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Many Rivers To Cross. A Diary.



  • TommyDTommyD Member Posts: 4,389
    edited March 2012
    In Response to Re: Many Rivers To Cross. A Diary.:
    Since when have you been a mod Mr D? 
    Posted by dylan12
    Since near the start of the year Dyl.  And less of that lip now Sunshine ;)
  • MAXALLYMAXALLY Member Posts: 17,656
    edited March 2012

    *Fourth.....not forth! 

    More of the spelling checks Teach!
  • dylan12dylan12 Member Posts: 2,343
    edited March 2012
    In Response to Re: Many Rivers To Cross. A Diary.:
    In Response to Re: Many Rivers To Cross. A Diary. : Since near the start of the year Dyl.  And less of that lip now Sunshine ;)
    Posted by TommyD
    Ah nice one mate, well deserved :) glgl with it! 
  • TommyDTommyD Member Posts: 4,389
    edited March 2012
    And back to the poker......

    Levels upon levels upon levels.

    Had this hand today.  Now I've blanked the villian's name here as it's not a TV table and he takes a freaky line which works like a charm so I don't want to hurt the guy's game.  In my opinion he's one of the best players on the site and lately has been crushing me. 

    The real interesting point is the flop.  Now if a random player or someone who I regard as weak does the super weak lead I dismiss it and pop it up in this spot.  If it was analysed on TV and the name of the guy was TAKA_DAVE, he'd be shot down as a bad player.  If it was on the show with the name of the guy who did it, they'll cotton on to what he's doing and call it a great play.  Here's where the levels upon levels come in, if someone has a history of decent play and results we, as poker players, often look for the good in the line.  If they have no history or are a fresh face, they'd be insta-labelled bad.

    When the super small bet comes in I'm worried about a set of Queens or Jacks, I think it's a bet to induce.  He's certainly flatting OOP with those two hands pre.  I thought 'XXXX isn't going to try this to buy a card for the flush is he?  With that newbie bet?  He's trying to get me to pop it because that's what I always do in this spot.'  Boom.  FTIW I think the villian has nailed me down to the top end of my range and has played be like a violin.  But again, I'm only giving him credit because I respect his game so much, maybe it is a bad line.  Or a misclick.  Feel free to discuss, I'd love the villain to join in but totally understand if he doesn't.  After putting lower sets firmly in the villian's range and me possibly having plenty of two card, top pair combinations I think I have to stack off after the turn.
    varney Small blind  £0.50 £0.50 £137.53
    Mco001 Big blind  £1.00 £1.50 £56.91
     Your hole cards
    • A
    • A
    Raise  £4.00 £5.50 £96.00
    TommyD Raise  £12.00 £17.50 £135.30
    kidwizzz78 Fold     
    ACOZUBI Call  £12.00 £29.50 £104.04
    varney Fold     
    Mco001 Fold     
    Call  £8.00 £37.50 £88.00
    • 7
    • Q
    • J
    Bet  £2.00 £39.50 £86.00
    TommyD Call  £2.00 £41.50 £133.30
    ACOZUBI Call  £2.00 £43.50 £102.04
    • A
    Bet  £25.00 £68.50 £61.00
    TommyD Call  £25.00 £93.50 £108.30
    ACOZUBI Fold     
    • 4
    All-in  £61.00 £154.50 £0.00
    TommyD Call  £61.00 £215.50 £47.30
    • 9
    • 8
    TommyD Show
    • A
    • A
    Win Flush to the Ace £213.70
  • simonnatursimonnatur Member Posts: 330
    edited March 2012
    I don't see that your read about it being a bet to induce is necessarily wrong since he can't be too unhappy about getting it all in here ??   He's almost flipping against your actual hand and still has almost 35% against top set

    Calling to see a "safe" turn card on such a scary flop wouldn't be a terrible play for me. I dont like stacking off against 2 oppos when the flush hits.
  • TommyDTommyD Member Posts: 4,389
    edited March 2012
    In Response to Re: Many Rivers To Cross. A Diary.:
    I don't see that your read about it being a bet to induce is necessarily wrong since he can't be too unhappy about getting it all in here ??   He's almost flipping against your actual hand and still has almost 35% against top set Calling to see a "safe" turn card on such a scary flop wouldn't be a terrible play for me. I dont like stacking off against 2 oppos when the flush hits.
    Posted by simonnatur
    He may well be going with it on the flop, my problem is his hand is the nut best for me in his getting it in range and I'm still not in a crushing spot.  The turn changes this as I now crush a big part of his range and am in a bad spot against the flush.  I don't think he's flatting pre with KT so I discounted that, was a little surprised to see what he did flat with OOP but I think this is due to the other player in the pot.  Certainly the third player makes the flop spot a lot harder for me.

    You say you don't like the stack off, at what point in the hand are you folding my hand?
  • TommyDTommyD Member Posts: 4,389
    edited March 2012
    I have just been alerted to the fact that your poker hero and mine, Mr Pryce6, is on the live streamed feature table of the event at The Fox, London.

    I've tweeted the link (I'm @TommyDyer) or google is your friend, so why not wind down on a Friday by watching Nick playing poker while beening commentated on by Mad Marty Wilson.  This might just be a treat you cannot miss.
  • LOL_RAISELOL_RAISE Member Posts: 2,188
    edited March 2012
    as you describe the hand i think you should jam the turn.
    if we are never folding a brick river then flushes will always stack us regardless of whether we jam turn or call/call (unless we improve).

    however vs 2pair's / sets if the river isnt a brick and it comes a T,K or spade we can lose action when we have the best hand, and also lose the hand to QsX if the flush comes in, if you think he will fold 2pair/sets on turn then calling is prob best
  • TommyDTommyD Member Posts: 4,389
    edited March 2012
    He'd fold two pair and possibly bottom set if I jammed the turn.  Jamming the turn might well be the best line though, really think Acozubi complicated things for me but won't go too much into his calling range as I've left his name in, should have edited him really.  Slap my hand.
  • TommyDTommyD Member Posts: 4,389
    edited April 2012
    'This is gonna hurt a little bit.'  Kevin Costner, For the Love of the Game

    Time for a motivational poker challenge Ladies and Gents.  A few of the more observant of you will have seen the Priority VLV freeroll in the MTT lobby at present.  Let me break this down for you.  It's a rake race for Priority Club members, if you hit 25k C4Ps in April you're in for a shot at the package.  Also, the starting stacks increase in increments according to the total C4Ps to make.  25k gets you the starting stack of 2000.  At the other end of the spectrum 70k points gets you a 14k starting stack.  And it is that which I'm going for.  And not just that, why make it too easy eh?

    So I'm calling my shot (baseball line no. 2), this is the challenge.

    1)  Hit 70k C4P in April.
    2)  Have a 5 figure profit for the month.
    3)  Win the VLV package.

    I'm looking to set an early pace of 2.5k points a day to give me something to play with towards the end of the month.  I'm going to the Cardiff SPT so some days will be lost.

    This volume is next to impossible for me.  You can't really call a month for a profit without angering Lady Variance.  The VLV Package Freeroll will be full of better players.  So really I have no chance.

    Going to be fun trying though :)

    Expect updates.
  • TommyDTommyD Member Posts: 4,389
    edited April 2012
    Life news now and it was an interesting sporting week for me.

    Saturday was a golf day.  Now my skills as a golfer rate at just below hacker.  I've got decent upper body strength but down to a pure lack of technique I have zero power hitting that darn ball.  Luckily I've always been a bit tasty on the greens so I usually have a decent finish, just takes me a while to get there.  It was great fun, good company, plenty of ribbing.  We play with a fellow we call Des because he looks like Des from Neighbours.  It's gotten so bad that a lot of people have forgotten his real name.  Now Des is the slowest golfer you could ever meet.  He has all the gear, trolley bag, little tea cosy warmers for both Woods and Irons.  He wanders towards his ball, sets up the trolley legs, stands it up beautifully.  Then he has a look how far to go, takes his time, slowly takes the hood off the club of choice, has another good long look, then we're into his practice swings.  Twenty swings later he has another look, then a few more practice swings.  Finally the ball starts to fly, usually to the right.  He asked us if we think he takes too many practice swings, we were laughing for a couple of holes before saying 'Maybe.'

    So the golf was followed by a nice few drinks and a very nice night, despite the fact I was still chewing sand at 9pm (this is sadly not an exaggeration).

    On to Sunday.  I play for a Sunday League Football team, created over ten years ago after a night out in the pub went a little too far and we decided to form a team named 'Jossi's Giants,' named after the Sid Wardell penned TV show about an awful youth football team.  We were abysmal for many years, I think it took us three seasons before our first win.  Things changed this year, finally.  We were top of the division for months (the bottom division in our league obviously) and fighting under the new name of JG Chingford, we dreamt of promotion from the basement.  We stuttered towards the end and were caught by two teams, knocking us out of the promotion positions.  Our only hope was that when the now top two teams played each other on their last game of the season that first would smack second, kill their goal difference and put us up.

    Nerves were jangling yesterday as we awaited the news.  Finally the text came through, first hand indeed spanked second 5-1, we were up.  I am currently on email discussing if we're going to hire an open top bus.  Never had such a great feeling, after years of cold Sunday mornings, limping home **** and beaten, we finally achieved something.

    Of course we'll probably get caned every week next year.  It'll still be a laugh though.
  • pryce6pryce6 Member Posts: 1,058
    edited April 2012
    Tommy can I ask you a Q that isn't meant to be rude..

    But is you going for 70k points realistic? From my experience you don't tend to multi table too much (by that I mean 10 tables +), and although you do play the higher levels surely that amount of points is well out of your reach?
  • TommyDTommyD Member Posts: 4,389
    edited April 2012
    In Response to Re: Many Rivers To Cross. A Diary.:
    Tommy can I ask you a Q that isn't meant to be rude.. But is you going for 70k points realistic? From my experience you don't tend to multi table too much (by that I mean 10 tables +), and although you do play the higher levels surely that amount of points is well out of your reach?
    Posted by pryce6
    It probably is out of reach, I was serious when I put in that post that the volume is next to impossible for me.  I guess I'm aiming for the stars to hit the moon.  If I get a good early pace going I may be able to hit between 40k-50k points.  I know myself and if I aim just for 50k then I could easily get complacent in the middle of the month and before I know it I'm struggling to make 30k.  I'm just pushing myself as much as I can and if I make myself give regular updates I need to at least put in a respectable score to avoid obvious embarrassment.

    Also I'm a firm believer that people massively underestimate the amount of rake/points generated by DYMs.  This would be a piece of cake for me and a lot of others if the DYM player pool was massive.  i'm going to be hitting a lot of DYMs in the first week to find out if I am right, if STTs generate that much.

    It is mission impossible, but that's where the fun is.
  • MAXALLYMAXALLY Member Posts: 17,656
    edited April 2012

    ....If only you had, say, two weeks off 'work' so you could put some serious grind in towards your poker points goal.

    I think you will do it. I also thought spurs were going to win the League :)
  • pryce6pryce6 Member Posts: 1,058
    edited April 2012
    Ah yes, I do sometimes forget that dyms actually exist! I saw you 2 tabling 100nl yesterday or today and thought 70k points???! lol
  • TommyDTommyD Member Posts: 4,389
    edited April 2012
    In Response to Re: Many Rivers To Cross. A Diary.:
    Ah yes, I do sometimes forget that dyms actually exist! I saw you 2 tabling 100nl yesterday or today and thought 70k points???! lol
    Posted by pryce6
    lol, totally fair enough, I would have thought the same.  Was either regged or playing DYMs at the same time.  Currently two tabling nl100, playing a £55 DYM and regged for three more.  They normally take 20-30 min, can chew through the rake.
  • scotty77scotty77 Member Posts: 4,970
    edited April 2012
    +1 to how great DYMs are for the points grind.

    GL Tommy!

    Also having had a couple of days to think about it, I reckon that the 70k points is prob unrealistic too for me.  50k is about right maybe.
  • TommyDTommyD Member Posts: 4,389
    edited April 2012
    In Response to Re: Many Rivers To Cross. A Diary.:
    +1 to how great DYMs are for the points grind. GL Tommy! Also having had a couple of days to think about it, I reckon that the 70k points is prob unrealistic too for me.  50k is about right maybe.
    Posted by scotty77
    Cheers Ryan.

    Yeah I know what you mean.  For me setting 70k as the target is like the Hare at the Greyhound track.  No way the dogs are going to catch it but it don't half make them run fast.

    So boys and girls, here's the first update.


    Cash4Points - 2797
    April Profit/loss - +£750
    Current chances in VLV freeroll final - Zero, not qualified yet.  Obviously.

    Got the bulk of those points today.  I was grinding last night but I went one table when I was running deep in the Primo, then slammed the laptop shut for the night when I crashed out in tenth.  That made it my third 7th-20th Main Event finish last week and I was feeling a little frustrated not to FT any of them.  Luckily tonight I busted the Main nice and early, so focus on the grind will be on.
  • TommyDTommyD Member Posts: 4,389
    edited April 2012
    A lot to think about now.  Going to do the updates most days at midnight to try to get a feel of the pace.

    C4P attained/Aimed pace - 3558/5000
    Profit/loss - +£378.32

    Ugly little evening session as far as the profits go.  The main fails came in the DYMs where I had a little downswing, couldn't get through a bubble.

    Pointswise I'm behind but on the plus side I made more than 2.5k points today.  The pace is doable for now, but of course everyone is full of vim and vigour at this stage.

    I'm still starting tables, determined to keep this going despite a slight fall in point rate.  I think downswings are going to be the toughest part of this challenge, I can't take a break or close up the site for a night when it's going bad if I want to keep this pace.  This'll be character building.  Or it will kill my roll and send me on life tilt.

    Haven't quit yet, which I choose to see as a good thing.
  • TommyDTommyD Member Posts: 4,389
    edited April 2012
    I had a dream last night that I had left myself registered into a DYM and shut down my laptop.  I was really angry amount wasting the buy in.

    This is not a good sign.
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