Will look forward to this. With the additions, would this now be a normal Sunday schedule for you Tommy? Do you add cash tables as the night progresses or wait until you've finished your mtts for the evening? Posted by Jac35
No this is still a light one. You can expect a dozen or so more on a normal and 20 more on a heavy.
I won't be adding cash tables, might play cash after the MTTs but more likely just go to bed Cash action never that great on a Sunday on average.
We have GGed the Early Sat, 5 1R1A (before add on so saved a five dollar bill, #winning) and the HU Hyper. Probs made a bad call in the sat (will post below) with 12 left and 7 seats. Actually almost definitely did. In the $5 Cubed I lated regged and had 30bb effect and KK. Got it in on T98cc. They had 76cc, not a bad flop for them. And in the Hyper HU it just got shovey, didn't flip well.
Nothing much to report really from the last couple of hours.
Busted the UKPC Q/F, nothing really stand out in that. Am 15/24 with 14 seats in the Roller Sat and somehow still in the Storm, small increase from starting.
Tables gonna start to open properly now, the swing of a Sunday really starts now.
Ok, gonna do another ride along tonight for the Sunday schedule. I went out yesterday and shots were involved so really need something to keep my focus. Also this seemed to be popular last time I did it so let's give it a spin. Last two months have been tough MTT-wise, only getting some results in the past week. My volume has been less, far to small to be honest and I will look to push this up in the coming weeks. Again, due to shots last night and the fact I can still taste the Sambuca, it will be a Sky only light schedule, perfect for me posting hands and updates here. The rundown: Early Roller Semi £24 Roller Semi £24 Roller £110 Mini Roller £11 UKPC Q/F £10.50 UKPC Semi £48 UKPC Final £220 9pm BHer £55 MBI £55 7pm BHer £22 7.45pm BHer £11 8.15pm BHer £11 9.30pm Bher £11 10.15pm BHer £22 So 14 games and a £634.50 hole to get out of. Gotta love a Sunday, gl all Posted by TommyD
Meh, pretty bad blow in the UKPC Semi. Got an early double against a very good player in a AA v KK cooler and then proceeded to donate it all around. Final hand was 3bet jamming AQs with 18bb into QQ. Case Q on flop. Not my best and pretty gutting considering that the £220 final is a hefty buy in.
Chip counts
Storm 38bb MM Main: Around starting, not been running long. 7.45 BHer: 58bb, no bounties. Roller: Just starting.
Tea Count: Cup number 9
Hang over status: Room not spinning, but bones asking 'Why are we not in bed?'
Amazing start in the Roller. Up 10 chips at the break.
Busting BHers early like it's going out of fashion. However made it to the end of Late Reg in Storm, which generally doesn't happen.
20bb in Storm, half of starting in MM Main after I flopped TP and a FD in a 3bet pot and tried to reslise my equity rather than get aggressive. Didn't happen. 10k+10chips Roller and 6k mini.
Hang over news: Dropped off a couple of times with mouse in hand. Does not bode well.
And we're done with PokerCosmos for another Sunday.
Storm - 3bet jam 15bb and QQ. He had AA
MM Main - A peculiar pot. I'm in the BB versus the SB. I end up 5bet jamming AQo. He had 22 and a really good feeling about the hand. He was right.
Back to Sky then, Roller got a solid 15.6k, Mini was going great but then had QQ<77 AIPF. Another player at the table informs me it was the last 7 in the deack. Marv, 4k there so 3bet jamming soon.
UKPC final has started slow, 3k there. 9pm BHer just under starting and around starting in the £11 BHer.
Been a bit meh so far. Which coincidently is the only word I can say out loud right now.
Tables closing at a rate of knots. GG the Roller. Decide to white knuckle a hand versus a very aggro player with a chip stack. They have set. I think it's ok how I played it, obv can 3bet/gii pre as well.
And we're down to one table, the Mini Roller. Need a win in that to make a profit on the Sunday I think. Currently 27/30 just ITM. Amazingly not only did I not cash in anything else (aside from the Roller sat) but I also didn't take one bounty. Not gonna lie, today has been tough. Here's to spinning this bowl!!
All GG. Been a very disappointing night. I don't think I made many mistakes but it's real easy to brick a Sunday. Min cash in the mini to leave a £500 hole.
The more I look at that Roller exit hand the more I think I was being optimistic with the call down. The King is a funny river. It connects with a ton of his barrel range giving mostly one pairs so you think he will check with showdown. Then again I guess I'm pretty face up and he is good and aggressive enough to still bluff with a K. Felt like set or nothing at the time. Not sure.
Would it not just be easier,cheaper,more fun, and obv guarantee a return every Sunday, if you just brought a piece of Bates each week?
Ok....it would possibly be a shorter return then you get some weeks, but if worse comes to worse, you could always sell some of them many UKPC seats you have to tide you over.
On a serious note, UL last night but good to know (in a funny kind of way) that these nights happen to us all and no one is immune from that fickle beast called variance.
I won't be adding cash tables, might play cash after the MTTs but more likely just go to bed
We have GGed the Early Sat, 5 1R1A (before add on so saved a five dollar bill, #winning) and the HU Hyper. Probs made a bad call in the sat (will post below) with 12 left and 7 seats. Actually almost definitely did. In the $5 Cubed I lated regged and had 30bb effect and KK. Got it in on T98cc. They had 76cc, not a bad flop for them. And in the Hyper HU it just got shovey, didn't flip well.
Well at least I've got a decent break now...
Busted the UKPC Q/F, nothing really stand out in that. Am 15/24 with 14 seats in the Roller Sat and somehow still in the Storm, small increase from starting.
Tables gonna start to open properly now, the swing of a Sunday really starts now.
Did bink a seat for the Roller though so that's £110 off of the Sunday bill. Still going Storm and MM main just started.
In hang over update, really struggling. Got a conveyor belt of tea in action. If you suddenly see me timeout on all tables, I have fallen asleep.
Chip counts
Storm 38bb
MM Main: Around starting, not been running long.
7.45 BHer: 58bb, no bounties.
Roller: Just starting.
Tea Count: Cup number 9
Hang over status: Room not spinning, but bones asking 'Why are we not in bed?'
Busting BHers early like it's going out of fashion. However made it to the end of Late Reg in Storm, which generally doesn't happen.
20bb in Storm, half of starting in MM Main after I flopped TP and a FD in a 3bet pot and tried to reslise my equity rather than get aggressive. Didn't happen. 10k+10chips Roller and 6k mini.
Hang over news: Dropped off a couple of times with mouse in hand. Does not bode well.
Storm - 3bet jam 15bb and QQ. He had AA
MM Main - A peculiar pot. I'm in the BB versus the SB. I end up 5bet jamming AQo. He had 22 and a really good feeling about the hand. He was right.
Back to Sky then, Roller got a solid 15.6k, Mini was going great but then had QQ<77 AIPF. Another player at the table informs me it was the last 7 in the deack. Marv, 4k there so 3bet jamming soon.
UKPC final has started slow, 3k there. 9pm BHer just under starting and around starting in the £11 BHer.
Been a bit meh so far. Which coincidently is the only word I can say out loud right now.
you can do it - just breathe slowly
gr8 posting as always
GG the 9pm BHer, probably the worst MTT I have played today, never got going and dribbled away without any real hands of note.
Down to five tables, no real stacks in any
Roller: 20bb
Mini: 8bb
£22 BHer: 15bb
£11 Bher: 16bb
MBI: 60bb but only 30 min in.
Staring down the barrel of an expensive and brick laden Sunday.
We'll get them next week.