Was chip leader until quite late on, but inspired by Mr Orfords post, pressed on and, well, ...... £3.30 buy in PenFifteen 968.75 34 £1.46 I would work out the negative percentage, but I suspect it may not win the prize. Still, onwards and upwards!!! ( Is there a prize for the smallest percentage Rich? ) Posted by PenFifteen
Lol at this Adrian.
I have to say though (and it is extremely unllkely given that we have another 4 hours to go) but if no-one else manages to cash in a tourney then you will win with a negative ROI because at least you have an ROI!
Not many Timed Tournies in the lobby right now. I was just about to join your comp for the first time. Guess I'll have to go mental in the 23:40. Lets hope it works.lol.
* may be slightly exaggerating.
A win's a win. ROI of 227.5% in the £5.50
EDIT: 'Twas a 15 minute tourney.
Buy-in: 3.30
5.07/3.30 = 1.536
1.536 x 100 = 153.6%
10.45pm - £22 quid Jobby (60min) and........................
11.05pm - £11 quideroonies (60mins) and.....................
I don't intend on going out first.
£7.20 cash
roi =118%
wont win with this but it's on the board