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Many Rivers To Cross. A Diary.



  • GELDYGELDY Member Posts: 5,203
    edited August 2014
    tommyd forever the gentleman
    hits quads and gets paid for it playing cash and how does he react? 

    (_) jumps out of his chair fist pumping and screaming "you fish"
    (X)calmly states "I have quads, Sir"


  • GELDYGELDY Member Posts: 5,203
    edited August 2014
    meanwhile don't worry about your temporary cooler against Mr Bates. I know he is winning all his races but I've found out why. 

    i have it on good authority that he was quite sprightly as a nipper and didn't lose any races at school either
    but he wanted more than anything to be a basketball player
    unfortunately when he was selling his soul to the devil to do something about his height disadvantage
    he was misheard as saying he wanted to be like marco johnson, when what he meant to say was magic johnson

    from such small acorns eh
  • TommyDTommyD Member Posts: 4,389
    edited August 2014
    Donked myself out of the PLO in about 20th.  Absolutely livid with myself, the spot was too thin.  Never really had a great stack but more than playable.  Feels like a give up play right now and I'm pretty low.  Waste of half decent play to give it away in the last level of the day.  Never mind, pretty much all on the main now.

    We were 5 handed and I open KQJ5d/s.  Chip leader flats his button like he always did.  I c/c a k73r looking for some equity on the turn.  We get 4h,  I have qjhh so c/j, he has khxh3j.  Don't improve on my now limited extensions.  Was too thin to get away with.

    Never mind....
  • MattBatesMattBates Member Posts: 4,118
    edited August 2014
    Bingo update!

    4 mains
    2 mini
    6 9pm
    3 MBI

    Mr D
    1 main
    2 mini
    3 9pm
    5 MBI
  • MattBatesMattBates Member Posts: 4,118
    edited September 2014
    Bingo update!

    4 mains
    3 mini
    6 9pm
    3 MBI

    Mr D
    1 main
    3 mini
    4 9pm
    5 MBI
  • MattBatesMattBates Member Posts: 4,118
    edited October 2014
    Bingo update!

    5 mains
    3 mini
    6 9pm
    3 MBI

    Mr D
    1 main
    4 mini
    4 9pm
    6 MBI

    I assume the diary will be resurrected in time for UKOP binkage?
  • SlipwaterSlipwater Member Posts: 3,700
    edited October 2014
    In Response to Re: Many Rivers To Cross. A Diary.:
    Bingo update! Me 5 mains 3 mini 6 9pm 3 MBI Mr D 1 main 3 mini 4 9pm 6 MBI I assume the diary will be resurrected in time for UKOP binkage?
    Posted by MattBates
    Tommy has won two Mains and five Minis... ;)
  • MattBatesMattBates Member Posts: 4,118
    edited October 2014
    In Response to Re: Many Rivers To Cross. A Diary.:
    In Response to Re: Many Rivers To Cross. A Diary. : Tommy has won two Mains and five Minis... ;)
    Posted by Slipwater
    My mini count was incorrect but has been adjusted. Its wins on diff nights. Mr D has 2 wed night main wins which counts as 1 for our purposes. He also has 2 sat night mini wins so only gets one of them.
  • SlipwaterSlipwater Member Posts: 3,700
    edited October 2014
    In Response to Re: Many Rivers To Cross. A Diary.:
    In Response to Re: Many Rivers To Cross. A Diary. : My mini count was incorrect but has been adjusted. Its wins on diff nights. Mr D has 2 wed night main wins which counts as 1 for our purposes. He also has 2 sat night mini wins so only gets one of them.
    Posted by MattBates
    That's me told... ;)

    Come on Tommy - open the doors again!
  • tomgooduntomgoodun Member Posts: 3,758
    edited October 2014
    How I wish I had read your World Cup reports at the time when it was being played,I have never laughed so much reading posts( the sky rigged ones don't even come close) today I am going to work with a smile on my face and a spring in my step thank you so much,you sir are a wordsmith of the highest level,Arden rob ben pressing r2 lool loll.
  • GlenelgGlenelg Member Posts: 6,634
    edited November 2014
    Hi Tommy,
    Dual purpose for posting:
    1. To drag diary to front page.  ;-)    &
    2. We crossed paths in the main last night and I was after advice (general & specific) if you are willing on hand below? I was gonna post in clinic but wasn't sure if you'd see it.  I'm always trying to improve and analyse a few key hands the next day and this one has jumped out at me.  There were circa 40 left and we were all in the money.  Blinds were just about to go up which would mean we would have less than 20BB's.
    I wasn't sure if... original raise was too small?  Would it have mattered?
    ..I made a mistake by going all-in?     I did think about just calling but felt with our stacks it was probably all going in anyway on the flop?
    Thoughts would be welcome............Pad
    TommyD Small blind  400.00 400.00 21233.36
    KINGBING24 Big blind  800.00 1200.00 14843.75
      Your hole cards
    • A
    • J
    Glenelg Raise  1600.00 2800.00 19959.20
    OwnYrSoul Fold     
    flyrod Fold     
    edsupagain Fold     
    TommyD Raise  3600.00 6400.00 17633.36
    KINGBING24 Fold     
    Glenelg All-in  19959.20 26359.20 0.00
    TommyD All-in  17633.36 43992.56 0.00
    TommyD Unmatched bet  74.16 43918.40 74.16
    TommyD Show
    • J
    • J
    Glenelg Show
    • A
    • J
    • K
    • 8
    • 5
    • 4
    • 9
    TommyD Win Pair of Jacks 43918.40  43992.56
  • Chris_McChris_Mc Member Posts: 1,340
    edited November 2014
    not sure if you'll get a reply back too that glen....

    try posting through I.E
  • bbMikebbMike Member Posts: 3,727
    edited November 2014
    You can read it if you try, he's min-opened the button to 1600 with AJ suited playing just under 25BB. Tommy's made it 3,600. Glenelg then 4-bet shoves the rest of his 20k and Tommy calls it off and holds with JJ.

    It's a big 4-bet imo and you're lucky if he calls turning up with TT-.  Doubt you get a call from AT. So I'd prefer a call on the button here. Even if Tommy's been playing back loads from the BB the size of the 4-bet pretty much turns it into a bluff.
  • GlenelgGlenelg Member Posts: 6,634
    edited November 2014
    In Response to Re: Many Rivers To Cross. A Diary.:
    You can read it if you try, he's min-opened the button to 1600 with AJ suited playing just under 25BB. Tommy's made it 3,600. Glenelg then 4-bet shoves the rest of his 20k and Tommy calls it off and holds with JJ. It's a big 4-bet imo and you're lucky if he calls turning up with TT-.  Doubt you get a call from AT. So I'd prefer a call on the button here. Even if Tommy's been playing back loads from the BB the size of the 4-bet pretty much turns it into a bluff.
    Posted by bbMike
    THanks guys - Post fixed. Was in a rush out and hadn't noticed.   @BB- kinda what I thought when reviewing hand.
  • jordz16jordz16 Member Posts: 2,253
    edited November 2014
    If you are looking for advice on the hand id say the min open is fine for your stack size, but as soon as you get 3 bet when you are playing 25bbs you know that you are probably playing for stacks, and aj isnt the hand you want to go to war with, when you have 25bbs still, even though you are getting a great price to call there arent many flops you can hang around on except flush draws. and the shove is just never getting called by a worse hand imo. so id just dump it after the 3 bet and look for a hand you can go with... if you had 40bbs then it would be a snap call in position though.
  • Phantom66Phantom66 Member Posts: 5,542
    edited November 2014
    In Response to Re: Many Rivers To Cross. A Diary.:
    If you are looking for advice on the hand id say the min open is fine for your stack size, but as soon as you get 3 bet when you are playing 25bbs you know that you are probably playing for stacks, and aj isnt the hand you want to go to war with, when you have 25bbs still, even though you are getting a great price to call there arent many flops you can hang around on except flush draws. and the shove is just never getting called by a worse hand imo. so id just dump it after the 3 bet and look for a hand you can go with... if you had 40bbs then it would be a snap call in position though.
    Posted by jordz16
    What, fold a "nutmaker" in position v TommyD?

    I take your point on stack sizes but I'd take a gamble knowing if it goes wrong and give up post you weren't many orbits off shove/fold stack anyway.

    Having been utg raiser and calling 3bet can look very strong at that stack size so there are flops that opponent wont like that you can force a fold from too?

  • hhyftrftdrhhyftrftdr Member Posts: 8,036
    edited November 2014
    Close, but with you being 3bet after opening from UTG I think it makes it more a sigh fold.

    Were it button vs the blinds....
  • hhyftrftdrhhyftrftdr Member Posts: 8,036
    edited November 2014
    In Response to Re: Many Rivers To Cross. A Diary.:
    In Response to Re: Many Rivers To Cross. A Diary. : What, fold a "nutmaker" in position v TommyD? I take your point on stack sizes but I'd take a gamble knowing if it goes wrong and give up post you weren't many orbits off shove/fold stack anyway. Having been utg raiser and calling 3bet can look very strong at that stack size so there are flops that opponent wont like that you can force a fold from too?
    Posted by Phantom66
    On the contrary, unless the villain is particularly tricky and might flat KK/AA.

    Generally peeling in this spot is a hand that you can't bring to let go but equally can't 4bet and play for hands exactly like AJs, 77 through 1010 etc etc. If we were deeper I think we can deffo peel and play the pot in position down the streets. Stacks are just too shallow to make calling this profitable I think though. I also think shoving is slightly too light; not sure if Tommy is 3bet folding many/any hands in this spot, and when he calls our jam we are never gonna be in great shape.

    Perhaps Tommy might want to chirp up..... :) Don't be shy Thomas.
  • The_Don90The_Don90 Member Posts: 9,818
    edited November 2014
    All this cant do this, cant do that - imo without dynamics its hard to say. If Tommy is 3b alot - not saying tommy is but if he is then shoving can be fine. Peeling might also be fine. 

    Without dynamics i think its hard to judge. However i do think it probably is a fold once 3b.
  • Chris_McChris_Mc Member Posts: 1,340
    edited November 2014
    So far in the few games ive played at tommys table it very simple and easy too play against him.

    If tommy calls i fold.
    If tommy is still too act after me i fold.
    If tommy raises i fold quicker.
    If tommy bets and i have aa. I fold. 

    I also play these rules against certain other players.


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