Thanks Adam, Geldy, Maxally and I suppose Gazza as well.
Was fun last night. I've not been able to play a lot recently but entered a competition last night alongside a few Dyms.
Who should I share a table with for most of the comp? Gsmith13 off course! Not sure either of us have played against each other before. He played very well and probably got the better of me over the course of the game. Lost the first 3 Dyms that I played and seemed well on course for a quick £100 loss in an hour.
Fortunately I got through the next 3 Dyms and managed 5th in the tourney for around £75 including heads. Gsmith came 4th.
£49 profit overall was pretty decent given the beginning I had.
Dentists yet again tomorrow morning. Teeth are rubbish and I keep having to get fillings. Don't normally get toothache though. **** hurts.
Harry had a load of injections this morning. He hardly cries at all normally, just when hungry etc. Absolutely screaming this afternoon. It's heartbreaking to see him in pain and not be able to do anything about it. Not helped by Mummy having tears in her eyes as well. I've spent most of the day driving around Derby with him (enough to make anyone cry) before anyone uses that tap in He's calmed down now thank goodness.
Enjoyed the game. Apologies to anyone who put a few quid on me. I think my exit was fairly standard. Gsmith had been playing well and was opening most pots. I think I can get a fold quite a lot there and not always be in terrible shape if I do get called. AK unfortunately wasn't really the hand I wanted to see!
Hand before was the one that did me. I was a little surprised to see his hand at the end.
Really enjoyed the game though and thought the whole promotion was fantastic. It was a shame that there was a little drama over the last couple of days but I hope that won't detract from a great promotion.
In other news..
My teeth don't hurt anymore and my dentist is even richer, which is nice.
Unlucky Jac. Still.... must be a nice nights work in terms of ££. Well done for qualifying though. That was the big test. 1 SnG was always going to take a bit of luck to bink.
Im just wondering how my imaginary kids are going to eat now though?
As I've already said a few times (before I made the top 6 as well) I thought it was a great promotion. Certainly the best in my time on Sky. The fact that it was inclusive, made it so good.
Invariably and understandably, most promotions are aimed at the biggest rakers on the site. This one was open to all. It was great to see Waooga make the final 6 as a relatively low buyin player. He certainly should have been the story of this promotion in my view. How he got there, playing near enough solely Dyms was a stunning performance.
I struggled to see the benefit for Sky for the majority of the time. Then I twigged at how clever it was. The SkyBet thing added an extra diimension. I'm sure they made a fair few quid out of that. Certainly picking up some easy cash of anyone who backed me anyhow Also SkyBet is obviously huge and if a few people have been drawn in to using it as their betting choice now then Sky have certainly done well.
As I said Waooga should have been the story. Unfortunately, one misguided soul made a mistake. The drama after that overshadowed things a little in my opinion. He made a mistake, it was dealt with and he now has paid the price. Things got a little over the top. There's one poster who likes to get very dramatic about things and before long he was demanding answers on threads and suggesting he would call the police himself as a 'crime' had been committed. I think he probably needs to relax a bit. Did he really not think Sky would not deal with the situation quietly and properly? As you may guess from this, I'm not a huge fan of this poster. I used to respect him and was disappointed when we had a little fall out. I sent him a pm to try and resolve things but unfortunately he blanked me. Now I'm thinking that I couldn't care one bit.
When I started this thread, the 'old' bit was tongue in cheek. It seemed to me that in poker terms I was old and on that day David Beckham (same age as me) was described as a veteran. So, 'old' I was.
Now, I actually do feel old.
I could be Will Hughes dad. He was born the year Gazza was in the dentists chair and scoring wonder goals against Scotland in the Euros.
I remember when Liverpool last won the league.
People laugh at me when I say that dog poo used to be white.
Nowadays there is something called health and safety. It used to be called common sense when I was young. We had a nice pond at my primary school. The secret to staying safe was not to be so stupid as to fall in it. Now it has some ugly railings around it to protect the children.
When I went to watch Derby, I used to stand in the Key End. Being very small I used to stand on a ledge where the railings met. For 2 hours I would balance on the ledge and hold onto the railings for dear life. Can't imagine being able to do that today.
I remember Button Moon and Chorton and the Wheelies.
After school I used to go to the park and have a choice of maybe 5 games to play in. Nowadays my nephew isn't allowed on the park on his own and is a superstar at Fifa.
My niece makes comments such as "Uncle Paul, when you smile you have loads of wrinkles" cheers Kate.
I used to go into town 4 nights a week. Couldn't think of anything I would rather go less these days. I used to go to "shopping" on a Sunday afternoon. Now people still go shopping but it's to the local Westfield Centre.
I mentioned INXS to someone at work. "Never heard of them" was the reply. I decided against asking him if he thought that Rick Astley was underated.
I used to have patience. Now I have none. Pretty sure I'm happier than I've ever been though.
One thing that is annoying me us that everyone keeps saying that Harry is smiling. I've never seen it. Thought I was close the other day. Pretty sure it was just wind though. If the belch and an extraordinary loud fartt was anything to go by.
Prob should include some poker before I'm sent fof to a distant part of the forum
1st week of the month was better than the 2nd so far.
Week 1 - up £767 Week 2 - down 75p (played 2 orbits of 50nl, didn't play a hand, had a walk in my blind)
My little girl came home from school the other day and the conversation went a little like this:
Little Angel: Daddy daddy matthew was saying the f word loads today in school.
JD: That's terrible! Who was it saying it to and why?
Little Angel: Everyone
JD: He shouldn't be doing that. What did the teacher do?
Little Angel: Nothing he was saying it to her too.
JD: and the teacher did nothing at all?
Little Angel: Nope
JD: So Matthew ws saying bad words to everyone in his class and his teacher and he didnt even get told off?
Little Angel: Yep!!
JD: Wait a second, wait a second, What word rhymes with the word he was saying?
Little Angel: ermmmmm....part.
The innocence of youth lol
At least when I introduce her sheltered little mind to online gambling/poker I can send her here so when she becomes addicted to gambling she at least will be a very clean speaking degen
Another word that i thought was strange to be censored on here is snatchh. I know it's slang for something but come on!!
censored words on a poker forum like here are stupid. For one, you can get around it and for two - we are all grown ups (for the most part!!) on here and it's nothing we haven't seen/heard before. Just a bit of common sense from the Mods is all that's needed. If someone is going around the forum swearing at everyone etc then it's a clear forum ban.
It would be good to meet the real jac sometime. You know the short old portly guy that writes this thread. As against the young trim kid that is sent to SPTs on his behalf.
I once went out with a very attractive, blond hairdresser. On a night out it emerged that she was unaware of the dates of the 2nd World War and had not heard of Fawlty Towers.
Our relationship ended that night. Does that make me bad?
I ran bad last night which isn't the normal way of things.
Most disgruntled. Highlight was flopping Broadway in the main and losing a 25000 pot.
Also considering binning Aces pre flop. Lost 4 dyms with them.
I once went out with a very attractive, blond hairdresser. On a night out it emerged that she was unaware of the dates of the 2nd World War and had not heard of Fawlty Towers. Our relationship ended that night. Does that make me bad? .. I ran bad last night which isn't the normal way of things. Most disgruntled. Highlight was flopping Broadway in the main and losing a 25000 pot. Also considering binning Aces pre flop. Lost 4 dyms with them. Posted by Jac35
Interesting night out if those are the topics of conversation! :-))
Im just wondering how my imaginary kids are going to eat now though?
You were going to give us a recap on the skill&go FT
but i fear you got side tracked
In Response to Re: Ramblings of a New Daddy:
Since I made this prediction on the 2nd Feb, Forests' results have been as follows...Lost 3-1
Drew 2-2
Lost 3-1
Lost 4-1
Lost 1-0
Drew 1-1 (at home v us, shocking result
Lost 5-0
Lost 1-0
Drew 1-1
Lost 2-1.
.....You're welcome......
As against the young trim kid that is sent to SPTs on his behalf.
Interesting night out if those are the topics of conversation! :-))