thank you Pat, good luck for December, cheers dev just done a quick calculation on my November results, think it's right... won £421.98 (inc c4p to come) c4p points 5776 = £5776 in buy-ins then added on the 10% rake, making it £6353.6 so, 421.98 divided by 6353.6 = 0.0664 x100 = 6.64% ROI HOOOORAY. Posted by devonfish5
im not overly sure! but i suscribe to "that" website so let us know if there are any searchers/graphs you would like im more then happy to sort it for you.
Am I right in thinking we're been bumping into each other in the £5 DYM?
In Response to Re: Patwalshh - My Ongoing Journey (Maximising EV) : im not overly sure! but i suscribe to "that" website so let us know if there are any searchers/graphs you would like im more then happy to sort it for you. Am I right in thinking we're been bumping into each other in the £5 DYM? Posted by PiAnOpLaYa
hi pianoplaya yes m8,we are. ty 4 that,always nice to see how u r doing isn't it. maybe u could post up a graph on my blog. thanks run good dev
November - Oh where to start? The month began with me coming off the mother of all DYM heaters. After all, an ROI of 16.4% at an Average stake of £9.85 is what SNG grinders dream of. Sadly, I was faced with the realisation that the heater would inevitably end and I had a swingy number of games to face. That prediction came true, as by the middle of the month I was still in the red. A near bubble cash for £150 in the UKOPS High Roller Satellite, kept me afloat.
Faced with dwindling patience, motivation and a girl in my life - my average number of games a day dropped dramatically. Then came the breakthrough I'd been long waiting for. I entered 4 relatively small tournaments on FTP. Within a few hours, cashed in all, final tabled two and won one. I truly felt as though I was playing my A game. A mixture of patience and carefully timed aggression enabled me to put a great deal of pressure on my opponents, and ultimately put them into difficult spots.
That night all I wanted to do was go out and unwind. However, with University deadlines looming, nobody was in the mood. Out of boredom and the confidence that a successful day brings, I decided to invest in the £110 BH. After a swingy number of hours I found myself 20th out of 20 remaining players, with only the top 6 cashing. But the enticement of Bounties and the right cards at the right time, gave me a couple of much needed double ups. I entered the final table with the chip lead, and eventually ended up winning it for over £1600. I wasn't as ecstatic as you might expect. The money seemed to be a secondary factor and the simple feeling of accomplishment was the greatest high I received from that tournament. (You can read my full post about it on Page 19)
In all, DYMs weren't as lucrative as I'd have hoped this month. I was, however, happy with achieving a positive win rate amongst DYMs with a buy-in of £11-£33. Complete results (according to Sharkscope) are compiled below:
£5 - 74 games = -9.1% ROI
£10 - 475 games = 5.3% ROI
£15 = 111 games = 4.8% ROI
£22 - 93 games = 3.6% ROI
£30 - 9 games = 41.4% ROI
£50 - 5 games = -27.3% ROI
I made Priority club at the last minute simply due to the fact that I played a higher than average stake. As of now, the money from the BH win is safely in my Bank. I'm torn between 3 things. Sensibly speaking, keep the money for a 'rainy day'. Egotistically speaking, combine it with other savings and assets to buy a new car. Degenerately speaking, use it to fund a couple of large live tournaments. For now I'm undecided.
Best of luck to everyone for the conclusive month of the year.
Hey mate havent posted on here for a bit so thought i will pop in. I see you had a nice run at the end of the month well done. How many months have you made priority now is it 3 -4 months?
Hey mate havent posted on here for a bit so thought i will pop in. I see you had a nice run at the end of the month well done. How many months have you made priority now is it 3 -4 months? Jamie Posted by thomas87
Hey Jamie, nice to hear from you and I hope Poker is treating you well. I have achieved Priority club for 3 consecutive months. The 'grind' of making Proirity isn't as difficult as I previously found it, but that probably goes hand in hand with my average buy-in and that I don't need to play as many games as I previously did. If I make it this month I'll be entitled to the extra enhanced cash for points rate.
Last of my University assesments are completed so I'll have a lot more free time. I get the extra cash for points rate this month, so hopefully I can make the most of it and earn some moneyzzz.
I started to re-read this thread and to be honest I'm feeling a tad emotional. I'm just now realising how different things are now, compared to this time last year. It's hit me how far I've progressed in some areas, yet how little I've changed in others. It's all too easy to put unnecessary blame upon yourself in certain instances. Alternatively, it's equally as easy to dust some very imporant aspects under the carpet.
I'm planning on writing a big end of year review to explain some of my trials and tribulations I've encountered this year but not previously fully expanded on. Hopefully I can go a little more indepth about my 2012 goals that I set myself at the beggining of the year and ultimately the ups and downs I've faced along the way. Ending with my goals for 2013 etc etc.
2012 - Oh where to start. A turbulent year to say the least. Full of highs, inevitable lows, and moments that I'll never forget. Little did I realise just how quickly things can change. I learnt that if you push yourself, get up when you fall down and never give up, you will be rewarded.
The start of the year was painful to say the least. I lost every penny to my name and as a result, was living out of my overdraft. January and February dragged on for what felt like an eternity. Poker started to become something that I used to be good at - and winning online was a distant memory. Overall my Poker game was something to behold, but I just lacked the emotional stability that is so desperately needed.
At the end of February I finally decided to pull myself together. I sat down and wrote a list of things that emotionally bothered me. I wrote how and why it influenced me, and the ways in which I could ultimately balance it. Just putting my problems on paper provided me with a release, and took the weight off my shoulders.
My shot at online Poker in March provided me with the breakthrough I so desperately desired. It felt like for the first true time in my life, my hard work was being rewarded. Whenever I'd previously done something, I never felt as though I'd reached my full potential. I'd never put in the extra work to be where I wanted to. Poker was going to be different. From then on I told myself that I was never going to feel as low as I previous did. I reassured myself with a 10ft high ego. From then on, Poker and specifically DYMs was my game. I was the best. I just had to put the work in to prove it.
It wasn't until around 7000 DYMs later that I achieved a long term goal - to buy a Rolex. A true symbol to myself that hard work, persistence and dedication pays off. I don't wear the watch as a 'preppy' way to show off. I wear it as a reminder, to push myself through the hard times.
The months went by. Slowly but surely, bit by bit, my game and mindset was improving. However the real results eluded me. The live tournaments paid for under my contract went miserably and every time I took a shot at the higher games I was slapped back down. For the most part however, I remained in control and kept playing to the best of my ability - knowing the real results would eventually come. It wasn't until November that I was rewarded with a sizeable tournament win and an impressive £2k day.
As for December, I finally felt ready to tackle some of the bigger cash games. What started off as a bankroll hardly big enough to play 25p/50p, has been built into something respectable. As of now, I'm playing a mixture of £0.5/£1 and £1/£2 - Playing in pots I could previously only have dreamed of. Whether the shot will stick is yet to be seen. But with a New Year ahead and big goals in mind, you can bet your life I'm ready to take a shot. If it means stepping back down, so be it. You can have 100 setbacks, but it just takes one breakthrough.
Happy New Year Patrick Well done on a really good year. Rewards for your success are a good thing in my opinion. Having something to show for your hard work is far better than saying "I have x amount of buy ins for this level" My only issue with you is that you rite way better than what I do. Jac Oh, and all the above average women you have to keep batting off. Posted by Jac35
I completely agree with you. I think building a roll is important. I lacked in this and treated Poker as a job, withdrawing my 'wage' every so often. Basically starting each month from scratch. But I can't see how winning players don't touch their rolls!
I like how you purposely wrote it with an r for emphasis! Wishing you the best for 2013 mate.
nice post Pat, congratulations on a good year..well done. will follow your 2013 with interest i'm sure it will be a good one. best wishes dev Posted by devonfish5
Thank you Dev. Great to have your continuous support in the thread! Wish you all the best for the new year
In Response to Re: [2012 ROUND UP] Patwalshh - My Ongoing Journey [2012 ROUND UP] : I completely agree with you. I think building a roll is important. I lacked in this and treated Poker as a job, withdrawing my 'wage' every so often. Basically starting each month from scratch. But I can't see how winning players don't touch their rolls! I like how you purposely wrote it with an r for emphasis! Wishing you the best for 2013 mate. In Response to Re: [2012 ROUND UP] Patwalshh - My Ongoing Journey [2012 ROUND UP] : Thank you Dev. Great to have your continuous support in the thread! Wish you all the best for the new year pat Posted by patwalshh
Firstly, a warm welcome from me in 2013. Personally speaking, there has been a slight change of plan. To start, I had to make a big withdrawal from my Poker bankroll. This was due to me finally moving on from my first car, a wonderful 1ltr 2000 Polo. The car had served me well, but it was time for a much needed upgrade. After months of searching, several dozen phone calls, countless insurance quotes and even including an RAC vehicle check - I finally found what I'd been looking for. On Friday I made the long journey to pick it up. Driving back to Bath, I was nothing short of ecstatic with the car.
Here it is:
2005 Honda Civic with low miles. Powered by a 1.6 ltr VTEC engine it feels like a rocket ship in comparison to my old car.
I haven't been able to put as much volume in as I would have liked so far this year. This weekend I went to London and met my girlfriend's Dad. A daunting experience, but all went well. Shopping in Chelsea, meals out and a free Duchamp Jacket made it all the more enjoyable.
Running good at life - until I get home. Out of nowhere, unbearable tooth pain, followed by a painful blocked nose. 2 hours sleep and an emergency appointment with the dentist the next day. I'm told that I have Sinusitis and it's putting pressure on my already sensitive back teeth. So as of now, I'm pumped up with anti-biotics and prescription strength pain killers. The balance is restored haha.
Anyway, somewhat luckily I didn't have to go into debt to buy the car and insurance. Saying that however, it has drained almost all of my liquid expenditure. Therefore, I have to drop down in stakes to save some money back up. So what will I play, DYMs or Cash? The answer is simple - Whichever is the most profitable. As of now I'm mixing some (under-rolled) 50NL with £11-£22 DYMs (the reassurance of an interest free student overdraft as a safety net is a valuable asset to have).
hi Pat, i've got you beat on tooth pain.... i had it for almost 8 years,solid.
up and down the dentists,5 days a week some weeks. let's just say i didn't need to look up their telephone number by the end.
sore the specialists,well so called.there final brilliant diagnoses was... 'it's all in your mind'...brilliant,as it was all in my mouth.
anyway... after having tooth after tooth out..still no joy. eventually a tooth that was buried deep in my lower jaw,which was clearly visible by x-ray,and had always been there,worked its way up to the surface,after the tooth above it had been removed. still in pain i was told there was a 2 year waiting list at the RD& Exeter Hospital,to have it removed. great. 'oh,we could put you on the waiting list at Axminster Hospital if you like...theirs is only 6 months.'hoooray.' so about 3 months pass by,in i go out comes the tooth.another. 9 months later...hoooray i'm pain free. so almost 8 years of pain,and i believe it all came down to that buried tooth. i'd asked the specialists and my dentist several times if it was 'that tooth' that was the problem,and their reply was no. anyway,it's all over now,but it was bad and tested me.many a night i had a little tear rolling down my face as i was trying to get to sleep.
so that's my story. playing poker and learning how to deal with 'bad beats' is a doddle compared to that. lol
hi Pat, i've got you beat on tooth pain.... i had it for almost 8 years,solid. up and down the dentists,5 days a week some weeks. let's just say i didn't need to look up their telephone number by the end. playing poker and learning how to deal with 'bad beats' is a doddle compared to that. lol (* *) ^ dev Posted by devonfish5
I can fully synthesize with you about the tooth pain. After experiencing it painkiller free for a full blown for 16 hours I was literally in tears.
Best of luck with Poker and your transition into cash for 2013 Dev.
In Response to Re: [2012 ROUND UP] Patwalshh - My Ongoing Journey ['The Balance is Restored'] : Thank you Mick. In Response to Re: [2012 ROUND UP] Patwalshh - My Ongoing Journey ['The Balance is Restored'] : I can fully synthesize with you about the tooth pain. After experiencing it painkiller free for a full blown for 16 hours I was literally in tears. Best of luck with Poker and your transition into cash for 2013 Dev. Posted by patwalshh
"All I'm really thinkin' about is Vegas and the F*****g Mirage"
First of all, I'd like to appologise for the lack of updates. A combination of University starting again, taking the Gym very seriously, a girlfriend, retaining Priority and a social life - it can be difficult to find times when I don't find myself completely exhausted.
Last update I explained how I'd upgraded my car to a Honda Civic and as a result had to withdraw a substantial amount of my roll. Since then, I've been working to re-build my diminished BR on Sky. The results haven't been great:
My volume has been low DYM wise because I was mixing the games with cash. But now my roll's got a little too low for me to comfortably play 50nl without re-depositing, so it's just DYMs up to £22 for now. For the time being I don't mind playing the DYMs at all. I'm also earning 31%+ rakeback in cash for points so I can't complain at all. Overall down a tad over £180 for the month so far on Sky (excluding due RB).
Anyway, it is not all doom and gloom by any means. Often on free weekends I play tournaments on FTP in conjunction with some games on Sky. Tournaments have been treating me well on FTP and I've managed to see some good results. This Sunday was very interesting. The final 2 Mini-FTOPS events were running which consisted of great structures, possible multiple entries and huge guarantees. Not wanting to take all the risk myself, I decided to sell action on the tournaments. For those of you unfamiliar with this, I basically post an ad detailing a bit about myself as a Poker player, including past results. I total up the total buy-ins for the tournaments I want to play, and divide it into percentages. For example, if I want to sell £100 worth of tournament buy ins at a mark up of 1.1 - 10% would cost an individual £11. That individual l would then get 10% of my winnings I earn from the tournament. Anyway, in the end I sold the maximum 60% that I wanted to sell and was on my way.
I ended up going deep in the $70+5 FTOPS main event, very deep. But sadly after over 8 hours of play, it wasn't to be. I lost AJ < A2 AIPF for a well above average pot to finish 129th out of over 17,500. This gave those who invested a nice return on their money. More importantly to me, it makes my FTP Sharkscope graph a little special.
As of now, I'm grinding DYMs - stubbornly rebuilding my diminished roll on Sky. With every hand I'm becoming that little bit better, with every hand my thought process is becoming more in-depth, with every passing hand I'm not dreaming of the elusive big score, I'm improving myself, knowing deep down that it's just a matter of time.
Am I right in thinking we're been bumping into each other in the £5 DYM?
yes m8,we are.
ty 4 that,always nice to see how u r doing isn't it.
maybe u could post up a graph on my blog.
run good
November - Oh where to start? The month began with me coming off the mother of all DYM heaters. After all, an ROI of 16.4% at an Average stake of £9.85 is what SNG grinders dream of. Sadly, I was faced with the realisation that the heater would inevitably end and I had a swingy number of games to face. That prediction came true, as by the middle of the month I was still in the red. A near bubble cash for £150 in the UKOPS High Roller Satellite, kept me afloat.
Faced with dwindling patience, motivation and a girl in my life - my average number of games a day dropped dramatically. Then came the breakthrough I'd been long waiting for. I entered 4 relatively small tournaments on FTP. Within a few hours, cashed in all, final tabled two and won one. I truly felt as though I was playing my A game. A mixture of patience and carefully timed aggression enabled me to put a great deal of pressure on my opponents, and ultimately put them into difficult spots.
That night all I wanted to do was go out and unwind. However, with University deadlines looming, nobody was in the mood. Out of boredom and the confidence that a successful day brings, I decided to invest in the £110 BH. After a swingy number of hours I found myself 20th out of 20 remaining players, with only the top 6 cashing. But the enticement of Bounties and the right cards at the right time, gave me a couple of much needed double ups. I entered the final table with the chip lead, and eventually ended up winning it for over £1600. I wasn't as ecstatic as you might expect. The money seemed to be a secondary factor and the simple feeling of accomplishment was the greatest high I received from that tournament. (You can read my full post about it on Page 19)
In all, DYMs weren't as lucrative as I'd have hoped this month. I was, however, happy with achieving a positive win rate amongst DYMs with a buy-in of £11-£33. Complete results (according to Sharkscope) are compiled below:
£5 - 74 games = -9.1% ROI
£10 - 475 games = 5.3% ROI
£15 = 111 games = 4.8% ROI
£22 - 93 games = 3.6% ROI
£30 - 9 games = 41.4% ROI
£50 - 5 games = -27.3% ROI
I made Priority club at the last minute simply due to the fact that I played a higher than average stake. As of now, the money from the BH win is safely in my Bank. I'm torn between 3 things. Sensibly speaking, keep the money for a 'rainy day'. Egotistically speaking, combine it with other savings and assets to buy a new car. Degenerately speaking, use it to fund a couple of large live tournaments. For now I'm undecided.
Best of luck to everyone for the conclusive month of the year.
A look back
2012 - Oh where to start. A turbulent year to say the least. Full of highs, inevitable lows, and moments that I'll never forget. Little did I realise just how quickly things can change. I learnt that if you push yourself, get up when you fall down and never give up, you will be rewarded.
The start of the year was painful to say the least. I lost every penny to my name and as a result, was living out of my overdraft. January and February dragged on for what felt like an eternity. Poker started to become something that I used to be good at - and winning online was a distant memory. Overall my Poker game was something to behold, but I just lacked the emotional stability that is so desperately needed.
At the end of February I finally decided to pull myself together. I sat down and wrote a list of things that emotionally bothered me. I wrote how and why it influenced me, and the ways in which I could ultimately balance it. Just putting my problems on paper provided me with a release, and took the weight off my shoulders.
My shot at online Poker in March provided me with the breakthrough I so desperately desired. It felt like for the first true time in my life, my hard work was being rewarded. Whenever I'd previously done something, I never felt as though I'd reached my full potential. I'd never put in the extra work to be where I wanted to. Poker was going to be different. From then on I told myself that I was never going to feel as low as I previous did. I reassured myself with a 10ft high ego. From then on, Poker and specifically DYMs was my game. I was the best. I just had to put the work in to prove it.
It wasn't until around 7000 DYMs later that I achieved a long term goal - to buy a Rolex. A true symbol to myself that hard work, persistence and dedication pays off. I don't wear the watch as a 'preppy' way to show off. I wear it as a reminder, to push myself through the hard times.
The months went by. Slowly but surely, bit by bit, my game and mindset was improving. However the real results eluded me. The live tournaments paid for under my contract went miserably and every time I took a shot at the higher games I was slapped back down. For the most part however, I remained in control and kept playing to the best of my ability - knowing the real results would eventually come. It wasn't until November that I was rewarded with a sizeable tournament win and an impressive £2k day.
As for December, I finally felt ready to tackle some of the bigger cash games. What started off as a bankroll hardly big enough to play 25p/50p, has been built into something respectable. As of now, I'm playing a mixture of £0.5/£1 and £1/£2 - Playing in pots I could previously only have dreamed of. Whether the shot will stick is yet to be seen. But with a New Year ahead and big goals in mind, you can bet your life I'm ready to take a shot. If it means stepping back down, so be it. You can have 100 setbacks, but it just takes one breakthrough.
My best wishes to everyone in 2013.
nice post Pat,
congratulations on a good year..well done.
will follow your 2013 with interest
i'm sure it will be a good one.
best wishes
I like how you purposely wrote it with an r for emphasis! Wishing you the best for 2013 mate.
Firstly, a warm welcome from me in 2013. Personally speaking, there has been a slight change of plan. To start, I had to make a big withdrawal from my Poker bankroll. This was due to me finally moving on from my first car, a wonderful 1ltr 2000 Polo. The car had served me well, but it was time for a much needed upgrade. After months of searching, several dozen phone calls, countless insurance quotes and even including an RAC vehicle check - I finally found what I'd been looking for. On Friday I made the long journey to pick it up. Driving back to Bath, I was nothing short of ecstatic with the car.
Here it is:
I haven't been able to put as much volume in as I would have liked so far this year. This weekend I went to London and met my girlfriend's Dad. A daunting experience, but all went well. Shopping in Chelsea, meals out and a free Duchamp Jacket made it all the more enjoyable.
Running good at life - until I get home. Out of nowhere, unbearable tooth pain, followed by a painful blocked nose. 2 hours sleep and an emergency appointment with the dentist the next day. I'm told that I have Sinusitis and it's putting pressure on my already sensitive back teeth. So as of now, I'm pumped up with anti-biotics and prescription strength pain killers. The balance is restored haha.
Anyway, somewhat luckily I didn't have to go into debt to buy the car and insurance. Saying that however, it has drained almost all of my liquid expenditure. Therefore, I have to drop down in stakes to save some money back up. So what will I play, DYMs or Cash? The answer is simple - Whichever is the most profitable. As of now I'm mixing some (under-rolled) 50NL with £11-£22 DYMs (the reassurance of an interest free student overdraft as a safety net is a valuable asset to have).
My well wishes to everyone.
Gl for the year.
i've got you beat on tooth pain....
i had it for almost 8 years,solid.
up and down the dentists,5 days a week some weeks.
let's just say i didn't need to look up their telephone number by the end.
sore the specialists,well so called.there final brilliant diagnoses was...
'it's all in your mind'...brilliant,as it was all in my mouth.
after having tooth after tooth out..still no joy.
eventually a tooth that was buried deep in my lower jaw,which was clearly visible by x-ray,and had always been there,worked its way up to the surface,after the tooth above it had been removed.
still in pain i was told there was a 2 year waiting list at the RD& Exeter Hospital,to have it removed.
'oh,we could put you on the waiting list at Axminster Hospital if you like...theirs is only 6 months.'hoooray.'
so about 3 months pass by,in i go out comes the tooth.another.
9 months later...hoooray i'm pain free.
so almost 8 years of pain,and i believe it all came down to that buried tooth.
i'd asked the specialists and my dentist several times if it was 'that tooth' that was the problem,and their reply was no.
anyway,it's all over now,but it was bad and tested me.many a night i had a little tear rolling down my face as i was trying to get to sleep.
so that's my story.
playing poker and learning how to deal with 'bad beats' is a doddle compared to that. lol
(* *)
u2 m8
"All I'm really thinkin' about is Vegas and the F*****g Mirage"
First of all, I'd like to appologise for the lack of updates. A combination of University starting again, taking the Gym very seriously, a girlfriend, retaining Priority and a social life - it can be difficult to find times when I don't find myself completely exhausted.
Last update I explained how I'd upgraded my car to a Honda Civic and as a result had to withdraw a substantial amount of my roll. Since then, I've been working to re-build my diminished BR on Sky. The results haven't been great:
My volume has been low DYM wise because I was mixing the games with cash. But now my roll's got a little too low for me to comfortably play 50nl without re-depositing, so it's just DYMs up to £22 for now. For the time being I don't mind playing the DYMs at all. I'm also earning 31%+ rakeback in cash for points so I can't complain at all. Overall down a tad over £180 for the month so far on Sky (excluding due RB).
Anyway, it is not all doom and gloom by any means. Often on free weekends I play tournaments on FTP in conjunction with some games on Sky. Tournaments have been treating me well on FTP and I've managed to see some good results. This Sunday was very interesting. The final 2 Mini-FTOPS events were running which consisted of great structures, possible multiple entries and huge guarantees. Not wanting to take all the risk myself, I decided to sell action on the tournaments. For those of you unfamiliar with this, I basically post an ad detailing a bit about myself as a Poker player, including past results. I total up the total buy-ins for the tournaments I want to play, and divide it into percentages. For example, if I want to sell £100 worth of tournament buy ins at a mark up of 1.1 - 10% would cost an individual £11. That individual l would then get 10% of my winnings I earn from the tournament. Anyway, in the end I sold the maximum 60% that I wanted to sell and was on my way.
I ended up going deep in the $70+5 FTOPS main event, very deep. But sadly after over 8 hours of play, it wasn't to be. I lost AJ < A2 AIPF for a well above average pot to finish 129th out of over 17,500. This gave those who invested a nice return on their money. More importantly to me, it makes my FTP Sharkscope graph a little special.
As of now, I'm grinding DYMs - stubbornly rebuilding my diminished roll on Sky. With every hand I'm becoming that little bit better, with every hand my thought process is becoming more in-depth, with every passing hand I'm not dreaming of the elusive big score, I'm improving myself, knowing deep down that it's just a matter of time.
New post up