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Sports Personality of the year



  • MP33MP33 Member Posts: 6,308
    edited December 2012
    In Response to Re: Sports Personality of the year:
    shocking farah didnt make top 3 he won 2 gold ennis 1 gold work it out ?
    Posted by IDONKCALLU
    Ennis did smash it by making x amount of pb,s, . )Which was all she could really do

    I,d have had her 3rd behind Farah and Wiggins yet in another year all 3 could have won it

    Plus - unlike other years (giggs springs to mind) Wiggins does actually have a personality as well

    Ps - There was good documenatry on him a few weeks back where they started filming it nearly a year before the Olympics and Tour de France
  • TINTINTINTIN Member Posts: 1,612
    edited December 2012
    ennis was the poster girl before during and after the olympics and was always likely to beat farah in the vote even with his daft signature mobot catching on, i was a little suprised farah wasnt in top 3 but you cant argue much with murrays acheivements this year, he would have strolled it in any non olympic year.

    i backed the forecast as the show started at 6/4 just to hold my interest thru out the show. when placing this bet skybet tweeted that they had wiggins at 8/13 for it but i was on the market within seconds and they still had him at 1/2. duff info as i reckoned 8/13 was massive and i would have lumped a bit on at that price
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