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Big fold - thoughts?



  • rancidrancid Member Posts: 5,947
    edited April 2012
    In Response to Re: Big fold - thoughts?:
    A) Dont know wacko's table image B) am a full subscriber to Ivey's line on set over set scenario. IMO if we arent going broke in set over set pots 100bs deep we are doing something wrong. If I knew oppo well, I likely wouldnt like AS much. But I'll never agree hero folding here is right. £16/£36 set over set? W/e just call now So we vb set to fold here? Sure overset is in his range but so is plenty else Kxh 2pr hands, protecting semi strong hand vs draw. Wonder how the line divides when Wacko doesnt post flip of coin..........................
    Posted by AMYBR
    My initial thoughts were, never fold a set - standard
    But when you break the hand down - can only be a set - unless you know oppo calls in the sb with a 68hh kinda hand

    Just read back through the post and GT soul reads for the win )
    Wonder if you fold this in game GT )

  • DOHHHHHHHDOHHHHHHH Member Posts: 17,929
    edited April 2012
    In Response to Re: Big fold - thoughts?:
    A) Dont know wacko's table image B) am a full subscriber to Ivey's line on set over set scenario. IMO if we arent going broke in set over set pots 100bs deep we are doing something wrong. If I knew oppo well, I likely wouldnt like AS much. But I'll never agree hero folding here is right. £16/£36 set over set? W/e just call now So we vb set to fold here? Sure overset is in his range but so is plenty else Kxh 2pr hands, protecting semi strong hand vs draw. Wonder how the line divides when Wacko doesnt post flip of coin..........................
    Posted by AMYBR
    Wacko isn't a nit, if you're happy getting it in readless (which you are, and I am), having history/notes on wacko would make it even more of a call.

    Alot of players at these stakes it would be a different story though.

  • AMYBRAMYBR Member Posts: 3,432
    edited April 2012
    For once I agree with what you said earlier in thread.  Set over set 100bs deep, w/e

    Think hand range is screwed down far too tight + look at pot size/stack £16 into £37.  Its just never a fold.

    There are warnings signs obv, but we are taking out all spew and rep factor.

    We are getting better than 2/1 on our money with 4th nuts vs someone with a semi loose image.  We are basically saying he is unable to play Kx hands badly, take odd lines with flush draws or unable to turn pr + draw into ai bluff.  We are going to nail on one of the three hands that beat us?  (kind of only one though really as KK/88 dont make a great deal of sense).

    So getting better than 2/1 on our money with 4th nuts we are going to bet fold 25% of our stack to someone with laggy rep (Heck anybody)?  Really?
  • rancidrancid Member Posts: 5,947
    edited April 2012
    In Response to Re: Big fold - thoughts?:
    In Response to Re: Big fold - thoughts? : Wacko isn't a nit, if you're happy getting it in readless (which you are, and I am), having history/notes on wacko would make it even more of a call. Alot of players at these stakes it would be a different story though.
    Posted by DOHHHHHHH

    Readless we all stack )
    Maybe I should change my notes, because never would think wacko would flat in the sb with hands that play out accordingly

  • grantorinograntorino Member Posts: 4,710
    edited April 2012

    First of all I call in game and still call now after this thread.

    I think there are spots, albeit very rare ones, to fold sets 100BB deep. Never on the flop, sometimes after that with good reads. If wacko plays like phil ivey its superfistpumpsnapcall with a set. Most 20NL players dont.

    I would much rather call an unknown here than wacko. I know very little about him, but the fact he is not a nit doesnt make it better to snap him off than an unknown. Obv if we know he is capable of bluffing its a reason to call, but good players are also much less likely to overvalue hands than unknowns. If there is aggro history between hero and villain that makes it a snap. Im making assumptions with what follows, but its what I would assume about most capable players.

    Lets look at wackos likely range for cold calling a flop raise:

    sets:66. 22 is impossible and he'll 3bet KK close to 100% pre

    2pair: Unlikely on this board imo. Never 62, even if we give him K6s,K2s thats 3 combos, really doubt he always has them in his range pre though

    1 pair: KJ,KQ would seem realistic to me. I think he always 3bets AK pre

    Other hands: 2 hearts

    Then turn comes an 8 and he crai giving decent odds on a call. What part of the range above crai. Its pretty unlikely KQ or KJ do. Maybe the 2pair hands but these arent definitely in his range. 2 hearts sometimes, but I think if they flat flop they wont raise here that often, maybe 57hh,97hh. 86hh could, but i think that gets 3betted on the flop sometimes

    Now I havent put in any pure bluffs into that range. Will he turn up with air? Questionable imo, floating flop oop with a player left to act with intention of bluffraising a blank turn doesnt happen too much in my limited experience. Can he decide to turn other hands into a bluff. Possibly

    I think its a call given the decent odds and as amybr said people sometimes spew etc. But dont be surprised when he flips over 66, its the most likely outcome

  • AMYBRAMYBR Member Posts: 3,432
    edited April 2012
    GOD I want to argue with elements of this soooooooooooooo badly lol.

    But because of the first line of the post it would be a total nitpick :p
  • Wacko90Wacko90 Member Posts: 906
    edited April 2012
    I think with the image i portray at the table this is a call. geberally fairly aggro, like my raises and 3 bets and 3 barrell bluffs :P i 3 bet with air every time. I never go all in unless its a bluff. I min raise when i have the nutz :)
  • jh16jh16 Member Posts: 76
    edited April 2012
    In Response to Re: Big fold - thoughts?:
    I think with the image i portray at the table this is a call. geberally fairly aggro, like my raises and 3 bets and 3 barrell bluffs :P i 3 bet with air every time. I never go all in unless its a bluff. I min raise when i have the nutz :)
    Posted by Wacko90
    the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth!
  • LOL_RAISELOL_RAISE Member Posts: 2,188
    edited April 2012
    saying fold prob looks super results orientated and if prob snap it off ingame but this is what i think when looking at it:
    id call vs unknown here super fast, but ive played with wacko a little and while he def. isnt a nit and is aggressive i dont think he is

    a)defending k8s/68s oop so he can have no two pair combos (think 68hh is 3bet/calling flop anyway if he does. ?)
    b) c/jamming turn with anything worse for value
    c) c/jamming turn with Kx for protection

    also the fact that we are IP means that we can be checking back our draws on the turn atleast some % of the time, which weights our range alot more in favour of made value hands, so our turn betting range is alot stronger than our flop raising range which means jamming turn as a bluff is probably massively -ev
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