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Big fold - thoughts?

jh16jh16 Member Posts: 76
edited April 2012 in The Poker Clinic
Hey guys just want people's thoughts on this hand.
Cant remember the last time ive folded a set on this sort of board
Really couldn't put him on any other hand other than 6's. wouldnt mind knowing what you had wacko90?!?

Hand History #498848421 (22:35 29/03/2012)

Wacko90 Small blind   £0.10 £0.10 £25.81
punxxs_13 Big blind   £0.20 £0.30 £20.00
  Your hole cards
  • 2
  • 2
mitieng2 Fold        
JAMMY014 Fold        
steve1602 Raise   £0.60 £0.90 £64.13
jh16 Call   £0.60 £1.50 £24.39
Wacko90 Call   £0.50 £2.00 £25.31
punxxs_13 Fold        
  • 2
  • 6
  • K
Wacko90 Check        
steve1602 Bet   £1.00 £3.00 £63.13
jh16 Raise   £3.00 £6.00 £21.39
Wacko90 Call   £3.00 £9.00 £22.31
steve1602 Fold        
  • 8
Wacko90 Check        
jh16 Bet   £5.40 £14.40 £15.99
Wacko90 All-in   £22.31 £36.71 £0.00
jh16 Fold        
Wacko90 Muck        
Wacko90 Win   £18.81   £18.81
Wacko90 Return   £16.91 £0.99 £35.72


  • jh16jh16 Member Posts: 76
    edited March 2012
    ye agree with every word you said, sorta regret it but what else can he be doing it with? really couldnt think of a thing.
    not gonna be flush draw now on the turn, very very rarely to be a lone king, so theres nothing else really. meh im not sure lol
  • Dudeskin8Dudeskin8 Member Posts: 6,228
    edited March 2012
    It looks bad at first but I can see why you did as there's a bet and a raise on flop and he just flats which is massive strength.

    Pre calling from SB feels like small-medium pair, K6/K2/62 aren't in there and KK I'd think he 3bets.

    Still not sure I could make the fold but fair play for thinking enough about it to do it. 

    EDIT : Also FD he doesn't have odds to call especially OOP and I'd think he'd C/R with that.
  • Dudeskin8Dudeskin8 Member Posts: 6,228
    edited March 2012
    In Response to Re: Big fold - thoughts?:
    wanna see what he had he could have 66 yeah but more likely to be k 6 maybe or even 79 of hearts a massive draw on turn 
    Posted by IDONKCALLU

    Never has K6 imo unless he's turned into a massive fish.
  • jh16jh16 Member Posts: 76
    edited March 2012
    ye had eliminated 2 pair tbh if he had K8 then fairenough but thought it was pretty unlikely, and he would prob fold on the flop tbh.
    prob about the only spot that i'd fold a set.
  • BigHawk89BigHawk89 Member Posts: 627
    edited March 2012
    Never fold here, your only behind to one hand really and thats 66 if hes got it, hes got it. IMO its most like a flush draw.
  • EvilPinguEvilPingu Member Posts: 3,462
    edited March 2012
    I can never fold a set there. 

    Having said that, I don't think this is the worst fold ever depending on the villain, c/c flop c/r turn is generally massive strength, and what can he have on the turn that he's happy getting it in with here that doesn't 3-bet pre-flop? 

    I don't know Wacko's game as well as I should, but I think a lot of opponents will turn up with Ax of hearts here, or maybe a massive draw like 97hh or 75hh. I agree this could be a set of 6's from the way the opponent has played it, but I can still never fold a set. I just call and hope to see two hearts in my opponent's hand, and I think we end up against a flush draw often enough for calling here to be profitable.
  • DOHHHHHHHDOHHHHHHH Member Posts: 17,929
    edited March 2012
    Wud struggle to fold this against the tightest of regs, nevermind against Wacko.

    tbh I couldn't give a shiny sh ite what he's got, there's no point even thinking about it because he's not making me fold a set on this board 120xbb deep.

    No point overthinking it just stack off. 

  • GlenelgGlenelg Member Posts: 6,628
    edited March 2012

    Don't play cash BUT with that bet surely he's gotta have 88?

  • jh16jh16 Member Posts: 76
    edited March 2012
    thanks for thoughts ppl. really torn still. would love to know what he had

    he wont ever have 88 here, wouldve just been folded on the flop. but if he had 6's he might not be shoving just making it 13 ish, but dont know him well enough to think that really.

    ye its a bit of a hero fold but really not convinced hes calling on the flop then doing that with 95% of flush draws on the turn. :S

    hmmmm this is eating me up haha, someone fancy getting him to fess up? lol
  • BorinLonerBorinLoner Member Posts: 3,863
    edited March 2012
    I wouldn't be too surprised if he showed up with KQ or KJ here. It's so easy for him to put you on a weaker King or a flush draw. It's all about how he perceives your play and I think your line fits a strong flush-draw or a King.

    That's not to say he doesn't have a set but if he does I think it's 50/50 that he shoves the turn; If you're bluffing obviously you fold to the shove. If you have a King you might call now but might not if a heart hits the river. If you have the flush draw you might call now but might not bluff off your stack if a heart doesn't hit the river. Obviously you're not getting the right odds to hit your flush-draw if he shoves, so I suppose it depends on your table image.
  • BorinLonerBorinLoner Member Posts: 3,863
    edited March 2012
    Basically I don't think you should ever fold a set here. If he has you beat it's a cooler but we won't make money by folding out of fear of being coolered.
  • thebil123thebil123 Member Posts: 99
    edited March 2012
    Might have 66 or up n down straight n flush draw, ive seen a similar situation where wacko gets it allin on a total bluff, BUT for me id call all day long. (this a message to all bluff happys lol)

    Long term its not good to fold.
  • NColleyNColley Member Posts: 1,178
    edited March 2012
    what on earth are you doing

    would really love it if wacko came into this thread and showed that he had 86hh
  • TommyDTommyD Member Posts: 4,389
    edited March 2012
    In game - never folding

    Reading the HH, so tough because it's Wacko.  The only two pair combo I can think of where he'll do this is 86HH, maybe K8 is there but I think it's unlikely.  He can turn a hand into a bluff quite easily.  Might be a good fold but I don't think it's one you should make often at all.
  • Wacko90Wacko90 Member Posts: 906
    edited March 2012
    How do you fold this against me I'm a fish!! Tbh mate I can't remember what I had, I'm on iPad so can't post it up but il post it tomorrow and let you know :)
  • jh16jh16 Member Posts: 76
    edited March 2012
    cheers for posts.

    new it was bit of a hero fold, obv didnt know how aggresive he was, but just went with my gut! oh well

    ye wouldnt mind knowing tho wacko :)
  • simonnatursimonnatur Member Posts: 330
    edited March 2012
    I think you'll be wrong more often than you're right to fold here.

    Definitely a bigger mistake to post the hand
  • 12671267 Member Posts: 936
    edited March 2012
    5 7 of hearts !   
  • AMYBRAMYBR Member Posts: 3,432
    edited March 2012
    Folding fearing oversets is just bad poker for all the obv reasons
  • grantorinograntorino Member Posts: 4,710
    edited March 2012
    unless you have a read he never bluffs call. If he perceives you as tight though he will show 66 a lot here
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