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Ramblings of an old man



  • bbMikebbMike Member Posts: 3,728
    edited March 2014
    Not sure why anyone thinks you're a nice guy tbh. Must just be a crowd pleaser, Cantona-esque.
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,706
    edited March 2014
    In Response to Re: Ramblings of an old man:
    In Response to Re: Ramblings of an old man : Thanks Dohhhh Really? that confident? Not sure, I hope so. It'll be a bit frustrating if I don't make it as I can't play any Dyms for the rest of the month now :) I've just played the speed rebuy tonight, no good ... Disappointed the thread I started regarding Spt's has been moved to a distant part of the forum. ... Billy Davied sacked. That's a shame! It must really hurt that it was following losing to the Mighty Rams as well. Poor little mercenary.
    Posted by Jac35
    Hi Paul,

    Yes, I can understand why you would feel that.

    It's been sent upstairs, though. I can't really add to Tighty's reply, at the moment, & I feel bad that I can't say more right now, as I like to think we are mates. The clash between mates & business is an awkward line. 

    Soon, though....
  • Jac35Jac35 Member Posts: 6,492
    edited March 2014
    In Response to Re: Ramblings of an old man:
    In Response to Re: Ramblings of an old man : Hi Paul, Yes, I can understand why you would feel that. It's been sent upstairs, though. I can't really add to Tighty's reply, at the moment, & I feel bad that I can't say more right now, as I like to think we are mates. The clash between mates & business is an awkward line.  Soon, though....  
    Posted by Tikay10
    Hi Tikay

    Thought you'd joined Geldy in abandoning this thread.  :)

    Understandable really. I do appear to be more of a grumbling old man rather than a rambling old man these days. Can I get away with saying I'm a bit more tired? 

    in truth,  I didn't really understand why the thread was moved. Cynically, I guessed that it was because it would get less exposure over there. 

    I do realise though that i'm only looking at it from a personal point of view regarding the Spt's.I am no expert on what is the best way to go for Sky.

    I think that a little bit more information would be good regarding plans for this year. I believe that there are plenty of forum regs who are really keen to find out the pkans.
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,706
    edited March 2014
    In Response to Re: Ramblings of an old man:
    In Response to Re: Ramblings of an old man : Hi Tikay Thought you'd joined Geldy in abandoning this thread.  :) Understandable really. I do appear to be more of a grumbling old man rather than a rambling old man these days. Can I get away with saying I'm a bit more tired?  in truth,  I didn't really understand why the thread was moved. Cynically, I guessed that it was because it would get less exposure over there.  I do realise though that i'm only looking at it from a personal point of view regarding the Spt's.I am no expert on what is the best way to go for Sky. I think that a little bit more information would be good regarding plans for this year. I believe that there are plenty of forum regs who are really keen to find out the pkans.
    Posted by Jac35
    Abandoned this thread? No way! I read it every day. I just have so much on my plate right now. Exciting stuff, too, but not enough hours in the day. I wear a lot of hats, & spin a lot of plates.

    I can't really comment on why the thread was moved, as I don't know, but I suggest it was moved to the right board, rather then the reasons you understandably suspect. It is awkward, for all manner of reasons. 

    It might seem that nothing is happening, but thats not true. LOTS going off at Sky Poker right now as to various future initiatives. Think of the duck, serenely floating along the river, with no visible signs of propulsion, but under the water, his ickle-lickle legs are going 13 to the dozen. In the areas you were discussing, a LOT is being discussed & formulated right now. Whatever is decided, it won't please everyone, nothing ever will, but as the Business grows, it needs to constantly re-evaluate everything. 

    Personally, I would also love that more info was made known, but the Business has to balance it's plans, priorities, & information dissemenation with great care.

    When we did UKPC, I would LOVE to have blogged all the ins & outs, behind the scenes, everything, & in fact I kept a private log & diary of the whole 18 month story. But these sort of things can't ever be published, really, as they involve all sorts of delicate & discrete convos, agreements, disagreements, plans, da de da. 

    Anyway, enough of that. How is the family?      
  • Jac35Jac35 Member Posts: 6,492
    edited March 2014
    Family are good thanks. 
    Slightly concerned the other day that Harry could be a bit ginger. Penny didn't appreciate my comments that he would have to be sent back.
    Been given the okay to do a skydive in a couple of months.  Seemed a good idea at the time. 
    Pass out to go to Dtd tomorrow night. Only 2nd live outing of the year. 
    Annual leave next week. Very happy about that
    Thinking of growing a pair as they say and playing the roller on Sunday
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,706
    edited March 2014
    In Response to Re: Ramblings of an old man:
    Family are good thanks.  Slightly concerned the other day that Harry could be a bit ginger. Penny didn't appreciate my comments that he would have to be sent back. Been given the okay to do a skydive in a couple of months.  Seemed a good idea at the time.  Pass out to go to Dtd tomorrow night. Only 2nd live outing of the year.  Annual leave next week. Very happy about that Thinking of growing a pair as they say and playing the roller on Sunday
    Posted by Jac35

  • GELDYGELDY Member Posts: 5,203
    edited March 2014
    now that's more like

    skydiving eh? nothing like starting a family to instill a little responsibility into one's life. 

    I suppose if you aren't going to be able to send Harry back then maybe removing yourself from the equation is the next best thing. (joking, obv). but seriously surprised you were given the ok for that. most new mums have an aversion to the father playing russian roulette.
  • GELDYGELDY Member Posts: 5,203
    edited March 2014
    The cut-off - rotfl
    not what i was expecting
    but nice nonetheless
    have to say she has lost the baby fat pretty well
  • hhyftrftdrhhyftrftdr Member Posts: 8,036
    edited March 2014
    I'm not ginger! ;)

    Skydives are awesome. I did mine in Cairns over the Great Barrier Reef (thin brag), was a great experience and something I'd love to do again. Bungee jumps are less awesome however....

    If you're gonna play a Roller, this is the one. Wasn't it around 9k up top last time? Think I'm gonna chuck good BRM out the window and buy into it. Gotta be in it to win it and all that.

    Not wanting to divert the thread back to football or anything, but I did see your manager in my workplace yesterday. Suffice to say, his hair is just as ridiculous in real life as it is on the telly. When he asked if he could pay downstairs, I resisted the urge to put on a fake Dutch accent. I'm nice like that.
  • Jac35Jac35 Member Posts: 6,492
    edited March 2014
    More or less killed a punch line I had in mind :)

    1 - Leave our Steve alone. That haircut is very fashionable in Derby right now. In fact, if Harry does go down this unfortunate ginger route, I may well give him the 'Mac' style.

    2 - Bah Great Barrier Reef. I got me the choice of Langar airfield in Nottingham or Honiton in Devon.

    Not actually sure which to go for.
    Langar, next month, close to home, few friends will come and gawk. Jump from 13,000
    Honiton, I'm there on holiday in the summer. Better chance with the weather. From 15,000. Downside, will need to spend the day there, pretty boring for Penny.


    Advanced sng strategy guide part 2 coming later.


    Roller quandary.
    Play sats, get in cheap
    Play sats, get nowhere, tilt buy in direct and end up paying say £180 for tourney.

    Maybe just get Geldy to play sat for me
  • REDARROW61REDARROW61 Member Posts: 443
    edited March 2014
    In Response to Re: Ramblings of an old man:
    Geldy Obv really England got rid of the finest Manager in all of the world. Mighty Mac! World Cup would have been a doddle with him in charge. And if only Conor Sammon was English Just for you as well. Coming soon, Jacs alternate strategy guide to 6max Sng's, (WITH PICS) Will be concentrating mainly on table position. Will be one for the purists. A sneak preview for you all The cut-off Much fun can be had playing from this position ...... Played 2 comps tonight, was a bit bored £2 rebuy, was a dunce and missed the addon Came 4th. Pretty decent considering I chopped AA v AQ, lost 10's v Ace 7 and bust QQ v KJ. All in preflop in each case £11Bh Bubbled, grrr. 3 bet all in with AK and got called by KJ. Apologies to RedArrows. I childishly tapped in 'nice call' in the chatbox. Let myself down a bit there. Just a bit frustrating when you bubble but regardless, stupid comment from me. Someone else wrote 'bubbleboy' to which I replied 'ta for that, didn't realise'. I think I'm ok in not apologising for that one :) ....... Some decent advice folks. Thanks for that. Yep, think you've confirmed for me that it will be right to wait it out and see where I am after the weekend. Dyms also look like a bad idea. If I have to play it will be the 6-max and i'll just see if my usual shove and hope tactics work their usual magic.
    Posted by Jac35
    No probs Paul. we all done it.
  • Jac35Jac35 Member Posts: 6,492
    edited March 2014
    In Response to Re: Ramblings of an old man:
    In Response to Re: Ramblings of an old man : No probs Paul. we all done it.
    Posted by REDARROW61
    Your PM reply was blank by the way
  • REDARROW61REDARROW61 Member Posts: 443
    edited March 2014
    Thought so, thats why i replied on here lol All the best at the tables.
  • Jac35Jac35 Member Posts: 6,492
    edited March 2014
    3/8 in tiny rebuy
    in roller sat

    one time!
  • Jac35Jac35 Member Posts: 6,492
    edited March 2014

    2nd night running 4th in rebuy. 1st was £111 so would have bought into roller with that.

    still 1/5 in roller sat, looking ahead, could be harsh heads-up!
    Seat for 1st, £11 for 2nd

    game is nuts.

    3 limp every other hand
    1 goes all in pre for 30+ bigs every other hand

    limper just tanked qq against 30 bb shove man
    urgh, just hand to fold aa
    still 1/4
  • Jac35Jac35 Member Posts: 6,492
    edited March 2014

    with 25,000
    2nd 12,600
    3rd 5,800

    c'mon Jac
  • chicknMeltchicknMelt Member Posts: 1,159
    edited March 2014
    In Response to Re: Ramblings of an old man:
    1/3 with 25,000 2nd 12,600 3rd 5,800 c'mon Jac
    Posted by Jac35
    tid jac

  • Jac35Jac35 Member Posts: 6,492
    edited March 2014
    I'm $h!t

    Prolly worst heads up player in the whole wide world.
    Rivered a tossy 2 pair. He had slightly less tossy 2 pair.

    £5.50 profit though!
    Good and bad evening

    4th in speed rebuy
    1st would have been £111 and so would have used that to buy in directly to roller

    As you might have gathered from the above grumble, I didn't win a seat in the sat.

    I made a little profit on the night though and so shouldn't complain. £35 or so.
    Also, took a deep breath and played a sit and go.
    Usual kind of stuff for me in sngs/dyms. Was all in a lot and won flips
    Up to 68% now. Pretty convinced that 70%+ will be needed
  • Jac35Jac35 Member Posts: 6,492
    edited March 2014
    Not the best start to my 2nd live outing of the year.
    Took my seat at 8.30. 1st reload 8.36!

    Great tourney. £25 buy in.
    Reload at any time regardless of chip stack during the reload period. Up to 2 reloads.
    £10,000 gtd
    160 runners at present

    Live poker is tough. Played 2 hands. Flopped flush beat me up 1st time. 2nd time. He only had Aces.
    Final reload may be on way  urgh

    valets are ridiculous.  How can I play poker?
  • VespaPXVespaPX Member Posts: 12,533
    edited March 2014
    In Response to Re: Ramblings of an old man:
    Not the best start to my 2nd live outing of the year. Took my seat at 8.30. 1st reload 8.36! Great tourney. £25 buy in. Reload at any time regardless of chip stack during the reload period. Up to 2 reloads. £10,00 gtd 160 runners at present Edit Live poker is tough. Played 2 hands. Flopped flush beat me up 1st time. 2nd time. He only had Aces. Final reload may be on way  urgh
    Posted by Jac35
    Gl Jac
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