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MTT shove/fold/call

rancidrancid Member Posts: 5,947
edited April 2012 in The Poker Clinic
what u think

PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalancedeanom1245Small blind 600.00600.008502.50PJ122Big blind 1200.001800.0050031.25 Your hole cards1010   leefish05Fold    TIPTOPTIMCall 1200.003000.0019540.00macapacaFold    rancidRaise 3600.006600.0030665.75deanom1245All-in 8502.5015102.500.00PJ122Call 7902.5023005.0042128.75TIPTOPTIMFold    rancid


  • GlenelgGlenelg Member Posts: 6,628
    edited March 2012

    With one I'm shoving, with two I'm folding! 

  • AMYBRAMYBR Member Posts: 3,432
    edited March 2012
    totally read/dynamic dependant.

  • Dudeskin8Dudeskin8 Member Posts: 6,228
    edited March 2012
    With just 25bb behind I like a reshove.

    PJ looks weak just flatting for me but I would like to know if this is a BH as a LOT of bad players will station off here with lots of worse hands than you trying to 'take dat bounty' then make a terrible fold when another guy shoves over the top, or even better still call with their rag ace.

    Overall totally depends on PJ and what reads you have on him as that's the big pot in this hand if you play. 
  • grantorinograntorino Member Posts: 4,710
    edited March 2012
    all in, buy in to next tourney
  • rancidrancid Member Posts: 5,947
    edited March 2012
    In Response to Re: MTT shove/fold/call:
    With just 25bb behind I like a reshove. PJ looks weak just flatting for me but I would like to know if this is a BH as a LOT of bad players will station off here with lots of worse hands than you trying to 'take dat bounty' then make a terrible fold when another guy shoves over the top, or even better still call with their rag ace. Overall totally depends on PJ and what reads you have on him as that's the big pot in this hand if you play. 
    Posted by Dudeskin8
    Not a BH, £6000 open rebuy - rebuy/add on period is over

    This hand is for chip lead, we are both top 5 out of 100 odd

    Obviously happy calling 1st shove - when bb flats I suspect a big hand not a weak hand - at best I think I am facing AK here - is this bad thinking - don't see how oppo is ever weak flatting - no reads at all hence my post

  • Dudeskin8Dudeskin8 Member Posts: 6,228
    edited March 2012
    I'd think he's raise again with a big hand, maybe AA if he knows you're aggro but tbh without reads I just shove and say well done if he's trapped me.

    You say oppo never weak flatting but some people are really bad and don't realise you can shove over the top, in his head 'I just flat small shove, hand over wiiiii'.
  • rancidrancid Member Posts: 5,947
    edited March 2012
    In Response to Re: MTT shove/fold/call:
    I'd think he's raise again with a big hand, maybe AA if he knows you're aggro but tbh without reads I just shove and say well done if he's trapped me. You say oppo never weak flatting but some people are really bad and don't realise you can shove over the top, in his head 'I just flat small shove, hand over wiiiii'.
    Posted by Dudeskin8
    Hear what your saying but more often we are surely facing big prs looking to bring in the original raiser by flatting
    If oppo iso shoves, then I probably snap )

    Can't see 9's and below flatting, not seen anything to make me think oppo is bad you see
    So best I am looking at is AK, so oppo range is weighted - yes ?

    Given the situation and chip stacks, I am sure oppo turns over pairs that have me in very bad shape - maybe sometimes AK/AQ - not much else - essentially more hands beat me than not - should I gamble this spot ?

  • Dudeskin8Dudeskin8 Member Posts: 6,228
    edited March 2012
    Also sometimes he may flat with hands that beat you JJ maybe QQ at a big push and then fold when you shove thinking you must be massive, this of course needs very good reads. Same for AK/AQ/AJ that you might not want to race against.

    Still overall just shove, get it in, move ur stack in da MDL.
  • simonnatursimonnatur Member Posts: 330
    edited March 2012
    I agree it looks like you're often being kept in the hand by a big stack with a monster hand - he's seen a std btn open from you so is very unlikely to put you on a hand you can stackoff with. I'ld be tempted to call/reassess on the flop - though knowing that if undercards flop I may well go broke.

    If flop comes AKx we can get away from hand without having taken what might have been a huge flip for the chip lead and still have a playable stack.

    Very hard one without any reads.
  • percival09percival09 Member Posts: 3,804
    edited March 2012
    I really don't mind either option, I can't ever fold 1010 here though so I call
  • Dudeskin8Dudeskin8 Member Posts: 6,228
    edited March 2012
    Not sure call is an option, flop always gonna have overs and you could end up folding the best hand if he open shoves J/Q/K/A high flop.

    25700 behind if call with same in the middle, gonna be tough playing poker there.
  • rancidrancid Member Posts: 5,947
    edited March 2012
    Is calling that bad, this was the flop - great flop for us - we can get em in right

    Surely if we playing for a non J,Q,K,A flop then the hands we good against on the flop we also good pre flop - so why not get em in pre
    All hands that beat us pre, still beat us

    Is playing flop with same size stack behind as pot - bad ?
    • 9
    • 6
    • 8
  • Dudeskin8Dudeskin8 Member Posts: 6,228
    edited March 2012
    Results orientated poker FTW lol 

    In pre always best imo.

    If do call pre NEVER fold now, if you do you should fold pre.
  • AMYBRAMYBR Member Posts: 3,432
    edited March 2012
    Pretty much why I said read dynamic dependant.

    Despite having almost direct odds (looks like 4900 into 23000 - factor in IO..myeh) to flat pre IP our decision is unlikely to get a whole lot easier through streets unless we flop 10high obv.

    If we think we have best hand pre have to look to isolate likely flip with dead money in there.  Not sure where we are FEwise, looks like we have 23000 inton 27000?  Find these multiway sky spots difficult to untangle sometimes.

    We simply wont get better pps to fold, but will squeeze out worse, Am not sure what range flat fols either, maybe AJAQ if we are lucky

    I cant say what I do without dynamic at table. 

  • rancidrancid Member Posts: 5,947
    edited March 2012
    In Response to Re: MTT shove/fold/call:
    Pretty much why I said read dynamic dependant. Despite having almost direct odds (looks like 4900 into 23000 - factor in IO..myeh) to flat pre IP our decision is unlikely to get a whole lot easier through streets unless we flop 10high obv. If we think we have best hand pre have to look to isolate likely flip with dead money in there.  Not sure where we are FEwise, looks like we have 23000 inton 27000?  Find these multiway sky spots difficult to untangle sometimes. We simply wont get better pps to fold, but will squeeze out worse, Am not sure what range flat fols either, maybe AJAQ if we are lucky I cant say what I do without dynamic at table. 
    Posted by AMYBR
    No dynamic at all, pretty much a static table

    But anyway, is there an argument for flatting these spot to deny oppo seeing turn & river if we say we against AK/AQ - but on the flip if we know we against AK/AQ then we want it all in pre to get full double up

    9 high flop - doesn't mean we win pot anyway given sb shove

    pants ain't it

    think it's a shove or fold pre

    but look at the price for calling against my possible equity versus oppo's range

    I have to call !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Also is there an argument for flatting here to deny AK/AQ there full equity of seeing five cards, all good they only see 3 and miss 2/3 flops :s
  • percival09percival09 Member Posts: 3,804
    edited March 2012
    sorry, I didn't look properly, calling is quite bad, meh, read dependant on whether I'd shove or fold
  • rancidrancid Member Posts: 5,947
    edited March 2012
    Just to clarify we have no reads )

    Gonna have to do this blind lolz

    I'll reveal later what happened when I get back home this evening
  • AMYBRAMYBR Member Posts: 3,432
    edited March 2012
    In Response to Re: MTT shove/fold/call:
    In Response to Re: MTT shove/fold/call : No dynamic at all, pretty much a static table But anyway, is there an argument for flatting these spot to deny oppo seeing turn & river if we say we against AK/AQ - but on the flip if we know we against AK/AQ then we want it all in pre to get full double up 9 high flop - doesn't mean we win pot anyway given sb shove pants ain't it think it's a shove or fold pre but look at the price for calling against my possible equity versus oppo's range I have to call !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Posted by rancid
    Well said, this is something I've toyed with in the past, but we dont help ourselves over volume.  Mainly just lvl ourselves into being non believers even when paint comes.

    But vs the paint range we suspect pre we are only ever flipping when we do elect to ship so we can hardly describe ourselves as extracting. 

    For me PERSONALLY the only 2 factors that will count are:

    1) (most importantly) FE vs suspect range.

    2) Tournament stage in relation to stack.  I am happier to flip in some spots, even for Tlife wFE , than others based upon what the outcome of hand will mean to my overall tournament success.  What impact the eventual potsize will allow me to weild vs field/table.

    PPl draw the line with funny hands that we just dont play well vs with 10's.

    As you say we are likely flipping for main pot in any case, so just have to decide if we want to/can isolate flip with dead money.

  • BorinLonerBorinLoner Member Posts: 3,863
    edited March 2012
    In Response to Re: MTT shove/fold/call:
    In Response to Re: MTT shove/fold/call : No dynamic at all, pretty much a static table But anyway, is there an argument for flatting these spot to deny oppo seeing turn & river if we say we against AK/AQ - but on the flip if we know we against AK/AQ then we want it all in pre to get full double up 9 high flop - doesn't mean we win pot anyway given sb shove pants ain't it think it's a shove or fold pre but look at the price for calling against my possible equity versus oppo's range I have to call !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Also is there an argument for flatting here to deny AK/AQ there full equity of seeing five cards, all good they only see 3 and miss 2/3 flops :s
    Posted by rancid
    So what's the plan if the board comes 9-high? Are we shoving to get all the AQ type-hands to fold? So we're shoving to make our opponent fold a hand that has 6 outs against us? Doesn't sound too good to me. We're still going to stack off to over-pairs and lose all value against weaker hands. The Stop and Go  is not a play we should be making with value hands, it's a play we make as a bluff with no hand on a board of low cards. So if the flop comes 9 high and we have TT we shouldn't be thinking about getting players off two overs, we should be thinking how we're going to get more money out of them. If we're thinking of using the stop and go with a made hand, we're not thinking logically.

    You make a fair point that if our opponent has two overs then he'll miss the flop 2/3 times. The problem is that with TT the flop will bring at least one overcard more than half the time. So when the flop comes King or Queen high are we really going to know where we are? Playing a big pot with second or third pair is going to be tricky.

    So I don't like the call pre-flop. I think we either go with our hand here or we don't. Shove or fold. Readless (I love that word) I probably make the shove and if the BB has trapped me I tap the table and say "Well played, sir".
  • BorinLonerBorinLoner Member Posts: 3,863
    edited March 2012
    In Response to Re: MTT shove/fold/call:
    In Response to Re: MTT shove/fold/call : Hear what your saying but more often we are surely facing big prs looking to bring in the original raiser by flatting If oppo iso shoves, then I probably snap ) Posted by rancid
    I'd take issue with this. There are alot more bad players out there than good ones.
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