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DYM decision (Warning : This defines your soul)



  • OopnorthOopnorth Member Posts: 157
    edited January 2012
    Fold, without question, better spots will follow
  • DrSharpDrSharp Member Posts: 1,213
    edited January 2012
    I suck at DYM's but this is a fold in my opinion. Hate it, but its a fold. This is why i dont play DYM's.
  • Dudeskin8Dudeskin8 Member Posts: 6,228
    edited January 2012
    In Response to Re: DYM decision (Warning : This defines your soul):
    In Response to Re: DYM decision (Warning : This defines your soul) : Really doesn't surprise me that you say FOLD ) Open shoving 1st hand is just like WTF, imo I think it's the easiest call ever but hey ho If we can pick spots where we are 60% or /> than surely we should snap these anyhow when are you playing the £5 level Dude, I am trying it out at the moment - see how long it takes before I get bored - ran KK into AA twice now after a bright start - /avoid me please cause I am shoving ATC into you m8'ty )
    Posted by rancid
    Have decided to grind the £3.30 level till I have 40 BI's for £5.50, using JC's 22 BI idea just wasn't working :(.

    As for this hand having seen SHANXTA's and 1267's answers I'm glad to see I was right :).
  • JBussJBuss Member Posts: 245
    edited January 2012
    Easy Fold.
  • DOHHHHHHHDOHHHHHHH Member Posts: 17,929
    edited January 2012
    In Response to Re: DYM decision (Warning : This defines your soul):
    In Response to Re: DYM decision (Warning : This defines your soul) : Have decided to grind the £3.30 level till I have 40 BI's for £5.50, using JC's 22 BI idea just wasn't working :(. As for this hand having seen SHANXTA's and 1267's answers I'm glad to see I was right :).
    Posted by Dudeskin8
    You just say fold to every single dym spot tho so you're bound to get a few right, law of averages :P

    Think calling is still a winning play also though assuming we got 60% eq.
  • EvilPinguEvilPingu Member Posts: 3,462
    edited January 2012
    Even against a player who does this with any two, I fold. I don't even want to be up against garbage like Q4o, I'll only win 70% of the time against Kx, Qx, so even when they don't get lucky against me, I still have to cash around 80% of the time thereafter, just to be break even.

    Also, I'd imagine that this'll be AA/KK played badly just as often as you're against junk, so snap fold.

    FWIW, AK, and QQ is also a snap fold IMO here, KK is marginal.
  • Dudeskin8Dudeskin8 Member Posts: 6,228
    edited January 2012
    In Response to Re: DYM decision (Warning : This defines your soul):
    In Response to Re: DYM decision (Warning : This defines your soul) : You just say fold to every single dym spot tho so you're bound to get a few right, law of averages :P Think calling is still a winning play also though assuming we got 60% eq.
    Posted by DOHHHHHHH
    LOL fare point but it's just all down to risk aversion. I admit of late though I have been making more brave calls espeically after Rancids little spurt of threads a few weeks back but in this particular hand there is just no decision like I previoulsy put.
  • rancidrancid Member Posts: 5,947
    edited January 2012
    emmm intresting

    If oppo shoving range is 12% or /> than ICM wiz is telling me to call if oppo's to act behind only call with KK/AA 4%

    My initial response was to snap call because open shovers like this are imo always weak ATC gamble numpties
    plus oppo has bad scope over 148 games -
    so JJ+ is a snap for me - but AK is a fold

    folding can never be bad can it

  • AMYBRAMYBR Member Posts: 3,432
    edited January 2012
    I cant pretend that I'm a dym master but dont fully get the risk averse line.

    Someone here is saying they wont take the J's vs Q4 and other garbage.  Thats like saying you refuse to take K's vs AK.

    We are getting our chips in regardless, rarely better than 75/25 unless we are waiting for nut flops constantly, which just isnt happening.

    If playing huge volume of DYMs number crunching is going to be important.  But we are always going to be getting money in with risk.  Betting streets with tptk vs tpwk doesnt offer much better than 75/25 87/13 so why refuse that kind of flip pre. We can punish through streets with edge, but have to feel flipping pre is fine in those spots also

    I get the principle.  DYM is our least risk game.  But getting it in with favourable edge is plainly profitable over volume, eliminates player and puts us on solid ground to cash.

    Myeh JC and Shanxta know best :p
  • rancidrancid Member Posts: 5,947
    edited January 2012
    In Response to Re: DYM decision (Warning : This defines your soul):
    In Response to Re: DYM decision (Warning : This defines your soul) : Have decided to grind the £3.30 level till I have 40 BI's for £5.50, using JC's 22 BI idea just wasn't working :(. As for this hand having seen SHANXTA's and 1267's answers I'm glad to see I was right :).
    Posted by Dudeskin8
    Ok, I am trying 20 bi's at £5.50 -
    Ok start, c how I go......................
  • Dudeskin8Dudeskin8 Member Posts: 6,228
    edited January 2012
    Why ent you in Orfordable ? :S

    EDIT : And stop restting SS lol
  • rancidrancid Member Posts: 5,947
    edited January 2012
    In Response to Re: DYM decision (Warning : This defines your soul):
    Why ent you in Orfordable ? :S EDIT : And stop restting SS lol
    Posted by Dudeskin8
    lol - easy to track my progress over short term )

  • Dudeskin8Dudeskin8 Member Posts: 6,228
    edited January 2012
    In Response to Re: DYM decision (Warning : This defines your soul):
    In Response to Re: DYM decision (Warning : This defines your soul) : lol - easy to track my progress over short term )
    Posted by rancid
  • rancidrancid Member Posts: 5,947
    edited January 2012
    In Response to Re: DYM decision (Warning : This defines your soul):
    In Response to Re: DYM decision (Warning : This defines your soul) : Excel....
    Posted by Dudeskin8

    Hijack! )

    Yes I use it, only track my MTT/SNG with scope and then enter into excel, this works out my cash profit and loss
    Then I can see per format where I am winning or losing money

    suits me sir )

  • Dudeskin8Dudeskin8 Member Posts: 6,228
    edited January 2012
    You worked out the hands in cash yet ?
  • rancidrancid Member Posts: 5,947
    edited January 2012
    In Response to Re: DYM decision (Warning : This defines your soul):
    You worked out the hands in cash yet ?
    Posted by Dudeskin8
    got my profit and loss plus win rate ss done (bb/100), the adding up number of hands sux on Sky but..............

    Guess I'll see where I am after 100,000 hands at NL10 :S

  • SHANXTASHANXTA Member Posts: 1,507
    edited January 2012
    In Response to Re: DYM decision (Warning : This defines your soul):
    I cant pretend that I'm a dym master but dont fully get the risk averse line. Someone here is saying they wont take the J's vs Q4 and other garbage.  Thats like saying you refuse to take K's vs AK. We are getting our chips in regardless, rarely better than 75/25 unless we are waiting for nut flops constantly, which just isnt happening. If playing huge volume of DYMs number crunching is going to be important.  But we are always going to be getting money in with risk.  Betting streets with tptk vs tpwk doesnt offer much better than 75/25 87/13 so why refuse that kind of flip pre. We can punish through streets with edge, but have to feel flipping pre is fine in those spots also I get the principle.  DYM is our least risk game.  But getting it in with favourable edge is plainly profitable over volume, eliminates player and puts us on solid ground to cash. Myeh JC and Shanxta know best :p
    Posted by AMYBR
    what equity do you think we have here then? do you really think it's as good as 75%?
  • AMYBRAMYBR Member Posts: 3,432
    edited January 2012
    hells no.

    That post was refering entirely to posters comments relating to not being willing to race J's vs Q4 and hands of that type.

  • EvilPinguEvilPingu Member Posts: 3,462
    edited January 2012
    In Response to Re: DYM decision (Warning : This defines your soul):
    hells no. That post was refering entirely to posters comments relating to not being willing to race J's vs Q4 and hands of that type.
    Posted by AMYBR
    I actually wouldn't take a 70/30 in the first hand of a DYM if I knew I was only 70/30 to win the hand. I can find better spots later on to take down pots uncontested, or get my money in as a bigger favourite. 

    In a 70/30, I lose 30% of the time, obviously. So when I win the hand, I then have to cash about 78.5% of the time thereafter, or else I'm a losing player. Will I win 78.5% of the time after doubling up? 

    Another example of why I'd fold - At £3.30, I cash 2/3rds of the time. If I was playing in that game, would I want to take a 70/30 first hand in a game where I feel I have a massive edge and I'm expecting to win 67% of the time? 
  • Poker_FailPoker_Fail Member Posts: 1,755
    edited January 2012
    BTW there are actually a good few reasons why this could be a good call LONG TERM, but it's a secret ;)
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