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Lambert180 ----- Life After The Grind -------



  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited March 2012
    I was talking to my brother last night who has recently quit smoking and he said he's done it purely thanks to the help of Allen Carr's (not the camp comedian) quit smoking book. It sounds like a really interesting read, apparently it's all about changing your whole mindset, like if you want to quit you shouldn't think of it as giving something up, because it's not like you're forcing yourself to do something you don't want to (assuming you want to quit) and it's the that whole negative attitude that will make you fail. Likewise, apparently you shouldn't count the days/weeks/months you've quit because once you've done it, that's it, you're a non-smoker, and by counting it's like you're just seeing how long you can last knowing you'll be back on them at some point. I don't know that much about it anyway, only bits and bobs from my brother but it sounds great and I think I'm gonna give it a go.

    Another thing my brother said, this Allen Carr said he did an experiment of saying to smokers, "if you give me £5000, I will buy all your cigarettes for you for the rest of your life", and no-one wanted to despite the fact an average person will spend £100,000 on them in their life. He was saying if it was anything else, like oferring to pay your mortgage for the rest of your life for £5,000 people would bite your hand off, but smokers just won't admit they're gonna spend that much.

    Anyway, on a much happier and exciting note... Some of you may already know from having been on my facebook but if not, I'd like to announce that me and the Emma have decided to tie the proverbial knot in summer 2013. So I think congratulations are in order, I've bagged myself a lovely Llama!
  • Poker_FailPoker_Fail Member Posts: 1,755
    edited March 2012
    Congrats, you've made DoH cry ;)
  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited March 2012
    Took down my first tourney in absolutely yonks, was only the £1.10 - £20 guaranteed but it was a nice confidence boost, and was my first cash (and first win) as a squaddie. I absolutely crushed it, I was chip leader and had abuot 3 times more than 2nd place for about three quarters of the tourney.
    Lambert180 - £15.60 + 10 League Points
    ewee71 - £9.75 + 8 League Points
    masie - £5.85 + 6 League Points
    mag70 - £4.29 + 4 League Points
    rubberduk - £3.51 + 2 League Points


    Was watching 865 the other day and saw the Brighton/Glasgow highlights, was nice to see the HU game between Jock and DTW getting a little slot.

    So yeah gonna be trying to qualify for Cardiff (hopefully no bad beat/variance stories this time). Gave it my first go last night, I didn't even bother trying the £5 ones when I went for Brighton but I thought it makes sense to do it this time, got into the semi last night for £10 so saved £15 there, didn't get a seat but I made a major mistake (as people saw in the clinic), I need to really get it stuck in my head that I can allow myself to go alot lower than I think.
  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited March 2012
    Jeez that was a sweat!

    Playing my second £5.20 sat of the day into the Cardiff Semi tonight, 10 players, 2 seats. Got down to 3way with me as the a really short stack. Stacks we're about 3k, 9k, and 15k and blinds were about 400/800. Really give me a taste of how long bubble play can last in a satellite. My stack was up and down between 3k and about 9k, til eventually, button folded, SB limps (god knows why but he limped EVERY hand), I check with T2, flop is AK2, he jams for about 2.5k and I've got about 6 behind. I call cos I can't believe he wouldnt shove a 3BB stack pre with an Ace or a King, and he didn't he had 66 lol (still can't believe he didn't shove), gutted and thought I was back to 4k, binked a T on the river for 2pr and a seat in the Semi.

    It really did teach me a lesson though in terms of how little you can come back from in these situations (at one point I think I had 2BBs). Hopefully I can take what I've learnt to get me a seat into Cardiff tonight for £10
  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited March 2012
    Afternoon all,

    I've been having a long hard think about my game and my aims recently, and have come to the conclusion that I've been hiding away from the one format of the game that I know will be the most profitable for me and will improve my game the most.

    I've ditched that stupid DYM thing as it was just a spare of the moment thing. I've been searching round for ways to build a bankroll really quickly, which is only ever gonna result in going busto, when deep down I know there isn't really any way that is really quick and yet low risk.

    So in conclusion, I'm going back to my old hunting ground of micro stakes cash. I know I do well at these levels but always used to get frustrated if I had a few losing sessions, but I've been reading/listening to an audio book about poker mentality and I think I'm in a better place now to stick to what I know is winning poker and stick the volume in to acheive the results I know I can get.

    I'll be playing 4-6 tables, sessions no longer than 2 hours, usually 1 session a day, but occasionally maybe one in the morning and one in the evening. Estimating I'll play about 14 days of the month.

    So at about 80 hands per hour x 4 tables (to be on the side safe with my calcs) x 2 hours X 14 days in the month will be just under 9000 hands, might just scrape to 10k hands if I do 2 sessions on the odd days, so I'm sure that will be enough hands to turn a profit at a level like 4NL where the edges are quite big.

    I won't  be updating this ALL the time and boring you but I will give regular updates throughout April
  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited March 2012
    Sticking to 4NL for a while, til I'm happy with how I'm playing again. Got my first session in, only managed an hour, cos I got other stuff to do tonight but I was 4tabling. Felt nice to be, and forgot how bad some of the play was at this level... for example

    I made it 24p with AK UTG, cutoff jams for about £1, button calls for £1 (only has another £1 behind) so I just stick him in. I have AK, original jammer has TT and the button calls my jam with KJoff lol. So I got a flip and a side pot that I'm crushing.

    Flop comes: 243

    Turn: J  (bit annoying)

    River: 5 (to bink the straight)

    Profit/Loss: +£3.45
  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited March 2012
    Just won free entry into the 12k Bountyhunter after a sweat with Poker_Fail that lasted about 2 hours!

    Unlucky Fail, when it came down to it, it was complete luck really.
  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited March 2012
    Well that was a really brutal session... multiple sets into straights, TPTKs into sets and such, but also some pretty bad moves from me too.

    I'll be posting up some hands later after dinner, obviously ones where I'm not sure if I played it correctly as appose to just pure coolers.

    Total Profit/Loss is now: -£17.29
  • EvilPinguEvilPingu Member Posts: 3,462
    edited March 2012
    In Response to Re: Lambert180 - A Day In The Life:
    Just won free entry into the 12k Bountyhunter after a sweat with Poker_Fail that lasted about 2 hours! Unlucky Fail, when it came down to it, it was complete luck really.
    Posted by Lambert180
    Should've played best of 21 HU games to decide who won the free entry :P
  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited March 2012
    In Response to Re: Lambert180 - A Day In The Life:
    In Response to Re: Lambert180 - A Day In The Life : Should've played best of 21 HU games to decide who won the free entry :P
    Posted by EvilPingu
    Cheers Pingu for being the first person to post on here (other than me) for a very long time. Btw, that game probably would have ended up being 11 - 10 one way or the other lol.

  • Dudeskin8Dudeskin8 Member Posts: 6,228
    edited March 2012
    Unlucky on the loss mate but it's something that can happen in cash as you know.

    Not sure how far you're memory goes back but there used to be a profit for the month thread and I started a new one in September (I think) and had the shame of beginning it with a £45 loss playing NL10, all coming from 1/2 sessions, I then went on to go 3/4 more BI's down before eventually grinding my way back up to break even. Sadly this happened once again almost identical to the last one lol and really tested my resolve but I perservered (spelling lol) and got back to break even and a tad more.

    This of course was all only possible with good BRM, without it I could have easily gone broke and had to give up all together or ......gulp RELOAD, something I personally will never do. You seem from the posts you make to have good BR rules so I think you'll be fine and work your way up also ;)

    Good luck mate, run well early doors !
  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited March 2012
    Cheers for that Dude, but yeah I do remember them profit threads, and I do remember quite a while ago that you and me were both there grinding 4NL at the same time. I just seem to have a short attention span, so I went on to playing tons of DYMs, then playing lots of HU, and have come full circle and realised cash is the way forward.

    But yeah BRM for me just goes without saying, there's no problems there, and I don't mind too much about having a -5 BI session. I think about about 2 BIs of that could have been avoided, but otherwise it was just annoying spots where we both have a strong hand (and you can't give credit to these folk lol).

    But yeah, just got another hour in and am just over 1 BI up (£4.45) so my confidence levels are still good.

    Total Profit/Loss: -£12.84
  • Dudeskin8Dudeskin8 Member Posts: 6,228
    edited March 2012
    I'm the same with the disciplines myself expect what I do is play one solid, almost to death lol, then eventually reach a tipping point where it gets boring.

    I was doing the cash as well, going along great then it just lost the pull. I then crossed over to the dark side and hammered the DYM's like no-ones business, actually enjoying them for a while lol, but again one day it was like wow this isn't fun anymore. 

    I've now gone back to the one I find most fun in MTT's, just small BI's, and once again enjoying it. Sadly I already know it has to end but I'm just hoping that doesn't happen for a while.

    Nice comeback, keep it up !
  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited March 2012
    Grinded out another £1.09 profit. Did have an extra 50p, but I raised 20p with KQs in my last hand, shorty shoves for 50p and everyone else folds and I just lost a KQs v AToff

    Total Profit/Loss: -£11.75
  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited April 2012
    Just finished another quick session. This one went a bit better than previous ones.

    It is right, you get dealt any given PP once every about 220 hands, right? Cos last session I worked out I played about 600-700 hands and didn't get KK or AA once. Made up for it this session though by getting AA 4 times, got folds once, got paid nicely twice, and got a nasty outdraw once, when raised to 28p and got called with J8s, bet 3/4 pot, called with a gut shot, put him all in on turn, called with a gutshot, river hits gutshot lol.

    Still abuot £6.50 up though so my...

    Total Profit/Loss: -£5.18
  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited April 2012
    Another session in, think about 1hr 30mins. Was gonna cut it off at 1hr, but we were so close to the 500mil hand, I thought I'd stick around to see if I could bink some free money... sadly 500,00,161 was the closest I got, so not even a freeroll seat for me. Ended up about £5 down, really didn't feel happy with the session towards the end.

    Total Profit/Loss: -£10.39
  • Poker_FailPoker_Fail Member Posts: 1,755
    edited April 2012
    In Response to Re: Lambert180 - A Day In The Life:
    Ended up about £5 down, really didn't feel happy with the session towards the end. Total Profit/Loss: -£10.39
    Posted by Lambert180
  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited April 2012
    Made a loss today of £15.92, really don't wanna talk about it lol. I know exactly what I did wrong, and I just need to alot more disciplined. Not bust yet though :)

    Total Profit/Loss: -£26.31

    Not a great start to my venture back into cash, but the only way is up now ;)
  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited April 2012
    Right, I'm back with a fresh head now. Last sessions losses were near enough all down to me commiting the ultimate sin at micro stakes of trying to bluff people. Few situations where I had big cards, had raised pre, missed board completely and fired 3 barrels only to get called by 2nd pair no kicker. When will I learn!!

    But yeah I'm back and feeling a bit better today. Will post the results up later when I finish my session. Sticking to 2 tables for tonight because I sometimes feel rushed to make decisions 4tabling (maybe that's a sign I'm playing too many hands) and I just wanna make sure I'm making the right decisions.
  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited April 2012
    Just a quick post as I've finished and just about to have my dinner. Was £3.40 up in the end.

    Total Profit/Loss: -£22.91
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