Pleasingly I've now knocked out the uncouth young gentleman who coughs every 30 seconds in my direction.
He also kept just annoying the table with banal comments. Kind of guy who I don't miss with not playing live so much these days. Unlucky germ boy, now clear off.
Bumped into plenty of old faces though which has been good.
Sharing a table with a bloke I've kind of been poker mates with since the gala notts days.
Really nice chap, Lee Rawson. Back then everyone had a nickname I loved his, 'borstal face'
Had a chat with a bloke who I was in awe of when I first started playing. He had been on tele! He didn't know me from Adam but was very friendly. Greg Hill is his name and I remember him playing in a Wiiliam Hill event. He got involved in a big pot with Ram Vaswani I recall. I have a ridiculous memory. Probably scared him a bit that some weirdo sat next to him was talking about him playing poker over 10 years ago!
31 left, I got average
bubble I'm short
re edit
Time to do the luckbox thing
Re-re edit still surviving. They need to tweak this a little. Actually, they need to tweak it a lot. Average 6 bigs. This is normally the stage that suits me. No skills required whatsoever
Not read in a while in my absence bud, crats on the cash last night, sounds like a **** of a tournament, I find alot of live games now have a stage where average stack in 6BB.
I can only speak for my local Edinburgh casino but they rush certain events and force deals so they can close. Thus you can imagine the structures to suit are crazy towards the latter stages.
Still plodding along. 33 left Pleasingly I've now knocked out the uncouth young gentleman who coughs every 30 seconds in my direction. He also kept just annoying the table with banal comments. Kind of guy who I don't miss with not playing live so much these days. Unlucky germ boy, now clear off. Bumped into plenty of old faces though which has been good. Sharing a table with a bloke I've kind of been poker mates with since the gala notts days. Really nice chap, Lee Rawson. Back then everyone had a nickname I loved his, 'borstal face' Had a chat with a bloke who I was in awe of when I first started playing. He had been on tele! He didn't know me from Adam but was very friendly. Greg Hill is his name and I remember him playing in a Wiiliam Hill event. He got involved in a big pot with Ram Vaswani I recall. I have a ridiculous memory. Probably scared him a bit that some weirdo sat next to him was talking about him playing poker over 10 years ago! 31 left, I got average edit bubble I'm short re edit cashed Time to do the luckbox thing Re-re edit still surviving. They need to tweak this a little. Actually, they need to tweak it a lot. Average 6 bigs. This is normally the stage that suits me. No skills required whatsoever Posted by Jac35
Good Lord. Now I'm going to have to tell you a story, Prepare to be bored to tears, but that name sent my memory racing in all directions.
Apologies in advance for the Diary de-rail, but I can't help myself, some things just trigger memories, stories, & stuff.
He plays golf off PLUS 1 (so he tees off "one over", lol), & his Dad, Geoff, now aged 70+, plays off 6 I think.
Greg posts elsewhere under the alias "Junior Senior", you may have seen his Posts. He was previously "Junior", but changed it when he passed the age of 30, lol.
When I began playing Live Poker, at Gala Notts, he was one of my original "e-Mail" group. Like a Skype Group, but 2004 style. We used to exchange e-Mails after every Tourney. Greg Hill, Red Simon, Belly, Thewy, & me were the original gang.
From that, I began writing Tourney Reports on The Hendon Mob forum, & from that, Dave Colclough invited me to be his founding partner in blonde, along with his then wife, Rhowena.
Greg is a decent player, got plenty of moves in him, & played a lot then, but he met a young lady, got married, & for the first 5 years of marriage, he barely played poker.
His poker trade mark was NEVER, under any circumstances, to "show" a winning hand.
Greg was a winning player back then, but lacked confidence. Thewy & I were going over to Grosvenor Walsall to play a satellite to the £1,525 entry 2005 "Midlands Medley" Main Event, & we eventually persuaded Greg to jump in the car with us. He lacked confidence, & was not keen, but he qualified, as did Thewy & I.
"The rest is history" as they say, he finished 2nd for £36,000, with the winners purse going to my then business partner, Dave Colclough. Dave lives in the Philippines now, saw him 2 years ago in Vegas, when he was the IT Guy for the ill-fated "Chip-Tec" thing. I like Dave very much, lovely table demeanour, but we never got on at all well as to Business, & we had a few barneys before we parted ways, & he left me holding the blonde baby.
Other cashers included Micky Wernick, Trev Reardon, Henning Granstad, Stuart Fox, & one Paul Jackson. Not you, I must add.
It was Greg's biggest ever win, he's never had a bigger cash.
His TV appearance was later that year, in the William Hill Grand Prix. Won his heat, & finished 8th in the Final.
I was working for Wm Hill TV at the time, Ch 435 I think, along with Johnny Gould, Dave Compton, Ed Giddens, & Rhowena. Thewy was the WH Site Pro, of course. Johnny, Compo & Ed were to join me later @ Sky Poker TV. Rhowena ran away with the milkman, I think.
I got a little side contract with Wm Hill to run, manage & Live Update the Wm Hill Late Night Poker land-based qualifiers. We did them in Birmingham, London, Dublin, & Notts. I was getting £750 per Event for the work.
Greg qualified via one of those, as did Maria, (Chili), & that was Greg's 2nd biggest cash ever, $15,000 I seem to recall.
In early 2005, I did the first EVER "Interactive Live Update" on a poker forum, from the EPT Copenhagen. Joe Beevers, who was then running THM, was immensely helpful to me, & we've been close friends ever since. We run competing sites, but behave like proper Gents to each other, & don't rain on each others parade, ever. Joe has sold THM now, of course.
In that Midlands Medley in which Greg Hill was 2nd for £36,000, I did the first ever UK Interactive Live Update on a poker forum. But there no wifi @ Grosvenor Walsall, so I had to do the whole thing, over 4 days, by text, I texted the stuff to a mate, & he Posted it on the Forum, lol. Think I send over 700 Texts in 4 days, lol, & my "texting thumb" never recovered for months.
I texted them to a fella with the alias "jbsc7769", I won't mention his real name, but he is a Big Cheese - one of the top top suits - at Pokerstars these days, & we still chat regularly, just industry stuff. Bumped into him at the Bluff Gong Night, too.
Just imagine, a whole Live Update via text, lol. But we just got on with things on those days when things went wrong. These days, if the table loads slowly & a player misses ONE HAND, a thread gets started, with 23 exclamation marks, OUTRAGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I so nearly went up to DTD yesterday to play the £275 8-Max thing. Then I decided the £110 jobbie at Luton looked a better bet. Then I decided to stay at home & play DYM's all night on Sky Poker. I made an £8 profit. Game Selection ftw.
Greg has really let his golf slide. He is only a scratch golfer these days! Apparently, doesn't get to play much these days.Still won his club championship last year though.
The natural talent some people have for golf is annoying but wonderful at the same time.
I play with a lad at Horsley who was an assistant pro about 25 years ago. He started a family and couldn't afford to play golf anymore, assistants wages were very low. I persuaded him to start playing again about 6 years ago. He was a bit reluctant but eventually turned up for a round. He topped it off the first tee and I felt a big bad....70 shots later and he was round in par.
I'm a natural at football. I can go a long time without playing and then turn out and be half decent. Golf was different for me and really frustrating. I got down to 5 with sheer graft. As a single man I was on the course every day. Now I play once a week and I'm up to 10 and probably won't see single figures again. Creates a problem for me. I love the game so much but when you have played to a half decent level and now can't, it's hard to enjoy it as much
In early 2005, I did the first EVER "Interactive Live Update" on a poker forum, from the EPT Copenhagen. Joe Beevers, who was then running THM, was immensely helpful to me, & we've been close friends ever since. We run competing sites, but behave like proper Gents to each other, & don't rain on each others parade, ever. Joe has sold THM now, of course. Anyway..... In that Midlands Medley in which Greg Hill was 2nd for £36,000, I did the first ever UK Interactive Live Update on a poker forum. But there no wifi @ Grosvenor Walsall, so I had to do the whole thing, over 4 days, by text, I texted the stuff to a mate, & he Posted it on the Forum, lol. Think I send over 700 Texts in 4 days, lol, & my "texting thumb" never recovered for months. I texted them to a fella with the alias "jbsc7769", I won't mention his real name, but he is a Big Cheese - one of the top top suits - at Pokerstars these days, & we still chat regularly, just industry stuff. Bumped into him at the Bluff Gong Night, too. Just imagine, a whole Live Update via text, lol. But we just got on with things on those days when things went wrong. These days, if the table loads slowly & a player misses ONE HAND, a thread gets started, with 23 exclamation marks, OUTRAGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I so nearly went up to DTD yesterday to play the £275 8-Max thing. Then I decided the £110 jobbie at Luton looked a better bet. Then I decided to stay at home & play DYM's all night on Sky Poker. I made an £8 profit. Game Selection ftw. OK, diary derail over, carry on, as you were. Posted by Tikay10
Great stories
That bit made me smile. I used to play Mon-Thurs at Gala and played most Sunday afternoon comps as well.
Friday night I was so close to not bothering going over to DTD. Out of the habit you see.
Could I be arssed to get in the car and drive 25 mins to DTD when I could just sit at home and play a bit online? Eventually I decide that I should and I am glad I did. Live poker is great, apart from germ boy coughing all over me.
Tiredness is going to be a factor for me playing live as well in future I feel. There were some roadworks on the A52 on my way home and so I went home down the M1 and A50. I could hardly keep my eyes open and so I nipped into the services at Donington for a Costa. Asked the lady serving in there for 20 Number 1.
Bit random this Have you ever read "Chronicles of the 20th Century"? Happened across it the other day when I was sorting through a few things
And for those of you who are abbreviational challenged JAC is top if the skill&go leaderboard vwp Will need a kick ars* session on the headhunters tonight to join you So I don't think you will need to worry about that. Posted by GELDY
Lol cheers Geldy.
Wasn't going to embarrass myself by mentioning that I had to look up Wtg.
I'm gonna be playing that in a couple of Saturdays time
Apologies in advance for the Diary de-rail, but I can't help myself, some things just trigger memories, stories, & stuff.
Greg Hill.
He plays golf off PLUS 1 (so he tees off "one over", lol), & his Dad, Geoff, now aged 70+, plays off 6 I think.
Greg posts elsewhere under the alias "Junior Senior", you may have seen his Posts. He was previously "Junior", but changed it when he passed the age of 30, lol.
When I began playing Live Poker, at Gala Notts, he was one of my original "e-Mail" group. Like a Skype Group, but 2004 style. We used to exchange e-Mails after every Tourney. Greg Hill, Red Simon, Belly, Thewy, & me were the original gang.
From that, I began writing Tourney Reports on The Hendon Mob forum, & from that, Dave Colclough invited me to be his founding partner in blonde, along with his then wife, Rhowena.
Greg is a decent player, got plenty of moves in him, & played a lot then, but he met a young lady, got married, & for the first 5 years of marriage, he barely played poker.
His poker trade mark was NEVER, under any circumstances, to "show" a winning hand.
Greg was a winning player back then, but lacked confidence. Thewy & I were going over to Grosvenor Walsall to play a satellite to the £1,525 entry 2005 "Midlands Medley" Main Event, & we eventually persuaded Greg to jump in the car with us. He lacked confidence, & was not keen, but he qualified, as did Thewy & I.
"The rest is history" as they say, he finished 2nd for £36,000, with the winners purse going to my then business partner, Dave Colclough. Dave lives in the Philippines now, saw him 2 years ago in Vegas, when he was the IT Guy for the ill-fated "Chip-Tec" thing. I like Dave very much, lovely table demeanour, but we never got on at all well as to Business, & we had a few barneys before we parted ways, & he left me holding the blonde baby.
Other cashers included Micky Wernick, Trev Reardon, Henning Granstad, Stuart Fox, & one Paul Jackson. Not you, I must add.
It was Greg's biggest ever win, he's never had a bigger cash.
His TV appearance was later that year, in the William Hill Grand Prix. Won his heat, & finished 8th in the Final.
I was working for Wm Hill TV at the time, Ch 435 I think, along with Johnny Gould, Dave Compton, Ed Giddens, & Rhowena. Thewy was the WH Site Pro, of course. Johnny, Compo & Ed were to join me later @ Sky Poker TV. Rhowena ran away with the milkman, I think.
I got a little side contract with Wm Hill to run, manage & Live Update the Wm Hill Late Night Poker land-based qualifiers. We did them in Birmingham, London, Dublin, & Notts. I was getting £750 per Event for the work.
Greg qualified via one of those, as did Maria, (Chili), & that was Greg's 2nd biggest cash ever, $15,000 I seem to recall.
In early 2005, I did the first EVER "Interactive Live Update" on a poker forum, from the EPT Copenhagen. Joe Beevers, who was then running THM, was immensely helpful to me, & we've been close friends ever since. We run competing sites, but behave like proper Gents to each other, & don't rain on each others parade, ever. Joe has sold THM now, of course.
In that Midlands Medley in which Greg Hill was 2nd for £36,000, I did the first ever UK Interactive Live Update on a poker forum. But there no wifi @ Grosvenor Walsall, so I had to do the whole thing, over 4 days, by text, I texted the stuff to a mate, & he Posted it on the Forum, lol. Think I send over 700 Texts in 4 days, lol, & my "texting thumb" never recovered for months.
I texted them to a fella with the alias "jbsc7769", I won't mention his real name, but he is a Big Cheese - one of the top top suits - at Pokerstars these days, & we still chat regularly, just industry stuff. Bumped into him at the Bluff Gong Night, too.
Just imagine, a whole Live Update via text, lol. But we just got on with things on those days when things went wrong. These days, if the table loads slowly & a player misses ONE HAND, a thread gets started, with 23 exclamation marks, OUTRAGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I so nearly went up to DTD yesterday to play the £275 8-Max thing. Then I decided the £110 jobbie at Luton looked a better bet. Then I decided to stay at home & play DYM's all night on Sky Poker. I made an £8 profit. Game Selection ftw.
OK, diary derail over, carry on, as you were.
Bit random this
Have you ever read "Chronicles of the 20th Century"?
Happened across it the other day when I was sorting through a few things
Reluctantly I regged a couple of sngs.
89 called my 3bet all in first game and got there
2nd game, 2 outer on the river on bubble
Not a great time to run bad.
Oh well, regged some more. Just need to win about 5 on the bounce to have a chance now
gl me
JAC is top if the skill&go leaderboard
Will need a kick ars* session on the headhunters tonight to join you
So I don't think you will need to worry about that.
Not that you were.
Would be nice to have a sat challenge though.