise that this can have variables involved....but just a rough idea?
    Posted by profman15
    I generally 2table, anything more than that at Hypers is just mental and I can't keep track. I have accidently registered for a 3rd one twice, and it's been a real struggle. Each game lasts about 4 mins on average, so 2tabling is about 30 games per hour.

    At my stakes £5.25, you get 3 points per game and £100 C4P is abuot 5500 points so you'd need to play about 1850 which is about 60 hours per month (so about 15 hours a week), which is very do-able.

    My sessions tend to be 1hour - 2hours, sometimes more, sometimes less.

    Would take a pretty serious amount of volume to get £500 C4P at £5.25s, but my plan is to start dipping my toe in the water at £10.50s once I get my roll to £600, and it's much more do-able at that level.
  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited June 2012
    I'll post up my results later but for now I just had to post this hand up. How brutal does it get lol. Nh sir
    Chem16 Small blind   10.00 10.00 550.00
    Lambert180 Big blind   20.00 30.00 420.00
      Your hole cards
    • A
    • Q
    Chem16 Call   10.00 40.00 540.00
    Lambert180 Raise   60.00 100.00 360.00
    Chem16 Call   60.00 160.00 480.00
    • J
    • Q
    • K
    Lambert180 All-in   360.00 520.00 0.00
    Chem16 All-in   480.00 1000.00 0.00
    Chem16 Unmatched bet   120.00 880.00 120.00
    Chem16 Show
    • 10
    • 9
    Lambert180 Show
    • A
    • Q
    • 9
    • 8
    Chem16 Win Straight Flush to the King 880.00   1000.00
  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited June 2012
    Evening all,

    I got 2 sessions in today, one was a quick one in the morning with JJ and Splashies watching, in that one I played 31 games and won 17 for a £7.25 profit.

    I then played a night-time session where I played 80 games and won 42 which left me exactly break even. So I made a total profit of £7.25 today after 111 games :( and I donked off £5.50 of that on the £50 guaranteed speed tourney lol. This thread is just for monitoring my Hyper success though so will knock the £7.25 off my monthly losses.

    Sky Games Played:     641
    Sky Profit/Loss:       -£75.25
    Poker Points:               1986    (£19.86)


    ??? Games Player:     48
    ??? Profit/Loss:        -$55.90

    No more tournies for me until I can string some proper profits together from my Hypers. Glad to see I made a profit today even if it was only a small one. So I'm crushing the volume, just need to crush the game now.
  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited June 2012
    No poker for me today... so far, but just thought I'd post up a bit of good news I got today. I don't know if people saw recently but Frosty Jack had won his seat to Blackpool only to find out his wife/girlfriend had booked a holiday that week, so he was looking to sell/transfer it. FlyingDagg originally wanted it but then said a long-time friend had bought him in direct.

    So I posted up and asked him to PM me how much he wanted for it, expecting it to be way more than I was willing to pay but just interested. He got back to me today and I won't go into the exact details in case he doesn't want me to, but it was a VERY reasonable price + 40% of my winnings. So I'm well happy to say I will be playing my 3rd SPT in a row now.

    Really looking forward to playing an SPT with a better structure than the 1 days, and with it being a bounty hunter, I only need 2 bounties to make a profit (£100 of bounties, £40 for Frosty, £60 for me). Really I'm going for my 2nd hendon mob flag though ;)
  • Woogie8688Woogie8688 Member Posts: 811
    edited June 2012
    I think you just told us the seat was between £21 & £39 lol

    Hope both of you make more than that though, you need some compensation for the horrendous run you have been having. I would love to make it to 1 SPT let alone 3 in a row :-)
    Have a great time

  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited June 2012
    In Response to Re: Lambert180 - A Tale Of 2 Bankrolls ----- Bring On SPT Blackpool!!:
    Paul, I think you just told us the seat was between £21 & £39 lol Hope both of you make more than that though, you need some compensation for the horrendous run you have been having. I would love to make it to 1 SPT let alone 3 in a row :-) Have a great time Mike
    Posted by Woogie8688
    How foolish of me lol, but I think you'll find it means I could have paid anywhere between £1 and £59 for the £60 to be a profit for me :p
  • rancidrancid Member Posts: 5,947
    edited June 2012
    nice ! well you have to take into consideration accomadtion and the food/bar bill )

    good luck - run good m8'ty

  • FlyingDaggFlyingDagg Member Posts: 4,146
    edited June 2012
    Nice one Paul you deserve it. I read your post on another thread (I think you will know which one I mean) and I'm glad it was you that got Frostys seat. I'll look forward to saying hi to you and Emma at SPT.
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